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Hot Shot

Page 3

by Pratt, Lulu

  “Of course. I’m so sorry.”

  I opened the door for the woman and allowed her to enter before following her. My eyes were locked on Elyse as she glanced up, blushing as she handed two books to a customer. I smiled at her and looked around the cozy room as I approached the counter.

  “Hi,” I said as I leaned forward on the wood to try to breathe her in.

  “Hi, Ryder. It’s good to see you.” Her eyes were warm, and I wanted to kiss her. I wanted her to know how long the day had been for me. I needed Elyse to see that she was important to me, but even I couldn’t explain why right now.

  Not yet.

  A woman approached Elyse behind the counter and took me in with a sharp eye. “It’s eight, honey. I’ll close up and count for you tonight.” The older blonde smiled, and I gave her my winning grin, making her shake her head.

  “Are you sure, Gloria?” Elyse asked as she shot me a look.

  “Of course. Go out and have some fun,” Gloria assured her, and Elyse pressed her lips together.

  “Gloria, this is Ryder. Ryder, this is the owner of the store and my friend, Gloria.” I took the offered hand and kissed it as Gloria raised an eyebrow.

  “Keep this one. He’s a rare find,” Gloria smiled.

  I stood at the front of the store looking at the bestsellers and classics as Elyse got her coat and purse.

  “She’s right, you know,” I assured Elyse as I led her down the street to my car.

  “What?” Elyse queried as I chuckled and took her hand.

  “Gloria said I’m a keeper.” I laughed as she rolled her eyes at me, a smile wide on her face.

  “So, what are the plans? I’m glad you went casual, since I was working tonight.” She smiled as I opened the car door, leaning in to press her mouth to mine. She tasted like fruit, and I fought the urge to suck her lips between my teeth. I kissed her softly for a moment before pulling away, struggling to breathe.

  “I thought we could catch a movie at that new theater. They serve dinner and drinks, and anything your heart desires,” I suggested.

  “That sounds relaxing and perfect.” I kissed her one more time before making sure she was settled in the car and walked around to my side. I got in and started the engine, breathing in the citrus scent that she was wearing tonight.

  We selected a new comedy for the film and took our seats in the luxury theater. I offered her a menu, and we picked an appetizer and two entrées along with some iced tea to drink. I settled back once the waitress left, slipping an arm around Elyse as she stared into my face. “This is great.”

  “It beats where I used to see movies as a kid.” I stroked her cheek and watched as her eyes fluttered closed. “You look beautiful tonight, Elyse.”

  “I was working. How could that be? I got sweaty unboxing books for an hour.” She laughed, and I ran a hand through her silky hair.

  “You always take my breath away. You have since the first time I saw you,” I murmured as her eyes widened. “I couldn’t wait for tonight to come. I thought about it all day.”

  “So did I,” she admitted as she reached an arm across my stomach, shifting around before she finally let it rest. Elyse rested her head on my shoulder and breathed in slowly. “What’s happening here?”

  “Something fast, but I don’t want you to worry. We can take this slow and get to know each other,” I promised her and kissed her hair. “I promise that to you.” The words of the sheriff played through my head, and I fought the urge to ask her what he meant by it.

  The previews started, and we got our food. We left the armrest up and cuddled together as we ate, laughing throughout the film. When it ended, a girl picked up the plates, and I paid the bill before looking at Elyse. I couldn’t help but kiss her, more than the little ones we’d been sharing throughout the last couple of hours. I heard her moan as she pressed closer, tucking herself into my chest. The kiss deepened as voices filtered through the room, but we were lost in our own world as our tongues danced together. A throat cleared, and I glanced over to see a guy watching us with a trash can by his side. “Sorry about that.” I stood and held out my hand to Elyse. We left, and she giggled as we walked to the car.

  “I feel like a teenager,” she murmured as I tried to imagine her younger. I thought she must have driven the boys crazy and broken a few hearts along the way. “My heart is going to beat right out of my chest.”

