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by Caitlin Moran

  Prologue: Elaina's POV

  "You have to go." Layla kept telling me, over and over and I couldn't get a word in.

  "OKAY!" I finally yelled, getting her attention. "I'll go," I mumbled the last part, sinking in my seat a little.

  "Really?" She asked, shocked. Her dark brown curls bounced next to her head as she turned to face me. Her big green eyes looked me over in confusion.

  "Yes, I'll go to Rane's party." I told her, tucking in a piece of my blond hair behind my ear.

  "Oh," was all she said. Her petite frame turned back to facing in front of her, and her eyes raked over the road again.

  "Nothing to say?" I asked, astonished. She was always talking. Her face turned to me for a second before facing to the front again.

  "I was kind of planning on pestering you the rest of the ride but you gave in too quickly." A faint blush appeared on her face as she admitted to pestering me. I nodded and she smiled. "This will be so fun!" Now she was practically hopping up and down in her seat.

  I sighed. "I'll stay for an hour and if it's boring, I'm leaving." She frowned but nodded anyway. She knew that was the most she would get out of me.

  "Fine but you’re wearing a dress." Okay so maybe she will try and get more out of me. I open my mouth to deny but she sends me a warning look to not say a word. She may have a petite little body but she is really intimidating when she wants to be. I shut my mouth.

  "We'll just go straight to my house to get ready." She concluded, while turning onto her road. Her house was really big, but so were the others around it. I lived in a two story condo with my mom and seven year old brother. It is kind of weird for me to have a brother ten years younger but no one says anything about it.

  I don't know who my father is though. Never met him.

  "We're here!" Layla jumps out the door and runs up to her door, leaving me to slowly get out. She was an only child, much to her parents' dismay. They couldn't have another child due to the problems of having Layla. They treated me like their daughter anyway.

  Making my way through the door, I walk up the steps to Layla's room calling out a "hello" to see if anyone else besides Layla was home.

  I didn't get an answer. They must be out somewhere.

  I finally get to Layla's room and groan when I see the huge mass of clothes on her bed.

  "We'll never get through all of these." I mutter while throwing my bag and flinging myself on the bed, on top of all of the clothes.

  "Nonsense!" Her reply was muffled by the walls of clothes in her closet. "Now hurry up and get naked, we don't have much time."

  I groaned again but started to wiggle out of my skinny jeans and big dark hoodie. My boots hit the floor with a thump.

  Sitting up, I saw Layla look at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  Oh, great.

  Three hours later, she had us in matching dresses; mine a dark blue and hers a dark green. My long blonde hair was curled and so were her long dark brown locks. My caramel colored eyes popped out with the mascara and eyeliner she used.

  "We look good." She concluded, handing me a pair of black heels along with a set for herself.

  "Lets go!" She walked confidently out her door. As I walked down too, I had a bad feeling about tonight. It wasn't really a bad feeling but more of one that stated 'this is going to change your life.'

  Chapter 1: Elaina's POV

  When we arrived at the party, I was a bundle of nerves. I couldn't do it. Layla got out, yet I remained frozen in my seat.

  "Lets go, Elaina!" She whined and came to my side to drag me out. "It's already ten, most everyone will already be drunk by now. Don't worry about it." She knew me too well. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, all dressed up and not nerdy like.

  While I was always the person in the back, a nobody, Layla was the center of attention. She had the good looks and charming personality while I had nothing. I was just "that shy girl."

  But now that I was in a dress and had makeup on, I was sure to gain some attention. It may be from geeks and nerds, but it was something.

  Layla dragged me out finally and I stood looking at the huge cabin like mansion. It was a really pretty house, all the way back in the woods.

  "Lets go." Layla says for about the tenth time tonight. She drags me excitedly to the door. I don't see anyone outside but I can hear a lot of people inside.

  "Why are you so enthusiastic about this party?" I ask aloud. Layla grins deviously at me.

  "I'm going to seduce Jayden!" I groan. She's liked Jayden for as long as we first became friends, and we've been together since 5th grade. We are now seniors.

