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Lark's End

Page 36

by Christina Leigh Pritchard

  The children who initially grow up in this new environmental concept attempt to speak in an older language just as those of the 1950′s did using words like ‘dear’ and ‘my darling’. As the world grows and changes the younger generation sounds more ‘real’.

  Charles and Donna with Peg and David

  1st Generation Characters

  Donna Russo

  Charles Russo

  Maya Angelou Baker

  Peg Vitali

  David Vitali

  2nd Generation Characters

  Tahmelia ‘Tahmi’ Russo

  Angelou ‘Andy’ Vitali

  Eric Vitali

  Some Futuristic Elements Fount in Book One – Lark’s End

  The roads are in transition. Most now have cars that automatically drive themselves. Those who choose to use manual transportation tend to create accidents and insist that their vehicles are actually better; claiming dependence on technology is wrong or a disadvantage.

  Hover boards are the new public transportation. They run along a track in the main streets but hover in the neighborhoods. These devices can return to location without human assistance. Hover boards are metal with a long handle bar. Here the rider can insert their bank stick, pay and tell the computer where they want to go. An advanced form of GPS takes them where they request. Sometimes the hover board malfunctions or the roads are not suitable for travel. The rider can input a complaint and the travel system ‘learns’ and ‘corrects’ the problems.

  Bank sticks are how persons pay for items outside the home. There is no such thing as paper money any longer (Except for a very older generation who refuses to change and this isn’t seen until book six). Bank tellers work from a bank, auditing purchase records and loading ‘credits’ to each person. Their job is to know when to ‘freeze’ a person’s ability to buy when they seem to spend beyond their means. (More about this in book three)

  Holograms are the new bulletin boards and sidewalks only move in schools, overly populated areas and along highways. There are flaws to the system but these aren’t discussed until later in future books.

  Homes are made to look old and from a cleaner era such as 1950. Builders use recycled materials and place them in green areas away from the glass and steel cities where people only work, shop and attend school. The world now feels that living in cities is bad for the health and overall development of a person. This idea is still new and there are many places who still function as in previous years in cities and condominium developments (mostly the elderly).

  Hospitals have human personnel who maintain the Robotic help. One example is of a DOA (Digital Obstetrician Assistant); robots who now take care of human life in crisis such as pregnancies. There are very few actual doctors on site. They now program their DOA’s with the appropriate information. Doctors now ‘maintain’ computers who do their job for them.

  In the home, there are televisions that allow you to purchase right from your home and medicine is electronically dispensed from the medicine cabinet; if the dosage requested is valid of course.

  The only ‘paper’ bound books available are antiques. Everything is ‘green’ and digital.

  Lead and Sub Characters on Earth

  Leading Characters include:

  Tahmelia “Tahmi” Andrews/Russo who was not born on earth but in Gadaie. She is sent to earth for ‘protection’. Her real last name is Andrews but when Donna and Charles adopt her she gains their last name “Russo”. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. The pronunciation of her nickname is TAH am-MEE.Her personality is never constant and sometimes she seems to be a dark force rather than a good one. Time will only tell…

  Angelo “Andy” Vitali is Tahmi’s best friend and he lives next door with his mother and father; Peg and David. He is named Angelo after Donna’s missing teen sister; Maya Angelou Baker. He has spiked light hair with freckles and light brown eyes. His character is stable. Although he picks on Tahmi and sometimes seems a little cutthroat he isn’t. He doesn’t understand or want to understand the world to which he’s been thrust into but his loyal personality forces him to be of help to his best friend and also new friends and even strangers along the way.

  Donna Baker/Russo is small and delicate with light brown eyes and hair. She loves being a mother but appears weak whenever disaster strikes.

  Charles Russo has dark hair and eyes and dresses sharply as a banker would. He loves statistics and his family. Sometimes he doesn’t “get it” but means well in all that he does.

  Side Characters Include:

  Peg Vitali

  David Vitali

  Eric Vitali

  Maya Angelou Baker

  Air Caves

  Air Caves above world

  Invisible caves intertwine in the skies over most of Gadaie. Here is where the stars from Luster Low come, hang on the cave walls and glow lighting up the world. There are only a few besides the stars who can ‘see’ the cave mirage above.

  Candy Loo Land


  1. Flooded Flowers

  Once, a garden of gigantic flowers, not this area is flooded and holds the endangered Aqualoons. Their homes were destroyed by Mary of the Monsters.


  Various Aqualoons; Amberlyn, Shasa, Carnevole, Idris, Eytan, Emlyn, Kalidas, Yue and Jace.


  Spitos: (no picture available) are clam-like creatures that spit oil when scared. They live in the Aqualakes and connecting Lakes & Rivers.

  Blowgels: are similar to jellyfish only, they puff up and reveal spikes when upset or frightened. They live in the Aqualakes and in the connecting Lakes & Rivers.

