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Love is Strange: A Taboo Anthology

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by Yolanda Olson

  Love is Strange

  A Taboo Anthology for the Ocean Conservancy

  Copyright © 2019

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Becoming Mrs. Ryan


  Blood Brothers




  Cinder and Smoke

  Keeping Secrets


  The Thief and The Liar

  Burnt Embers




  Becoming Mrs. Ryan


  Chapter One

  I knew him first. I loved him first. We met in high school, the typical football player and cheerleader story. It was the best time of my life before he left for college. He didn’t have time for a girlfriend, plus I was still in high school. He lied; not even three months later and she was in the picture. That bitch took what was mine. I’m at the same college now. I planned out just how this would work. I’m not the girl he left behind anymore, we were too young for all that life had thrown at us back then. I will get him back.

  Checking my schedule, I see all the classes I have signed up for and it makes me giddy. Not because I want to study for a degree in Nursing but because my plan is working so far. Walking up the stairs, I take them two at a time until I reach my floor. I’m here for one reason and it has nothing to do with school, and everything to do with the bitch I share a dorm with. I opted to stay in the dorms since I knew she does that in order to save her parents' money. Too bad for her, I muse.

  Knocking on the door, I push it open to find my roommate unpacking her bags. Standing awkwardly, I take in her clothes until she notices me. My roommate is one of those women that can pull off a messy bun with no effort. I can see how she was able to grab his attention like the siren she is. It makes me hate her even more. I don’t even know her yet, and I have no desire to.

  “Finally! Hi, I’m Isabel. You must be Natalia,” she all but yells excitedly.

  Giving a small finger wave, I look around the room as if I’m bored. “I am. So that’s my bed?” I motion to the one on the other side of the small room.

  Isabel’s face falls in defeat at my lack of pep, “Unless you want this one…”

  Smiling, I shake my head and begin to unpack. This will be a long year if this is how she acts. I used to be fun and social. After everything that happened with Luke, I lost the will to be an extrovert. He shattered more than my teenage heart. Putting the last of my dresses in the closet, I study her. She doesn’t look like Megan Fox, but she is pretty with her dark brown hair and librarian style glasses. Fingering my light brown locks, I make a mental note to stop by the local store for hair dye. I need something different if I want to pull this whole thing off.

  I’m lost in memories of him and me when I feel her eyes boring holes into me. Sitting on my bed, I lean back and contemplate where it all went wrong for us. Sighing I meet her eyes and wait for her to speak.

  “What are you studying? Oh, I have a boyfriend so we should make rules about when I need the room alone and when you do. I’m sorry, I didn’t even ask if you had one. Do you?”

  Nodding, I sit up against the wall and think of how to answer her. “I’m studying Nursing. I do have a boyfriend. He doesn’t go here. We can set up a schedule or something though if that helps you and your guy.” The last thing I want to do is walk in on the two of them fucking.

  Grinning, Isabel looks down at her phone and scrolls to find what she wants to see. Holding out her phone, I am met with an image of her kissing his cheek. His warm brown eyes pulling me in. Her boyfriend and her together. Forcing a smile, I look at the dainty watch on my wrist, the one I got two years ago because I was never on time for anything.

  “He’s cute. What’s his name?”

  Isabel sighs as if his name is her religion, “Lukas.”

  Who does she think she is? His mother? She doesn’t know him the way I do. I know all his secrets even the fact that he prefers Luke. Grabbing my purse, I shoulder it already slipping on my silver flats. “Well, I’m going to the store. I misplaced my phone charger and I need a new one. Do you need anything?”

  Shaking her head, she goes back to her phone. Her fingers flying across the screen as she sends out a message. I need more than a charger. I need the patience of a saint so I don’t murder her while she sleeps.

  Chapter Two

  Looking at the different colors of hair dye, I pick up the one I need and make my way out of the store. This town isn’t big at all. My reason for being here at this school has nothing to do with the town size, no I have entirely different reasons for being here. I have no doubt this is the kind of place where you run into people you don’t want to see all the time. Today isn’t my day apparently, I will be seeing him far sooner than I wish.

  Luke’s voice was always sex in word form. A voice I would know anywhere. His raspy baritone voice hits my ears before I can hide. Slipping my bug-eye sunglasses over my eyes, I turn when she calls my name.

  “Hey, Natalia! Come meet Lukas. This is my roommate Natalia, baby,” Isabel rambles while I try to hold back from hugging him.

  Truth is I hate the name, Natalia. It isn’t mine but there was only one way to make this work. That meant the real Natalia had to go, so I could take her place. My name is really Ashley.

  Grinning, I take his warm hand in my own. “Natalia, Isabel’s roommate. You must be the boyfriend. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  I can tell he is trying to place my voice but is falling short. That’s alright baby, I muse, soon you won’t forget me. Playing with my phone, I give myself an excuse to walk away and leave them. I can see them walking down the sidewalk from the front seat of my car, and I contemplate running Isabel down when they hold hands and kiss.