  I open my mouth to say something about it when the door swings open. I know who opened the door but I don't look up. I know what I'll see.

  I'll see soft black hair that falls slightly in his eyes. I'll see the bluest eyes that I could drown in.

  Against better judgment, I look up. I nearly groan when I do. He wears a tight blue shirt which highlights the sinfully delicious looking abs. He also wears dark jeans that ride a little low and you can see the v that leads to... well you know. I blush thinking about it.

  Realizing that I'd been checking him out and nearly drooling, I snap my head back up. I blush at his cocky smirk.

  "Hey, Rane!" Layla almost shouts from the music being so loud coming from inside. She seems unfazed by his looks. "This is my friend, Elaina." She sends me a sly smirk over her shoulder, having seen my staring fest and then bolts inside, leaving me alone with Rane.

  I gulp as he looks at me. Without Layla, he can see me clearly now. His eyes rake hungrily up and down me. I admit to being self-conscious while he looked. I looked to his face and stepped back slightly to his lust filled eyes. I watch as they get darker. They flicker to my eyes then to my lips before he seems to snap out of his daze.

  "Ca-can I get you a dri-drink or an-anything?" His husky voice sends shivers down my spine, the good kind. I blush as I realized that he stuttered... because of me.

  I just nod my head, unable to speak. He grabs my hand and we both shiver at the tingles and shocks that come with it. I gasp and was about to pull away when he holds on tighter. He pulls me along until we reach the kitchen.

  I can't help but notice the other people around. Most are drunk. Couples grind against each other, make out in corners, or go up into rooms to do god knows what. Some people stagger around, trying to find something to do.

  A tug on my hand brings me back to Rane. We've finally reached the kitchen, having too had to push through the crowd of people to get here. Rane easily got through the crowd while I followed in his footsteps, literally.

  He drops my hand to get some cups and fill them with some concoction he's made. I instantly feel my hand go cold, having lost his heat. I stare at him as he does whatever to the drink in the cups.

  He hands me one with a "here, drink it" and then gets one for himself. I frown down at the drink. I have no idea what's in it and he wants me to drink it? I narrow my eyes and look at him and then my drink again.

  He laughs, the sound makes me shiver. He slides closer, thinking I'm cold. "It's fine. Just drink it."

  After sniffing it and getting laughed at, I sip it. I don't taste anything. Rane shakes his head, his hair slides back and forth over his eyes.

  "No, like this." He takes the cup and gently tilts my chin up, my lips parting. I forget what he's about to do as I enjoy the feel of his fingers on me. He stares at my lips in obvious lust. He bites his own lip, nearly killing me. They're just so damn kissable.

  I shake my head mentally. Suddenly, liquid goes down my throat and I nearly choke from the onslaught. I cough as it all goes down, burning my throat all the way.

  "Here have some more, it gets better." Some guy says from beside me. I jump, not having known he was there. Ran
e is on my other side, drinking his own drink. I nod and take the drink, sipping it. I drink more when I realize that it soothes my throat.

  An hour and three drinks later.

  Before I realize it, I'm drunk. I may have only had four drinks but I was a light weight. Rane was still next to me but we weren't in the kitchen. We had somehow made it to a wall in the back of the house. We swayed lightly on our feet, he got drunk after about 20 cups, and we watched the dancing people around us.

  "Wanna dance?" Rane slurred while holding out his hand for me. I nodded and took it. We stumbled our way onto the dance floor.

  Rane got up behind me and I dance in front of him. As I got bolder, mainly from being drunk, I got closer to him. I was now grinding along him and I hear a breathless moan come from behind me. Hearing his reaction, I pushed harder into him. His breathing hitches and I feel the excitement from his "little buddy" down there. And let me tell you, it doesn't feel so "little".

  His hold on my hips tightens and he grinds into me, furthering my own excitement. He suddenly swings me around, his lips crashing down on mine.

  I moan and my hands go to his hair, pulling him down to me. His hands explore my waist and upper body. I feel our feet begin to move but I don't question it.

