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Clara and Claire

Page 1

by Lindsey Richardson

  Table of Contents

  Clara and Claire


  Also by Lindsey Richardson




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The next adventure…




  Lindsey Richardson

  Copyright © 2016 by Lindsey Richardson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended solely to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All other characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.

  Cover design by Alivia Anders of White Rabbit Book Design

  Formatting by Allyson Gottlieb of Athena Interior Book Design

  Lindsey Richardson



  Also by Lindsey Richardson

  The Magicians Series

  Cursed With Power

  Shadows and Embers

  Thicker Than Blood

  Bloodline Inheritance

  To my husband, Eric Richardson, for always giving me the support and love I need to continue through life and with writing.


  Clara and Claire proved to be an exciting challenge. After finishing the Magicians series, I debated on whether this book would be my next project or not. The story and characters captured my attention and my passion, as I hope it will for you. The support with this new novel has been tremendous, and I could not have done it alone.

  As always, I want to first thank my husband, Eric. You stand by me with everything and have the patience to listen to my ideas. You have patience to support me even on days when writing or editing goes horribly wrong. I would not be nearly as thrilled about this new novel if it was not for your love and constant praise for both me and my craft. I love you and am so grateful to be taking on new adventures with you.

  Next I’d like to thank the “Draft Bandits” group on Facebook for saving me from pushing this book aside. I tried so many times to move past chapter one before September when I joined this motivational group. I’ve met amazing friends and have been so inspired by everyone’s hard work. I learned the importance of being praised even for days when you might only write 200 words. This group taught me patience and the importance of a support team when you’re writing a novel. This was my first time being involved in a group like this, and it honestly saved me whenever I had doubts or fears. It truly changed my perspective on writing and improved how I write so much.

  To my cover designer, Alivia Anders, for designing the beautiful cover to go along with this novel. Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. You’re a killer author and an amazingly talented graphic designer. Alivia is the same person who designed the cover for Thicker Than Blood, and thankfully she is still in the business to bless me with her incredible talents again.

  A quick shout out to Allyson Gottlieb for sprinting with me. Thank you for being such a supporter of my work since the beginning. I still cannot thank you enough for helping me with the cover for Clara and Claire. I cannot wait for you to read this and hear your thoughts.

  To the creators of the “Wordly: effortless word and time tracking for writers” app. The app helped me achieve my goals for finishing this book in a timely manner. I finally had a consistent schedule for writing, and I was able to help other writers by recommending it to them. The app helped motivate me and stay on track with where I wanted to be by the end of this.

  To my family and friends who support and share what I do. You are always there when I need you the most, and I’m only sorry I cannot thank each of you individually.

  To my beta readers: Allyson, Mariella, and Laura. Thank you so much for the time you put in and all the suggestions. I hope you’ll enjoy this final version of the book as much as what you read before publication.

  Lastly, thank you to my readers. Whether you’re new or you came here because of the Magicians series, you are the reason that I write. For those of you returning to my novels, I eagerly await your reaction to the new part of my journey. To my new readers, I welcome you and thank you for believing in me. I would not be able to live out this dream if it was not for you. And it is because of you that I will always continue writing.

  “So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.”

  -Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

  “I am the daughter of a king who forget my name.” -L.L.Tyrrell

  Chapter One

  The Beast’s Eyes

  Island of Rajoor

  Ren could not keep his hands off of me. It was pitch dark; I could barely see the frame of his face. His mouth smelled of wine, and each time he tried to kiss me I stumbled further away. Each time I insisted on leaving and said “no,” he continued to pursue me. In a matter of seconds it seemed he had forgotten his actions.

  Blood dripped off of my shoulder, but it did not hinder my speed. The sting from the initial cut had worn off. He held no power over me, and the brick weighing down my chest finally lifted. Freedom was within my grasp, and I pushed Ren further away without hesitation. He fell to his knees, but I ignored his pleas. I was not meant to be outside this late at night, and if my neighbors knew they might inform my mother. She was the last person who needed to see me beaten down by a boy. If Ren continued to push his luck it would not matter. His days of controlling me had come to an end. This final test I could not fail.

  “If you won’t be mine, I’ll ensure nobody ever loves you. Nobody!” He stood up again and grabbed my arm, forcing me closer to him. His brown eyes glowed a dark orange. He stared at me with wide eyes like a savage animal. Though we remained in the forest, my home was a short distance from our location. I coughed at the smell of the alcohol and wiggled my hand free.

