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Resurgence: Katieran Prime

Page 1

by KD Jones


  Katieran Prime

  Book 16

  KD Jones

  Copyright 2019 KD Jones

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:

  Chapter 22:

  Chapter 23:

  Chapter 24:


  About the Author


  What happens when a doctor from Earth meets a sexy male alien that fulfills her vine-swinging, ape-man fantasies? Explosive passion and an adventure of a lifetime. The bestselling science fiction series Katieran Prime gives us another great installment with Resurgence.

  Chapter 1

  Colonial Prime City Banquet Hall

  ZenIM walked around the large banquet hall looking at the Earth females who had traveled to his planet for the chance of a new life. They came in all different shapes and sizes, their skin coloring differed, their accents varied, and each had a distinct personality unique to them. He should have been pleased with the assortment to choose from, but none stirred him. Maybe it would take a while to get over the last relationship he had been in before he could be open to someone else.

  “ZenIM, how are you this evening?” Prime Leader LarIS asked, coming up next to him. LarIS spoke aloud even though he had the ability to read and speak to minds. ZenIM appreciated the respect LarIS showed.

  “I am well. How are you? How are your beautiful mate and two young faring?”

  A smile stretched across his face. His joy was pure and real. “My daughter is in bed by now, and my mate is nursing our youngest, so she isn’t up to the festivities this evening.”

  “The Goddess has truly blessed you with your family,” ZenIM told him with a tinge of envy in his voice.

  “I confess, I would never have thought I would mate a female from another world like Earth. My abilities made it difficult to have a relationship. My Lola, with her own uniqueness of speaking with her hands and willingly speaking mind to mind, has made be feel whole.”

  ZenIM had never known what feeling whole was like. Would he ever find someone who would make him feel that way?

  “You give me hope,” ZenIM told him.

  LarIS cleared his throat of the emotion he clearly felt while speaking of his mate. “Will you be staying a few days?”

  “No, I leave first thing in the morning, so please give her my regards.”

  “Lola will hate she missed seeing you.”

  “I’ll make sure to visit her the next time I’m in the city.”

  “Are you sure none of the females here interest you?” LarIS asked.

  He stroked his short beard as he surveyed the room. “I’m very sure.”

  “You haven’t even spoken to any of them,” LarIS said.

  “How would you know? You just arrived.”

  “I watched you before I approached. I’d hoped you would interact with others and maybe find a possible mate.”

  ZenIM sighed. He didn’t need to have long conversations with a female. He could scent them from a short distance and would be able to tell if they appealed to him. All these females wore such heavy fragrances, it nearly overwhelmed him. However, he had gotten close enough to most of them to distinguish their natural scent underneath. Some were nice but couldn’t make him forget. Kayley didn’t wear artificial fragrances.

  “Is it possible that you’re comparing them to someone who isn’t here anymore?” LarIS asked.

  ZenIM glared at him. “You’re reading my mind. You know I don’t like when you do that.”

  “Forgive me, sometimes thoughts are so strong, they jump out at me, and I don’t have time to properly block them.”

  He grunted his understanding. His senses were like that, always had been—turned on whether he wanted them to be or not.

  “You’re sad about the Morinian commander’s departure,” LarIS stated.

  “I admit, I had hoped Kayley would remain here with her people. They are welcome to remain in the mountain village for as long as they like. She is the first female in a long while that I had a connection with.”

  “You know we can’t keep them hidden here indefinitely. So many of our people are against aiding them because of their connection to the Morins.”

  “They had nothing to do with those monsters!” ZenIM felt he had to defend the Morinians. Spending time with them, he came to know them and respected all they had suffered.

  “I know, ZenIM, but many don’t have the same understanding we have.”

  “They’re ignorant.”

  “Or scared and angry. That combination is hard to argue when there are questions like where did the Morinians come from,” LarIS reminded him.

  “They are refugees, immigrants evacuating a nation that betrayed their core beliefs. Their leaders planned to use germ warfare on innocent worlds and the Morinians refused to follow them blindly. They shouldn’t be feared but heralded for taking a stand against wrong doing.”

  “Yet they have not given the full details of where they went or why they came back to this region again. It’s a legitimate question to ask and I cannot blame our people for being cautious and suspicious.”

  “They were being hunted by the Morins. It’s understandable that they would want to stay away for a while. With the Morins slowly dying out, it would seem safe to come back and look for a new home,” ZenIM defended.

  “I understand that, but the Colony was only meant as a temporary refuge, not a permanent home. The Morinians cannot remain here indefinitely.”

