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Vegas Vows, Texas Nights

Page 16

by Charlene Sands

  “Thanks, and don’t worry. I’ve been very patient with Katie. She was ready to tell her family the truth until Diana got sick. I won’t let her push me too far away. I have a plan.”

  “A Boone with a plan? Just make sure it doesn’t backfire,” Aunt Lottie said.

  He’d had the same thought. But he had to try something.

  His patience was at an end.

  * * *

  Katie was on a roll this morning. She’d finished baking cupcakes and frosted one hundred of them in less than an hour in her work kitchen. They were now ready to go in the dessert case.

  “Lori, cupcakes are up.”

  “Coming,” Lori called from the bakery. “I’ll be right there.”

  Katie washed the bowls and utensils, and when Lori walked in she grabbed one of the large cupcake tins. “Wow. Working fast.”

  “I have to. I’m going to stop by the hospital to check on my mom after the morning rush. Thank you for holding down the fort for me this week.”

  “Of course. How’s Mama doing today?”

  “Getting better every day. Her doctor says she’s out of danger.”

  “All good news.”

  “I know. Thank goodness. Her fever is gone and if it stays normal for one more day, they’ll release her.”

  Katie had closed the bakery for the first three days while her mother was fighting pneumonia and had taken turns with Shelly to sit with her at the hospital. She reopened her shop once her mom’s recovery took a good turn.

  “That’s great, Katie. It’s been a hard week for you.”

  “As long as my mom gets to come home, it’s all worth it.”

  “I’ll keep good thoughts for her.”


  Once Lori walked out, Katie checked her cell phone. No texts yet from Luke. He usually texted her first thing in the morning and then at night before bed. He always asked about her mother’s health, and made sure she was feeling okay, too. She hadn’t seen him since the wedding and it was killing her. She really missed him, but not enough to ask him to come over.

  She couldn’t take the pressure right now and she understood that this wasn’t the way Luke wanted it. He wanted to be let into her heart and her life. She wasn’t sure if Luke was trying to abide by her wishes by staying away, or if he was really angry with her. Maybe a little bit of both.

  “Oh God,” she murmured. She didn’t want to push him away like this, but what choice did she have?

  The morning rush was intense, Katie and Lori working their butts off, trying to accommodate all the customers’ orders. Davis Moore walked in and Katie waved to him.

  He gave her a quick smile. “Hi, Katie.”

  “Hi, Davis. Are you here for your usual?”

  He’d become a regular customer and she had gotten to know him a bit. “Actually, I’m surprising the entire floor with your cupcakes this morning. Can you pack up two dozen for me to take back to the staff?”

  “Sure.” She turned to Lori. “We can do that, right?”

  Lori nodded, getting two big boxes ready.

  “Be sure to include Shelly’s favorite, lemon raspberry,” he told her. “Put in two of those. Your sister got me hooked on them, too.”

  “Shelly’s good for business.”

  He grinned. “She’s good all the way around.”

  Katie paused momentarily, holding back a wide smile. “I agree.”

  “Your mom’s making progress on her recovery. I checked in on her this morning.”

  “Thank you. It makes me feel good knowing she’s getting expert care. Actually, I’ll be leaving here in just a few minutes to visit her.”

  “I wouldn’t rush. She’s got a visitor right now.”

  “Oh yeah? Do you know who it is?” Katie asked, making conversation as she totaled up the bill at the cash register.

  “Well, someone told me it was Shelly’s ex. He walked in with a big bouquet of tulips for your mom.”

  Katie nearly swallowed her tongue. Luke had gone to see her mother with a bouquet of her favorite flowers? “Davis, you know what? These cupcakes are on the house. As a thank-you to you and the rest of the staff.”

  “Well, that’s nice of you—”

  “Lori will finish up your order.” Katie removed her apron and grabbed her purse. “I actually can’t wait to see Mama another minute. I’ll be back later,” she told Lori. “Bye, Davis.”

  Then she dashed out the door, her stomach gripping tight. It wasn’t morning sickness making her ill. It was a heavy dose of dread.

  What in hell was Luke up to?


  Luke hoped he wasn’t making a big mistake. He stood outside Diana Rodgers’s hospital room and took a breath. Holding a bouquet of Diana’s favorite flowers in one hand, he gave her door a little tap with the other.

  After a brief pause, she said, “Come in.”

  Her voice sounded strong. According to Katie, Diana was doing well. She’d make a full recovery and might even go home tomorrow. Here goes, he thought. He’d gotten the okay from Diana’s nurse to pay her a visit.

  He walked through the slightly open door and found her sitting up in bed. She glanced at him and the softness in her eyes disappeared. “Luke, what are you doing here?”

  “May I come in?”

  “You already have.”

  He nodded and set the tulips down on the bedside table. “For you.”

  Grudgingly, she glanced at the flowers. “They’re lovely.”

  “I remembered your favorite.”

  She half smiled. “If only you’d remembered to marry my daughter.”

  Luke stared at her, understanding her wrath. “I came to speak with you, Diana. If you would hear me out.”

