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Resurgence: Katieran Prime

Page 12

by KD Jones

  Jenny moved away, crawling backward. “I think I like it just fine here!”

  “I should kill you right now.” The male tried to reach for her.

  ZenIM broke a branch and watched as the male turned his way. His enemy raised his phaseray toward where he remained hidden.

  “Come out, I know you’re there. If you don’t show yourself, I’ll kill the female.”

  ZenIM dropped from the tree and landed between Jenny and the male with the weapon. He fought his need to go to her and check for injuries. Her gasp of surprise let him know she was aware of what was happening. He didn’t look but kept his focus on the male with the weapon.

  “Who are you?” ZenIM asked.

  “Who I am is not important. Where are my friends?”

  “You mean the males that left you to drown? They’re alive. You’ll be joining them shortly.”

  “That’s not going to happen. They’re alive?”

  “For now. They attacked a shuttle with a female inside. Endangering a female goes against my people’s laws. They will be tried by our council and could be facing a death penalty.”

  The male snorted. “You allow your females to rule you. Our females know their place.”

  ZenIM motioned with his hands behind his back letting Jenny know to stay behind him as he moved. Thank the Goddess she understood and kept her place matching his every move so that she was not in full view of the attacker. He circled the other male keeping him talking and focused on him, and not on Jenny. He was positioning her so the path back to safety was directly behind them.

  “You’ll release my friends, or I will kill this female.” The male turned to wave his weapon in the location he thought Jenny was sitting, but she wasn’t there.

  Time to act. He glanced back at Jenny, taking in the bruise developing on one side of her face. He pointed in the right direction and ordered, “Run!”


  Jenny hesitated for only a moment then took off. Her life depended on getting away, but she hated leaving ZenIM to face a man with a weapon all on his own. She heard the phaseray gun go off and stopped to look back.

  Thankfully ZenIM wasn’t hit. He kicked out and knocked the weapon from of the other man’s hand. They fought hand to hand. She knew she should keep going, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the fight.

  The stranger had wide shoulders and muscles, but ZenIM towered over him. She knew the muscles in his arms were especially firm and strong; she had spent a night in those arms.

  She gasped when the stranger pulled a knife from his boot and cut ZenIM’s arm.

  “Come on, ZenIM,” she whispered.

  He must have heard her because he stiffened and glanced back in her direction. This left him open to another strike with the knife. This time it struck his side.

  “Oh God, no! Someone please help him!” Jenny pleaded.

  She was about to rush back in their direction, but a man’s strong arms wrapped around her waist. Not again. How many more of these attackers were running around the jungle? Jenny struggled to get free then a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

  “Easy, Medic Sampson. We’re here to help you.”


  “Yes. You’re safe now.”

  “ZenIM needs help. He’s hurt!” she said. Barely controlling her panic.

  “He’s got this. If he lets this creature beat him, he’s not the male I thought he was,” a woman’s voice said next to her.

  Jenny turned to look at the woman. It was her. The one she saw the night before in ZenIM’s arms. The woman looked at her, giving her an up and down evaluation. She knew she looked absolutely terrible. Her hair was messy, and probably had dirt and bugs from sleeping on the ground. Her face hurt, and she could feel the swelling in her cheek. Licking her dry lips, she winced at finding a cut there, and tasted the copper of her blood. Yeah, she had never looked so bad, and frumpy in comparison to this tall athletically built dark haired exotic beauty. Looking at the other woman’s perfection made her feel even worse.

  “Commander Kayley, take Medic Sampson to safety.”

  The woman, a commander no less, snorted. “You take her to safety. I’ll stay here in case ZenIM needs assistance. Besides, no one fights like ZenIM. I love watching him beat the shit out of his opponent.”

  Jenny wanted to scream at the two trying to pass her off to the other. At least their distraction gave her the opportunity to slip out of their hold and rush toward the two fighting figures.

