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Clara and Claire

Page 5

by Lindsey Richardson

  Two lives were at risk, and I carried the burden of them. Claire could not defend herself while I pretended to be her. My eyes widened as I realized she needed me.

  “Claire, I know that’s you. Shouldn’t you be at the party?”

  The footsteps halted, and I turned around. The man standing before me was a new face. He had short, blond hair and stubble covering his face. Behind his round-framed glasses were sea colored eyes, and thick eyebrows rested above them. Like Gemma he seemed to be a rare beautiful creature. He was more handsome than any other man I met in my life. I did not believe in love at first sight, but he challenged my beliefs.

  “I wanted to step outside for a moment... for fresh air.” I hid my hands behind my back as they shook uncontrollably. I lowered my head, avoiding eye contact with the stranger.

  “Fox, is that you?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  He lifted my head gently, and we stared at each other in silence. The music played in the background, and I cursed in my head repetitively. This was a terrible mistake, one I did not know how to fix. “Fox” was something Claire would have recognized. It was something personal she shared with this man. I feared who he might be, and why no one mentioned him. Did he know Claire in an intimate way? What if he tried to take advantage of me while isolated from the party? My magic remained useless; the only thing left to do was scream or fight. Either option probably caused me more harm than him. He said nothing, but his silence confirmed he knew me as an imposter.

  Forcing a giggle, I said, “Of course it’s me.”

  He shook his head, and his face turned solemn. He grabbed my arm tightly and hovered his other hand over my heart. It was illegal to use magic at this hour of the evening, especially when it would be dark soon. I wondered if this man was a part of the Council, though I assumed they followed the same rules as us. I did not want to challenge his ability to use magic. Ninomay mages had yet to prove they obeyed the laws.

  “You’re not Claire.”

  I laughed again. “You’re mistaken. I am Claire. Now take your hands off me before I call for Father.”

  “I’m an illusionist, and thus I can see through illusions. It takes time, but I can see when something or someone is fake. I can see the violet strands of your hair. There’s no fooling me,” he said assertively. He pushed me forward to stare at the portrait in front of us. A painting of Jhase, a woman, and two girls. The girls looked identical, and the woman’s face reminded me of someone. I thought I recognized her, but I know no one in Ninomay. Was this Jhase’s family? No one had ever mentioned Claire having a twin. Someone who could not be mistaken for anyone else, and I gasped.

  “Claire had a twin sister who ‘died’ as a baby. Is this you?” He asked, pointing to the second sister. The only different between them was their dresses: one being white and the other ivory. Hiding behind my mask seemed impossible now. Though this man held my life in his hands, perhaps he could offer me help. Unlike the others he saw past the illusion, and a sense of calmness flushed over his face. He lowered his hand and released my arm. I wanted to tell him everything, though whether he would believe me was an entirely different matter. A risk that needed to be taken if I ever hoped of returning home.

  In a whisper, I said, “I am not any of these people. There has been a misunderstanding. My name is Clara Nasso. I was taken from Rajoor under false pretenses and brought here.”

  Gently he turned my head to face the portrait again. He leaned in closer with his warm breath tickling my skin. “You cannot deny you and Claire are identical. Whoever you were in Rajoor is a lie, and someone has purposely made it so. Jhase claims his wife and daughter died, but everyone has their secrets.”

  I backed away and glanced back at the door. I wanted to run to it regardless of this man’s reasoning. It was true Claire and I shared appearances, but being someone else’s dead daughter seemed absurd. Mother had never spoken of anyone else in her life. The only man she ever loved and married was Isaak. I remained her only child, and I could not wrap my head around the idea of that being a lie. What would she gain by lying to me for twenty years? I endured years full of hatred and abuse from a man I believed to be my father. This stranger dared to challenge that, and I held my hand against my stomach. I wanted to vomit.

  The man held out his hand to me. With a downcast stare, he said, “Let me prove it to you. One day is all I ask, and I will help you uncover the truth. If I’m wrong, I’ll take you home. And if I am right the decision of staying is yours. Either way, you have my word. I swear to Circe I am responsible for your journey home.”

