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Resurgence: Katieran Prime

Page 8

by KD Jones

  The emotions from the past day and a half came crashing on her. Tears trailed down her cheeks, and she breathed rapidly. Holding all that in and trying to be brave had finally caught up to her. Her hands shook so badly. It took a few minutes to finally get herself calmed down. She looked around the cabin.

  Taking a few steps, she stepped into a room and the lights came on automatically. Since leaving Earth, she had noticed that the environs usually had a motion detection system.

  The bedroom held a full-size bed, built in closet, and drawers, and a door she could see led to a washroom. A shower! Hurrying to the loo, she entered and the lights came on. Her only thought was getting clean. She shrugged out of her clothes and slid into the shower stall. The water turned on automatically, and she adjusted the water to her liking—steamy and hot.

  “Ah…” she sighed as the hot water loosened her aching muscles. Body and hair gel had been provided. It had a light fragrance. Jenny noticed that the Katierans, Kiljorns, and Colonists were incredibly sensitive to smells. They preferred natural scents and pheromones instead of heavy perfumes.

  She scrubbed her skin until she shone pink and clean. When stepping out of the stall, the water shut off, and she reached for a towel. It was then she realized she didn’t have any clean clothes. Luckily, a robe hung on a hook by the door. She would have to sleep in it then ask if there was something she could wear tomorrow.

  Jenny pulled on the robe and tied the belt. It was a little big on her, but it was soft, and warm. When she opened the door to the bathroom, she was struck by something quite delicious smelling. She followed her nose into the front room. TilEE had left a bowl of what looked like stew on her table, but didn’t wait around, just left her to her privacy. Jenny ate every bit. Clean from her shower, warm robe on, and belly full, she couldn’t fight off her exhaustion any longer. She barely made it to her bed before before collapsing and allowing the darkness to claim her.


  ZenIM and RidlEE watched the strangers as they set up camp. They thought to hide in the jungle under trees. One remained awake while the other two slept. None of them removed their helmets.

  “Do you think they need their helmets to protect them from their environment?”

  ZenIM thought about that earlier. “Perhaps. I also noticed they have not eaten anything or drank water. It’s possible their suits and helmet provide nutritional feed as well.”


  “I agree. We’ll need to do something about the male still awake,” ZenIM said, rubbing his chin.

  “I can lead him away from camp,” RidlEE offered.

  He gave the warrior a nod. “Do it. Once the others realize their friend is missing, they’ll be on their guard, so we’ll have to take them while we have the chance and they are unaware.”

  “Two against two, the odds are in our favor. This is our environment. They stand no chance.”

  ZenIM nodded agreement, but still had a growing feeling these four males were not all he needed to worry about. Who were they? What did they want? Where did they come from? And how many more were there? All questions he had to get to the bottom of.

  “When do you want to notify Leader LarIS?”

  “Not until we get these four contained. I don’t want to take the risk that communication is being monitored. That’s why I didn’t contact anyone when I first caught sight of the attack.”

  “Once we have them captured, I could travel to the Prime City outer perimeter checkpoint.”

  ZenIM thought about that. LarIS had established several checkpoints on the outer edges of the city where it met the jungle. Several warriors monitored and safeguarded the city at those checkpoints. “That’s a day and a half of travel time,” he reminded RidlEE.

  “I will come back on one of the shuttles within an hour.”

  ZenIM hesitated. He hated sending one of his people on their own when there was danger. However, it was the only way to quietly seek assistance. Just as the four were too many for him to confront on his own, there may be many more out there that could outnumber him and the few warriors he had. The majority of his village was made up of females and young. They would need help in order to defend themselves.

  “Ready?” RidlEE asked.

  “Go, draw him away from the others and secure him. Come back, and we’ll work to take them down one at a time.”

  A sound in the distance alerted them others approached. A smile lit RidlEE’s face. “I believe the odds are now in our favor.”

