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Resurgence: Katieran Prime

Page 10

by KD Jones

  “I’m feeling naked here,” she said with a smile.

  “You are naked, gloriously naked. I could stare at you like this for hours, days. I’m afraid if I touch you, you might disappear, and I would find this had all been a dream.”

  She grunted and sat up, leaning forward to put her hands on his stomach. “I’m real, and I want to see you, all of you.”

  He gasped when her fingers pulled at his waist and moved his pants down his hips. When his cock sprung free, and he felt her warm breath on his flesh, he nearly lost his seed right there.

  Moving back out of her reach, he removed his pants and boots. She scooted back and made room for him next to her as he kissed her again.


  Jenny was desperate for him. She had been with a few other men before, but none of them had affected her so strongly. His kisses were all consuming, and she never wanted it to end. At the feel of his hands over her body, she sighed with pleasure.

  Gently, ZenIM massaged her breasts and paid special attention to her tips making them hard little points. The sparks his kisses ignited an inferno inside her, and she was afraid she was going to burn up.

  His teeth nipped at her neck. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?”

  “I want you too.”

  To prove it, she pulled him closer and wrapped her legs around his waist, teasing the tip of his cock with her wet pussy.

  “I need to prepare you first,” he said with concern.

  “I’m ready, more than ready. I need to feel you inside me.”

  His strange but beautiful eyes glowed as he moved over her. His lips on hers as he slowly breached her entrance and filled her. A sense of rightness hit her so strongly, it almost made her cry. Everything was so much more with him. His kisses more intense, his touch made her body respond more, and yet, she wanted even more of him.

  ZenIM lifted her hip, making his cock stroke inside her at a new angle, a more pleasing angle.

  “Oh God, yes.”

  “Am I hurting you? Am I too rough?” he asked, his breath raspy.

  “I need you to move…faster, harder. Now.”

  He kissed her deeply as he began a more powerful rhythm.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked with a growl.

  She couldn’t form words just sounds. “Mmmm.”

  He felt amazing inside her, his hands stroking her body, and those eyes of his always watching her, making sure to give her what pleased her the most, and capturing her every sigh of pleasure. ZenIM filled her so completely, connecting them in every way possible. His body was her body, her breath became his breath. There was more between them than just sex. He touched something in her soul no one had before.

  The pressure built inside her. It wouldn’t take much to tip her over the edge.

  “ZenIM.” She moaned, and then her body bowed up as she came.

  He stroked faster and faster. Suddenly, he pulled out and roared his release. Their bodies shook together in the aftermath, and they fused with their slick warm flesh. ZenIM held her in his arms as he rolled them to their sides, his still-hard cock lay against her hip. She looked up at him in surprise.

  “Is this the famous stamina I have heard so much about?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. Are you ready for more?”

  “Give me a minute to catch my breath.”


  “What are you doing?”

  “Counting up to a minute before I pounce.”

  She laughed and lightly punched him in the stomach.

  “Ouch,” he feigned the injury and made her laugh.

  He laughed with her and made his cock twitch against her. ZenIM pulled a sheet up to dry them both. She wiggled and he groaned. Throwing the sheet away, he moved to cover her body again and teased her with his cock. He moved his hips, and she moaned.


  “I can’t get enough of you. Let me show you how much I want you.”

  Jenny nodded and opened herself to him completely. Whatever would happened between them, she would never regret this time with him.

  “Yes, show me.”

  Chapter 18

  ZenIM sat on the edge of his bed and stroked Jenny’s soft skin, his fingers skimming her spine. He couldn’t stop touching her, staring down at the lovely creature who had stolen his heart in such a short matter of time. How had this happened? He didn’t know. It was so quick, but the feelings for her were stronger than anything he’d ever felt.

  This was so unexpected, and at the current situation, a little inconvenient. There was a new species, a new enemy focused on finding human females for reasons that shocked and horrified him. What he discovered would turn their world upside down. It had been part of why he didn’t ask to claim her last night despite his desire to do so. There were things he had to do before he could pursue her properly. He wanted to take his time and woo her, so she knew he was serious about her.

  “Good morning,” Jenny said as she stretched lazily in the bed.

  She turned over onto her back and pulled the sheet up to cover her lovely breasts. He wanted to tug the sheet back down but if he did, he might not ever leave his bed.

  “Good morning.” He leaned down to give her a brief kiss.

  Goddess, he wanted to climb back under the covers with her and make love to her again and again until he convinced her to be his mate. He wanted that, wanted her forever. Could he expect her to leave everything for him? It was too soon. She would need more time to warm up to the idea of being his mate. What would he do if she refused and left him?

  “What time is it?”

  “Two hours before sunrise.”

  She frowned as she sat up. “Is everything okay?”

  “I had sent RidlEE for assistance. Commander AshOR is arriving with more warriors shortly. I need to meet them. We’ll be questioning the prisoners for more information.”

  He watched as she bit her bottom lip in hesitation. Then she asked, “Is there anything you can tell me about them? I don’t want to interfere with your interrogation, but I was in the shuttle they shot down.”