  ZenIM knew he spoke the truth. Even the Morinians felt the need to search for a new home. He hated to see them leave, especially one particular Morinian. He remembered his first encounter with the Morinian Commander Kayley.


  ZenIM stood in the trees as the first shuttles landed with the Morinians. The warriors, looking similar to his own people, exited with weapons ready. Four females and a large blue male followed.

  He recognized one of the females, Priestess HonORa, but the other three were strangers. The taller female with the long braid of black hair caught his attention. He listened as she challenged the blue male.

  She pulled her shoulders back and gave him a look of challenge. “Are you threatening me?”

  “You seem to want a fight. Push me far enough and I will give you more than what you bargain for,” the blue male promised.

  A warrior stepped forward and called out into the jungle, “Hello!”

  ZenIM snorted as he walked out from the group of trees. “Is that how you protect from an attack? Stand out in the open and yell hello?”

  The introductions were made, and Commander Kayley fascinated him. She had a quick mind.

  “You are the first female commander I have met.”

  “Clearly you haven’t met many females. We are always in command,” she told him before turning her back to him.


  Sounds of music and laughter drew Zen
IM back to the present. He glanced around the room at the smiling happy people. He felt out of place. LarIS spoke to him mind to mind.

  You couldn’t have come all this way to spend two hours not talking to anyone. Why else are you here?

  “I want to request a special medic come to my village. I have a couple breeding who are fearful they may lose their young. I remember your mate had a special medic helping with your young when it was time for their births.”

  “We were blessed to have a specialist from Earth. I think we would have lost both of our young if the medic did not help. It will take a few days to reach out to the medic to return to the Colony.”

  “Notify me when they arrive, and I will meet the shuttle. The fewer visitors to the village while the Morinians are still here, the better.”

  “Have you had any more problems?” LarIS asked.

  “No one has tried to travel up the mountains. But while I’ve been here, I’ve noticed people watching me with suspicion. Some even stop talking when I walk into a room. It leaves me with an uneasy feeling.”

  “No offense, ZenIM, but you’re someone who gets noticed no matter what.”

  ZenIM knew he intimidated and scared people. Even among those in his village, he was looked upon as odd.

  “Is it because I’m tall or because of my eyes? Most don’t know which eye to look into, the blue or brown one. Then add in the swirling. . .” He shook his head. “My eyes see farther and in more detail than the average warrior.” ZenIM kept his gaze averted when speaking to people for this reason.

  “I’m not a good judge of these things.”

  LarIS closed his eyes, smiled, then opened them. ZenIM saw they glowed. “My mate says both. Too tall and too pretty.”

  They both laughed.

  ZenIM added, “Well, if someone as odd as you can find a beautiful, sexy, fertile—”

  “Easy, ZenIM. Watch what you’re saying,” LarIS warned, but there was no heat in his words.

  “If that goddess of a mate of yours can handle you, then it gives me hope.”

  LarIS grunted.

  ZenIM looked around the banquet room again, watching as couples danced in the center of the room. “Why bring so many Earth females here?”

  “The renovations on Earth have begun, and there was a complication which required an extra transport of the humans to be sent sooner than expected. We offered to host them and Prime Leader RendEL accepted the offer.”

  “So this banquet is to see if any of the new females could be a mate for your warriors?”

  “One could be a mate for you too. You should give it a try.”

  “I told you, this is not why I came here.”

  “I will make the request for the medic, but I ask you to talk to just one female before you head home.”


  “My mate says practice makes perfect. Talk to a female so you can possibly learn what Earth females are looking for.”

  “I could just talk to Lola. I’ve learned her silent language.” He knew he was pushing the other male, but it was easy to do.

  LarIS growled. “Practice with a female who isn’t already taken.”

  ZenIM chuckled at the male’s possessiveness of his mate. “I will speak with one.”

  “And eat. My female just sent a message to tell you to eat before going back to your village.”

  ZenIM couldn’t help but smile knowing Lola must have pushed her thoughts hard at LarIS for him to say such a thing. “Tell Lola I will eat.”

  He parted ways with LarIS and circled the large room once more. He noted a female sitting alone at a table in the corner. Approaching, he took in her appearance. Her flowing golden locks draped over one shoulder of her strapless azure dress. Her eyes matched the color of the fabric perfectly. As he moved closer, she either didn’t see him or she purposely ignored him. She was attractive, and he wondered why she was sitting alone. Stopping at her table, he cleared his throat to get her attention.

  “May I sit?”

  She looked him up and down, then motioned for him to take a chair.

  “I am ZenIM.”


  “What do you think of the Colonial planet?”

  “It’s really hot and sticky here.”

