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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 31

by Alexie Aaron

  “I’ll walk him up there.”

  Judy watched them leave. Ed walked up.

  “I get the strangest feeling I’ve met him before.”

  “He looks like Ted,” Judy said.

  “Come on, Adam is asleep, Mia is busy, and I want to start working on another child.”

  “Ed, you’re such a smooth talker,” Judy said, blushing.

  “The top of the middle tree had the best view on the island,” Sticks told Mia.

  “I’m worried it will be too cold,” Mia fussed.

  “Then I will climb down,” Sticks said.

  He pulled Mia upwards into the branches. She didn’t resist. He wrapped his branches around her, and they sat quietly for a while. Mia fell asleep. She could not have given him a greater compliment.


  Komal was playing chess with Roumain when Mia returned to the castle. She smiled and walked over. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Mia, I hear your squire has arrived,” Komal said.

  “A nice surprise,” Mia said. She watched the two old friends play for a while. Roumain played a laid-back game. He was a long-game player, besting Komal in the end.

  “May I get you a beverage?” Mia asked Roumain.

  “No thank you. I should get back. Walk with me awhile.”

  Mia followed him outside.

  “You look more settled.”

  “Baxter said if you didn’t do what you did, I wouldn’t have made it out.”

  “I’m glad I could be of some help.”

  Mia put her hand on his temple and told him everything she wanted to say but was afraid of being overheard. When she was done, her face was drenched with tears.

  He nodded slowly, walking a few feet away from her, turned, placed his hat upon his head, and disappeared.

  Mia wiped her face with her sleeve and went in to see if the boys were awake.

  Lucifer studied the illuminated manuscript to see what had changed. Mia was still involved, so he hadn’t scared her off. The birdman to her side had changed again, and instead of Murphy, Sticks stood at Mia’s other side. He summoned Abigor.

  Abigor walked into his office. “Yes, my liege?”

  “Come and look at this.”

  “That’s not Victor, and he’s too big to be Angelo. I’m baffled.”

  Lucifer tapped the image representing Sticks.

  “Sticks, well looky there, he’s made it to the big time. Good.”

  “You sent him to her.”

  “She hasn’t sent him back.”


  “The opposition is becoming bold. I don’t want someone taking advantage of her being topside.”

  “I sense you want to say more.”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “I hear Murphy paid you a visit.”

  “Murphy and then Mia. I have you to thank for that.”

  “If she hadn’t pushed.”

  “No, you should have never been playing around with her. She’s our conduit to the birdmen, to the prophesy, and you…”

  “You have my permission to speak freely.”

  “Without censure?” Abigor asked.


  “You brutalized her. She was nonfunctioning. I don’t understand you. Michael failed her. You could have had her undivided loyalty and been invited between her legs, but no, you tore her apart like an animal.”

  “She survived.”

  “Thanks to Roumain. Don’t think he hasn’t taken advantage. She’s attached to him now.”

  “I really doubt that. It takes two to form an attachment. Roumain’s fascinated with Mia, but he’s got a lot on his plate. If she is attached to anyone beside her husband, it would be the wizard.”

  “What do we know about him?” Abigor asked.

  “Nothing much. He’s been around for a long time. I started keeping tabs on him when he took Quentin on as a patient.”

  Lucifer turned the page of the manuscript. Where it had been blank before, it was now filled with moving images.

  “That’s a doomsday spiral,” Abigor said, tapping the book. “If Mia is going to go through with that from that height, she may solve our problem, but she will die. See the distraction moving across the page? Little birds, rats, and who’s this?” Abigor asked.

  Lucifer looked at the sole wizard-looking creature dressed in a long, hooded robe. The gilding of the picture made it difficult to make out his face. His hands glowed. The images on the page stopped moving.

  “Where are Odin, Vili, and Ve?” Lucifer asked, flipping back and forth through the book as if he could summon the answer. “They’re not really mentioned at all.”