  ZenIM smoothed her hair back and cupped her face. “I will tell you later today, once we have more information. Lt. AkER will be coming to the questioning today as well so he can report to Prime Leader RendEL.”

  “You’ll be careful?” she asked, leaning closer to place her forehead against his.

  “I will. What plans do you have for today?”

  “I shall check on HonORa, and then TilEE promised to take me on a full tour of the village.”

  “Good. I wanted to show you around, but I’m not sure when I will have a chance.”

  “That’s okay. Will you be back in time for the Midday Meal?”

  “I don’t know. It will depend on how the questioning goes.”

  He kissed her again, lingering, not wanting it to end. Then stood to leave.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Stay safe,” she said.


  Jenny plopped back on the very comfortable mattress. She turned to put her face in the pillow and inhaled. It smelt like ZenIM, woodsy, and warm. He was the most amazing man she had ever met. Strong, quiet, but smart and resourceful. All she had observed, added to everything she learned about him, made him more intriguing.

  Last night had been incredible. They were undeniably compatible, but there was more between them. It was the in between moments that had her falling in love. When he held her in his arms and asked her questions about her family, or when he talked about what it was like growing up in the village far away from the city and its advanced technology.

  “Didn’t bother you or the others to be so separated?”

  “Most of those in the village had some of the more extreme mutations. They felt like outcasts among their own people. For me, I didn’t know any different. My mother helped build this village. She had struggled with males that didn’t want to listen to her. She fought leaders who felt their people should all
be in one location and not spread out. Our first location flooded; we had to move several times. With every obstacle my mother faced, she never let it beat her. She taught me whatever it was I wanted, it was worth fighting for.”

  “She sounds like an amazing woman.”

  “She was.”

  “May I ask what happened?”

  “She had slipped near the ravine and fell into the river. The fall hadn’t killed her but knocked her unconscious. She drowned before anyone could get to her.”

  “I’m so sorry, ZenIM.” She had placed a hand over his heart.

  “It was years ago. I miss her every day, but she taught me to appreciate what I have, and to never give up on something I want, just work hard to get it.”

  That last part had his eyes glowing and swirling at her. She shivered just remembering how it felt to be the sole focus of his attention. She loved it, but it had been very intense. These feelings she had for him were so sudden. Maybe this was all happening too fast, but she didn’t want it to stop.

  Getting out of the bed, she searched for her discarded clothing. She wanted to get back to her cabin to avoid anyone seeing her do the walk of shame. The thing was, she wasn’t ashamed at all for being with ZenIM. It felt...right.

  “Come on, Jenny, think rationally about this. You barely know the guy. You can’t be in love with him already.”

  Even as she berated herself, she knew matters of the heart science could not define or explain. She cared for him, and maybe if they spent more time together, he would come to care for her, maybe fall in love with her.

  Chapter 19

  ZenIM hadn’t showered, not wanting to lose Jenny’s scent. His people would know what had occurred last night, but he wasn’t ashamed, not at all. The small human female was now his whole world. Leaving her in his bed had been the hardest thing he had ever done. But it was imperative he get the security of his village taken care of.

  Standing next to some of his warriors, the Katieran pilot Lt. AkER, and Zander, they watched as the shuttle landed. It was still before sunrise, so the shuttle was protected by the cover of darkness. Zander moved to stand next to him and sniffed the air.

  “Don’t say a word, Bardo,” ZenIM warned him. The big blue male chuckled but didn’t make a comment.

  The first person out of the shuttle was his warrior and friend, RidlEE. Commander AshOR’s bald head made an appearance as he exited the shuttle followed by five more warriors. ZenIM stepped forward to greet them.

  “RidlEE, your grandmother will be very pleased to see you.” They clasped forearms in their usual greeting.

  “I have missed her cooking,” RidlEE admitted. He sniffed at ZenIM, and then gave him a big smile. “Already? You didn’t waste any time.”

  “We’ll talk about it later.” ZenIM told him as he looked past his friend to the Colonial Commander.

  RidlEE moved to the side so Commander AshOR could be greeted.

  “I’m sorry for pulling you from your mate, Commander,” ZenIM said.

  AshOR clasped ZenIM’s offered forearm. “My mate understands how important this is.”

  AshOR turned to Zander. “Bardo, good to see you again. My mate wants to visit you and HonORa soon.”

  They clasped forearms. Zander smiled. “We would like that.”

  ZenIM motioned for them to follow. “This way.”

  “What’s the situation?” AshOR asked as they started their way up the trail toward the holding cave.

  “We managed to capture three of the four who had attacked the shuttle. One is either drowned in the river or has evaded us,” ZenIM relayed.

  AshOR nodded. “My pilot scanned for the use of shuttles or warships in the area but has found no signs.”

  “How did they get here without your security detecting their ship?”

  “That is one of the questions we need to have answered. If one shuttle can get past our sensors and scanners, more could do the same. Who are they? Where did they come from?”

  “Still working on those questions. We had suspected the males might be Morins. We removed their helmets and found they had similar skin coloring, but a little healthier. But their eyes and hair were closer to Morinians.