  ZenIM returned his smile but couldn’t shake the feeling there was trouble they didn’t even know about yet, and for that reason, they needed to be watchful.

  “Let’s get these males to our secure cave for questioning.”

  Chapter 14

  She wasn’t sure how long she had slept, but she woke to bright daylight streaming through the window and the smells of something delicious coming from the kitchen. She stood, making sure the tie to her robe was secure, and made her way to the front half of the cabin. She found TilEE in the kitchen cooking.

  “That smells wonderful.” Her stomach growled in agreement.

  TilEE looked at her and motioned for her to take a seat at the small table. “I am making eggs and what you humans refer to as bacon. At least, the meat taste like your bacon. It’s from a bird we call a ginconey.”

  “If it tastes as good as it smells, I am going to love it.”

  “Would you like water or Katieran juice?”

  Katieran juice was basically wine. It was probably too early in the day for that. She would have loved a glass last night, but after her long ordeal, one glass would have knocked her flat, and she would most likely still be in bed sleeping the day away.

  “Water would be lovely.”

  TilEE placed a plate of food and a glass of water on the table in front of Jenny. It was then she realized that TilEE had not pulled out a plate for herself.

  “Won’t you eat with me?”

  “Oh, child, I’ve already had my Morning Meal. In fact, it’s an hour before Midday Meal.”

  “I can’t believe I overslept.”

  “You were exhausted, and after everything you had to endure, it’s understandable.”

  “I need to check on Lt. AkER’s injuries,” she rose from her chair, but TilEE placed a hand on her arm.

  “No need. He’s had his Morning Meal and is being shown around the village and inspecting our security set up. He’ll be gone most of the day. Now, eat your food.”

  She sat and ate a few bites. “This is so good.”

  TilEE smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Are the others back?” She really wanted to know about ZenIM but refrained from mentioning him by name. Jenny didn’t want anyone to know how she felt about him. They might expect them to have some kind of torrid love affair. Would that be such a bad thing? she asked herself.

  TilEE nodded. “They arrived about an hour ago. After they’ve showered and had a meal, I’m sure they’ll be up for a visit.”

  Jenny had to fight her impulse to seek out ZenIM, just to ensure he was safe and unhurt. She needed to get back to the purpose of her being here. “Would you accompany me to the couple expecting? I think their names are Zander and HonORa.”

  “Yes, after you eat, I’ll walk you over. They will be thrilled to finally meet you. Well, you already met Zander, but his mate, HonORa, is a wonderful woman.”

  Jenny looked down at what she was wearing. “I only have my dirty and torn clothes and this robe.”

  “Your clothes from the shuttle have been brought up. They are on the couch.”

  Jenny looked behind her and sighed at seeing her beat up suitcase. That thing was almost indestructible. It had been a gift from her grandparents when she graduated from secondary school. She would be more at ease in her own clothes. Jeans and a T-shirt were her preferable travel wear.

  “I really appreciate that.”

  “I am so sorry you had to suffer such an ordeal coming here,” TilEE said with

  She patted the older woman’s hand. “It’s not your fault. No one could have predicted our shuttle would be attacked. We’re lucky we survived the crash. Were they able to find out who shot us down?”

  “They captured all but one of the enemy and are holding them at a secure location away from the village to get answers. I’m sure once ZenIM knows more, he will share it with us. Now, finish eating so you can change.”

  Jenny followed orders with a smile. She ate while TilEE told her about the village, its people, and especially about her grandson RidlEE. Her very handsome, and very single grandson.

  “I’ll get the dishes cleaned,” TilEE said as she started to stand.

  “If you’ll put them on the bar, I would like to clean them myself and put them away so I will learn where they go.” The appliances were similar to ones she had used on Katiera so it would be easy to use.

  “All right.”

  “Let me change into my own clothes, and then I’ll be ready to meet the expecting couple.”

  “Take your time. No one is going anywhere.”

