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Discord (Midnight Saints MC Book 2)

Page 9

by Iris Sweetwater

  I nodded and then shouted, “Yes!” I clung to Tony as we headed back to the clubhouse.

  Tony parked his bike. “Tell me you still have the dope.”

  “I do. And the money.”

  “Good. We can put that back in the safe. This is why we don’t get outsiders involved in our shit. That guy’s blood is on both of you.”

  “I got involved too,” Seth said, hanging his head. He was such a big teddy bear. I could see why Reagen was so into him. I looked back at Tony, trying to decipher what Reagen had told me. Were there signs? He didn’t fuck me till he got drunk, same as me. So, where was it coming from? And if it was true, what did I even want to do with that information? I was supposed to be making things work with Eric, not fucking Tony and wondering what he felt for me.

  “Of course, you fucking did,” Tony snarled. “Get your asses inside. Those Blue Diablos don’t fuck around. No more trips with just the two of you. You stay with one of us at all times. We got lucky, but we might not be so lucky next time.” Why did that give me a chill thinking about Tony coming with me everywhere?

  “Next time it could be one of us they shoot,” Seth seconded.

  “Who got shot?” I asked.

  “A Blue Diablo. Manager at the coffee shop had a shotgun.”

  “What about our bikes?” I asked.

  “Totaled. If we’re lucky, the police won’t impound them and I can send a tow truck to retrieve them,” Tony said.

  “Okay, we need a new plan.”

  “Why don’t we go with your original idea, set him up?”

  “Did your guy send the message?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Let’s do that first.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think your father will come near us after we do that.”

  “Let’s use the kid,” Tony suggested.

  “I thought you were going to turn the kid,” Seth spoke up with his bleeding heart. I tried not to scoff at how soft Reagen had made him. It was kinda cute, though. But this was why Tony and I wouldn’t work. Neither one of us could afford to go soft. At least Eric would never expect that of me.

  “I was, but this will be better. Seth, go beat him up, then we’ll set him free. He’ll tell Maxum that we found the stash. Maxum will come looking for it.”

  Cover the kid in the dope. A little proof that we found the stash, and that way it can’t get sold on the street if it’s wasted,” I suggested.

  “Kara, I was so wrong about you.” Tony laughed.

  Fuck, I was in trouble here, wasn’t I?

  Our wishes were carried out and the kid was sent on his way, bloodied and dusted with dope. We set the bait and got the Crypt Keepers to join in on the ambush. Then, it was just a waiting game. Just after closing, a group of guys dressed in black showed up at the bar.

  Crypt Keepers took every last one of them out, but Maxum never showed.

  “What a fucking coward. He can never do anything himself,” Tony cursed.

  I knew better. He was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a coward, not in the way Tony thought. If motivated, he would look his best friend in the eye and take them out. “Or he expected a trap, so he sent disposables.”

  “No. He’s a fucking coward, hiding out and sending others to do his dirty work. Alright, well, that was a bust. Time to send a fucking bloody message.” Tony got on the phone, and in the dead of night just before dawn, the deed was carried out. It was reported back that the dynamite blew a fucking hole in the side of his house, but no one was home. He had gone underground somewhere or was hiding out at the Shadow Order’s clubhouse. We already knew he wasn’t with the Blue Diablos, even though he kept sending them to do his bidding.

  Three strikes against us put Tony in the foulest of moods, making him unpleasant to deal with, so I kept my distance.

  I decided to spend that time with Eric. He was a great guy, and I did miss our times together. I could tell he was hoping to rekindle that spark, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had found a spark for Tony. It was so wrong though. So very wrong.

  “So, what’s going on with you and Tony?” Eric asked while we were sitting in the lounge watching whatever was on the TV.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “We haven’t slept together again since you caught him naked in my room. If you haven’t noticed, there’s a fucking war going on.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “So, we’re kind of really busy dealing with that. We don’t really have time to think about relationships or sex. We’re the leaders now. We’re both the Prez. We have responsibilities.”

