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Page 3

by Caitlin Moran

  I started my long journey back home. I thought about the night of the party. I couldn't quite remember it. My memories go up until we land on the bed and then I can't remember. It was quite frustrating- my first time and I don't even remember it!

  I was walking along the pavement when I heard voices. They were coming from the woods. I was going to ignore it when I heard a scream. My bag dropped to the ground and I was running into the woods. My mind was telling me not to go, warning me.

  I couldn't stop though. What if someone was hurt? I couldn't leave them.

  I stop just outside of a clearing. I immediately duck behind a tree and slap myself mentally for my stupidity.

  The scream wasn't even a scream- more of a squeal.

  From a rabbit.

  I must have been so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't differentiate the two before I acted upon it. Four very big -muscular- guys stood in the clearing. They were all tall, very fit. They wore shorts with no shirt- didn't they realize how effing cold it was out here? I stared unbelievingly at the other thing in the clearing.

  It wasn't even doing anything but snacking on the now dead rabbit in its jaws. A wolf! The big brown furry animal laid on its belly and listened as the four men talked.

  I decided to listen in too.

  I didn't recognize any of them. A guy with short brown hair spoke up after a quiet pause. "Alpha needs to say something to his mate." The rest nodded.

  "Yeah. He needs to do it before she figures it out and overreacts. She may call the authorities and we don't need to be dealing with those types of affairs at this moment." One of the shorter of the four said with a grim expression.

  "Especially with the threat of war from one of the rogue alphas." I don't know which said that but he had a nasally voice, kind but had a hint of deadliness attached to it. The biggest of them all spoke up, he scared me the most. Not because of how be he was but because of the strange looking tattoo on his back. I couldn't see what it was from my point of view. They all were older looking men and this one had graying short hair.

  "She smells odd to me."

  "Who?" Brown hair spoke up.

  "Our future Luna. I don't know why exactly but she smells...different."

  "I noticed it too, when I was around her house doing rounds. Her room smelt different than if I was to go up to her..." nasally voice said to the group before running a hand through his short hair.

  "Well we better get back, the alpha may sense we've been gone too long." The one who hadn't said anything told the group before turning to the woods behind him.

  I wondered what he was going to do when they all started to shimmer. My eyebrows scrunched together.

  Suddenly, huge wolves replaced their spots that they were just standing. It was all done in a matter of 5 seconds.

  They all were way bigger than regular wolves, huge even. Their head could easily tower over me. My eyes widen and my mouth opened. They were quite beautiful I must say. Their coat was a mix of all different colors of the forest. They could easily blend into the night around them.

  They took off and I watched, amazed, as they hopped, zagged, and ran through the forest until I could no longer see them.

  I then turned and ran back to the pavement. I grabbed my bag and pinched my arm. It wasn't a dream. Werewolves existed. I had seen them with my own eyes.

  All I could think was, what the hell just happened?

  Chapter 7: Elaina's POV

  I started my walk home, my eyes wide in disbelief. Werewolves are real. My mind couldn't seem to wrap around that fact very well. I stumble and look around, expecting the big bad wolf to automatically know that I know about werewolves and come and eat me.

  Thinking about that, I hear a twig snap near a bush close to me, I start to sprint.

  I finally see my house and I jerk open the door, run as fast as possible into the house and up the stairs, to fling open my own door. My bag goes flying somewhere and I burry myself under my covers. My head burrows itself into my pillow. In a moment of insanity, I scream for about five minutes-dragging the moment out.

  No one hears me because of the pillow, thankfully. I then realize that nobody but me may be home.

  Oh, crap! Did I lock the door? What if I didn't? Can wolves open doors-wait! Werewolves can change to humans! I gasp as a thought hits me. THEY CAN OPEN THE FRONT DOOR!

  I bolt upright in bed, staring at my door. I strain to hear anything coming from behind it, hearing nothing. My feet slip out the side and I carefully stand on my tippy toes. Tip-toeing to the door, I crack it open. I keep up with my silent walk to the stairs.