  Jenny grabbed her beat up suitcase and carried it into the bedroom. It didn’t take her long to change, and she was grateful to have a spare pair of shoes in her suitcase. Trekking through the jungle had pretty much torn up her other pair.

  Grabbing her medical bag off the floor, she headed out of the bedroom. TilEE was waiting by the door.

  “TilEE, do you know if anyone has a digital tablet? Mine was smashed up in the crash.”

  “Priestess HonORa might have one. Our people here in the village have never really used the digital tablets. We try to keep away from technology as much as possible. We prefer a simpler lifestyle.”

  “How do you request assistance from the city?”

  “We get extra supplies brought to us once a month. We have an emergency communications center if we need it as well. ZenIM doesn’t want to draw any more attention by using the communicator, so he has sent my grandson to notify Leader LarIS about the attack.”

  That had chills racing up and down her arms. “Does he really think there are more out there?”

  “Those assailants had to come from somewhere. ZenIM is a good leader, smart, and careful. He is not going to take any chances with our lives.”

  “I guess that’s what makes him a good leader,” Jenny said. She was impressed already with ZenIM and how he handled the dangerous situation, how he took care of her and AkER, and how he made her feel safe. She wanted to seek him out and thank him again for everything he had done, but it would have to wait.

  They didn’t have to go far, just a few feet to the two-story cabin next door. A beautiful and very pregnant woman sat in a rocking chair on the porch. She waved at them.

  “Good day to you, HonORa,” TilEE called out as they walked up the stairs.

  “Good day to you too.” HonORa struggled to rise out of the chair.

  “This is Medic Sampson.” TilEE made the introductions.

  HonORa looked relieved as she greeted her. “Welcome to the Colony.”

  “Thank you.”

  HonORa rubbed her extended belly. “I’m so sorry for what happened. It must have been frightening.”

  “It was, but Lt. AkER did a good job with getting the shuttle down relatively in one piece, and ZenIM was amazing as well getting us away from the crash site quickly.”

  “Come inside and we can sit. The suns are heating up the jungle. I can’t take more than an hour at a time nowadays of the steamy heat.” HonORa wiped perspiration from her forehead with the back of her hand.

  Jenny followed the pregnant woman into her cabin, TilEE behind her. The inside appeared similar to hers. The difference was an L shaped staircase led to an upper level. Looking around, shen noted the soft touches of colors and fabrics made the whole place feel warm and homey. One of the large couches had a teenage girl lying on it and the girl was blue—a Norad.

  “This is my sister-in-law Lizetta Bardo. Lizetta, could you go find Zander?”

  The teenager sighed but got up and headed out of the cabin. HonORa just smiled at the girl. It was clear HonORa loved the teenager. After the girl left, HonORa lower herself onto one of the couches.

  “Please excuse Lizetta. She’s at an age where she’s not quite a child, but not quite adult yet. Plus, she’s bored. Her brother grounded her to the cabin for a week.”

  “Why did he do that?” TilEE asked, taking a seat next to Jenny on the other couch.

  “She snuck out in the night to spend time with Warrior MalEEk. He was leaving the next day on the transport to search for a planet to relocate the Morinians, and she wanted to be alone with him.”

  “Ah...young love.”

  “Zander is highly protective of her, which is understandable after what happened. . .” HonORa’s voice faded as she looked out the window.

  Jenny could tell there was more to the story but didn’t push. It wasn’t her place or her business. She took a moment to look around the home. A stressful environment could complicate a pregnancy.

  “HonORa, do you have a digital tablet Medic Sampson could use? Hers was damaged in the crash,” TilEE asked.

  “Yes, there should be one on the kitchen table.” HonORa pointed to the kitchenette.

  Jenny made her way to the table and picked up the device. Luckily, it wasn’t password protected. “Let me sign into my medic account. I can access it from anywhere.” It didn’t take long before she pulled up HonORa’s medical record and the notes she made.