  “When I tried to question them, I couldn’t understand their language though it seemed familiar. I don’t have a translator, so I asked Zander Bardo to be present during questioning, but not let them know he understood what they were saying. Zander, tell what you observed and heard.”

  Zander lifted his eyebrow at ZenIM at his commanding tone but relayed what he knew. “The tall one is in charge. He warned off the others from talking. When ZenIM removed the man from the cave, the other two would speak to one another.”

  “What did they say?”

  “They are searching for females.”

  “Human females?” AshOR asked, stiffening in his stance.

  Zander stopped and the others followed suit. “I am not sure if it’s human females they are seeking. They kept saying compatible females that were supposed to be taking refuge on the Colonial planet.”

  AshOR rubbed his chin. “The only ones taking refuge here are humans, the Norads, and...the Morinians.”

  Zander shook his head. “It can’t be one of my people. When I walked into the cave, they seemed shocked at my appearance.”

  “I agree,” ZenIM said.

  “If they wanted to get their hands on human females, the city would have more of them available,” AshOR commented. They were interrupted when one of the Katieran warriors approached.

  “Sir, we have another shuttle landing.”

  “Who is it?”

  “One of the Katieran crafts. They wouldn’t have made it this far if they did not have approval by our security officers.”

  “Escort them here once they have landed,” AshOR ordered.

  They waited on the trail, the cave about a hundred feet away. ZenIM wondered who would come this way unexpectedly. They were on silent shut down right now. No communications between the checkpoints, the city, and the village.

  ZenIM caught the scent, a very familiar scent. He turned to find the Morinian Commander Kayley and the two Katieran warriors who were her escorts. They had left a few months ago to search for a new planet for the Morinians to relocate. He smiled at her.

  “Welcome back.”

  Kayley came closer and hugged him, then stiffened as she inhaled. When she pulled away, she had a frown on her face, but quickly hid it. “I hear things have fallen apart since I left.”

  “Yes, your calming presence has sorely been missed,” he teased. ZenIM frowned, “Why are you here? Did you find a planet?”

  “We have a few more we need to investigate, but we—”

  “Picked up communications that were suspicious,” a male voice said, coming up behind her.

  Kayley rolled her eyes and moved to make room for the male.

  “Colonial Commander AshOR, Leader ZenIM of the village, this is Commander VictOR.”

  “What communications?” Commander AshOR asked.

  “They had similar language to us, but different,” Kayley responded.

  The males clasped forearms.

  ZenIM spoke. “A shuttle carrying the human medic was shot down.”

  “Is the female all right?” Commander VictOR asked.

  “Lt. AkER did a good job when the shuttle went down to minimize the damage. Both of them survived,” ZenIM said.

  Lt. AkER stepped forward. “I had no warning of them, no heat signatures at all.”

  Commander AshOR stiffened. “The Morins had created technology camouflaging their transport and warships making them nearly undetectible. Could this be directly related to the Morins?”

  “That’s what we need to find out,” ZenIM told him.

  “If they are looking for compatible females, perhaps they will open up if they are confronted with one,” Zander offered looking at Kayley.

  Kayley smiled. “Show me these males.”

  ZenIM didn’t like the idea of exposi
ng any female to these dishonorable males, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to talk Kayley out of it, and they did need answers.

  “Follow me.”


  ZenIM entered the cave first followed by Zander, Lt. AkER, then Commander AshOR. The captured males stood and put on a disinterested look, not reacting until Kayley entered followed by Commander VictOR who kept a protective stance next to her.

  The chained males stood at full attention, their eyes darkening as they focused on the only female present. They younger male said something, and the taller male growled at him.

  “It’s the female. The Morinians are here. Our intel was right!”

  “Shut up, Dirk.”

  ZenIM had Commander AshOR give him a translator implant so he could follow along with the conversation. So, these males were looking for the Morinians. That’s why they were here.

  Kayley moved close to the young male. “Who are you?”

  The male stiffened, obviously understanding what she said. Interesting. Did they all have translators?

  “Come on. You didn’t come all this way just to shoot down a female in a shuttle, not to be able to speak with her. What’s your name?”

  “Dirk,” the young male blurted out.

  “Be quiet!” the leader said.

  Kayley ignored the other male and kept her focus on the one before her. “Dirk. What species are you?”

  “Morinian, like you.”

  Kayley shook her head. “You’re not Morinian.”

  “We are.”

  “I’ve never seen you before. Where did you come from?”

  “Don’t say anything else, Dirk,” the other male ordered.

  Kayley turned her attention on the so-called leader. “Where did you come from, and why are you claiming to be Morinian?”

  She didn’t take his refusal to speak very well so she punched him in the gut...hard. “You’re not Morinian, I am. You’re nothing but imposters, disgusting, and spineless imposters.”

  The leader of the enemy jerked her way. “Shut your mouth, female! You don’t know what you’re talking about. Your people are responsible for leaving us behind to deal with the Morins. We are a product of what came from that. We are owed!”


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