  I start my trip down, wincing at the slight creak of the seventh step. I finally get all the way down and I run across the open space of a doorway, scared to see some type of monster lurking in the dark there. I make it to the door to see that, thankfully, the door was locked. I don't remember locking it but maybe I did.

  I turn back to go upstairs and feel as if the stairs just got farther away. I run up the steps as fast as I can, thinking that a beast would jump out and pull me back down. This whole situation has me jumpy and scared.

  I shake my head, falling back onto my bed. I try and get rid of all thoughts the past week and decide on trying to get ahead in my sleep- if possible.

  ______________________ Next Morning

  I wake up alone meaning that Shane hadn't jumped into the bed with me while I was sleeping. I had a few wolf dreams but they didn't turn into humans. I was just glad that they weren't nightmares.

  I got ready in some skinny jeans and a t-shirt, hidden by my hoodie.

  I was in my third period, half the day pretty much over, when it happened. This was one of two classes that I didn't have Rane in. He actually wasn't here today anyway.

  The students were just sitting there, having a free day in class. I was texting Layla because, unfortunately, we didn't have this class together.

  I raise my hand, suddenly feeling the need to pee. After getting a pass, I walk out. I go into the girl's locker room that they use for gym because they have the closest bathroom.

  I'm just about finished when the school calls for an indoor lockdown. I know that I can't get back to the classroom before the doors close, so I turn back to the bathroom. I've heard what they say to do in these emergencies so I go into a stall and stand on one of the toilet seats.

  I didn't expect for anyone to come in here to check the bathrooms yet I hear multiple footsteps stop right outside the door. I hear the creak the old door gave alongside a person saying, "In here." The voice is high and girly.

  The footsteps all pad along inside. At first, I think that they are seeking refuge inside the stalls like I did, until I hear what they start saying.

  "The plan has begun, we will start the next step when the monitor outside leaves." I hear a snicker right after whoever is talking finishes.

  "Yeah, we will finally be rid of Elaina Harper..." Their voices get lower and I almost curse aloud. I strain to hear what they are saying but they are whispering. I look through the slit in the door. There were four girls all standing in a circle. A brunette seems to be the head of it. A blond, a red head, and another brunette stand in the circle with her. They all have their heads near each other. Their clothes scream 'sluts!' and their attitudes scream 'bitches!'. Altogether they look like the girls that I would stay away from. I only get bits and pieces of what they are saying.

  "Mate... I will be... She has no right... Rane... He's mine..." Some of the sentences are more spoken in growls, to where I barely recognize what they are saying. They talk for a couple seconds when I hear something that I dread.

  "Do you smell that?" Oh, shit! What if they're werewolves? I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. Just because I saw people turn into wolves that one time, doesn't make everyone a werewolf too.

  A low growl erupts from the leader and she looks around the room, her long curls swinging from the action. "It's her." I realize they are talking about me and if they can smell me, they are mo
st likely werewolves. Crap, just my luck... "Find her and bring her to me."

  When they start to disperse in looking for me, my heart starts to beat really fast. The red head gets close to my hiding place when the blond saves the day-at least for me.

  "Guys, we need to start or Alpha will be mad." The other girls glower at her but nod in agreement. The smallest one, with the short brown hair a shade darker than the leader's, squealed.

  "Yay, lets lock her in here and burn the fucking place up!" Hot damn! The girl looks so sweet yet she seems to be the most violent. They all have mischievous and deadly smiles upon their face at the prospect of me burning. I shiver.

  My body starts to shake when I see them all leave. I'm tempted to try and run but I knew that they would catch me and I would be given an even worse death. I didn't want to die to these damn bitches anyway. I almost giggle at the coincidence. Bitches are actually female dogs and I just called female werewolves bitches. All in all, they were technically bitches.