  “Neither are you,” Abigor pointed out.

  Lucifer didn’t say anything. Abigor left, and Lucifer sat back. He tried to generate the memory of the thought where he had enjoyed Mia. It was gone. The only thing he could access was the one of him and her on the Nile boat just before the birth of their child. It came from a yearning deep inside of wanting to become a father. It had started a century ago. He had never shared the thought with anyone until Mia. He saw it as a weakness. He feared her telling Michael. Michael would tell the others, and they would all laugh at him. And so he had waited for a sign of her dissatisfaction, and he pounced.

  It wasn’t Mia he fought in the torture chamber; it was Michael. And when he had won, he… he… It was gone now. As if it never happened. In its stead was the image of Mia sitting, nursing his son. Domestic bliss.

  A knock on the door disturbed his thought.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Altair walked into the office.

  “I’m surprised to see you here,” Lucifer said.

  “Why? I’m your liaison with the human and birdman forces.”

  “I thought you had defected with Mia.”

  “Mia did not defect. She left to protect herself from you. She is ready and waiting to do her part on the surface.”

  “You’re her biggest fan,” Lucifer said dryly.

  “I used to be yours.”

  Lucifer sat back. “I never asked you to leave Heaven with me.”

  “Neither of us volunteered to leave. Michael, on God’s instructions, tossed us out. We fell and so became the fallen, but you, my friend, dug yourself into the sewage and the filth with the lowest of demons. Heaven forgave you, and you were given great responsibility here, yet you have learned nothing.”

  “I learned that the human race will eventually destroy itself. They are easy to manipulate. Greedy disgusting creatures. Men who preach the word and have women on the side or, worse yet, children. Hypocrites.”

  “Not all,” Altair reminded him. “I’d say a good many, but I think your expert team of tempters has a lot to do with things. You were given a task by Ve. Nyx sent you help and…”

  “Why Mia? Why send Mia?”

  “Michael tore Mia’s wings off in anger. I saw him do it. She fell. The icy clouds tore her skin and hair from her. She only escaped death because Quentin was in the area. He still maintains that God gave Mia to him. Mia knows the pain of falling and was our greatest ally because she could see the beauty and honor of the demon race. She saw how capable your generals were, and she feared and respected you. No longer.”

  “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “You chose to hurt her because you can only see her as Michael’s. She was all of ours. Mine, Abigor’s, Roumain’s, and yours. Did you hear her speech to the legions? She wasn’t singing Heaven’s praises.”

  “She got too close,” Lucifer admitted.

  “She woke you up,” Altair said. “I know because she did the same to me. Abigor was trapped by it, but I embraced it. Roumain fights it. He uses her but then saves her. You had an opportunity. Michael was out, you were in. She turned a blind eye to why you’re here, what you do here, and why your name is cursed. No longer.”

  “Are you saying I was loved?”

  “I’m not speaking for Mia. I no longer have that kind of confidence thanks to you
and Michael. I’m collateral damage. I’ve come for the illuminated manuscript. We have one last chance to stop this thing, and damn it, I’m going to take it.”

  “Before you go… Tell me who this is?” he asked, tapping the mighty birdman.

  “Nicholai. He’s Mia’s original trainer.”

  “What happened to Victor? He seemed the most capable of success.”

  “I don’t know why he or Murphy aren’t at her side, but that’s what the book is saying now. Remember, the future is still fluid.”

  Lucifer handed the book to Altair. “I’m going to have Abigor bring his legions to the staging area. I feel that we will be needed soon.”


  Ted and Bernard walked over to the vault site and waited until Charles could give them his undivided attention.

  Charles had made a few molds of the outside symbols, and his team had used several imaging devices but could not penetrate the defenses of the Norse locks.

  “I’m rather discouraged,” Charles admitted. “If it is a vault, I fear there is nothing in it.”

  “It’s a door, a portal to an ancient world,” Bernard informed him. “I’ve arranged for it to be returned.”