  “Thank God we’re not teens,” I muttered, getting another laugh from her. I got us into the car and looked at her as I started the engine. “What now? I know it’s a bit late for most things, but I’d like to spend some more time with you.”

  “Come to my place,” she suggested before slapping her hand over her mouth. “Oh, God. Not like that. Not for that.” Her cheeks flushed, and she looked like she was about to go into a panic attack.

  “I meant what I said earlier. Promise.” I kissed her nose once I removed her hand and started in the direction of her home. I parked on the curb and got out, leading her to the door as another officer cruised slowly by us. “You are safe here. That’s the second one I’ve seen.”

  “They like to make sure everyone is safe. They act like my father sometimes.” Elyse laughed as she pulled her keys from her purse. “Well, a better version of him, anyway.”

  I took the keys and unlocked her door, allowing her in before I closed and locked it. I stood for a moment as she wandered towards the couch, slipping her light sweater off before pausing to fold it. She placed it on a chair and ran a hand through her ponytail before turning around to face me.

  “Are you okay with this?” I asked as I waved a hand between us.

  “Slow,” she reminded me as I dropped her keys on the table beside her couch and stepped towards her.

  “Slow,” I promised as I cupped her face. I brushed my lips gently against hers, feeling how swollen and eager they were from our earlier kisses.

  Chapter 5


  MY SKIN TINGLED, and my body caught on fire as he kissed me, his lips barely touching mine, making me crave his touch. I was still feeling the adrenaline from the theater and wondered for a moment if I made a mistake inviting him here. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and I moaned as I gave in. I knew that my willpower was wilting with every kiss from Ryder, and I fought to cling to it. I hadn’t even been serious about anybody before, but I’d never felt this way. The physical attraction was strong, and it was going to be hard to fight. I couldn’t push him away.

  He kept kissing me as he moved us slowly through the room. I felt something against my legs and gasped as I sat. It was my couch, and I hurried to the back as Ryder pulled away and moved beside me. I stared at him for a long moment, knowing that desire was all over my face. His eyes were wild with need, and I reached out to touch his lips.

  “Are mine swollen like this?” I asked.

  “Fuck, yes,” he replied with a wicked smile. “I love that I do that to you.”

  “I’ve never felt this way before,” I murmured as I looked down at the red cushion for a moment. “I’m sure you probably have.”

  “Elyse, I don’t feel this way about too many people.”

  I looked into his eyes.

  “I have the guys on the team, who are like my brothers, and their girls, who treat me like a son. My family means the world to me. Women never have.”

  “You’re a professional athlete. I know that women throw themselves at you guys.” My insecurity was shining through as bright as a beacon, but I couldn’t stop talking. “I am not anywhere near that level.”

  “I’ve been playing for a few years. I’ll admit I had my phase of being the bad boy and living dangerously. All the guys did. I don’t want that anymore. I want to focus on my game and my future. I want to get to know you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile, and he leaned in for another kiss. I pressed closer to Ryder, and he deepened the kiss slowly as I moaned against his mouth. Being alone together made the heat stronger in the room, and we lost ourselves
in each other.

  He kissed me harder and pressed me back into the couch. I gasped as his mouth moved down over my jaw and the soft skin of my neck. His hands were tugging out the button-up shirt that I wore to work as I reached around his head and gripped his hair. He kept his hands at the waist of my jeans and sucked at my skin as I closed my eyes.

  “Oh God,” I murmured.

  “You have no idea, baby,” he whispered against my ear before nibbling on my earlobe. I pulled him closer, and he moved back to my jaw and lips again. Our teeth crashed together, and I groaned as he slid his thigh between my legs. I felt him over me, close enough to feel the heat without being crushed by his big body. He slid a hand down over my hip and squeezed as our tongues danced together.

  I felt my body rise to meet him and flushed deeply. I wanted him closer, and his jeans pressed between my legs just where I needed him. “Ryder,” I whispered as I kept moving up and he eased down. The pressure built, and I realized that I was going to have an orgasm. I wasn’t even naked with Ryder, but he was pushing me over the edge.