  Speeding away, I drive up to the small cabin on the edge of town. I made the fifteen-minute drive in less than eight minutes. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Luke and Isabel being a sickening sweet couple and planning a future that should have been mine. Natalia needs to give me more information on her life otherwise she is of no use to me. There is no other reason to keep up this ruse and I will go down for murder if this doesn’t end quickly. Parking near the cabin, I check to be sure I wasn’t followed, I can’t afford to get sloppy. I’m committed to this and to Luke. Even if he isn’t as committed to me, for now.

  Chapter Three

  Natalia was the perfect target. She only has one surviving parent, a mother that suffers from Prosopagnosia and barely remembers she has a daughter on a good day. Walking inside of the cabin, I take in the state she is in. Natalia is chained to the bed frame with only enough chain links to get to the small bathroom, and the tiny kitchen. I’m not cruel, I don’t want her to waste away out here but I’m not stupid. She can’t make it outside or to the window across from the bed.

  “Hey there. I figured you needed some more food and water.”

  Glaring at me, she lunges when I get closer. “Fuck you! You psychotic bitch!”

  The smile drops from my face at her
harsh words. I won’t deal with that kind of abuse. Dropping the bag on the floor, I turn to leave calling over my shoulder, “I’m not psychotic. I would be careful Natalia, I am the one that chooses whether or not to bring you food.”

  I can hear her sobbing from the porch. Honestly, you would think after months of this she would understand I hold her life in my hands. The drive back to campus seems long and by the time I get back, it’s nearly dark outside. I just want to sleep but when I walk into the small room, I see Luke and Isabel making out on the bed. I can’t stand to see him with someone else, but right now I have no choice. I may be here for him but killing Isabel would only land me in prison and contrary to belief orange isn’t my color. Clearing my throat, I wait for them to acknowledge I’m in the room.

  “Oh uhh, I guess it’s time for me to leave,” Luke mutters slipping on his shoes.

  A tight smile is all I can muster. Looking over his shoulder, he opens his mouth to speak and closes it shaking his head. It’s almost as if his body, his heart, his soul knows who I am. That it’s telling him I’m his soulmate, his one true love. My heart flutters at the idea of us reconnecting, of him wanting me again.

  I can hear her speaking but it sounds like a seashell. A dull sound with no indication of what the words are. Breaking from my longing, I turn to face her and wait for her to repeat the question.

  “Where did you disappear to? You were gone all day,” Isabel questions her eyes full of intrigue.

  Smiling, I think of how I planned out my entire life with Luke on the way back. “Just exploring the town.”

  Slipping out of my shoes, I grab my shower things and head to the small bathroom we have attached to our room. Washing my body, I slide my hand down my body until I reach my between my thighs. A wicked smile plays on my lips, I wonder if Isabel can hear me finger fucking myself to memories of her boyfriend. Groaning, I gently tease my clit, as I prop my foot on the side of the tub. The water acts as lube when I push one digit inside myself, only to pull it out and push a second in. I can hear her rummaging in our room just a few feet away. Faster and harder I ride my fingers until I moan out the name Luke. Rinsing my body, I step out of the shower and open the door to let out the steam while I wrap the small towel around me.

  Not meeting my eyes, her fingers fly across her phone. I wonder if she could hear me. If she is putting things together. If she has then she doesn’t allow it to show. Dropping the towel to the floor, I pull my panties up my legs as I grab one of Luke’s old jerseys. I have no shame in my body. It was one thing Luke loved, my lean toned body and my full breasts turned heads in my cheer uniform. Finally looking at me, Isabel blushes when I wink and lick my fingers.

  Chapter Four

  Isabel never mentioned the shower which would have been fine if she didn’t have that interested look in her eye every time I went to the bathroom. It had been a couple of weeks since the start of the semester and I hadn’t made any progress with winning Luke over again. I had a plan though, dying my hair to nearly the exact shade of Isabel’s, I was heading to a party I knew he would be at.

  Isabel was a good girl in every sense of the word. As far as I could tell she’s even a virgin, waiting for marriage and all that bullshit. I admit I was going to act and dress like a slut tonight. I was a firm believer that sex sells and I needed to show him what he was missing. The tiny red dress was sure to catch his eye when I paired it with the bootie heels I had on.

  Fluffing my hair, I turned to Isabel, “Sure you don’t want to go?”

  Holding up her Anatomy textbook, she shook her head. That was great because I didn’t really want her there. Walking out of the dorm, I walk the few blocks to where the party is at. I was never one for drinking but I feel like it will help my nerves. I’m going to do something that could fuck up all my plans or make this work faster.

  Catching a glimpse of Luke, I grab a cup of the warm beer and drop a tiny amount of GHB into the liquid. Grabbing a cup for myself, I make my way over to his side. Smiling, I offer him the laced drink and wait for him to accept it.

  “Thanks, Natalia,” he offers as he throws back the contents.