  ZenIM punched the other man knocking him to the ground.

  Both men looked in her direction, but she was the only one that saw the man on the ground grab for the phaseray. He pointed it at ZenIM.

  “No!” Jenny jumped on ZenIM knocking him down to the ground. She hit her head again and felt dazed.

  Everything around her was spinning as multiple things happened. ZenIM launched himself at the other man and RidlEE and the woman Kayley rushed forward. RidlEE knelt at her side to access her injury.

  “You have a serious bump on the back of your head.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. Move back, I’m the medic here, not you.” When Jenny tried to sit up, her head spun.

  Kayley knelt on her other side and used one finger to push Jenny to the ground. “Little human, you are in no shape to get up right now. Another medic is on the way. Stay until you have been checked over.”

  “Where’s ZenIM?” Jenny tried to look around the woman, but there were three others now surrounding ZenIM and the man. She couldn’t see him.

  “He’s fine,” RidlEE reassured her.

  She was beginning to feel heavy; her head, she couldn’t hold up. The adrenaline rush that spiked just a moment ago was fading fast, and she was about to crash. As soon as the thought came to her, her world faded to black.

  Chapter 23

  Jenny groaned as consciousness slowly came back to her. “Where am I?”

  “In your cabin in your bed” came a deep male voice, a familiar voice that sent shivers through her entire body—ZenIM.

  She tried to sit up, but still felt groggy. Opening her eyes to focus on him, she squinted. “ZenIM, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, but you are not.” He gently placed her glasses on her face. She reached up to adjust them. The lenses were a bit smudged, but she could see, and the expression on ZenIM’s face worried her. He was angry.

  She glanced out the window of her bedroom and noticed that it was dark. “How long have I been out?”

  “Two days.”

  “Two days? That’s…I wasn’t hurt that badly.”

  “You had cuts and bruises, a huge bump on the back of your head, and were dehydrated. One of the warriors who came back with Commander Kayley had medic training. He has been treating you. He even offered to correct your vision, but I refused to let him without your permission.”

  “Thanks. I don’t know why I’ve held on to these,” she said as she tapped her glasses.

  “Perhaps you wanted to hold on to your human side. Coming to a new world, you had to have a translator implant, they gave you nanos if you had any health issues, and from what I have heard, you had to take classes to give you a basic understanding of our culture, laws, and of your new home. Then because of your expertise, you have been traveling from planet to planet to help our people. Your glasses remind you that you are still human.”

  Wow, he understood her in a way no one ever had. “ZenIM…”

  “Why did you run off into the jungle, at night, all alone?”

  She looked away from him not sure how to answer. Heat filled her cheeks at the stupidity of her actions, but she dreaded admitting the reason.

  “Last night, actually a few nights ago, I heard you had come back from questioning the prisoners. I wanted to see you again.”

  “I didn’t see you.”

  “No, but I saw you...with her.”


  “You were with that Morinian Commander Kayley. You were together.”

  “It was no
t what you think.”

  “She was in your arms.”

  “Yes, but…”

  “You two looked very familiar with each other.”

  “Of course, her people have taken refuge within my village. I have spent time with her.”

  “Did you and her ever…”

  He hesitated answering, and by doing so, gave her the answer to her question. Just when he was about to answer, her cabin door burst open, and Lizetta rushed inside.

  “Medic Sampson! HonORa needs you!”

  Whatever ZenIM was going to say would have to wait. Her patient came first. She threw the covers back, grateful not to be completely naked. She had on a blue yoga like dress. She picked up her medical bag from the nearby chair and ran for the door not bothering to put on her shoes.

  Practically leaping down the stairs, she ran over to the other cabin and took two steps at a time. Lizetta held the door open for her. She could hear HonORa from the bedroom as she tried to hide her screech of pain.

  Entering the bedroom, Jenny put on her most reassuring smile. “How are we doing?”

