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Fae Flower

Page 10

by Michelle R. Reid

  My brows pulled together in concern. “Am I really that trackable?”

  “Well, you do have a very distinct magic.” Aedan reached out, brushed my cloak aside and took my hand.

  I wasn’t cold, but just the feel of his hand wrapped around mine filled my body with warmth and made my heart skip a beat. The more I held his hand, the more I wanted to never let it go. He’d taken my hand — did that mean he felt the same way?

  “Yes,” the king agreed with his son, his word slow and thoughtful. He opened the door and led the way out to the entrance room. “Although, I’m not surprised, given the situation.”

  “Oh,” I muttered and followed the men out. “Do you ... know why I have magic?” I glanced at the Sun King. It seemed like he had all the other answers, maybe he knew this one too.

  He nodded, a soft glow touching his facial features. “A large amount of Sun Fae nectar was used on your mother when she was about your age. Instead of releasing that magic back into the world, her body held onto it. In that sense, she has magic too, though she couldn’t use it. But you were formed inside her, inside that magic. I can only guess that you also absorbed it as you developed. Since you were exposed to it so early, your body must be naturally adapted to it. And able to use it, when trained.” He looked over his shoulder at me. “Right now, you’re like a wild rose, spreading out without direction. When tamed, I’m sure your magic will be a lovely as your eyes.”

  My eyes widened and a blush seared my cheeks. I looked down, trying to figure out what to say to that. All I could think of was a mumbled, “Thank you.” It was embarrassing, the way he talked about my birth in such a straightforward way.

  Aeden squeezed my hand, but he looked at his father. “Is the Fae nectar how you cured the Red Caps’ curse?”

  King Helios’s eyes flicked to his son’s. “Yes.”

  Aeden’s hand tightened on mine again, as if searching for support. “Why didn’t you tell me — us — about it? It’s your history, my legacy! And I found out about it from an old nanny and the gardeners?”

  The king stopped at the door. For the first time, his proud gaze dropped to the floor as if he didn’t know what to say. Finally, his mouth cracked open. “There are many things your mother didn’t wish you to know. I figured someday I could tell you, when you were ready to hear the truth.” King Helios looked up at Aeden.

  Aeden swallowed and nodded. “The sooner, the better, I think. Especially now.” He looked down at me, thinking.

  I nodded. “Aeden wasn’t the only one who grew up not knowing. I would like to hear this too.”

  King Helios’s eyes narrowed for a second, then his face smoothed to a blank mask so fast, I might have imagined it. “I see. Yes, it seems there is much to talk about. Once we get to Lasair. For now, we need to get out before we’re found.” He reached for the door handle. An inch away, his hand froze.

  Aeden stilled, tension vibrating through his body.

  A knock echoed on the door, a soft tapping from the other side.

  Chapter 14

  A memory flashed in my mind of Red Caps knocking, scratching at my house just nights ago. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. Subconsciously, my hands reached for Aeden.

  Aeden stepped back and pulled me behind him. His other hand started to glow, ready to ignite.

  Whatever was on the other side rapped on the door again.

  King Helios’s wings began to glow bright, like Aeden’s hand, ready to light on fire. He glanced at his son, silently communicating, then slowly turned the handle and opened the door.

  I leaned around Aeden, peering at the opening. The king wasn’t looking down, he was staring straight ahead.

  I could just barely make out a squeak of a voice. “H-Hello. I’m h-here to get m-my human. I t-tracked her here and I n-need her b-back. P-Please.”

  Marabell! I gasped and stepped from behind Aeden.

  The light faded from the king’s wings and he shifted, revealing the open door. He glanced at me, waiting for a cue.

  Marabell fluttered in the doorway. She stared at the Sun King, failing miserably to look fierce against the full-sized Sun Fae. It was clear from her expression that she didn’t know exactly who he was, but she was still alarmed by him nonetheless. When I moved, she glanced toward me and gasped. “Kyna!” Her tiny wings beat fast as she shot at me, bell-like yellow dress swinging in the wind.

  “Marabell!” She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me with all her tiny might. I put a hand over her, carefully hugging back.