  “You can’t do that!” Charles said angrily.

  “I’m the one who holds the grants. I have final say when it comes to the safety of the project. You have made vast strides with the other material you brought with you.”

  “Ted, talk some sense into him. You’re the man of science - portals indeed.”

  “I remember you being involved in a few portals,” Ted said. “He-who-walks-through-time portals.”

  “Well, if this is a time portal, then it will be more valuable than a vault. Imagine being able to see the Norse culture at its very start!” Charles said excitedly.

  “I have it on good authority, sixteen to be exact, that if you open this doorway, you will be destroying the earth,” Bernard said. “I won’t let you do this, not on my watch.”

  “Show me your proof.”

  “There is a meeting of prophets, shamans, and Norse scholars going on right now in the large conference room. Also, the FBI.”


  “We are going to show you proof that you and Amanda and your team have been financed by the Cynosura…”

  “Impossible, they’re whack jobs.”

  “You have been conned into ending the world so they can move on to another world through the light,” Ted said gently. “I know how it was done. Something like this was done to me by a close friend. The result was almost the destruction of my marriage, and me still second-guessing every memory I have.”

  “I’d like to see the proof,” Charles said. He walked over to his foreman and gave him instructions that no one was to touch the vault until he came back.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Mia dressed in her battle armor. She added to it a new crimson kurta she and Judy altered because of the return of Victor’s wings. The wings were one with her now. They brought with them the birdman essence, which filled in the spaces left by the exorcised stardust. She pulled on some boots and wrapped a scarf around her hair to keep it out of her eyes. She walked into the stable.

  Sticks turned and nodded his approval.

  “I’m going to meet Odin, Vili, and Ve.”

  “By yourself?”


  “Is this wise?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I know that if I am going to be able to lead, I need to look like a leader.”

  “May I remind you of one thing? You’re not to bow to Odin, Vili, or Ve. You’re the daughter of a goddess. In their eyes, you are an equal.”

  “An equal?” Mia swallowed hard.

  “Mia, I’ve been around Hell for a while. The reason a lot of those generals still have demons following them has more to do with the illusion of power. Present yourself as Little Nell and you will be laughed at, maybe compromised. Remember, these are men with appetites.”

  “He’s right,” Nicholai said, walking into the stable. “Remember that you are the prophesized leader of 100 legions of demons. You are the goddess Nyx’s adopted daughter. You bested four Nephilim. Not to mention Michael and Roumain before Mother Nature stepped in. Victor brags about how you won the allegiance of not only your legions but Abigor’s too. You killed Ruax in seconds. Aosoth in minutes. You are the caller of the light, the savior of innocents.”

  “Remind me to have you help me with my resume,” Mia said. “Will you go with me?”

  “It would be an honor.”

  “I would like to go too,” Sticks requested.

  “Now I’m honored,” Mia said. “You ride Moonlight.”

  “Yes, goddess.”

  Nicholai shook his head, preparing himself for Mia to disagree.

  “I’m not a goddess. I can’t even row a boat.”

  “Sticks, my lady will serve. Or you could call her general,” Nicholai suggested.

  “If you were seeing Mia for the first time, looking this way, who do you see?” Sticks asked.

  “A queen.”

  “Your queen?” Sticks asked.

  “My queen,” Nicholai said.

  “Why queen?” Mia asked.

  “Because you rule our hearts.”

  “R-E-A-L-L-Y,” Mia said, lifting her eyebrow.

  “Okay, Misfit, but that’s just because Sariel started it.”

  Mia laughed. “Keep to my lady. That sounds about right.”

  “Where is Murphy?’ Nicholai asked.

  “Guarding the homestead. Jake and Cid are still actively hunting down the Cynosura using the dark web. Dieter is there. I have faith in Lazar, but he can’t be everywhere.”