  Zander growled, worry clear in his expression. “My mate is in pain!”


  Jenny patted his shoulder. “Could you move to the other side of the room so I can check HonORa?”

  “I’m not leaving her.”

  “Of course not, I would not ask that of you. This room isn’t very big so if you could just stand over there, you’ll be able to see everything while I do a quick exam.” Jenny looked around and frowned at the number of people trying to fit into the room. “Everyone except Zander and TilEE needs to leave.”

  Some of the people grumbled, but they left. “Would you like me to assist you?” a male said from behind her. She turned to look at him. “Who are you?”

  “I’m warrior DugET. I’ve had medic training. I treated your injuries.”

  Sighing with relief, she nodded. “Yes, you can stay. Have you ever delivered a child before?”

  “No, but I have studied births as part of my training.”

  “Good enough. HonORa, I’m going to run a scan then I’ll take a look at you physically. I shall do my best to keep your modesty in mind, but this is natural.”

  “It’s too soon for the babies to come,” Zander said, pacing.

  He was right, which was why she needed to see how dilated HonORa was. TilEE hovered nervously to the side. “TilEE, could you please get a bowl of warm water with a rag?”

  “Yes, right away.” The older woman slipped out of the bedroom closing the door behind her.

  Jenny pulled the medical scope out of her bag and scanned HonORa. Her blood pressure was high, too high. Once the babies were born, the pressure should go down automatically. The babies were at thirty-five weeks, premature, but might not need special care. They wouldn’t know until they were here, and that was going to be soon.

  “HonORa, I need to examine you under the sheets. Okay?”

  HonORa looked awkwardly at the male medic. Then she cringed in pain and mumbled something about hating Zander.

  “Warrior DugET, I need you to stand on this side, and Zander, you stand on the right side.”

  Zander went to HonORa’s side, unsure, and a little hurt by her earlier words.

  “What do I do?” he asked.

  “Don’t concentrate on anything but HonORa. Hold her hand, even if she squeezes all the blood out of it. Talk in calming tones and tell her how good a job she is doing, and that you love her. Don’t let anything she says scare you—she’s in pain. She doesn’t mean the angry or hurtful things. It’s the pain talking.”

  “HonORa, I’m going to look now. I’m the only one on this end, and I’ll keep the blanket up enough to give you a bit of privacy. It has to be done.”


  “It looks like the babies are lined up, the first one has the head down which is perfect. Warrior DugET, I’m going to hand the first one to you to clean and check vitals so I can get the second, which will probably come out much faster.”

  “I understand.”

  TilEE came back in, closing the door behind her. She had small blankets, towels, rags, and a bowl of warm water.

  “TilEE, help DugET with the first baby because it’s about to happen.”

  No sooner had she said that, the head crested. She gave instructions to everyone, encouraging HonORa when it was time to push. The first baby came out, and she only had a moment to appreciate the beauty of the tiny squirming infant with his lightly blue tinted skin.

  “You have a son,” she said, handing the baby off to DugET.

  She couldn’t spare any more time as a small head crowned. “I know you’re knackered, HonORa. You’re doing so great. Give a push, come on.”

  HonORa strained, and Zander sounded like he was straining too. All sounds faded as the final push eased a tiny blue tinted girl into Jenny’s waiting hands. “Towel,” she asked, and TilEE handed her one. She gently wrapped the small bundle, cleaning off the residue.

  “You also have a beautiful little girl.” Jenny reached for her medical scope and scanned the baby, everything looked great.

  “One of each?” Zander asked in awe.

  “Yes,” she stood and handed the baby to her father. He also took his son in his other arm and smiled with pride.

  “Do you have names for them?” she asked.

  HonORa answered tiredly, but with love in her voice. “Katieran names usually include the father’s lineage, but Zander’s people don’t do that, but we are mixing the traditions. Our son will be called Zane, and our daughter...Zoey.”