  “Haven’t we said all there is to say years ago?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Diana looked better than he expected. Her face hinted at a rosy sheen, her hazel eyes were bright and she seemed to have attitude, which he remembered about her. She was never a pushover.

  “If you want me to leave, I will. But first, I want to say I’m glad to see you’re making a full recovery. You look good.”

  “Thank you for that.” She folded her arms over her chest.

  “I’m here to speak to you about Katie.”

  “Katie? What about Katie?” Diana’s eyes shifted warily.

  “Well... Katie and I have been friends now a long time.”

  “I know. She always defends you.”

  “She does?” That made him smile. “I suppose I’m not your favorite person. But I’m here to explain about what happened. You see, I did love Shelly. I thought she was right for me and I was right for her. I suppose I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for her.”

  “She was sick for months after you broke off the engagement. She crawled into a shell and didn’t come out for a long time.”

  Luke pulled up a chair and took a bedside seat. “I’m sorry about that. But you might say I did the same by joining the Marines. I was hiding out, too, in my own way.”

  “And what were you hiding from?”

  “My feelings. You see, I didn’t mean it to happen and I certainly didn’t want it to happen, but I fell deeply in love—”

  “With another woman?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes. I fell hard. I couldn’t help it. This girl was everything I was looking for. She was bright and independent and funny. We shared the same interests and—”

  “My Katie?”

  “Yessss.” Luke closed his eyes briefly, then opened them to look straight at Diana. “I’m in love with Katie. It’s the real reason I left town. I didn’t want to come between Katie and her sister. I left my family, my work, all the things I loved, to keep peace in your family. She never knew. She never encouraged me.”

iana bit her lip and then sighed. “Now that explains it. We couldn’t figure out why you broke up with Shelly days before the wedding. And you didn’t stick around long enough to work things out with her. You left her high and dry.”

  “I know. I’ve apologized to her and to you. Many times. And well, I did a good job of staying away from Katie when I returned home to Boone Springs, except for the time we’d spend at Red Barrel together. Katie was the perfect protective sister. She never gave an inch and I accepted that. But then we were thrown together for Mason’s wedding.”


  “And I fell in love with him, Mama.”

  Katie entered the room and set a hand on Luke’s shoulder. She gave him a look that said she’d take it from here and don’t you dare argue. He wouldn’t dream of it.

  “You love Luke?”

  “I do, Mama. He’s a good man.”

  Her mother continued to nibble on her lip. “What about Shelly?”

  “I’ll speak with her tonight.”


  “I’m not, Mama. I should’ve told you the whole truth myself. You see, Luke and I got married in Las Vegas during the bachelorette party weekend. A little too much tequila at night makes a girl do silly things. I was beside myself and panicked when I woke up seeing that marriage license. I was worried sick about how you and Shelly would take it.”

  “She tried to divorce me,” he said. “But I stalled her.”

  “You stalled her until she fell in love with you?” Diana asked.

  “Yes.” He kissed the top of Katie’s hand and looked into her beautiful eyes. She’d finally come around and nothing made him happier. “I couldn’t let her go a second time. I love her too much.”

  “Mama, I finally realized my love for Luke when he ran into that burning house and saved Drew’s life. He could’ve been killed in that fire and all of a sudden, everything became clear to me.”

  “I see. I read about your heroics in the newspaper, Luke. It was courageous of you. And what you sacrificed to spare Shelly’s feelings is commendable. You stayed away from home for four years. You did an honorable thing. It makes me feel a little bit ashamed about how I’ve treated you.”

  “Don’t be. I understand.”

  “You can’t help who you fall in love with, Mama.”

  “I guess not.”

  “There’s more,” Katie said.

  Luke stood up, grateful that Katie was finally revealing the entire truth. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her in close, showing solidarity.

  “We’re going to have a baby, Mama,” she said. “You’re going to be a grandmother.”

  Diana’s eyes went wide for a few seconds, as if sorting out the words in her head, and once the shock wore off, a big smile graced her face. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes, Mama. And you’re going to be the best Grammy ever.”

  “That’s wonderful news, sweetheart. I can hardly believe my little girl is going to be a mother. And I’m going to be a grandmother.” Diana put out her arms, and Katie ran into them. “All I’ve ever wanted is for my girls to be happy.”

  “I am, Mama. I’m very happy.”

  “Then so am I.”

  When Katie backed away, Diana stretched out her arms again. “Luke?”

  He walked over to her and she hugged him tight. He’d always liked Diana, and she’d treated him like part of the family when he was with Shelly. Was it possible to regain that bond again? “I’re my son-in-law now.”

  “Guess so.”

  “Well then, welcome to the family, Lucas Boone,” Diana said. “In a million years, I never thought I’d say those words to you.”

  Luke felt a thousand times better than when he’d first walked in here. “Neither did I.”

  * * *

  Katie knocked on Shelly’s apartment door. She’d had this place ever since college; it was in a nice neighborhood surrounded by parks and gardens. Shelly had done well for herself. She’d become a highly respected nurse and was on her way to bigger things professionally. While Katie nurtured horses and all animals, Shelly loved patient care. She had a nurturing spirit, too, and it had taken her a long time after her breakup to get back to a good place in her life again.