  Holding up my hands, I said, “Let me pass, and I will return home. Stay in my way, and I’ll
use my magic.”

  Ren laughed—something he had never done when I made a joke. Only this time I meant every word with my full heart. It was illegal to use magic at night, but he stood in the way of my safety and pride. Instead of moving, Ren raised his eyebrow as if challenging me to make the first move. I remembered my mother’s warnings: magic abusers were sentenced to a lifetime of imprisonment. While this man sought bloodshed, I debated how I could consider using magic. He knew as well as I did that my lack of control could kill both of us. Was that how this broken relationship would end?

  I gazed again at the distant lights, trying to determine my chances of outrunning Ren. The wine he had consumed only brought out the worse in him. This was not our first quarrel, but I intended to make it our last. Alcohol abuse also had a dangerous effect on mages; he might lose control of his magic. His eyes already glowed, and magic abuse could be deadly to both the user and victim. Even so, it was not the alcohol talking when he threatened to end my life.

  Calmly, I withdrew my blue cape and dropped it on the ground. Ren knelt down and lifted it to his nose. The cape contained the scent of my perfume, but otherwise it was easily replaceable. I dashed away in the other direction, hoping for his drunkenness to slow him down. My years of running and exploring the island finally paid off. Images of my mother and Isaak filled my head, and screams echoed along with the memories. If only Mother saw me now, defeating the type of beast she could never handle. The town’s lights glowed brighter, but I would not be safe until I reached them. I ran without glancing back, though Ren’s footsteps drummed behind mine. My opal necklace bounced against my neck as I continued through the forest. I raised my hand over my eyes, trying to avoid any branches. The trees covered the full moon, but the darkness did not stop me.

  “Oof.” I tripped over a log and landed on it. My heartbeat quickened, and footsteps approached. I groaned and pushed myself up and stepped over the log. The stinging in my shoulder returned, but I ignored it.

  “Volída.” A fireball struck the ground beside my sandals. I gasped and turned to face Ren. He had gone too far, and no amount of drinking would clarify his actions. It was as if he only desired to kill me now. His eye color did not return to normal. I was too late; he had lost control.

  “Have you gone mad? The Council has strict policies on magic use at night. They’ll have you arrested!” Tears poured down my cheeks. His betrayal cut into me deeper than any wound. He no longer looked like himself anymore, but more so like Isaak. What had led him to drinking tonight? By the time I met up with him, he had already sought out the bottom of a bottle. He originally said he wanted to talk to me, which only led to his desire for a warm body. Though my mother remained out of town, the Watchers would find out about this incident.

  Ren waved his hand at me, giggling. “Forget the rules… You can’t run forever. I will hunt you down. You will never know another man’s love but mine.”

  “It’s over, Ren. You and I are done. Leave me alone,” I said, motioning for him to leave. Without waiting, I turned around and quickened my pace. The lights were closer now, and I refused to waste a minute longer trying to diffuse the situation. The Watchers’ abilities allowed them insight into locations where magic was used. The best decision I made was walking away from Ren for a second time. He needed to accept the consequences for his actions, and I would not be any part of it. I assumed it would not be long before a Watcher arrived.

  A twig snapped behind me, but the lights beamed in front of me. I ignored it and stepped onto the lit stone pathway. Small sparks of fire lit the lampposts; mages lit them each evening. Though I was not home, it was a short distance from here. Ren no longer had control of the situation. If he acted out in the middle of the street our neighbors would hear him. I leaned on the lamppost and let out a long sigh.

  “You’re alone for the night, aren’t you?” Ren called from nearby.

  I held my breath momentarily. The street remained empty this late at night, but I prayed there was a Watcher nearby. Where were they when I needed them? Only moments ago Ren had performed an illegal spell. His arrest seemed inevitable, but the street remained silent. I desired to spend the rest of the night in the comfort of my bed. Was that too much to ask?

  I refused to look at Ren and held onto my necklace as if it could save me. Patience was a virtue mages learned at a young age. This seemed to test everything I knew to be true. Mother’s warnings to not use magic echoed in my head. How could I do it again, knowing how dangerous my powers were?

  “Is anyone out here? Watchers? Someone, help me,” I called out. My voice cracked, but if Ren noticed, he did not comment. Though I did not want to believe that Ren would harm me, no mage was easily predictable. As a child I always imagined the Watchers stood in the shadows, watching us but never being visible. No one stepped forward, and I faced the fact that I might need to use my magic.