  I hear the click of the lock and all is quiet. I slip out of the stall and run to the door. I jiggle it yet it doesn't open. These girls want to actually burn me. I try and stay calm at the idea of burning to death. I obviously don't want to die all alone in here. I mean, I wanted a kid first!

  I pace around and look everywhere for a door or something to get out of the locker rooms. I decide to go back and check the door in case they were only kidding and unlocked the door. Just before grabbing the door handle, I smell smoke. I automatically think of a fire.

  My thoughts are confirmed when my hand touches the metal handle. I scream as the hot surface connects with my cold skin.

  The flames lick up the sides of the door and I only have one thought.

  I am stuck inside here with nowhere to go and I will die of this fire.

  Chapter 8

  My desperation to get out of here is almost touchable around me. I couldn't just die! I couldn't leave Shane to the crazy ass person we call mother. No way in hell!

  I want to fall in love, get married, have kids, jump off a bridge or two, and be that soccer mom who bakes cookies and- I stop my ranting and try to concentrate on staying alive. I can't freak out now, it would definitely mean my death.

  I spin around and look at all of the lockers. It's getting hotter and hotter by the second and my skin feels like it's on fire already. Smoke rises in dark tendrils to the ceiling. I cough and stumble around the room.

  The air seems to get thicker and I choke on it. The air is thick and my vision hazy. I can barely see five feet in front of me.

  My knees finally give out and I start to crawl. My panting breaths are low and raspy. I can't get a breath in.

  My eyelids droop and I fall right onto the floor. My face is pressed against the colder floor.

  I hear a loud bang! come from behind me. I think it was the roof and I would be buried underneath the rubble. That no one will save me or dig my body up. That I was too much of a nobody to be cared for.

  Just as my eyelids were about to close, I see two booted feet in front of my face. Even though I barely feel it, two hands pick me up. I see the ground get farther and farther away. I can't hear anything. Everything is on mute, like I pressed a button and it all got turned off.

  My eyelids close but just before they do, I see two clear and beautiful blue eyes.


  I feel my eyelids crack open, my head protesting as light suddenly hits my tender pupils. I feel my eyes dilate. I ignore my body's protesting as I flip onto my back. It takes nearly forever and I groan.

  When I look around, I notice that everything in here is white. I automatically know that I am in a hospital room. I think back to the reason why and am gifted with the memory of all of the events of last night. I can go as far back as to the two blue eyes. I already know who they belong to but I can't believe he went in to a fire-a burning raging fire!- to save me. The nobody, the person who just happens to be Layla's best friend.

  Rane, the popular handsome guy that every girl wants, saved me.

  When I rolled, I must have hit something because a beeping sound filled the room and a nurse came rushing in.

  "Oh, good! You're awake!" her brown hair swung in its ponytail as she smiled down at me. I nod and was about to say something but it came out more as a croak. "Oh, right! Here, have some water." she says this as she hands me a cool glass full of water.

  I drink as she helps the cup to my dry and chapped lips. When the water hits my tongue, I gulp greedily. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until now.

  "Whoa, there. Slow down or it won't feel too good." She takes the cup from my mouth and I slowly drink it for the next two minutes. I clear my throat and try to talk again.

  "Thank you." it comes out a little raspy but I continue anyway. "How long have I been here?"

  "Three days," she says this as if it was no big deal. Three days! So many things could have happened since then. I start thinking about Shane and if he missed me, if mom came to the hospital to see me, or if anyone from school was worried-namely Rane. I mentally shake my head. Now why would someone like Rane be thinking if I was okay? He wouldn't be.

  I just nod and was about to ask some more questions to see if I was alright when another person came in. His black hair was in contrast against the white of his lab looking coat. He came closer and I noticed the gray around his ears.

  "Hi. I am Dr. Smith. I see that you are awake- which is good. I came to tell you how your health is." I sigh. I hope to get good news.

  "Good, I hope?" I look into his kind light brown eyes. This time, he sighs.