  I stared at his big hand and pondered on his offer. I risked more by taking this than he did. I did not even know his name yet, and this stranger expected me to trust him. People did not hold up to their promises. Isaak, Ren and even my mother had fallen through, despite giving their “word.” A promise was meaningless to me, and instead I needed something more. If I spent another day here, I risked everything. Claire’s life and my own would be in purgatory again.

  “What is your name?”

  “Ezra Stavrakis.”

  “Ezra, if I take your offer... a promise is not enough. I need something—perhaps a personal belonging—to ensure your part in this. I am a prisoner here, trapped in Claire’s ‘body.’ Something horrible is amidst, and I cannot trust anyone. I do not trust you now, even while my life depends on it.”

  Without hesitation he reached for something in his jacket pocket. He withdrew it and handed it to me. A silver ring with a single diamond sparkled in my palm. Looking closer, I realized a burning ember inside the diamond.

  “That was my mother’s wedding ring. Like me, my father was an illusionist. He cast an illusion on the diamond to always show an ember. He promised to love her until the ember died, and it never will so long as a mage wears it. It is meant to be my wife’s ring, but alas I have yet to find a bride. Will this do?”

  My hands felt dirty holding a ring that did not belong to me. This was important to Ezra and his family, but he did not attempt to trick me. So long as I held onto this he would not want any harm to befall me.

  “Wear it. Please...” He insisted, motioning for me to place it on my finger. I followed his instructions, though I wondered how I would explain this to anyone. Once I returned to Claire’s room I planned to find a necklace and place the ring on it.

  Taking this ring meant agreeing to Ezra’s proposition. Another twenty-four hours felt like an eternity to wait. My only other option was relying on another stranger outside of the castle. I doubted any locals in the town would believe me, especially if they thought I was Claire. Ezra remained my best option, and I had no reason to turn against him. He had shown me more kindness and offered explanations whereas my capturers failed.

  I lifted up my sleeves and revealed the cuffs to him. “And these? Can you return my magic? Gemma and Declan kept me locked in Claire’s room until the party. I can’t pretend to feel safe without magic.”

  “I will speak with Declan and fix this. If something has happened to Claire, the Council must be informed. Follow my lead.”

  Rolling down my sleeves, I reached out for his hand and took it. He stared at me, and I nodded slowly. A boyish grin lit up his face, and I followed closely behind him. With each step we moved further away from the exit. I dreaded facing the night alone in a place I was not familiar with. At least if Ezra could release me from the cuffs, I regained a defense mechanism. I walked with him in silence, starring down at our hands intertwined. I imagined Declan rushing to my side at any moment and questioning my behavior. I had gained an ally, and though Ezra was not entirely trustworthy, I valued him. He knew the truth and believed my story.

  I wish you were here, Mother... to explain this. Has my entire life been a lie? It was impossible to contact her, but I wanted answers. Ezra had a relationship with Claire, though I could not be certain of the details. Even he could not deny my resemblance to her. One more day might give me the crucial details I needed. So long as I w
as not harmed or locked away again I could survive this.

  We reached the end of the hallway, and more light shone upon us. Ezra dropped his hand to his side and motioned he would lead the way. I assumed we would seek out Gemma and Declan, though Gemma had been absent the entire night.

  Despite being in Ezra’s company, I wondered more about Claire. Her life was more corrupt than anyone would have imagined. For the time being I remained in her place, but sooner than later rumors would spread. Three people already recognized me as an imposter and more would follow. Sometimes people spend their whole life wishing to be someone else. I did not want to be Claire any longer. This was no sick game; this was a woman’s life.

  I lost faith in the idea she had “disappeared.” Claire was in danger, but I could not sense her anywhere nearby. If we were blood related, should I not have felt that by now? Images of her happy face filled my head. A woman with everything to gain and nothing to lose was not the type to run away. I was one who had wanted to run away from home. I stared at each passing face in the ballroom and debated on whom amongst them was responsible. A stranger or trusted ally with envy had everything to gain if Claire vanished by “accident.”