  I wasn’t expecting him to drink it that fast which means I will need to find an empty room quickly. Leaning in, murmuring in his ear, “How are you doing? I’m going to blow your mind.”

  I know he can’t hear me over the music blaring through the speakers, he does just as I intended. Taking my hand in his, Luke pulls me behind him until we are in a less crowded hallway.

  “Okay now I think I can hear you,” he tells me.

  “I asked how you were, and how come Isabel isn’t with you.”

  Toying with the hem of my dress, I watch his eyes darken as they take in the tight-fitting dress and my cleavage. Clearing his throat, he drops my hand and runs his fingers through his messy brown hair. Luke’s eyes are dilating and his face is flushing while I try to hold back a grin. The GHB is working fast. Turning the doorknob beside me, I pull him with me.

  I can see the confusion on his face as I push him towards the small couch. “You should sit down, you don’t look well,” I explain. Nodding Luke slumps into the cushions, and drops his head back. Turning towards the door, I flip the lock and slink over to where he is.

  “Did you miss me?” I whisper, his eyes trying to focus on my movements.

  Grunting, he tries to stand but his legs aren’t cooperating with him. Grinning, I lower myself down until my thighs have him trapped beneath me. Luke may deny he wants this but his body doesn’t lie. It’s as if his body calls to my own, the need to be buried deep inside of me. Teasing his lips, I capture his mouth with my own while I grind down onto his tenting jeans. Rough hands grab at my hips, pushing my dress up over my hips.

  Climbing off of Luke, I unbutton his jeans and take out his dick. Eight inches of rock hard man, smiling I lower my mouth over his flesh. Curling my tongue around his dick, I roll his balls in my hand as I look into his eyes. Luke always loved when I would suck him to the brink of breaking. Scraping my teeth along his flesh, I moan when his hand grips my hair holding me down. Releasing him with a pop, I drop my panties and lower myself down on his cock.

  Grabbing at my hips, he pulls me down until our flesh is skin to skin. I missed the feel of him inside of me, the only woman he should ever be inside like this. Using his shoulders as leverage, I ride him until he groans out his release. It’s not my name on his lips though. He doesn’t call me Ashley, instead, he uses her name, Natalia. Unlocking my phone, I flip on the camera as I take pictures of his post-orgasm face and the way his dick is inside of me. Not fucking Natalia, and not Isabel, but me.

  Sliding off of him, I leave Luke alone in the room with his jeans undone, with my cum drying on his dick. Smiling as I walk towards the dorm where Isabel is studying without a care in the world.

  Chapter Five

  Closing the door behind me, I take in Isabel. She’s a pretty girl, she’s smart but not brilliant. If she was then she wouldn’t have gone after my man. Looking up, she meets my eyes and smiles. Grinning back, I chuckle as I picture her face if she found out her boyfriend just had his dick inside of me. Confusion on her face, I figure what the hell as I stalk over to her and press my lips to hers. Pushing against my breast, she breaks the contact. Panting heavily, Isabel’s face flushes when she realizes what I did.

  “Oh my, oh my, oh my gosh! What the heck was that?!” she screeches.

  Shrugging, I move towards my bed while I tug my dress over my head. I left my panties in Luke’s pocket so Isabel is forced to look at my naked body or to turn away. Laying on the twin mattress, I spread my legs as I cup my cunt with my hand. Teasing my pussy lips, I coat my fingers in Luke’s cum. Meeting her eyes, I bring the sticky digit to my mouth. I can taste the mixture of our releases on my tongue. Winking at her, I pull the blanket over my body.

  “Goodnight Isabel.”

  Clearing her throat, she quickly stands and heads towards the bathroom. Seems I made her uneasy. Closing my eyes, I think a
bout the first time Luke and I made love. He was so tender, loving, and it was perfect. He told me that he would always love me, always be with me, that he would never leave. He seems to have forgotten his promises, good thing I’m here to remind him.

  The small bathroom echoes. I’m not sure Isabel knew that. I can hear her soft moans as she masturbates. Grinning, I fall asleep knowing that she isn’t as innocent as she once was. What would Luke say if he knew that perfect Isabel was fucking her fingers because of me?

  Stretching the next morning, I look over to her bed but she isn’t in it. Apparently, Isabel rushed out of the dorm this morning. She isn’t ever up before me. Oh well, I muse, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and an old t-shirt. I need coffee and the best place is down the road a bit.

  Once I’ve made it to the old coffee shop, I look inside and see Luke and Isabel together. Smiling, I walk over and say hi to them both, giving my hips a little more swing. Isabel won’t meet my eyes and Luke seems to be trying to remember something. I wonder if he is thinking of last night, the way his body filled mine. Grabbing a pastry with my coffee I sit in front of Isabel and lick the cream filling from my fingers. Her face flushes the brightest red I've ever seen.

  “Hey Natalia, can I talk to you a minute?” she questions, glancing over at Lukas as if she doesn’t want him to hear.


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