  “Our planet is warmer than most, but we have beautiful jungles and waterfalls.”

  She turned her nose up, not impressed with the natural beauty of the Colony. “Whatever. I noticed you talking to Leader LarIS. Are you his second-in-command?”

  Ah, that’s why she let him join her. She thought him someone important. “I live in a small remote village in the mountains.” He didn’t bother to tell her he was the leader of the village.

  “Oh. I bet it’s even hotter up there than it is here.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  There was an awkward silence. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to leave.” He stood and walked away.

  LarIS mentally contacted him. “Try another female.”

  “I thought you left.”

  “I am on my way back to my suite. You could come for the Evening Meal.”

  “I need to get back and go over the security details for my people,” ZenIM told him, walking out the opposite door.

  “I understand. After the attack months ago, I would also wish to make sure something like that never happens again. You are a dedicated leader, ZenIM.”

  “Thank you,” ZenIM said as that day rolled through his thoughts.


  Fear for his people filled ZenIM as he gave orders to his warriors. The Norad leader approached.

  “What’s going on?” Zander asked.

  “Movement on the ground was spotted a few miles from the village. Unknown males were seen. I’m sending out warriors to hunt them down,” ZenIM told him.

  “What about the females? They’re still in the gardens.” Zander sounded just as worried as he felt.

  “I have males already guarding them, but I’m sending more.”

  “I’m going to the gardens,” Zander said.

  “I’ll go as well.” Commander Kayley joined them.

  “Fine, follow Warrior TrET. I have a warrior staying here in the village and will direct people to safe locations. I’m going to help hunt down these intruders.”


  His people had been injured and Priestess HonORa had alost died. The protective bubble his village had lived under was no longer. Danger had made its way there and reminded them all that life was precious and should be protected. It was time for him to head home. He would grab something to eat then head out in his shuttle.

  Chapter 2

  Medical facility on northern Katiera

  “Your baby is doing just fine,” Dr. Jennifer Sampson told the couple as she finished taking the vitals of the infant with the medical scope. Holding the pen-like device between her fingers, she waved the device once then twice over the baby then pushed the tiny silver button to transfer the data to her tablet.

  One of these days, she wanted to thank the Katierans on this planet for introducing this amazing technology. Not only could she do an ultrasound without all the mess, but an X-ray scan overlaid the image.

  The stats loaded, Jen marked off all the growth checkpoints.

  “We owe you so much,” the human woman standing next to her said.

  Jenny, a leading reproductive endocrinologist from England, smiled at the tiny baby as she quickly swaddled the boy before he peed on her. Boys were tricky that way.

  “It’s no problem at all. All his vitals are good. I’ve given him vitamin supplements using the nanos. He will need to come back for a check up with one of the medics in a month to make sure the nanos are working. Once the baby does not require them, his body will naturally eject them.”

  “Thank you,” the tall warrior said.

  She watched as the Katieran father and the woman took their baby in their arms. The guy leaned down and placed a kiss his mate’s cheek, then he did the same on the forehead of his son. It warmed Jenny�
�s heart to see how much the couple loved each other and their child. Many of the women from Earth had found husbands—or mates as the Katierans called them—among the three nations of Katiera, Kiljor, and the Colony. Everyone but her.

  After the family left, Jenny pulled up her notes on her tablet and compared the pregnancies of human women and the Katieran women. She sat in the leather chair behind the desk. “Why are there so few Katieran woman having children?”

  She wondered if the handful of specialists from Earth researching the breeding problems would find an answer. As of yet, they hadn’t made any progress.

  She spoke out loud, it helped her with solving problems to hear the issues. “Katierans are similar to humans. The biggest difference are their eyes. Instead of black irises, the Katierans, and those originated from the Katieran nation, have gold irises. They also have enhanced senses. Katierans are stronger and healthier, not prone to the usual diseases like on Earth. So is it an ovulation thing?”

  A knock on her office door had her jerking up in surprise. Often, she got so lost in her work that she sometimes didn’t even know when someone was in the same room. She looked up and smiled at the human standing at the door. Tall, lean, with sandy blond hair, he was a good-looking man.

  “Hi, Neal.”

  “Are you busy?” he asked as he entered the room and sat in the chair across from her desk.

  “When am I not?” she asked.

  “You do work too hard. How is your last patient for the day doing?”

  She picked up her digital tablet and read. “The infant is a little above a human’s length and weight. He’s eating every three hours and sleeping three hours at a time. His pupils are still gold like his father’s and seems to have a better focus on objects much earlier than a human infant would. I can safely say breeding between humans and Katierans is highly successful.”


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