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No More Secrets

Page 30

by Cate Beauman

  “I appreciate it. Goodbye, Gwen.”

  She hung up, hurrying over to Kaitlyn, scooping her up, hugging her tightly while she struggled to digest that this was really happening. Liam was leaving. Her baby girl was no longer a pawn in a nasty game. “So, this is some big news—some great news. What if we scrap playing on the beach and go to the airport instead? Let’s go talk to Cade.”

  Wasting no time, she buckled Kaitlyn in her car seat, grabbing her purse, then the diaper bag she always kept ready by the door. Making quick work of heading to the Audi, she settled the baby in the back, fighting the urge to speed as she drove the eight minutes to Carter Island Airport, eager to find out just what Cade had done to make all of her problems go away.

  She pulled into an empty space, taking Kaitlyn from the carrier, then went inside, smiling as she walked over to where Charlotte sat behind the customer service desk. “Hi, Charlotte.”

  “Well, hi there, honey.” Charlotte grinned as she touched Kaitlyn’s hand. “Look how big she’s getting. She’s beautiful, Gwen—a mini you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I had breakfast with the rotary this morning. Rory Gilbert was singing your praises.” Charlotte sent Gwen a wink. “She says she’s never had a house go under contract so fast—record time. And a bidding war.”

  Gwen grinned, thrilled all over again that the William’s Pass property had been scooped up mere hours after hitting the market Sunday afternoon—and for nearly a hundred thousand over the asking price. “It’s a great house.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “I think you’re remarkably talented, just like your mom. You make things shine, honey.”

  Gwen’s smile was back. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “It’s the truth. The bathrooms around here are gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest.”

  “Jeremy’s planning to get started out here next week, when things finally quiet down.”

  Charlotte wiped her brow. “It’s hard to believe we’ve just about made it through another high season.”

  “The summer definitely moved quickly.” Not wanting to be rude but impatient for answers, she smiled. “Do you happen to know if Cade’s around?”

  “He is for the next little while—until the next flight. He’s down in his office.”

  “I think I’ll head that way. Give my best to Buzz.”

  “I sure will, honey.”

  Then she hurried down the hall, knocking on Cade’s door.

  “Come in.”

  Doing her best to ignore her sudden rush of nerves, she took a steadying breath, then stepped in, staring at the gorgeous man she hadn’t seen in days.

  “Hey.” He grinned, pushing back in his chair. “I just watched your video—our big girl standing all by herself.”

  Kaitlyn screeched her happiness, bouncing in Gwen’s arms, waving and reaching for Cade as he stood, walking their way.

  He chuckled. “Hey, Bug.” Taking her from Gwen, he closed his eyes as he hugged the baby, kissing her hair. “What a great surprise. I’ve missed you so much, sweetheart.”

  Kaitlyn hugged him back, nestling her head in the crook of his neck.

  Gwen bit her bottom lip, struggling to blink back tears as her heart melted—as she felt a wash of guilt for keeping them apart. “She clearly missed you, too.”

  He moved to lean against the desk, holding Kaitlyn snuggled close, rubbing her back. “What about you? Have you missed me, Gwen?”

  She swallowed, nodding as he held her gaze. “Very much.”

  He sent her a smile. “That’s good to hear.”

  She cleared her throat, unsure of what to do when all she craved was to rush into his arms and never let him go. “Um, I got a call from Liam. He’s dropping the custody suit.”

  He raised his brow. “No kidding?”

  She narrowed her eyes as she stared at him—as he acted like all of this was a big surprise. “He’s moving to Sydney.”

  He nodded. “Huh.”

  She crossed her arms, standing hipshot. “What did you do, Cade?”

  He shrugged. “I have a buddy looking for a good salesman. Liam’s a dick, but he’s good at selling. I talked to my buddy; then I talked to Liam yesterday. I saw it as a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone kind of thing.”