  Steels: have human torsos with eel-like tails with flowing fins for arms and along the tail. They all have starfish on their heads (for a specific purpose) and hate socializing in general. Steels reside in the Aqualakes and connecting Lakes & Rivers.

  Octaloons: have human faces and torsos, wears seaweed clothing. Their waists have six tentacles that resemble a skirt and their arms are tentacles as well. Their two feet are webbed. They live in the Lakes & Rivers connected to the Aqualakes.

  Hammerloons: vary by gender. Males have a hammerhead, human torso and arms with gills and a shark-like tail with dorsal fins. Females resemble a shark with dorsal fins and has a household hammer on top of their heads. Unlike the males, they do not have any arms. Both gender have human-like torsos. They live in the mountains of the Aqualakes called Hammer Mount.

  Needleloons: are birdlike fish with long needle noses. They live in the Aqualakes and connecting Lakes and Rivers.

  Snaps: have human torsos but a red crab body with hand claws and a jellyfish head. They are very small in book one but grow enormous when back in their original habitat. Snaps live in the Aqualakes and connecting Lakes & Rivers. They bicker with each other a lot.

  Gups: are colorful fish with large eyes. They live in the Aqualakes and in the connecting Lakes & Rivers.

  Seashorses: are seahorses (giants) that live in the Aqualakes and connecting Lakes & Rivers.

  2. Muddler’s Lair

  When Mary destroyed their home, the Muddlers (originally Sparvae of the Sparklers) were created–mutated due to their unhealthy living conditions. The Muddler’s Lair was once the beautiful Aqualakes. Now, there is nothing but mud and dead trees.

  Inhabitants: Muddlers; Lorcan

  Species: Muddlers are long snake-like creatures with thousands of sharp teeth that fill the inside of their mouths and bodies.

  3. Hospital Town

  see book two*

  4. Silver Palace

  The Silver Palace is where Queen Maryanne and Princess Teri live. The castle is made of silver and is exquisite.

  5. Purple Path

  This is a pathway created by the imagination of Mary when she was a child. The path leads to the Silver Palace! Can you guess which story Mary got this path from?

  6. Country Town

  In the center of a forest, there’s a circular stage that the Worker
Loonies and Mr. Owl dance on. More about this area in book four, Transition.

  Inhabitants: Baker Loonies and Mr. Owl

  7. Farmhouse Circle

  In an old barn, surrounded by fields and trees, horses and war horses live and await the day when they can be humans again.

  Inhabitants: War Horses and Horses; Sandy and Trusty

  8. Funhouse Zone

  In the Funhouse Zone, you must take a roller coaster ride to each mushroom home. The streets are spongy too. Jerry and Jon Landers live here and keep an interesting secret tunnel.

  Inhabitants: Fun Loonies, Jerry Landers and Jon Landers

  9. Gigantic Flowers

  Once the land was filled with Gigantic Flowers, that is, until Mary destroyed all but a small patch of them. The remaining ‘Colored Ones’ live there.

  Inhabitants: Colored Ones, Anala

  Species: In the various realms, the only living animals are called ‘Ones’. There’s Colored Ones, Black Ones and other creatures that fall in this category.

  In Candy Loo Land, the ‘Ones’ are colorful–beautiful and varied. They live in what remains of the Gigantic Flowers. There’s several kinds such as Loonettes, Loons, Loonders, and Loonypillars.

  10. Candy Lane

  Candy Lane is an area made up of all sorts of sugary treats. The roads are made of chocolate and graham crackers, the fences of peppermint canes and the tree of gum drops.

  Inhabitants: Baker Loonies and Missy

  Species: Baker Loonies live in the realm of Candy Loo Land and reside on Candy Lane along with Missy the Cat. They are bakers and live inside homes made of candy. They have rosy cheeks, blonde hair and in replace of a hand–a cooking utensil.

  11. Loonyville

  Loonyville is made up of egg-shaped homes, crazy loonies, trees made of construction paper with pencil trunks and anything and everything you can think up that’s loony!

  Inhabitants: Crazy Loonies

  Species: Crazy Loonies live in the realm of Candy Loo Land and reside throughout the largest part of the realm; Loonyville. The mist does not affect them, they are crazy and live like birds. The Crazies vary from robotic to creatures with umbrellas instead of tails. Many live in shacks (bird nests for beds) high up on top of a gigantic tree, others in egg-shaped homes on the ground.

  12. Crazies’ Tree

  The Crazies’ tree is where Louie lives. Crazy Loonies live in shacks at the top of this tree and sleep in bird nests. There’s a pink waterfall that brings you down into Merworld and steps made up of roots spiral to the top of the tree.

  Inhabitants: Crazy Loonies, Louie

  Species: Crazy Loonies live in the realm of Candy Loo Land and reside throughout the largest part of the realm; Loonyville. The mist does not affect them, they are crazy and live like birds. The Crazies vary from robotic to creatures with umbrellas instead of tails. Many live in shacks (bird nests for beds) high up on top of a gigantic tree, others in egg-shaped homes on the ground.