  “Yeah, I’m aware of that, Kara. I know the kind of shit that happens in an MC.”

  “I wasn’t implying you didn’t.” I crossed my arms and ignored him as I watched the creepy show that was playing. I had little interest in it, but I didn’t dare bother changing the channel. But then again, I was Prez, would they dare get mad at me? I looked at the bikers who looked the most interested in what was on and decided I couldn’t change it on them, so I got up and went to the kitchen for a snack instead.

  “Hey, get me some chips!” Eric called out.

  “Get your own!” I called back.

  “Are you mad at me or something?”

  “No, just frustrated,” I said, tossing him a bag of chips. “Nothing is going our way and that’s irritating. Plus, I don’t know if you heard, but Reagen and I were attacked.”

  “Yeah, I heard.”

  “Plus, my new friend is probably dead. He’s at least missing.”

  “Oh shit! I’m sorry. No wonder you’re in a foul mood. I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Eric! You don’t have to leave. You’re a Crypt Keeper, you’re allowed to be here. Stay, eat your chips, watch the show or movie or whatever is on, and enjoy yourself.”

  “Actually, I should probably get back, but I’ll see you tomorrow at the bar, right? Friend of the MC night?” Part of me wanted to stop him, pull him back, and give him what he wanted. There would be a satisfaction in seeing his eyes light up because of me. But if I wasn’t sure, why should I do that to him? Maybe things would go better tomorrow.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He got up, put the chips back, and left. Not feeling like watching any more of what was on, I headed off to find Reagen. She was in her room resting. Seth was off somewhere again. “Hey, can I come in?”

  “Sure.” She sat up.

  “How are you?”

  “Shaken, but I’m okay. I feel really bad about Draco. He was nice.”

  “Yeah, me too. His blood might be on our hands, but we’re not the ones who killed him. We had no way of knowing we were followed.”

  “Yeah, but to be fair, we should have.”

  “It was a fucking coffee shop.”

  “Maybe someone put a tracker on my bike.”

  “Now, I didn’t think about that. I wouldn’t put it past my father to put a tracker on mine. Hell, for all we know both of them were being tracked. We don’t know for sure it was whoever this guy supposedly working with Jacob was this time. We did just fuck with my father last night. It could have been retaliation for that.”

  “I’m never going to be allowed to leave this clubhouse, am I?” She sighed.

  “Not without Seth at your side.”

  “I guess that’s not so bad. At least here I’m safe.”

  “Yeah, this is the safest place. Only a fool would attack us here, or an asshole with a death wish. We have a sentry down at the road and snipers set up and dogs. We’re pretty well fortified here, and if we were attacked, we could easily escape up into the mountains.”

  “Except, doesn’t your father know these mountains as well as anyone?”

  “True, and some of the Blue Diablos are ex Midnight Saints. Fuck, I need to bring this to Tony. We might have fucked up by not thinking of that. He’s like fucking Osama Bin Laden, my father.”

  “It sucks when your friends are now your enemies.”

  “Yes, it does,” I agreed. I didn’t want her to wor
ry, but she was too smart for her own good. She knew we weren’t truly safe here. Our enemy knew this place in and out, and if he really wanted to, he could come at us from all angles, cut us off, and burn us alive while we were trapped inside, but I didn’t tell her that. What was my father playing at? He only sent small teams to attack, never a big army, and we all knew he had the big army. What was he waiting for? What was his plan? Did he even have a plan or were these just acts of a desperate man in a desperate situation?

  “What are you thinking about?” Reagen asked me.

  “Trying to figure out what his big plan is.”

  “Your father?”

  “Yeah. Because this so far seems like acts of a desperate man in a desperate situation.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m more scared of Jacob’s unknown ally— who knows what his plan is to get me back so he can kill me.”

  “Well, we’re not going to let that happen,” I promised her.