  She set down her purse and the diaper bag, walking closer to the ugly plaid chair in front of him. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  She shook her head because that was hardly true. “Thank you seems like a good place to start. It’s not nearly enough, but—”

  “I did this for me as much as for you and Kaitlyn. Before all of this started, you and I were moving along just fine. I want that back, Gwen. I want our life back.”

  She glanced from him to her daughter, who still clutched Cade close, dozing off against his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Cade. I’ve been unfair the past few days—selfish, even.”

  Frowning, he shook his head. “The last couple of weeks have been a lot.”

  She sniffled as she nodded. “They have. But I’d say the last five days have been the worst.”

  He reached for her. “Come here, Gwen.”

  She closed the distance between them, capturing his hand in hers, bringing his palm to her cheek as a tear escaped. “I’m so sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize.”

  She nuzzled in. “Yes, I do because asking for space wasn’t the answer. Everything was happening all at once—everything awful. The custody suit has been scary and overwhelming, but when you had the issues with the plane…” She shook her head as her throat grew tight with emotion, making it impossible to talk. “When I thought I might not see you again, it terrified me.”

  He nodded. “I know.”

  She exhaled a shaky breath. “You’re such a big man—so powerful and strong. You seem invincible somehow.”

  He puffed out his chest. “I can see how you might think that.”

  She wanted to smile because he was trying to lighten the mood, but she couldn’t. “You fly nearly every day, yet it never occurred to me that something like that could happen. When it did, I realized what I almost lost. I realized how desperately I love you.”

  He stroked his fingers along her skin. “I love you, too.”

  She shook her head, needing him to really hear her—to understand. “After my divorce, I had a plan. You were never supposed to be part of the new equation I had for my life. No one was. It was supposed to be me and Kaitlyn—only me and Kaitlyn. But then you came along and changed everything. I think I was trying to prove to myself that I could go back to the original plan—that Kaitlyn and I would be okay without you—that we can live without you. But we can’t, Cade. More importantly, we don’t want to.”

  He pulled her against him, wrapping her up with his arm. “I don’t want to live without you, either—without you and Kaitlyn.”

  She nuzzled closer, breathing him in, needing him. “I missed you. So much.”

  “Look at me, Gwen.”

  She did, smiling as he did—as his mouth pressed against hers. Standing on her tiptoes, she closed her eyes, savoring him as his tongue sought hers.

  Groaning, he dove deeper before he eased back, holding her gaze, caressing her jaw. “Please let me come home.”

  She nodded. “Stay for good. Come home, and stay for good.”

  He stared at her. “You want me to move in?”

  Her heart raced—a rush of fear and excitement—as she remembered her conversation with Nate. Everything she wanted was right here for the taking. “As soon as possible.”

  Grinning, he kissed her. “I’ll let Brad know I’m breaking my lease.”

  She laughed, throwing her arms around him again.

  Chapter 29

  Cade glanced at his watch as he hurried up the Carter House steps, impatient to finally be home. Switching the paper grocery sack he carried from his left hand to his right, he shoved his key in the lock, giving it a
twist, grinning as he stepped through the front door.

  The pretty entryway lamp glowed brightly on the antique table, welcoming him as he breathed in the subtle scents of the fancy French perfume and baby shampoo that always lingered in the air. Damn, it felt good to be here—to let his shoulders relax for the first time since Gwen had asked him to leave five long days ago.

  Tossing his keys in the bowl as he toed off his shoes, he turned his head when she stopped in the hallway, looking sinful in the same flirty blue sundress she’d been wearing earlier in the day when she’d come to see him at the airport.

  “Hey,” she said, sending him a smile as she snagged her bottom lip with her teeth and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Hey.” He smiled back, absently tossing his aviators on the table, always loving it when she did that, finding her little habit sexy as hell. He gestured to the long strands of pink ribbon she held in her hand. “What have you got there?”

  She looked down. “I’m working on some stuff for Callie’s shower—party favors.”