  “I’m close. How am I so close?” I murmured.

  “Let it go,” he urged me, pressing harder as I clutched his shoulders. I cried out as my body exploded, jerking against him to keep him where I needed him most. Ryder stayed, breathing hard into my neck as I closed my eyes and let the waves of pleasure wash over me.

  When I finished, I slumped back, and Ryder pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You are stunning like this.”

  “I feel like I don’t have bones anymore,” I weakly murmured as I felt him rise, leaving me alone on the couch. “Where are you going?”

  “You need something to drink,” he called out, and I smiled. I was dehydrated, and felt him hold something cold against my hand. I opened my eyes and allowed him to settle me against the cushions as I took a long drink of water. Ryder sat beside me with his glass, watching me intently as he sipped it slowly.

  “How did you do that?” I asked, and he shrugged one shoulder.

  “Was it too fast for you?”

  I thought about my answer. “We were kissing. We were clothed, and I didn’t expect it. You didn’t take advantage of me.” I looked at him as he breathed out in relief. Concern crossed my face. “Oh, I managed to… and you didn’t?”

  “It’s okay. I’m not here for that,” he assured me as I thought back to guys I’d been with in the past. Nobody had ever been more concerned for me than themselves.

  We remained quiet for a while, and I thought about what happened. Even when I’d had sex with the few men I’d tried to have a relationship with, it never felt the way it did just now with Ryder.

  “Will you come to the pre-season game tomorrow night?” Ryder broke into my thoughts, and I blinked before looking up at him. “I can get tickets for you, Tori, and anyone else you want to bring along.”

  “I’d like that. It would probably just be Tori,” I replied, knowing that she’d love it.

  “She’s your best friend?” Ryder asked, and I smiled.

  “I only hang out with her. I mean, I know people I work with, but we’re not close outside of the shop.” I knew that most girls my age had a group of friends and preferred to stay home or do low-key activities. I withdrew when Mom died and didn’t connect with people as I dealt with everything. Tori was the one person who reached deep inside me the first time I met her at school, and I slowly started to tell her everything. She helped me through the painful memories and sleepless nights that continued to plague me.

  “Usually, I see girls come to the games in groups like they don’t know what to do without one another.” Ryder mused as he took me in. “You seem like you’re happy letting Tori have the spotlight.”

  “You met her. It just shines down on her naturally. I’m okay with that,” I replied as he smiled. “I’m surprised you’re here with me, to be honest. Most guys want Tori.”

  “I’m not most guys. She’s great, but it was you who took my breath away that night at the bar.”

  I blushed.

  “You looked like an angel. When I talked to you, I couldn’t help but feel drawn to you.”

  “Oh, my God. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that. Not since… never mind.” I shook my head slowly. My mom always said I was an angel, and Ryder brought up old memories.

  “Tell me,” he urged, moving closer and stroking my jaw with his hand.

  “You just reminded me of someone,” I told him vaguely, leaning in for a kiss to distract him from his question. He moaned gently but responded slowly, pulling me closer as he slid me over his lap.

  Now I wondered who was distracting whom.

  We remained like this, kissing slow and hard. My body screamed for more, but I thought about him as I rocked slowly over his hard cock. I wanted to make him come the way he did me. I kept rolling, moving my mouth down his neck, and taking his skin between my teeth. This wasn’t me, and I was never this bold. I gasped as he slipped his hands down to cup my ass, warning me of what I was doing to him. “I know,” I assured him as he held me tight, pressing into me.

  “Elyse… fucking hell. You feel so good.” He claimed my lips in a long kiss as he jerked once, then twice. I breathed in as he pulled away to gasp my name. I did it and smiled as I dropped my face into his neck. “I don’t think I’ve done that since I was a teen.”