  Self-defense or not, I did not trust my control over my own powers. Sweat covered my palms, and I feared what I would be forced to do as more time passed. Instead I opened my mouth and let out a long scream. It echoed through the empty streets, but Ren did nothing to stop me. Perhaps he was too drunk to care or realized it was too late to change his mind.

  Ren approached me, and I lost my breath. He wrapped his sticky hands around my neck, squeezing and releasing in repetition. Lights lit up houses in the town, and the darkness once engulfing us slowly ceased to exist. The whole town lit up, but Ren still held onto me tightly. He stared into my eyes without any remorse, and I choked with only seconds to breathe at his will. With one hand he reached down and withdrew something, but time worked against him. Voices murmured as they drew closer to see what had happened. Lifting his hand, Ren showed a single white rose with the stem still attached. Black thorns decorated the stem, shining like a newly forged sword.

  “Stop! You’re under arrest!” A woman’s voice shouted nearby. Keirsten stepped into the light and held a sword to Ren’s neck. His hand glowed orange and engulfed the rose into flames until it disintegrated in front of my eyes. Strong hands behind me pulled me away from Ren. A crowd of locals engulfed me, asking about my safety and the events of tonight.

  I watched as Keirsten, dressed entirely in white and blue leather, pushed Ren to the ground. Another Watcher broke through the crowd and assisted her. They placed two black cuffs on Ren’s wrists and lifted him up to stand again. Everyone watched in horror, including his parents who remained silent. The unthinkable now struck closer to home. The stories we read about were a reality, and the monster was amongst us. A boy I’d once loved might spend the rest of his years in prison.

  The man held onto their prisoner while Kiersten approached me. I knew her better than the other Watchers as she had been my neighbor for years. At last I let out a sigh and stepped closer, moving away from the crowd.

  “We came as soon as we could. What was this about? Are you alright?”

  Holding onto my necklace, I replied, “Bad breakup. It’s a long story. Minor cuts, but I will live. Thank you.”

  She offered a weak smile with swollen eyes, but then rejoined her partner, remaining focused on her duty. Together they walked with Ren to the closest lamppost, the one I had stood at moments ago. The man revealed a golden key necklace hidden under his cloak and held it up to the flame. He called out the word “Ninomay,” and they disappeared. The key would allow them to teleport to Ninomay where they would await the Council’s sentencing.

  With the commotion at an end, the crowd of locals quickly faded away as well. People returned to their homes, and slowly the town returned to the night’s darkness. I remained a while longer, watching to be certain Ren could not return. From stories the locals told, I knew the Council took illegal magic use seriously. I doubted I would ever see my former lover again. It did not bring me any reassurance. Instead I stood alone in the street, thinking back to my final seconds with Ren. Had I truly seen a white rose with thorns? They were nonexistent and illegal; none of the islands grew them anymore.

/>   Holding one hand against my shoulder, I turned around and walked the path leading to my home. Little energy remained in my body to debate more on what I had seen tonight. Perhaps Ren sought to trick me, but if it were true, something more dangerous than him lingered nearby.

  Happy birthday, Clara. I thought, gazing up at the sky.

  Chapter Two


  I sat up in my bed, listening to the murmurs from the kitchen. My grandparents always arrived early in the morning usually while I slept. I was certain by now they had heard about the events from last night.

  It seemed as though Ren’s choices would follow me forever. A part of me desired to stay in bed and avoid any questions from my family and neighbors, but a small town kept no secrets, so alas, I accepted my fate.

  I thought back to Isaak’s arrest, remembering how long people stared at me. How much worst could this be? No one from the Council had shown up, but I assumed my hours of freedom were limited. Mother had spent days away from home, speaking to the Council about Isaak. My dream of leaving the island might come true, but not in the way I hoped.

  A strand of violet hair fell in front of my eye. I blew at it and finally stood up, staring at myself in the mirror. With my grandparents’ arrival, today felt like an ordinary day, as they always visited more often while Mother worked despite living further across the island. I approached my dresser and selected cloth pants and a cream blouse. I wrapped a brown belt around my waist and put on a pair of gloves. Sitting down at the vanity, I snatched my leather boots and placed them on to complete the outfit.

  I tied my hair back in a low bun all the while thinking about what awaited me. Was it my family and neighbors I worried about? Or did my anxiety come from something deeper and darker —like the white rose I had seen last night? The plant was imprinted in my memory like the bruises and scars on my body. Clarity washed over me, and now more than ever I feared what a white rose meant.


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