  He nodded, listening to the grandfather clock counting off the seconds in the living room. “That’s coming up—next weekend.”

  “It is.”

  “Where’s Bug?” he asked as he moved her way, closing the distance between them, ready to devour her. He’d thought of little else all day, finding himself restless the entire flight back from Boston, impatient to get to Gwen.

  “In bed.” Her pulse hammered in her throat as her breathing changed. “She’s in bed,” she said again, letting the ribbon fall to the floor as she gained her tiptoes, crushing her mouth against his.

  Groaning, he dropped the bag of ice cream, cupping her cheeks in his hands, greedily deepening the kiss as he walked her backward toward the den—the closest room they had access to. “Let’s get you naked.”

  They both gasped for each breath as he yanked at the tie holding her halter-style dress in place, exposing her bra as the breezy blue fabric slid down her gorgeous body. “God, I need you naked.” He made quick work of ridding her of the skimpy brassiere with a flick of his fingers against the front clasp, filling his hands full of her glorious breasts.

  She moaned, pulling on his belt, tugging open his snap, then hurrying with his zipper, shoving his slacks and boxers past his hips. “Take off your shirt.”

  He wasted no time complying with her demand before he sent her panties to the area rug as he stepped out of the rest of his clothes. “I’ve been craving you,” he said as he sent them both over the arm of the couch, landing on top of her. “Let me get in you, Gwen.”

  “Hurry.” She hooked her leg around him in the tight space they had to work with on the much smaller furniture in here than in the living room.

  He pushed at her knee, splaying her wider open, then plunged into her hot wetness, groaning. “Like this.”

  She whimpered, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen, holding his gaze. “Fast. Take me fast.”

  Christ, she was everything amazing. Wanting to give her what she wanted—what he wanted—he thrust forward, moving at a rapid pace.

  “Cade,” she whispered before her whimpers turned into loud moans. “Harder. Harder because I’m going to come.”

  He pounded into her, sweaty flesh slapping against sweaty flesh, watching her as her brow furrowed—as she froze. Then she clutched at his shoulders, jerking and shuddering as she yelled out her pleasure.

  She peaked quickly, pulling him closer, staring into his eyes. “Give me more.”

  “Damn, Gwen.” He moved even faster, making it his mission to bring her with him when he fell—because he was close. He waited, listening to her mindlessly chanting.

  And then she orgasmed again, bucking beneath him with her loud cry.

  He pumped himself deep three more times, throwing his head back as he let loose his own groan, filling her up—one of his most favorite things to do. “Damn,” he repeated, collapsing, being careful not to settle all of his weight on top of her.

  “Mmm,” she hummed, kissing his neck, then his jaw as they both caught their breath. “That was an excellent homecoming.”

  He grinned, lifting his head to hold her gaze, loving the way it felt to be wrapped up with her again. “I’d be okay if we did something like this every time I walk through the door. Technically, every day is a homecoming.”

  She laughed, sliding her fingers up and down his back. “That does sound nice, but I’ll happily settle for a little slice of normal.”

  It was his turn to make a sound in his throat as he rested his forehead against hers. “I’m all for normal—just you, me, and Kaitlyn.”

  “And my parents.”

  He lifted his head again. “What do you mean?”

  She winced as her fingers moved to play with his hair. “They put their Arizona house on the market yesterday. They’re moving back to Carter Island.”

  He struggled not to frown because he wanted his family to have their own space. He wanted to be able to rip Gwen’s clothes off whenever the two of them felt the urge—or at least until Kaitlyn got older. “They’ll live with us here at Carter House?”

  “Sort of. They’re planning to convert some of the rooms that are never used on the east side of the house into an in-law suite. They’ll have their own kitchen, bathroom, living space, and entrance. We’ll have our privacy; they’ll have theirs. They’ll be staying at their rental property over by Buzz and Charlotte’s until the remodel’s finished—probably early spring.”