  Katie’s nerves rattled as she waited for Shelly to answer the door. She prayed that her news wouldn’t set her sister back. That had been her greatest fear of all—that her sister would be crushed all over again.

  When Shelly opened the door, she seemed surprised. “Katie? I was just going to the hospital to give you a break. What is it? Is something wrong with Mom?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong with Mom. She’s actually feeling much better.”

  “Oh good. For a second there, I got worried.”

  “Can I come in?”

  Shelly’s brows furrowed and she stepped aside to let Katie in. “That expression on your face has me puzzled. You look...scared. Are you shaking?”

  “I, uh. Shelly, we need to talk.”

  “Okay,” she said. “What’s up?”

  Katie’s legs went weak and she took a seat on the living room sofa. She’d rehearsed what she would say to Shelly many times, but as hard as this confession was in her head, it was ten times harder in person. “I have something to tell you, Shel. But first I want you to know I love you very much and I’d never intentionally hurt you.”

  “Of course, I know that. Same here. Please tell me what’s on your mind, because I’m starting to get a weird vibe here.”

  “Weird? No, that’s not the word I’d use.”

  “Katie, you’re being cryptic.”

  “Okay, okay. It’s just hard to begin. It’s about... Luke.”

  Shelly blinked a few times. “What about Luke?”

  “I, uh, he’s my... Remember, I love you.”

  She nodded.

  “Well, when Luke came back home from overseas last year, we started bumping into each other at the rescue. It wasn’t a friendship really, but we shared a mutual love for horses and we worked together there at times. But it never went beyond that. I swear to you. Then in Vegas, during the party for Mason and Drea, Luke and I both got blistering drunk. Luke offered to walk me back to the hotel. Only we didn’t quite make it back. Instead...we went to the Midnight Chapel”

  Shelly’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head. “You got married? Am I hearing correctly? You and Luke are married?”

  Bile rose in her throat. The last thing she wanted was to cause her sister grief. She took a breath and went on, “I t-tried to get a divorce, but Luke kept stalling me, saying his attorney wasn’t available. And I didn’t know what to do. Shel, I was panicked. We hid it from everyone. I just wanted the ordeal to be over. Luke and I were thrown together a lot because of Drea’s wedding. And when Snow died, we bonded over that. And well, Luke shared with me the real reason he couldn’t marry you. It killed me to hear it. But you have to know the whole truth. Luke had fallen in love...with me,” she whispered.

  Shelly seemed unusually calm, but Katie didn’t take that as a good sign. “Luke fell in love with you?”

  “Again, Shel, I never encouraged him back then. We were friends. He was going to be my brother-in-law. And well, that’s when he decided to break up with you and join the Marines. He didn’t want to hurt you anymore than he had. He left his home and family so that he wouldn’t come between us. He kept away for four years and when he returned home... Well, you know the rest. I’m so sorry, Shelly. I didn’t want this to come between us. Ever.”

  “Well, what did you think would happen? That I’d be jumping for joy?”

  “No, just the opposite. That’s why this is so hard.”

  “I was a mess after he dumped me. And you’re telling me you knew nothing about this?”

  “I truly didn’t. I swear. I was just as sh
ocked when he told me the truth as you are now. And I didn’t want any part of it. I fought my feelings for him.”

  Shelly ground her teeth, trying for restraint but Katie knew that look. Her sister wanted to scream to high heaven at the injustice of it all. How could she blame her? She’d held on to her bitterness for all these years. “Your feelings for him?”

  Katie sighed deeply. “Yes, I have feelings for Luke. I love him. I mean, I didn’t know that I’d fallen in love with him, until he ran into a burning building to save Drew MacDonald’s life. After that, I realized how much he meant to me. How much I cared for him. How much it would hurt if I lost him.”

  “And so, you threw your sister under the bus for a guy.”

  Her words cut deep, but Shelly’s anger seemed to lessen, and was there actually space between her tight lips now? Was she making a joke?

  Katie reached for her sister’s hands and hung on tight.

  “Your hands are freezing,” Shelly said. “You’re really tortured about this, aren’t you?”

  “Of course I am.” Katie held back a sob.

  “I hate seeing you in such pain.”

  “And I hate knowing I’ve caused you pain. I know you have no use for Luke.”

  “You shouldn’t have to choose between us.”

  “But you only have horrible things to say about him, Shel. And I know this is awkward as hell, but... I don’t know what to do.”

  Shelly sat quietly for a while, holding her ice cold hands, thinking. Seconds seemed like hours, but then her sister released a big breath.

  “You know what to do,” Shelly said firmly. “You love him and he loves you. There’s nothing to do except make a life with him. Look, I know I’ve been bitter, and I’ve been difficult. I was hurt, but I finally realized that I didn’t want a man who didn’t love me like crazy. What kind of marriage would that make? Luke wasn’t right for me. Not the way...”

  “Davis is?” Katie asked, hopefully.

  Shelly sighed. “We’re getting closer every day. He’s amazing.”

  “The feeling is mutual, on his part. Whenever he comes into the bakery, he finds a way to tell me just that.”


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