  13. Merworld

  Merworld is only mentioned in book one. Here’s the only merloonies in the story so far:

  King Aaron

  King Aaron is a Mer and lives in Merworld trapped in his Coral Castle by Mary. He is only mentioned in book one by the Advisor Loonies and Royal Guard.

  King Aaron’s tail is white and speckled with purple. He wears a cloak of seaweed with a coral crown in his purple hair. His eyes are red and he never smiles now that his wife has died.

  Advisor Merloonies

  Advisor Merloonies are Mers who reside in Merworld. They advise the King in the Coral Castle and are his closest friends.

  The two main Advisors are Ren and Quan.

  Royal Guards

  The Royal Guards protect the inhabitants of Merworld. They live in a volcano that explodes heart shaped lava bits called Amore Mount. They are Mers that resemble monster-like fish with beta fish fins. There are 3 main Royal Guards: Nerio, Neria and Wiley.

  Inhabitants: See Book Two**

  14. Coral Castle

  Inhabitants: See Book Two**

  15. Gold Bridge

  16. Bridge to Nowhere Zone

  17. Sparklers’ Caves

  Behind the Silver castle, up above the flooded flowers are tons of caves so high the only way to get to them is to fly or enter them from the air caves. This is where the last three sparklers live.

  Inhabitants: Sparklers, Quella and Ben

  Species: Sparklers

  Sparklers are giant butterflies that have exploding wings (fireworks shoot from them) Their young are called sparvae. The live in the sparkler’s Caves behind the Silver Palace in Candy Loo Land.

  18. Hammer Mount

  See book two***

  Muddy Palace Realm


  The Muddy Palace Realm

  At one time, the land was filled with life. Most of that life is extinct and what does remain is not pretty. This is the most destroyed part of Gadaie. Mary thought she’d wiped everyone and everything out. However, some life does still exist here.

  The Environment

  1. Outcast Mountains: the home of all human war pigs who were able to resist the ‘voice’. They live in this region away from the ‘voice’.

  2. War Rat Forrest: See book four for further details.

  3. Muddler’s Lake: Once a beautiful lake filled with Aqualoons but now it is a place where the evil Lorcan hangs out.

  4. Mudslide River: Once a river that flowed through all the lands. Now it is filled with mud and only muddlers can swim through it.

  5. Muddy Palace: Once a beautiful golden castle with human royals now it is a broken castle covered in mud. It is home to the evil Lark and many human war pigs.

  6. Black Ones Cave: The black one’s once lived in the underground caves but when Gadaie was destroyed the Gadaenites kicked them out of their home. They now live in this cave—those who are left.

  7. Luster Low: In a valley covered in soggy moss there are chopped dow sequoia trees. If you can find the secret entrance you’ll be inside Luster Low—the land of the stars. Here is where Alina lives along with the floating veggie caves and underground tunnels of Gadaie.

  8. Black Lake: Once home to an extinct species, the black lake is only a pool of oil and is where Tahmi and Teri fall. Will they become extinct as well?

  9. The Caves: On their first visit to the Muddy Palace Realm, caves welcome them to rest and ready themselves for more of the unknown.

  10. War Pig Forrest: this is the home of the non-human war pigs. They live in the dead trees in makeshift shacks. This was once a thriving Gadaenite tree village.

  11. Gadaie: At one time, this area was filled with waterloon trees and home to Aqualoons. Now, it is just a puddle of mud with only the stumps of the beautiful waterloon trees. One stump leads to the underground caves that belonged to the ‘black ones. Here is where the Gadaenites live.

  Inhabitants of the Muddy Palace Realm

  War Pigs

  War Rats

  The “Black Ones”




  The imprisoned Princesses

  The Extinct Life

  Waterloon Trees

  Gadaenite Tree Villages


  Gigantic Flower beds

  Aqualoon pools

  Unknown waterlife [until book 6]

  No Where Zone

  No Where Zone

  This is the middle world flanked on either side by the Mistlands. This was once the world of the humans and it was ruled by a man named Frank Adler along with his family. Now, there is little left of it due to Queen Mary and her accomplices.

  1. The Muddy Forest

  This is home to Zupo the good war pig that lives in solitary. He was once King Lark’s right-hand man—until he realized what they were doing was wrong.

  2. Convict Town

  This was once a glorious town for the humans. Now it is a broken mess and the out-casted loonies who sided with Queen E
mihe (adopting the nickname Convict Loonies). They are banished from Candy Loo Land by order of Queen Maryanne.

  3. The Bronze Castle

  This is home to Queen Emihe. She is trapped in her bronze castle and is desperately trying to free herself.

  4. The Farming Fields

  This was once a lush land with crops, now it has dried up and few crops grow.

  Inhabitants (book one only):

  Convict Loonies in Convict Town

  Zupo the War Pig in the Muddy Forrest

  Queen Emihe in her Bronze Castle




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