  We sat there for a few minutes in silence, his arm around my shoulder and his hand on my crossed knee. My head was swimming with thoughts. Could this be more than just a fling? Could I trust Ryder with my feelings? Could I let him know about the burden of my past?

  I found myself falling asleep, something I rarely did with other people around. Sleep made me vulnerable. I woke only when Ryder shifted a little.

  “Sorry, did I wake you?” he asked, kissing me on the forehead.

  “Yes,” I murmured. “But don’t worry about it.”

  “I should get going.”

  “I understand.” I half wanted him to stay, but I needed to be alone.

  He kissed me at the door and told me that he’d text me the information about the game. That made me blush all over again.

  Tori was as excited as I knew she would be. She was also wanting to know what was going on with Ryder. I was honest and told her I had no idea. Ryder told me the tickets would be under my name and that the seats were fantastic.

  I wore jeans and a cashmere sweater in the burgundy color of the team, blushing as I brushed my lips in a matching shade. Tori came to pick me up wearing black leggings and a fitted turtleneck, looking me over with a smile.

  The fans screamed as they announced the team. I watched as they skated out, doing a couple of laps around the ice before they shot some pucks into the net. I didn’t know anything about live sports, but the vibe was strong. Our seats were up a bit from the bench, and I took in the fantastic view from the center of the ice.

  The game began, and it was plain to see how Ryder played. He was always there to check a guy into the boards and defend his net. He even got two penalties through the game and had a brief fight that was broken up swiftly by the referee.

  He was aggressive out there. I had trouble separating the man who made me feel so good last night and the one here reminding every player on the other team whose ice they were on. I quietly watched as his team dominated the ice, and he assisted with the winning goal.

  “Want to go to the bar? I know what they do after the games,” Tori told me with a knowing smile as we walked out to wait for them.

  “I have to work early tomorrow. I’ll have enough trouble getting to sleep after all that excitement,” I smiled. “I can get a car home if you want to go.”

  “I’ll take you home first,” she offered with a curious look. Tori knew that I wasn’t a party animal, but also that I was into Ryder. I was sure there would be questions later.

  Once I was home, I paced the house before running a bath. I knew that there was aggression in the world that didn’t end in death. It wasn’t even the same kind that fuele
d what happened to my mother. I just couldn’t feel stable in Ryder’s world, and I walked to the bathroom to turn on the water for a bath. I left my phone in the kitchen and sank into the hot water and fragrant bubbles with a groan, hoping it brought me a fraction of the peace I needed. I closed my eyes and leaned back as I took a slow breath in, letting it out after a few seconds.

  I was just a little girl when she died and was confused as to what happened. I was there, but in my room across the house. I remembered some screams, and then silence, as I ran to hide in my closet. Dad came home almost right after and found me, handing me off to a kind police officer who found my blue teddy bear and made me hot chocolate and sat at the table with me. The pity in her eyes was overwhelming as I worried my hands under the table.

  I went to therapy after my mom died. It was only because my dad checked out and my aunt realized I needed help. It was an art therapist who worked with children and young adults. She managed to get me to talk about the incident and my feelings. We planned to get me through the harder times, and I saw her for a couple of years. At that point, I felt like I learned everything I needed to. I was functioning in my world, but I wouldn’t call it living; at least not entirely.

  I used her techniques now as my heart raced. I imagined the game and the way Ryder sent players into the boards and even got into a fight with one. The other guy didn’t get hurt badly, but it was still hard to watch. I never saw what happened to Mom or her condition afterward, but I still woke up in a cold sweat to this day if I dreamed about it.

  I stayed in the bath for a while and gave up when the water grew cold. I rose and dried myself off, washing my face before I pulled on leggings and a big T-shirt. I walked into my bedroom and braided my hair before I heard my phone ringing in the other part of the townhouse. I sighed and walked out to check it, seeing that there were texts from Tori and a couple of calls from Ryder. I wasn’t fucking ready to get into my past this soon, and I set it down. I shut the lights off and made sure the door was locked before going to my bedroom to hide under the covers.


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