  Mia took out her cell phone and initiated Jake’s app. She showed the location of Odin to Nicholai. He nodded. He took a moment to activate his armor. Mia stood there in awe. She unconsciously dropped to one knee.

  Nicholai turned around and was baffled.

  Sticks gave Nicholai a stiff little bow.

  “Once, I was lucky to come upon a sunrise when I was returning from the west. I was at the top of the world,” Mia explained. “It broke over the polar icecap with such brilliance that my heart swelled inside my body. This is how I feel right now. If anyone should be mistaken for a god, it’s you Nicholai.”

  He knew she wasn’t going to add anything in humor. He saw her reverence and her love. He gently took her hand and kissed it. “Rise, my lady, it’s time we were off.”

  Odin spied something in the distance. He halted his warriors. They took a defensive stance. The trio of fliers slowly circled the Norsemen before Mia dropped down and hovered eye level with Odin.

  “Permission to land, Odin, God of War.”

  “And you would be…”

  “Mia, daughter of Nyx.”

  “I’d welcome you to our fire, but the locals frown upon 1000 Norsemen flattening their crops.”

  “Better than Surtr burning them,” Mia said.

  “Come and take refreshment with us.”

  Mia landed and morphed to match the height of her hosts. Nicholai and Sticks did the same. Moonlight landed and dined on a field of barley.

  Mia took Odin’s arm, and he escorted her to inspect his men. Mia remembered what Ted had said about Ulf’s looks, and when she spotted him, she stopped. “Ulf, you have honored me by lending your sword to our fight.”

  “You know about me, my lady?”

  “Your reputation has preceded you. As did that of your companions.”

  “Your husband proudly displayed your naked form to us.”

  Mia tried not to wince. “I’m surprised. Naked?”

  Ve showed her the image of herself in the clouds.

  “Oh, almost naked. I’m surprised by this and will no doubt have a discussion about this tonight at our fire.”

  There was a jovial murmur moving through the crowd.

  Odin, who was very amused by the whole situation, drew Mia away. “Any news?”

  “The prophets have met, and the
door will be opened soon.”

  “How long can you and your legions hold them off?”

  “I’m not sure. It depends on how fast the giants move out of Niflheim. I have also enlisted the help of the mighty birdmen.”

  “You do not bring any incriminations with you,” Vili observed.

  “Why? It wasn’t you who took the doorway.”

  “We didn’t bury it deep enough,” Ve acknowledged.

  “The greedy people who want this world to end would have siphoned out Mt. Etna to get at a doorway. All we can do is fight what comes out and reseal it when you arrive.”

  “Our prophets predicted your death early in the skirmish,” Odin said.

  “That was before I chose not to be a sacrifice and decided to use my sword,” Mia said, drawing it. “This sword was given to me by the archangel Sariel, and this sword,” Mia said, drawing the demon blade, “given to me by Abigor. I have Heaven and Hell in my hands and the mighty birdmen at my back.”

  “Tell us more of your exploits,” Odin said.

  “I have killed four Nephilim, three within a day. I have bested two elemental dragons, the demon Ruax, and the fallen Aosoth. I have performed the doomsday spiral and lived. I am the prophesized assassin of Abigor. We have set aside our differences, and he leads my 100 legions of demons.”

  Odin, who was in favor of boasting, nodded his head. “Go on.”

  “I have birthed the chosen one and Varden, the reincarnation of a Norse birdman warrior.”

  “I want this woman!” Ulf roared.

  Nicholai moved closer to Mia.

  “I have met the wizard who is your husband. Is this your lover?” Ulf asked, sizing up Nicholai.

  “What do you think?” Mia challenged.

  “He is worthy.”

  “Can I count on you all to defend this world of women and children?” Mia asked the crowd.


  “Will you show the universe what a Norseman can do!”


  “Then I am honored to fight with you,” Mia said.


  Altair slid in the door just after Bernard brought the meeting to order. He placed the illuminated manuscript on the table in front of Bernard.


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