  “I was so worried!” she wailed. “You said cover for you, but I didn’t think you’d actually disappear! Then Maira came back, distraught and saying you were kidnapped!” She grabbed a lock of my red hair and sobbed into it, hugging the strands to her body. “Then … then the carriage and the fire. We-we thought it was … you that was burned at first!”

  Guilt tore at me. Carefully, I used a finger to pet the back of her head. “I’m sorry, Marabell. I didn’t think it would end up like this either.” I glanced at Aeden, wondering what else I should say.

  Aeden shook his head and shrugged, as lost as I was.

  Marabell sniffed and peeked around. “Where are we anyway? It’s cold.” She blinked, finally noticing Aeden. “Oh, hello your highness.” She drifted away from me enough to give a little curtsy, but still didn’t let go of my hair. “It seems we are even more in your debt for keeping Kyna safe again.”

  His brows wrinkled in thought. “I’m not entirely sure what the score is right now.”

  The king cleared his throat and nodded to the open door.

  “Ah, right,” I said, remembering my manners. “Marabell, you’ve already met Aeden. This is his father, King Helios.” I motioned to him. “We’re in the Summer Palace, one of his homes.”

  Marabell gasped. She looked at him with huge eyes. Her wings flashed bright once, twice. “Your M-Majesty!” she squeaked, her whole body blushing so vividly she glowed pink. She bowed low, in a curtsy so deep she almost flipped over. She jerked upright and hid behind my neck, under my hair. Then she wiggled around until she could peek out at the king.

  He nodded his head. “Nice to meet you, Marabell. But we must be off. Time is getting short, since we don’t know where the enemy is now. You, of course, are welcome to come with us, since it seems you are good friends with Miss Kyna.”

  “Where are we going?” Marabell shifted out of my hair and walked out onto my shoulder. Without stopping, she stepped right into air and walked over to Aeden. “Can Maira come too?”

  I gasped. “Mama’s here?”

  The king froze, his eyes wide, fierce.

  Marabell jumped and grabbed a lock of my hair. “She’s waiting in the woods.” She pointed out the door. “We thought it would be better if I went alone, since we didn’t know who owned this place.”

  My heart squeezed tight as longing for my mama swelled. “Where?” I demanded and ran forward, my hand slipping out of Aeden’s. I rushed past King Helios, out the open door.

  The king stood like a statue as I passed, staring at the ground, his hands fisted at his side.

  Maybe I should have stopped and asked what was wrong, but I wanted my mama. “Mama!” I called. “Mama, where are you?”

  The forest started only feet from the palace walls, effectively hiding it to all those who didn’t already know it was there. Tall silver birch trees sprang up from the moist ground, their bright green leaves swaying in the gentle sunlight. Moss and bushes scattered over the ground, almost making it impossible to run in a straight line.

  “Not too loud, Kyna,” Aeden cautioned, his light steps easily keeping up with me. “We don’t know if there are Red Caps around.”

  I shook my head and darted around a tree. All the more reason for me to find her fast. Who knew what they would do to her if they found her? “Mama!”

  “Kyna?” My name echoed from somewhere to my right. It was her voice, the most wonderful sound in the world.

  “Mama!” I ye
lled and swung right, almost tipping Marabell off my shoulder. The tiny Fae jumped into the air and fluttered along beside me.

  “Kyna!” Mama came into view as she ran around a thick tree. Her dark red hair was braided down the side of her flushed face, bright eyes alight like the leaves above our heads. She was in simple traveling clothes, nothing like the royal finery that I’d been around all morning, but she was the most wonderful sight in the world.

  I gasped and ran to her open arms.

  Mama caught me and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. “My Kyna.” Her voice hitched and she squeezed her eyes shut, but tears still leaked out the corners. “My baby. I was so scared.”

  “I was too,” I admitted, my voice hitching. I pressed my face to her shoulder, breathing the familiar smell of herbs and flowers. Mama’s special warmth filled my heart, making all the fears and worries that piled up in there seem far away from just that moment.

  “It’s okay, I’m here. Nothing like that will happen again.” Mama tipped my head back. “Let me look at you. Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?” Her piercing eyes looked me over, as if trying to see beneath my skin. “How did he get you? My heart stopped when I saw McReilly take you. Then we saw that carriage and the fire. So awful. I almost died until Marabell picked up your trace heading into the forest.” Tears pooled in her eyes.