  Chapter 13


  On Friend of the MC night, I was sitting with Reagen at a table drinking and talking shit when Eric walked in with the Crypt Keepers. Tony and I stood to welcome our new allies. Tony played the perfect host, offering them the best whores, the best drinks, and we took time to sign the contract.

  It was official, we were now allies. We toasted with beer, and then the three Prezs sat down to discuss the plan. Tony and I were out of ideas. It was as if my father was always two steps ahead of us.

  The Crypt Keeper Prez suggested something totally different.

  “Just lie low, see what he does next. If he attacks, we’ll defend you. Honestly, from what I can tell, the guy is nothing more than a shitstorm, a desperate man. Everything he has done has been the act of a desperate man. Sooner or later, whatever is chasing him is going to catch up to him, and more than likely it’s someone who is going to kill him. With him out of the picture, the Blue Diablos will cool down, and the Shadow Order, well, they’ll just stay in the shadows. Just give this shitstorm time to blow over.”

  I caught Eric’s eyes from across the room and felt warm as I listened. It sounded like something he would say. Regardless of him only being the Enforcer, he had a hell of a lot of say. The MC respected him, which was how I got in with them to begin with.

  And I knew when this conversation was over, I would have to face him and decide once and for all if we were going to be something more like we should have been a long time ago.

  “Well, this is a party, so let’s put this talk on hold till tomorrow. Enjoy yourself.”

  “I plan to.” He smiled at us.

  The only one not partaking in the whores was Eric. His eyes were only for me, but suddenly my eyes were for Tony. And after a couple beers, it was easier to admit to myself that this was really happening.

  I wasn’t the type of girl for a love triangle. I was always on the move, and most guys knew that. Besides, very few wanted this brand of crazy for long. But these two were different.

  I liked Eric, I probably still loved him, but I could see a future with Tony, something I usually ran from. My father had fucked up my idea of a future, and Eric knew that. Eric was comfortable, and even if he was so sweet, I knew he needed better than me. And even if I loved him, I didn’t know if I was IN love.

  But I didn’t know yet how Tony felt about it. He wouldn’t talk after waking up in my bed. After I ran after Eric, he acted as if it never happened. True, we were busy dealing with the war shit, but life went on. It had to.

  But the other issue with Tony was we were both Prez, and at a time of war no less. And we were both hot heads. If things didn’t work with us, I didn’t see us being civil, and that could bring the whole MC down.

  “Can I buy that round?” Eric asked me as I went up to the bar for more. I gave in and let Eric buy me a drink. I glanced over toward Tony and frowned. He’s got Harley in his lap, rubbing her body all over him. Well, that answers that. Eric put his arm around me, and I didn’t protest. “Looks like Tony has moved on.”

  “That’s just Harley. She’s a whore.” Who was I trying to convince?


  “Besides, it was one drunken night. I shouldn’t have expected him to fall for me. I should have known better. Tony isn’t that kind of guy. Tony is never going to be that kind of guy, and I realize I want that kind of guy. The settling down, getting married, having a baby kind of guy. I haven’t been able to think about that because I’ve been running from dear old dad. I’m done running now.”

  “I’m that kind of guy. I could see myself married with a brood of kids running around. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop what I do, but well, maybe I’ll be a little more careful.”

  “And do you have a woman in mind?” I teased.

  “Well, I might.” He smiled at me. I glanced at Tony. He was looking at me, so I leaned over and planted a kiss on Eric’s lips. It was so, so wrong of me, but even at my age, hormones could make a woman do insane things.

  After a few more kisses that made Eric look drunk and happy, I heard the chair scoot back, and a second later, Eric was grabbed from behind and pulled away from me.

  What the hell?

  I turned to see it was Tony, come all the way the fuck over from where he was getting a hard-on from that whore to break this up. And for what? This hot headedness was my exact worry come to life.

  “Tony, just because we slept together doesn’t make me yours to defend. I’m not your girlfriend. Eric, I’m not yours yet either. I am trying to figure this out and find something real, which I have a fucking right to do. Both of you just need to chill out because this is the last thing this club needs. Tony, you are the Prez, start acting like it.”