  The door to the cabin burst open, slamming the door against the wall. All three of them jumped in surprise. A tall well-muscled man stood there, eyes focusing immediately on HonORa. Zander Bardo.

  “Oh my Goddess! You scared me, Zander.” HonORa had placed protective hands over her swollen belly.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you might be in labor already and did not want to miss the birth of our child.”

  His sincerity was clear to see. Jenny watched as HonORa gave him a gentle smile and motioned for him to sit next to her. The love between them filled the room, and she felt a little envious.

  TilEE introduced her again. “Zander, this is Medic Sampson. She’s the specialist Leader LarIS sent for. This is Zander, leader of the Norads.”

  Jenny gave him a smile. “We met briefly last night, but it’s nice to see you again.”

  He smiled, and she noted how handsome he was. No wonder HonORa fell for him.

  “Thank you for coming. I’m sorry to hear about the attack. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Lt. AkER, the pilot, was injured, but healing nicely. ZenIM saved us though. He got us to safety.”

  “ZenIM is amazing,” HonORa said.

  Zander half growled, half grunted at that. “He’s...competent.”

  Jenny looked at the other two women and noticed how they smiled at his grumpy mood. She cleared her throat. “I have a few questions for both of you I would like to add to my notes, get an idea of your family medical histories, and the differences between your species. Then I’ll do a brief physical exam. It shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

  TilEE stood. “I’ll let you do your work. The village is going to have a town dinner to welcome you.”

  That surprised Jenny. “That’s really nice, but I’m just one person.”

  “We do this at least once a month, share a meal with one another. It’s a way for us to stay close. This time we have a special reason, welcoming you and Lt. AkER.”

  “I look forward to it,” Jenny said. Maybe she would get a chance to thank ZenIM at the dinner. As the leader, surely he would have to be there.

  Chapter 15

  “Remove their helmets,” ZenIM ordered. He stood inside the cave they used for securing prisoners. Sadly, this place had been more active in the past year than it had in the previous ten years.

  They had three of the four males who attacked the shuttle chained to the cave wall. The fourth male, the one ZenIM had sent down the river, had not yet been
recovered. Either he drowned or was evading capture. If he drowned, the body would eventually turn up.

  DesIN walked closer to one of the shorter males and reached for the helmet. The male tried to kick out, but his feet had also been chained. Right now, he only had enough chain to sit and stand. SporAN assisted DesIN by holding the prisoner still while DesIN activated the release button. The sigh of air released, and he removed the helmet, revealing a head full of black hair—not the bald head of a Morin as they had originally suspected.

  Could they be more rebels? The male had darker skin with yellowish tint similar to Morin, but not as sickly looking. Their dark hair and dark eyes made them favor the Morinians. If a Katieran and Morin mated, this would most likely be the product.

  “Who are you?” ZenIM demanded.

  The male growled low and was about to say something, but the taller male said something in their strange language to shut him up. The male was the one ZenIM felt was the leader of the small group. He seemed to take command even though chained up. It was clear that as long as this male was here, the other two would not talk.

  “Take this one out of the cave. I’ll question him separately from these two.”

  DesIN and SporAN detached the chains from their hooks on the cave wall and floor. ZenIM waited until the leader was gone then turned his swirling eyes on the scared male before him.

  “Now, I’ll ask again. Who are you?”

  The male tried to look out of the cave opening searching for his leader, but ZenIM stepped before him, blocking his view so the only thing the male could see were his swirling eyes. Three seconds were all it took for him to lock eyes. Then his quasi-hypnotic ability came to life. It came in handy to get the truth from someone. However, it was inconsistent. Some had a natural resistance like his friend RidlEE. The more he used it on one person, the less effective it became. That left him with a very limited amount of time to get the answers.

  The male stammered something which was almost understandable, but not quite. He needed a translator implant to decipher the language. Maybe Zander could help. He had such a device.


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