  We almost trip on the stairs but somehow, amazingly, we make it up in one piece. Soon we're at a door and Rane's pushing it open. I hear the slam of the door and the click of the lock.

  I am soon flung on the bed, with the weight of Rane on top. I can't think anything past Rane's lips on my neck...

  Chapter 2: Elaina's POV

  My head aches like it’s been hit with a hammer. My bladder aches too and I feel like I'm about to com-bust. Damn, I got to go! My need to pee intensifies when weight is applied just above my abdomen. I groan aloud, soft and light. I try and pry my eyes open, the light from outside nearly blinds me.

  There's a window across from the bed and that confuses me. Where am I? I question myself in my head. The room looks nothing like mine or even Layla's. It has cream colored walls, white ceiling, white fluffy looking carpeting, and the sheets on the bed I'm in are a dark brown. I frown and nearly pee myself when the weight on my stomach moves.

  I try rolling away but am held immobile. I look down to find... a hand? I see that the hand leads to an arm and the arm leads to a shoulder to a neck to a head and... Wait! A head!

  Oh shit.

  I also notice that the head is of Rane. Damn. Then I notice that I'm naked and he is too. Double damn.

  Did we... have sex? I freeze, my need to pee momentarily gone. I lost my virginity... I feel the need to cry. I swallow the lump in my throat. I hope he used protection.

  Shit, protection! I didn't think I would be losing my virginity any time soon, so I'm not on the pill. Stop being so silly, he's Rane. He's got girls always coming at him, he would have used protection. I reasoned with myself. I felt a pang of... jealousy go through me at the thought of him with so many other girls.

  Stop! I forced away my train of thought. I would not get hung over him. I shook my head and looked back at the situation at hand. I had to get out of his grip and back to my house before mom wake- Damn! I had to get home before mom wakes up! She would go crazy trying to find me.

  Ever since Madella... Stop, just don't think about that right now. Swallowing past the golf ball sized lump in my throat, I tried sitting up. I was brought back down harshly when my pee nearly exploded out of me when his arm tightened around me.

  I almost groaned. Key word "almost". I do not plan on waking him up. It would be too embarrassing. I huffed thinking of a plan.

  I looked down to see his very tan muscular back. He lay on his stomach, one arm slung over me, and his face turned to face me. His breathing told me that he was still in deep sleep.

  Seeing as his other hand -the one not touching my stomach- was under him, I slowly took the tip of my nail and drug it down his neck to his back, swirling it in circles.

  And just like I thought, he pulled his hand up to scratch the itch he had just gotten from the sensation. Taking the chance, I jumped out of the bed.

  I grabbed my dress and flung it on carelessly, not caring for my missing undergarments. I just had to get away.

  I looked back to the bed and it sent a shoot of pain to my chest. Rane's hand searched the bed where I had been. His face was filled with hurt and pain. It was like I had caused him physical pain by leaving. When he whimpered and his hand stopped, I nearly ran back to his bed.

  Note the word "nearly".

  Thinking he was going to wake up, I ran. I bolted down the stairs, trying to find Layla. After looking in every room only to find other people waking up with killer hangovers and trash, I looked outside. Her car was gone too. I groan.

  Great, just what I need.

  I turn from the window just when the need to pee suddenly came back. Full force.

  I run -again with the running today- to the nearest bathroom. After nearly peeing out my insides, I come back out.

  I walk back to the door, preparing to walk back home.


  Oh, Shit.

  Chapter 3: Elaina's POV

  My stomach was full of knots. I slowly turned around to see him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My insides trembled.

  "Ja-Jason?" I stuttered. My feet slowly started to back away from the guy in front of me. Of course when I backed away, he stepped closer. His face showed slight panic. His light brown hair was disheveled and his brown eyes pleading.

  "Elaina, listen to me. It's-" He started but didn't get to continue.

  "Stop!" I yell at him putting my hand out. "Do-don't come any closer." I feel the fear on my face and he must see it. He takes a step back but a look of urgency crosses his face once again.