  Tony threw a punch, ignoring me. Eric dodged it.

  “Are you sure you don’t have feelings for Kara?” Austin asked. “Because that seemed like jealous boyfriend type shit.”

  “Shut up and mind your own damn business, Austin.”

  I rolled my eyes at the idiocy but hoped the comment was the end of it. I shoved at Eric’s shoulder, ready to take him somewhere to talk. Fuck the rule about only leaving with Seth or Tony. Eric would die before he let me get hurt.

  “Hey!” the Crypt Keeper’s Prez shouted as Tony threw another punch. “Let’s go, boys, we’re out of here. Tony, don’t make me regret signing that contract. Kara, you better decide quickly which one is yours. I don’t want to see this again.” He grabbed Eric by the collar and hoisted him toward the door.

  Eric blew a fucking kiss at me. I normally would have laughed, but this was so not funny right now.

  “What the fuck, Tony?” I turned on him. “You were all over Harley.”


  “So, what is your deal?”

  “I don’t like that guy.” He shrugged.

  “You mean the guy who made sure we had a whole MC of allies? The guy who has made sure all these years I stayed alive and safe? That’s bullshit, Tony.”

  “You can do better, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Yeah? Like who? You?” I was all for being blunt right now. This was ruining my buzz and the one night I had set aside to get my heart fucking straight. Eric was the guy I SHOULD be with.

  Tony didn’t answer. He just walked away, grabbed Harley, and headed upstairs to fuck her. I got a beer.

  “He likes you, he just isn’t ready to admit it. Hell, I bet he’s secretly hoping you’ll burst up there, kick Harley out, and take him instead,” Seth came up to tell me, Reagen by his side.

  “In his dreams,” I said, throwing back the beer Eric paid for.

  “Oh, come on, Kara, we all know you two fucked already.”

  “That was due to a lot of vodka. Neither of us even remember that night.”

  “Well, maybe you need to fuck again,” Austin said, putting in his two cents as fucking always.

  “Maybe you’re just hoping I fuck you instead,” I said to him, but they both had a fucking point. If Tony wanted me, and I wanted Tony, then maybe it was time I did something.
I was no shy bitch. I was a fucking Harley queen. Austin put his hands up in defense, about to say something, when I pointed at him. “Want a show, shit stirrer? Buy me two shots of something strong, and I’ll knock that whore right off his cock.”

  “That’s the bitch I know,” Reagen said as Austin complied, bringing me one shot of something clear, probably vodka, and the other smells of tequila. I downed them, knowing I didn’t want those two to get too far, though part of me hoped the ass couldn’t get it up.

  I stomped upstairs, all eyes on me until I made it to his room. I hesitated at the door. Then, I pushed it open. Harley screamed.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Kara!”

  “You get out, you fucking whore!” I told Harley.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Tony asked, but he had little conviction. Harley was butt fucking naked, but they clearly hadn’t done anything yet.

  “You’re crazy,” Harley said, challenging me, her tits flopping as she put her hands on her hips. “Tony?” she asked him as if he was going to kick me out after his display downstairs. He didn’t tell her to go, but he didn’t tell me to go either.

  Fucking men.

  “Shut up and get out!” I went up to her, grabbing her by the hair as she squealed and begged for more help. I threw her out the door. “You should be used to people pulling that shit by now, whore!” I closed the door behind Harley and stripped out of my clothes.

  “Kara, get the fuck out!” Tony said suddenly.

  “Shut up!”

  “I don’t want to fuck you, bitch. I want to fuck Harley. Get out and get her back in here.”

  “After that display down there, you want me to get out? Asshole!” I slapped him and then got dressed and marched out. “He’s all yours,” I told Harley. She glared at me but walked away, not wanting any more of either of our crazy. And I wished I could erase it as well, but Austin and some of the others had followed us up to see the drama firsthand.

  Austin and Seth were laughing. “Oh, he’s going to regret that,” Austin said through titters. “Mark my words.”


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