  “Those are beautiful names. Zander, why don’t you go outside the bedroom to show everyone the new additions to your family while TilEE, and I deal with the afterbirth. Five minutes, no one else holds them yet, then bring them back for bonding and attempt a feeding.”

  Chapter 24

  ZenIM heard the twin cries and let out a happy sound along with the rest in the front room of the cabin. The bedroom door opened, and Zander come out holding two very precious bundles.

  “We have a son, Zane, and a daughter, Zoey.”

  His sister cried as she came close to coo over the infants. ZenIM was happy for the couple. They had a family, they had love. It suddenly hit him—he’s always wanted his own family—but now he knew he who he wanted to have a family with—Jenny.

  “Okay everyone, let’s give HonORa and Zander time to bond with their young. We can see them in the morning.” ZenIM helped to usher everyone out except for Zander’s sister and the young warrior enamored with her. He wanted to wait for Jenny, but he didn’t know how long she needed to be here to watch over the young. They were so tiny and came earlier than expected. So he left.


  Jenny wasn’t sure how long she had been there, but she did stay long enough to make sure HonORa had no problems with feeding. Everyone had left, and as she took the first step leading to her cabin, she felt the rough wood against her bare feet. A rush of air hit her back before she felt herself lifted into strong arms. She dropped her medical bag on the step.

  “What the…ZenIM?” she gasped as she turned to look at who had her.

  “I know you’re tired, but we need to talk.”

  She would have argued with him, but her weariness, and the feel of him holding her, his scent, were too much of a temptation to ignore. Besides, she had never felt safer than at that moment. She closed her eyes and snuggled against him.

  When he stopped, she looked around and saw that they were at his tree house, at the bottom anyway. Memory of the last time she was here, what she saw, and the heartbreak she felt made her squirm to get out of his arms.

  “Put me down.”

  “No, not until we talk.”

  “You’ll have to put me down to climb up, and pull the pulley system anyway,” she told him not planning to wait for him, but head back to her own cabin. She wasn’t ready to have that talk with him. She was grateful he came after her, and saved
ice, but she wasn’t ready to listen to him say how sleeping with her had been a mistake and he was in love with another woman. Nope, she couldn’t handle hearing it right now.

  “I don’t have to do that anymore. While you were recovering, I made a few improvements.”

  He carried her to the small crate-like platform with railings then pushed a button. The small carrier rose. It was like an open lift, like the ape-man’s lift minus the elephant. The doctor and scientist in her were intrigued.

  “How is it powered?”

  “Solar energy similar to what we have in the village and how I have my home powered.”

  When they reached the platform up top, she noticed railing had been added as well. “It looks like you’ve made a lot of upgrades.”

  “I wanted to make my home more appealing, and safe.”

  For the woman named Kayley? She didn’t ask that out loud. She would stay strong, hold on to her dignity for as long as possible. She would not let him see her cry.


  He didn’t let her down but kept hold of her as he carried her over the little bridge toward his tree house entrance. This was a bad idea. She didn’t want to be alone with him. It would only hurt longer when she had to leave.

  “Are you okay? I sense...pain,” he stopped walking to look down at her with concern.

  “I’m a bit knackered, and a little achy. I’ll be fine with more sleep.”

  He held her with one arm as he reached to turn the handle to the door to his home. When he pushed the door open and walked inside, she gasped at her surroundings.

  ZenIM had brought those floating lanterns inside his house. Their light danced off the walls and ceiling. It was beautiful.

  He set her on the couch and knelt before her. “There is nothing going on between me and the Morinian Commander...Kayley.”

  “That’s not what it looked like to me.” She bit her lip. Shit! She hadn’t meant to say that.

  “So you did see us, and think something happened?”

  Silence. She couldn’t answer without sounding jealous.

  Reaching out, he cupped her face between his large warm hands, his different colored eyes swirled. She loved those eyes, she loved his hands on her, and she...loved him.


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