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Alec's Dream

Page 44

by Dave Birchbauer

  A refreshed Sheldon met Ernie in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Ernie was red-eyed, having done most of the driving the previous day and night. “So, ten o'clock it is.” Sheldon said with a grin. “I doubt if the meeting will last very long. My contact assured me he’s not associated with that Jeffery character, but you never know…”

  “That’s some pep talk boss.” Ernie said finishing the remnants of his omelet.

  “I’m just letting you know, you don’t need to stay. Just drop me off and get away.” Sheldon lowered his voice. “I really mean it. There’s some strange stuff going on. I don’t even trust my contacts anymore.”

  “No way, you owe me 3 weeks back pay.” Ernie wiped the last of the egg off his chin. “I’ve got to protect the best paying employer I’ve ever had. Let’s get going.”

  After an hour of fighting the Washington traffic, Ernie parked on a tree lined street in front of a nondescript Federal Building. Like most of the older government buildings in the city, it was a 3 story Greek revival structure covering half a city block.

  “If I’m not out in a couple of hours… well, I don’t know what you should do. Come to think of it, you’re the genius, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Sheldon shook Ernie’s hand before stepping out of the Cadillac.

  Once inside the building, Sheldon went through the normal security lines, scanners and intrusions, before being granted the privilege of introducing himself to a bored and overweight security guard. After signing in, the guard handed him a visitor badge and pointed towards the elevators on the far side of an elegant marble floored atrium. The size of the atrium took up the entire center of the building and extended up to a glass roof. Sheldon was amazed at the amount of wasted space… the only usable part of the building was its perimeter.

  The third floor elevator doors opened to a glass enclosed foyer facing a large reception desk with a not so large, but very competent looking receptionist. After introducing himself again, he found himself waiting in a comfortable lobby chair while pretending to read a 2 month old fashion magazine.

  “Mr. Moon? This way please.” Another young woman held the glass foyer door open and patently waited as he put down his magazine. They walked a long hallway. He was curious that it was walled up. By his reckoning it should have been a balcony overlooking the atrium. Instead it was decorated with cheesy prints of landscapes. The girl led him through a set of double doors where he yet again found himself thumbing through another fashion magazine. It wasn’t until he achieved his ideal personality… by taking a personality quiz 3 times… when he was finally introduced to the Secretary of Commerce, Jack Fitzsimmons.

  “So, Mr. Moon, exactly what can I do for you?” he asked.

  Sheldon thought he had the classic look of a bureaucratic; pudgy, sweaty and no color, as though he hadn’t been out in the daylight in years. Sheldon handed him a copy of his seizure papers. “You see Mr. Secretary, I am, or was, the owner of the Big Sky Company. There seems to be some mistake. There is no reason for this.” Sheldon pointed to the papers in Fitzsimmons’ hand. “I’ve been led to believe that you have the authority to nullify these actions.”

  The Secretary gave the papers a cursory glance. “I don't recognize these, as a matter of fact; I don't see any references to the Commerce Department in them. Do you?”

  “I've done some research and found that these documents come from an agency associated with the Department of Commerce. It’s called the Office of Technology Stabilization… I believe.” Before Sheldon could make his case, Fitzsimmons desk phone buzzed. After listening a few moments he became noticeably agitated. Hanging up he returned his attention to Sheldon. “I'm sorry Mr. Moon, but it looks like we're going to have to cut this meeting short.”

  “Look, you're just going to have to hear me out. I expect a resolution, and if I don't get one, I will go public.” Before he could say more, the Secretary’s face turned pale as Sheldon heard the door behind him open. Sheldon turned to look. Coming through the door was a tall, dark robed figure followed by an entourage of half a dozen brightly dressed guards. The same one’s he saw in the paper a few days ago; Kan-ji. Bustling in behind them were the same two secretaries who had led him in, trying their best to object.

  Sheldon focused on the leader who had just brushed back the hood of his robe. The newcomer was extremely handsome, almost saintly with long blond flowing hair. Sheldon sensed something odd about him. His features didn’t seem normal, the ears had a slightly different shape and weren’t in the right spot. Same with his nose and eyes, he definitely seemed alien. His guards were dressed like friendly pirates, with puffy shirts, pantaloons and feathered hats. They were all armed with curved swords and ancient looking pistols.

  “Fitzsimmons, it's time we met face to face.” The tall stranger began in a sing-songy, angelic, voice… completely ignoring Sheldon. He looked annoyed, or possibly angry, Sheldon couldn’t tell. “I regret having to meet you like this, but your failures have prompted me to take matters into my own hands.”

  “I... I... am sorry Mr. M’bron.” Fitzsimmons stuttered. “I’ve been attempting to correct the situation.”

  “Are you aware of what the situation actually is?” M’bron stepped closer to Fitzsimmons desk.

  “Ah, please sit down.” Fitzsimmons asked. He sat himself. “I’ve discovered a slight breakdown in communications. I was just about to send my report.”

  M’bron remained standing. “I’ve been doing my own investigations and have tracked it to you and your Office of Technology Stabilization.”

  Sheldon had casually moved closer to the room’s side as M’bron concentrated on Fitzsimmons. The guards ignored him. They were spread about the room covering the doors and windows. ‘military guard’ Sheldon thought seeing their movements.

  “I'm not sure that I understand what you mean.” Sheldon noticed that the Secretary had a habit of not understanding much of what anyone says to him. “That ship you encountered was using a fluke technology... nothing but a toy. We have it fully under our control. It will not be a problem from now on.”

  That comment hit Sheldon hard and his anger got the best of him. “What? You just said that you had no idea what I was here for! Now you're telling this alien that you are the one who took control of my company? I need an explanation!” Turning to the alien he said “If you have my crew and the girls in your custody, I demand that they be released.”

  Sheldon now received the alien’s full scrutiny as M’bron sized him up for nearly a full minute. Then turning back to the Secretary, he said. “I see that you are not as much in command as you are indicating. I want you to deliver the developers of this technology to me by tomorrow. I will leave some of my staff here to make sure there are no problems.” He spoke to his comrades in an odd sing-songy language before leaving. Two aliens remained… to guard Sheldon.

  The Secretary sat back down behind his desk as color slowly returned to his face. He picked up his phone. “Shelly, can you please send in security.” Hanging up, he looked to Sheldon and leaned back. “It looks like you have just saved me from a difficult situation. Now, if you could tell me where your friend Mr. McCoughe is hiding, your detention will be fairly short, at least until you are delivered to Mr. M'bron.”

  “I have people waiting for me, and if I don't come out of this building, and soon, actions will be taken.” Sheldon threatened.

  “I believe that your companion waiting in the car outside will be joining you very shortly.” The Secretary smiled. Sheldon had a déjà vu moment as the scene seemed to be playing out the same way it did a few days ago. Two guards entered to join the Kan-ji as they took him away.

  Chapter 21 ~ The Meeting


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