  I gave a wobbly smile, blinking back tears. “I’m not hurt.” Anymore. But she didn’t need to know that right now. “Aeden kept me safe.” I glanced over my shoulder, somehow just knowing that’s where he would be.

  Mama looked over and smiled. “Thank you. Thank you so much for keeping my daughter safe. Again.”

  Aeden smiled. “She saved me too.”

  Mama’s gaze moved over his shoulder. Her body went rigid against mine, hands tightening almost painfully on my shoulders.

  I shifted in time to see King Helios land on the ground behind Aeden. At first, he stared at the ground at his feet, eyes hard. Slowly, he lifted his face. His features were set in a stone mask, but there was something wistful in his bright eyes as his gaze landed on Mama.

  Mama wasn’t even breathing anymore, eyes locked onto the king. It was like she was looking at a long-lost dream, something she desperately wanted but couldn’t have.

  I looked between them. A stab of pain pricked at my heart, seeing the way Mama looked at a man that wasn’t Papa. It was so easy to see what they meant to each other. Still. It was like they were in a world that I shouldn’t intrude on. Carefully, I stepped back out of her arms.

  Mama blinked and glanced down at me.

  The side of my mouth lifted in a half smile, trying to encourage her as much as I could.

  She brushed my hair behind my ear and gave me another once-over, eyes asking if I was okay, as if she couldn’t use her voice right now.

  I shifted to the side and stepped out of the way.

  Mama looked back to King Helios. She drifted forward as if sleepwalking. Her hand lifted to touch his face. Inches away she stopped as if shocked by lightning. She clamped her hands together behind her back, fingers so tight they were white, and forced a bright smile. “Hello, Helios.” For a moment, it was like years were shed from her face and she was young again. “I —”

  King Helios swept Mama into his arms, pressing her body tight to his. His face crumpled as if in pain and he buried his face in her hair. “Fae Eyes,” he whispered. “I’ve missed you so much. Every day. It was like not being able to breathe.” He stiffened and dropped his arms, looking to the side. “Ah, sorry. I —”

  A fine tremble covered Mama’s body. Her arms wrapped around King Helios, unwilling to let go. “And I, you.” Her voice cracked as she choked out the words. With a wail, she buried her face into his shoulder and sobbed.

  King Helios closed his eyes and nestled his hand in her hair to hold her closer.

  I watched them, feeling torn. There was something beautiful about seeing them together, like two halves of a whole finally united. But it was odd seeing Mama embrace another man. It was even more troubling because I couldn’t remember a time in my whole life when Mama reacted like this to Papa. Their interactions had always been sweet and kind, a bond of two people who were both sweet and kind. But this embrace, each holding onto the other as if their life depended on it, was like flames of emotions crashing together and growing larger until they consumed everything around them.

  Aeden stepped closer to me. His hand brushed mine. Instinctively, I turned my hand until our fingers could link. I glanced up, wondering what we should do. It felt like we should leave them alone, but I didn’t think we should get separated.

  Marabell landed on my shoulder, watching Mama and King Helios with awe. “They know each other?” she whispered.

  “I can finally touch you,” Mama broke the silence, her crying calmed down enough to talk. “This isn’t a dream, is it?” Her hand shook as she touched his face, wiping at the tears that gleamed on his cheeks.

  He shook his head. “I’m here. I never thought I’d see you again.” His hands softly brushed at the wet on Mama’s face, then twisted down a lock of hair that escaped from her braid.

  Mama shook her head. “Helios, I need help. My baby, my Kyna. She wasn’t supposed to be born on the Fools Day. But I was tripped. It was Red Cap magic, it made the plant grab me, and she came early. I’ve done everything I can, but I can’t protect her anymore. The Red Caps …” Mama’s voice broke.

  The king looked over Mama’s head to me. “Yes, I know.” He sighed and looked down at her again. “She’ll be safe in Lasair. I promise with my life.”

  “And mine,” Aeden piped up.

  My eyes widened and I looked up at him.