  "It's not safe here." He says it so quietly, I barely hear the words. He says them like he's talking to a child, slow and reassuringly. I freeze when I do. Footsteps sound upstairs and he panics slightly. I don't listen to his words.

  "I know what you did, Jason. Don't feed me any of your shit." I tell him, trying for confidence, yet my voice cracks and wavers.

  Confusion crosses his face before realization dawns over. I know he knows what I am talking about. He shakes his head. "No, Elaina that's not what happened-" I cut him off, again.

  "You’re lying!" I almost yell but instead just whisper yell it. There were people starting to wake up and I didn't want them knowing all of my business. The footsteps grow louder and this time Jason starts to walk to me.

  I panic, not knowing what he was going to do. I turn around and run as fast as I can.

  "No- wait! Elaina!" I hear him yell. "It's not saf-" The door to the house blocked whatever he was going to say as I made it out of there. I don't know what happened to him yet I didn't care, not after what he had done.

  I started to walk along the gravel road that led to the road. I sighed; it would be a long walk. The sharp pains on my feet made me realize that I was shoeless. My shoulders slumped.

  Great... What a lovely day it has been. (Note the sarcasm.) Realizing I had sex with Rane, running into Jason, and now this.

  The chill wind had me shivering and wrapping my arms around myself. Summer had just ended and it was now cold. I looked around my surroundings. The sun was coming up over the trees and the leaves were turning all sorts of colors for the season. It was a pretty sight, with the green grass that shines wherever the sun touches, dew on leaves from the early morning, and the occasional glimpse of an animal.

  I listen to the sounds of nature as I walk. Seeing as it's a straight road, I close my eyes as I walk. I breathe in the heavenly scent of nature. I listen closely to all of the sounds, birds tittering, grasshoppers creak-ing, and tires on gravel- wait. Tires on gravel?

  My eyes snap open and my head swings to see behind me. A car is approaching. It must be from one of the kids that woke up. I step over to the side of the road, into the grass which feels amazing after the harsh rocks, and let whoever it is pass.
  The car, instead of passing, slows down next to me and the window opens.

  "Elaina! Get in the car!" I hear someone shout from inside it. I look through the window to see Jayden at the wheel.

  I hesitate. The chilly breeze makes me shudder and I nod. Jumping into the passenger seat, I notice it's only him in the car.

  I can't help but wonder if Layla succeeded at seducing him. He makes the car go faster and I tell him my directions.

  "I know where you live." He tells me as I start telling him. My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

  "You do? How?" How in the hell did he get my address? He looks to me, opens and closes his mouth a few times making him look like a fish, before shrugging.

  I'm still a little worried and confused as to why one of the most popular guys in school, right below Rane, knew my address- nonetheless taking me home! I hope he doesn't like me romantically because I don't see him that way.

  First, he is soooo Layla's for she has definitely called dibs on the guy. And let me tell you, no one wants to get on Layla's bad side. Sweet and charming one day then as venomous as a snake the next, ready to bite your effing head off.

  Second, he's cute and all but not my type. He has short blond hair and blue-ish green eyes. I can see what Layla sees in him. He was very fit but... he's not Rane. A little voice in my head says. Shut it!

  Pushing out the thoughts of what happened last night until I was alone at my house; I focused on the greenery flying by out my window. I just notice that we were now on the road. I must have zoned out for a while.

  "Soo..." Jayden trails out. I turn to look at him, one eyebrow raised in confusion. He glances to the road and then to me and then back.


  "CanIhaveLayla'snumber?" He says all out in a rush. A faint blush covers his cheeks and I giggle. I heard exactly what he said. It was good to know that Layla's little crush isn't one sided. I smile.

  "Yeah I'll give it to you." He lets out a big breath of relief.

  "Thank god... She kind of left in a hurry this morning." He has the same pained expression Rane had when I left him. Weird. "I mean, maybe I didn't please her well enough. Maybe I should have used the d-"


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