  Who had taken Claire’s life into their own hands?

  Chapter Seven

  Shadow Dance

  Mother had lied to me once in my life. It had been about Isaak, who was infamous for his lies. After his arrest, she told me things I did not want to believe. She carried the guilt with her for years, and to this day I could not fathom how. The possibility that she had hidden another secret my entire life ate at my conscience.

  I remembered the anger I felt toward her after she revealed what she did for Isaak. If Ezra proved correct, how could I forgive her? Forgiveness was something everyone asked for, but sometimes they did not deserve it. This was one of those instances I did not feel obligated to forgive anyone. If my entire life was a lie then it was more than Mother who had misled me.

  Ezra noticed Declan first, and I quickened my pace to catch up to him. His hands formed into fists, and I did not know what temper Ezra had. Would he be like Isaak and use violence to solve this problem? I wanted nothing to do with his “promise” if that was the case. We approached Declan, and his face turned red. He glared at me, but glancing at Ezra, his mouth twitched.

  “Declan,” Ezra said, pulling me in closer to them. We formed a tightly knit circle, but eyes wandered in our direction. This did not seem like the proper way to solve the dilemma. Suspicions and rumors would only lead to further issues later.

  “This is ridiculous. Either explain what’s happened to Claire, or I’ll go straight to Jhase.”

  Though Ezra whispered, his tone changed from sweet to assertive. He did not lead on that he knew about my true identity. The real Claire had no limitations on her magic.

  “This is hardly the place or time. Rest assured, Claire is well and—”

  Ezra stomped hit foot and leaned in closer. “You bastard. I know what her sleeves are hiding. Take them off this instance!”

  Declan shook his head and backed up, hitting the table behind him. “I don’t have the key. Gemma is the only one who can do it.”

  “After the party, meet us in the library. You and Gemma have a lot of explaining to do. Claire and I will wait for you there.” Ezra swiftly turned around and marched forward. I rushed after him, trying to maintain a calm expression. Declan remained at his position, seemingly at a loss of words. I had heard stories of keys that councilors carried for unlocking cuffs. Otherwise it was also possible for the mage who originally used the cuffs to cast a removal spell.

  The ballroom seemed small with how quickly Ezra walked. His long legs moved faster than mine. As we moved people passing by us said hello. It made me wonder more about the man I made a deal with. We walked to the other food table, and at the very end, by a window, stood Gemma. I had not seen her for the duration of the night, but she stood with a man beside her. They chatted and laughed together as if no one else in the room existed. How lovely she gained something out of tonight’s experience. Ezra swooped in on them without hesitation. He did not seem afraid of Declan and Gemma, and I felt stronger with his backup. I allowed him to speak, fearing that if I spoke up I could ruin our chances. Everything needed to go smoothly if I planned on leaving tomorrow night.

  “Can I help you?” Gemma asked, crossing her arms. She stared directly at Ezra, ignoring my presence entirely. I stood beside him and observed Gemma’s company. The man appeared older than her with a heavy beard covering his face. The red designs on his jacket matched Gemma’s dress.

  “Yes, but I’m asking for a private audience with you,” Ezra replied. He glanced at her company, and the man bowed his head at us and then to Gemma. He left without fuss, though Gemma growled at his departure.

  “Do you have any idea—”

  “Stopping you from a bad decision? And speaking of, let’s talk about what you’ve done recently. Your actions tonight are unforgivable and out of character.” Ezra motioned for me to move forward, and I stepped in closer. I did not think it wise to pull up my sleeve while out in the open where anyone could see.

  At Gemma’s silence Ezra spoke again. “I spoke with Declan about this. Give us the key, and we’ll leave you alone. Or would you rather I tell Jhase about this and let him decide the consequences?”