  He stared down at me, eyes piercing and serious.

  A blush touched my cheeks and I had to look away. It was a complicated feeling budding in me. I was happy that he was willing to go to such lengths for me. Terrified as well. I wished we weren’t in this position at all.

  Mama sighed and leaned her forehead against the king’s shoulder. “Thank you, Helios.”

  “Anything for you, Fae Eyes,” he said softly.

  Aeden’s hand tightened on mine. When I looked up at him, his hold softened but he didn’t take his eyes off his father, watching him being so tender with another woman.

  The king stepped back, away from Mama. After one last look at her, his face tightened to a blank mask and a cool distance formed in the air. “We’ll take you home on our way. I’m sure your husband is worried —”

  Mama shook her head. “My husband is … gone.” Her voice broke. Her hand lifted up and brushed at her eyes, like they were wet again. “Because of the Red Caps, I have no home to return to. They already destroyed my garden. I couldn’t let them destroy the land my sweet Seamus loved so much. It belongs to my son now. All I have is Kyna, until she finds a home for herself and I’m not needed.”

  My chest tightened. “Why would you say that? You’re my mama. I will always need you.”

  Mama smiled at me.

  The king listened to her words with a blank face. Gently he reached up and smoothed his thumb along the skin beneath her eyes, drying them for her. “Then you can call Lasair your home. For as long you want. Forever, if you want. But we need to talk about it more there.”

  Mama nodded.

  Aeden stepped forward. “We should go.”

  “Are we going to walk?” Marabell asked.

  Aeden shook his head. “Such a waste of time.” He turned to me and let go of my hand. “Excuse me.” He reached down and scooped me into his arms. Marabell flew into the air so she didn’t get caught.

  I gasped and wrapped my hands around his neck in reflex. “Aeden? Put me down, I’m too heavy!” I glanced over as the king straightened with my mother in his arms and his cloak wrapped around her.

  Aeden’s mouth kicked up on the side. “Hardly. The first time was easy enough, I imagine this will be the same.”

  My cheeks pinked and I bit my lips, remembering
the soft vow he muttered when he last held me. I’ll protect you. I hadn’t been well enough then for my heart to race like it did now. It seemed to flutter in my hot ears, until all I could hear was my heart and his pounding together.

  Aeden’s gaze dropped to my lips. He cleared his throat and looked away.

  King Helios jumped into the air, his wings flapping out like a golden rainbow and taking Mama up into the air.

  Marabell glanced at me, then fluttered quickly to follow them.

  Aeden jumped into the air. I gasped and tightened my arms around his neck as my stomach flipped. His golden wings beat hard and we rose higher, the weightlessness subsiding. We glided just under the tree canopy, weaving in and out of the large branches.

  Slowly, confidence built in me that we weren’t going to fall, and my arms loosened. I peeked over my shoulder at the world below. I’d climbed trees before, but to be moving through them from this height was new. Below, the ground looked like a painting, the spots of moss so bright green and the bushes dark against the muted brown dirt and fallen, dried leaves. Sunlight broke through the tree canopy, leaving streaks of gold that sparkled as dust flew through the light.

  “Amazing,” I whispered, enjoying the steady motion of Aeden’s beating wings.

  Aeden followed behind his father, skirting around sunbeams, Marabell keeping in the middle of the Sun Fae. I glanced up ahead to see Mama in King Helios’s arms. They were obviously talking, but I couldn’t hear them with the wind blowing through my ears.

  “Are you okay?” Aeden asked.

  I looked up at him then back to my Mama. “It’s odd, seeing her with another man. I’ve only ever seen her with Papa. I guess the thought that she might love someone else is … new. Uncomfortable.” My eyes widened, remembering that Aeden’s mother was still very much alive. “I mean, love as a —”

  Aeden shook his head. “No, I know what you mean. Trying to call it something else would be unjust.” He sighed. “My whole life, I’ve always known my parents hated each other. Everyone in the Fae world knows it. I always blamed my father, wondering how he could have the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife, and yet he seemed to hate every minute he had to spend with her. Which became fewer and fewer the older I got. I think today was the first time they’ve seen each other in months.”


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