  "Good and bad." Bad? I hope not too bad. Before my thoughts could make up bad things that I could have, he started to talk. "The baby is fine, fortunately-" I interrupt him as I realize what he said.

  "Wait- what baby?!?" I don't think I heard him correctly. I get into a sitting position and look at the man in front of me. His face is set in shock.

  "You didn't know?" as I shake my head he says, "Well you are one month pregnant, my dear. Congratulations." My head spins at the news. "Now in the fire you nearly lost he/she but he/she is one strong baby and survived..."

  I don't really hear anything after that. I was pregnant... and Rane was the father.

  Damn, can my life get any more weird? Next thing you know, werewolves will be real. Oh wait- they are.

  Chapter 9

  I didn't tell anyone. Rane didn't know, but neither did my mom or Shane. I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone. It's eating me alive.

  Rane had been watching me a lot since I came from the hospital. He even came up and asked if I was okay with a concerned and worried look on his face. He seemed sincere and I believed him. I told him I was fine, a lie of course considering I was pregnant. I avoided him some more.

  It's been a month since I left the hospital. I am now about 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant (yes I have been counting). I woke up this morning with the intention of telling Rane, but now that I am walking up the steps to Falneama (Fall-nee-ay-ma) Creek High School, I suddenly have absolutely no courage.

  It has all just drained out of me like someone pulled the drain plug and it all swept right out of me. I see Rane as I go through the door and into the halls. He leans on the lockers, surrounded by his friends. They all are jocks and good looking. They're like a group of the hottest guys and girls. Muscles, flat stomachs- yeah that kind of thing.

  I slowly walk past them and bite my lip. I know I have to tell him but I won't just walk straight up into their little group. They would definitely embarrass me in front of the whole school. I will just have to wait and see if I can find him alone.

  My pen taps the edge of the desk- a tit tat tit sound- and my right leg bounces up and down. I haven't been able to get a hold of Rane yet today and I'm already in third, the teacher lady droning on and on. My paper sits blank and untouched in front of me, without an answer circled.

  The bell rings and I run up to the front, slamming the paper onto Mrs. Finter's
desk. She looks up a bit startled but I'm already out the door. I have a sudden burst of courage as I see Rane. I use it to my advantage.

  I don't care that I bump into some of the popular people on my way to them. I barely see the surprise and relief plastered onto their faces. I don't much care for the protesting "Hey"s or "Watch it, Bitch"s form the group either.

  I just grab Rane's hand and pull him into an empty classroom. Surprise along with glee coats his handsome face.

  "I-I have to tell you s-something," my stuttering side makes and appearance along with my sudden nerves. He nods and seems to put on a serious face even when I sense the glee still hidden, just beyond the wall he tried putting up. Why is he so damn happy for me to talk to him? He can have anyone, so why me?

  "Well... It's kind of hard to say," I continue on with a slightly shaking hand through my hair. I start to pace, back and forth, back and forth. He slowly sinks into a nearby chair. His hand also runs through his own hair, creating a sexy mess of black. He looks to me with a nervous face.

  "Look, just say it. It's only me and you in her-" I cut him off as he is trying to say something.

  "I'm pregnant." I put it bluntly with a sigh, deciding to just get it over with. I still have my mom to tell. Great. Note the sarcasm, I'm dreading the moment I have to. I was facing away from him but now I turn around back to him.

  I'm surprised by what I see. A small smile creeps along his lips.

  "Are you.. happy?" I had to know what was going on in that head of his. I see a twinkle appear in his eyes as he looks up to me from the chair he sits in. It makes his whole face change and he seems even hotter while he's happy. I decide I want to make him happy more often.

  "Well.. yeah! I mean, I got my mat- I mean, no... but this will all be okay. I will help out in any way." he stops his sentence as he says it and I don't know what he was going to say. Mat- what? I will figure it out, sooner or later.


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