  Her eyes dropped to the floor, but no amount of lies or excuses explained this. Claire had no brothers from what I had learned about the Kanelos family. Ezra was either a very close friend or a lover, but regardless he proved to be a strong fighter. Gemma clapped her hands together and whispered a word. When she opened them a small, silver key appeared in her palms. Ezra snatched it and placed it in my hand. I gripped onto it tightly, but once again I had to wait before I regained my freedom. Using the key now might cause suspicion.

  “Tonight we’ll meet in the library: you, Declan, Claire and me. I believe you know the subject of conversation,” Ezra said.

  As we left her, I glanced back several times as Gemma reunited with her male company. I noted how she took orders from Ezra, but no one here affected my mindset anymore. Every person in this room had someone they answered to whereas I was free—almost.

  Ezra and I sat down at the closest table. We remained nearby Gemma, but far enough away to not hear her conversation. We sat down next to each other, and I withdrew the key. I placed my arms underneath the table and felt around the first cuff for a hole. After placing the key in it, I turned it and the cuff snapped off, dissolving instantly. I repeated the process for the second one. Afterward the key vanished as well. It seemed once a key and cuffs were used the same set could not be used again. My wrists were red but not swollen or bruised. I rubbed them gently and smiled at the food in front of me. During my entire stay here I had not eaten or drank anything.

  “I ought to see my uncle and your father. Stay here and enjoy the food if you wish. The less movement you make the better. I’ll come find you nearing the end,” Ezra said. He smiled weakly and stood up. Though I wanted him to stay, he had no reason to monitor me like a guard. No one could threaten me so long as I had my powers. I could not perform magic at night, but in the morning I would be free to do anything I pleased. No Watchers appeared to be in the room, but I assumed they waited nearby. This was a place where illegal magic use was uncommon and quickly discovered. I would only use magic if someone threatened my life, which in the past few hours had become more common.

  At Ezra’s departure I worried less about him and focused solely on the food in front of me. Meats, breads, and soups filled the table. Several cups filled with water and liquors were within reach of me, and I snatched the first one of alcohol closest to me. I filled up the plate in front of me with as much food as would fit. Several other people sat at the table, but it was long and no one nearby bothered me. I took a bite of bread and savored the taste. At least I could fill my stomach before the end of the night.


  Raindrops fell, and I watched
them roll down the window where Gemma stood. She ignored me entirely, but I did not mind. Strangers had occasionally passed me, saying hello and asking about my wellbeing. I told them what they wanted to hear and never suggested anything out of the ordinary. Though I knew very little about Claire, somehow I had everyone fooled. Perhaps no one knew about the real Claire besides those closest to her.

  The sky was dark and the wind blew steadily. The piano stopped playing as couples and families left the castle. I watched people as they exited, waving and forcing an occasional smile. It seemed to take forever for the entire ballroom to empty out. Despite my hours spent in the castle, I did not know who lived with Claire and her father.

  With my stomach full, I stood up and stumbled away from the table. I had been careful not to drink more than two cups of alcohol, and I still remained in full control of my actions. My feet ached, and I dreaded spending more time in heels. Jhase and another man passed me with nothing more but quick glances. I spotted Ezra across the room and walked toward him. Ezra glanced up from the plate of food he held and nodded at me.

  The ballroom seemed even larger now with everyone gone. Several candles kept the room lit, but the water on the dance floor vanished without a trace. My heels clicked against the floor, and Ezra remained silent as he waited. He watched me move while I tried to maintain an emotionless expression. The way he interacted with me was unlike any man had in the past. Perhaps he was more than a friend to Claire. How could she have been this close to such a handsome man? I desired nothing from him but a safe journey home. We had a lot of work ahead of us, and I doubted anyone would make it easy.

  “Will you stare all night long?”

  Ezra smirked and advanced forward. “No harm has ever come from it.”

  His answer offered me no comfort, but instead I let it pass. Unlike everyone else he could see through illusions, and I wondered how much of me he saw. Was he always seeing the real me, or were these compliments directed toward Claire?


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