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The Son of Earp Box Set - Books 1-3

Page 52

by Chuck Buda

  Each time I immerse myself in the Old West with James and Carson, I feel like I am there. The characters are vibrant and full of intensity. What draws me to these characters are their human struggles - which are difficult enough. But inside the unforgiving environment of the Old West, where tempers flare unchecked, and the lawmen can be just as dangerous as the criminals, more is at stake for James and Carson.

  So I gotta ratchet it up a couple of notches.

  I chose to bring along Eleanor, Miss Lark to many, because I thought it would add to the drama for James to have a love interest. As he matures into a man, it would only be natural for him to want to find love, or at least a girlfriend. I really wanted Eleanor to become a staple of the mythology going forward for James. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. In order to satisfy my desires for blood and gut-wrenching emotions, Miss Lark lost her life at the hands of the possessed Preacher. I truly felt sorry for Eleanor.

  Until there was more blood.

  Killing makes everything better for horror authors. Its catharsis purges any unintended consequences. And let’s be honest, stories get better when characters we care about get mutilated. The stakes increase exponentially and the surviving characters are forced into deeper holes from which they must dig themselves out of.

  It’s too bad because the schism between Sarah and Eleanor was working out very nicely.

  Gunderson represented a new perspective for James. As a substitute father figure, Gunderson allowed James to see things from a more mature, masculine perspective. A perspective James hadn’t seen in folks like George and Axl Morgan. Mr. Miller scratched the surface a little in Haunted Gunslinger, but he was a bit too business-like to fit the role correctly. Gunderson was a better fit, even with all the critters he found living in his hair. I liked spinning his caricature into something odd. It provided me with some entertainment while I toiled at the keyboard. Hey, I’m allowed to enjoy the story, too, you know. I thought Gunderson’s back story about his brother and their failed relationship enriched the dynamic between James and Carson.

  Sarah showed her toughness again in this tale. But she also slipped up and fell for the Preacher. She’s not getting any younger and finding an honest man who was attracted to her was too tempting, even for the reformed prostitute. Her own needs finally stepped into the spotlight. She has worked so hard to provide for James and raise him into a good member of the community. Now with Carson in her care, she has taken on double-duty. So why can’t she deserve some love and affection? If we believe Sarah to be who she is, then it is reasonable for her to make mistakes and show simple, human weaknesses. It was great to find her some love, even if only temporarily. The Preacher made the love more scandalous, too. Bonus points!

  What can I say about Preacher? He is by no means a treatise on organized religion or religious beliefs AT ALL. I repeat, Preacher had nothing to do with my religious beliefs or any kind of disgruntled attitude. I originally drafted the story to have a cowboy possessed by the devil and the Preacher was supposed to help James and Carson defeat the demon. But making the demon possession part of the Preacher? Priceless. It was too easy for me to switch on the fly. And the rest is history. I worked in some vague occult practices so as not to raise the ire of those who are knowledgeable about esoteric practices. It was generic enough to be plausible yet without condemnation or accusatory revelations over one philosophy or another. So if anyone is looking for more specific pagan practices and occult rituals then I suggest they hit the library or search the internets. I will not be responsible for what you find or any demons you accidentally conjure up with your book club.

  Finally, I will take a short break from the Son of Earp Series. There are plans for an additional three books in the series, but I must follow my muse along the path of discovering new characters and stranger horizons. I will throw a morsel out to whet your whistle. Some characters from the past are itching to make a reprisal. So, chew on that wad of tobacco while you wait to see James and Carson arrive in their next destination.

  There’s more evil in the Old West. And James and Carson still have something to prove.

  Chuck Buda

  P.S. Be sure to follow me on social media so you can stay up to date on new releases and all the craziness going on in my life. There’s a reality T.V. show in there somewhere. But it will never reach the networks.

  I feel safer with you by my side.

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  Chuck Buda explores the darkest aspects of the human condition. Then he captures its essence for fictional use. He writes during the day and wanders aimlessly all night...alone.

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  My Other Series

  The Debt Collector

  Pay Up and Die



  Son of Earp

  Curse of the Ancients

  Haunted Gunslinger

  Summoner of Souls

  Zombie Lockup

  Caged 1

  Caged 2 (coming January 2017)

  Caged 3 (coming in 2017)

  Caged 4 (coming in 2017)

  Caged 5 (coming in 2017)


  The First Cut

  Slashing Away (coming in 2017)

  Tourniquet (coming in 2017)


  Mayhem (coming in 2018)

  Godseed (coming in 2018)

  Darkthrone (coming in 2018)

  Immortal (coming in 2018)

  Visit my website to find all these books, and more!






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