  He nodded, relaxing again. “I can live with that.”

  She smiled. “I think it’s going to be great. Mom and I will be freelancing together until we’re ready for more. Dad will do stuff with the council and work as one of Nate’s deputies during the high season. I’m looking forward to having them home permanently—to giving Kaitlyn her grandparents full-time.”

  He liked the idea because there was nothing more important than family. “So, we’ll have our normal back with a little twist.”

  She grinned, hooking her arms around the back of his neck. “Exactly.” Her smile faded as she lifted her head, touching her lips to his. “I’m happy you’re here, Cade.”

  He brought his mouth back to hers. “Me, too.”

  “When we decide to put our clothes back on, I have something I want to show you.”

  “What if we keep our clothes off and you show me anyway?”

  She laughed. “This is definitely a clothes-on occasion. It’s something I hope you’ll remember for a long time.”

  “What just happened—I’ll be remembering that for ages.”

  She laughed again as she shoved at his arm. “You’ll at least want your boxers.”

  “All right.” He pulled himself free of her, then gained his feet, helping her to hers before they went in search of their underwear. Sliding his boxers and slacks back on, he turned to Gwen as she tugged his golf shirt over her head. “I like your new dress.”

  Her smile was back as she sent him a curtsy. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  Chuckling, he held out his hand to her. “What would you like to show me?”

  She laced their fingers, guiding him into the family room. “I made something for you. For us.” She stopped with him in front of the numerous pictures hanging on the wall.

  He blinked, realizing that the Paxton family photographs had been arranged and intermingled among the photos of the Carters. He spotted the shot of him and Cadence grinning in Hawaii. Then he zeroed in on the center photo of him with his arm wrapped around Gwen while he held Kaitlyn—the miracle shot where Kaitlyn had actually smiled in the direction of the camera when Rebecca snapped the picture. “Gwen, I love this.”

  She smiled. “Family. Our family.”

  Sighing his contentment, he wrapped her up in a hug. “Our family. Thank you.”

  “Welcome home,” she said, holding his gaze. “I love you, Cade.”

  He brought his lips to hers, pressing tenderly. “I love you, too. So much.”

�I waited on dinner—just some soup, salad, and rolls. I thought we could eat together. Just you and me tonight.”

  He kissed her again, certain he would be happy never to stop. “That sounds perfect.” He started moving them in a slow dance. “But then we should go upstairs because I think we need a shower.”

  She smiled, following his lead. “You do?”

  He nodded. “Then we should probably head to bed.”

  “Because you’re tired?” she whispered, nipping at his jaw.

  He shook his head. “Because I’m going to do all kinds of things to you—the things I’ve been thinking about for the last five days.”

  She snagged her lip with her teeth with her next smile. “Then let’s eat because I really like the way that sounds.”

  Silly children’s songs played through the kitchen speakers while Cade sat in front of Kaitlyn by the table. He set another piece of banana on her high chair tray, watching to see if she planned to eat it or chuck it to the floor like she’d done with most of her breakfast. “Have some brekkie, Bug, or you’ll be hungry.”

  “Da-da-da-ba-ma,” she said, kicking her legs as she picked up the bite of fruit, actually putting the chunk in her mouth, grinning at him as she chewed.

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “You’re full of it this morning, are you?” Still smiling, he bypassed the green smoothies he’d made for himself and Gwen, sipping at his coffee instead, groaning his appreciation. “Damn, that’s good.”

  Today he needed the caffeine kick because Kaitlyn wasn’t sleeping again.

  “I’m going to be late,” Gwen said, hurrying into the room, sliding a dangling silver earring into her lobe, dressed for success in a pair of gray slacks, a white V-neck tank, and black heels. She’d pulled all of her glossy hair up into one of her fancy updos.

  Cade whistled his appreciation, trailing his gaze up and down her sexy body as he set a chunk of avocado on Kaitlyn’s tray next. “You’re lookin’ good, Gwen.”


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