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Clara and Claire

Page 17

by Lindsey Richardson

  “Where’s Alesia?” I asked.

  “Not feeling well. The baby should be here any day,” Gemma replied. She took a sip from her cup, but my eyes wondered again as I saw Lukas approaching us.

  He walked in the company of two beautiful women, neither of whom I recognized. Though his mother sat with us, his focus was on me. Not knowing what kind of relationship Claire shared with him, I feared being alone in his presence.

  As he stepped closer he gestured for the women to leave and approached me. He held out his hand, and I glanced to Gemma. She shrugged, though remembering her previous words, I doubted she approved of this. Why did everyone want me to dance at events?

  Hesitantly I took his hand and followed his lead. If he wanted to do me any harm this was hardly the place or time. He moved quickly without stopping for anyone, but he marched us directly past the area where couples danced. He led me further away from the crowd and deeper into the maze of bushes.

  “Seems you might need my help,” Lukas said, smirking.


  He crossed his arms. “I’ve been a Watcher my entire life. Knowing when and where people are using their magic is my specialty. I’ve also kept a woman’s company in my bed since seventeen. I understand how men and women interact with each other.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked, though the smirk on his face did not fade. What did he know that I was unaware of? Though no one stood nearby to overhear us, I doubted Lukas would try flirting with me in public. Why did he have any interest in me when he never showed any toward Claire?

  “Because,” he said, turning to look out toward the forest. “Declan always pushed back Claire’s hair before he kissed her. Every time. But with you... there’s nothing. No passion, no movements, just obligations.”

  I bit down on my lip, resisting the urge to drop my jaw. Whether this was true or not, Lukas paid more attention than others. If he believed Declan to always act this way with Claire it did lead to questionable doubt. I did not bother to glance over my shoulder. Declan was too far away to see where I was and whose company I kept. A person I knew so little about had figured me out. Was it only a matter of days now before others realized me as a fraud?

  I swallowed a large amount of saliva, holding back curses in my throat. Worst of all I wanted to blurt out the truth. I wanted to admit how right he was and beg him to align with me instead of against. Instead I stared at the back of his head, realizing he had won. Even if I had a counter to his argument, my moments of silence revealed everything. Despite the illusion Lukas saw me better than anyone else here.

  Lowering my head, I muttered, “What do you want?”

  “Want? A man wants many things, but I suspect you cannot give them to me. Fear not, your secret is safe with me,” Lukas responded. The sun lowered in the sky, and I watched as a rose petal landed on his shoulder.

  Clearing my throat, I asked, “Who were you... to her?”

  “A lover, a friend, a brother... Ezra might be praised for his behavior and good deeds, but she knew me long before him. We grew up together through everything. Like I said, you’d only be wasting your time if you feared me.”

  “And this knowledge doesn’t anger or surprise you? The Council was not as calm as you are now.”

  He turned his head and glanced at me. “I’m not a part of the Council. I guard the islands, but it’s not in my duty to say if you’re wrong or right. Jhase didn’t explain why the Watchers were to on high alert for suspicious activity. With you being here, I can only assume Claire is in danger. I see a lot that happens on the island. If you need me, I’m here.”

  His seriousness left me in awe, but none of this explained why he wanted to help me. A man like him did not change for any ordinary woman. If Lukas prided himself so highly on his intimate relationships, his relationship with Claire must have been different.

  “You still love her, don’t you?”

  “It was hard to ever stop,” he responded. He turned around and faced me directly again, nodding with a wink. Without another word he left me, and I remained standing in front of a bush of roses alone.

  I stared down at the flowers, focusing on their vines. I did not know what to do with this new alliance, but it seemed I moved one step closer to Claire. For now Lukas was someone I could rule out. Someone with the information of my identity could easily destroy my and Claire’s future. Instead I gained another ally with insight into the island and the people.

  Not too much longer now, Claire.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Betrayer’s Kiss

  No more clues appeared as evident as the piece of fabric in the garden. Instead I found myself reuniting with Gemma and approaching the merchant for a headband. By now numerous women wore the flower headband as they danced and chatted.

  I followed along, remembering that roses were Claire’s favorite. Lukas did not cross paths with me again, though I caught sight of him from afar. He had returned to entertaining the two women from before. Everything returned to normal, and he seemed unaffected by my secret. I debated on telling Gemma, but with us being in the open, I dreaded another private conversation. It was better I showed myself for public appearance longer than minutes at a time.

  The merchant handed me a headband, helping me place it in my hair. Gemma waved at me, and I joined her again to watch as mages practiced on the dummy targets. Wood, stone, and leaves covered the targets, and mages aimed their hands at the one they wanted to attack. Numerous markings already filled the targets, but servants stood nearby, likely to produce more if necessary. We clapped as one mage finished with a target and another took his position.

  “Seen Ezra?” Gemma asked, leaning in toward me.

  I shrugged, hoping to avoid the question altogether. During the numerous occasions I spotted him with Vanessa I ignored their gaze.

  She tossed her hair and with a firmer voice said, “Anger destroys people from the inside out. I kept my anger towards my husband bottled up until it ruined our marriage. It took losing him for me to realize what I had done. All that time wasted, and for what? To prove a point? To let the anger and hatred consume both of you? Pull yourself together for Circe’s sake. You do a poor job hiding it.”

  I scrunched my lips and folded my arms. I dared not ask about Gemma’s relationship with Dorian, but she acted differently with Alec. They had a lot of history together, and I doubted Dorian could compare to that. Perhaps they were the proof I needed that people are foolish and stubborn. They saw someone new and ran toward them, but after everything left feeling unsatisfied. I wanted to yell and tell Gemma she was wrong, but I knew anger’s affect on people. It had been a fuel engulfing Isaak. It had eaten my parents’ marriage alive, spitting them out into tiny pieces. How long would I hold a grudge against Ezra? Did I have a right to be mad at him when we agreed to not be involved with one another?

  “Let’s eat,” I said, walking away from the spell practice. I did not wait to see if Gemma followed. Enough attention focused on me at this event. Without her company someone else was bound to find me.

  I reached the food table with little interruption. The majority of people returned to their seats to enjoy food and conversations. Dorian and Alec greeted me, holding plates full of meats in their hands.

  “Hello, Claire. Enjoying yourself?” Alec asked, offering a poor attempt at a smile.

  Gemma walked past me and took a plate from the table. Alec’s eyes followed her movement.

  In a lower voice he said, “This festival used to mean something to me. Now it’s just a reminder…”

  I glanced back at Gemma, who either ignored Alec’s stare intentionally or was oblivious. Alec had told me he wanted to leave the Council and Claire would be granting him the freedom he desired. Would a man in his position have any reason to harm my sister?

  I picked up a handful of grapes and inched closer. “Did she ever mention anyone to you?”


  He still seemed to be in a trance from Gemma�
�s presence. I stepped over to the right to block his view.

  “Claire,” I whispered.

  His eyes widened. “No, never. I fear for her. What if we never find her? What if this destroys us from the inside? It’s all so dreadful.”

  Having never had a full conversation one on one with Alec before, I wondered if this was normal for him. Might I not be asking the right questions? I had no desire to send the Council into chaos, but everyone seemed too frightened to speak freely around me. These conversations would only become more difficult with each passing day.

  Sighing, I returned to examining the food on the table and allowed Alec to pass me. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he walked over to where Gemma stood. Alec’s plate appeared to be already full, and it seemed neither of us knew how to hide our emotions well.

  Dorian stayed near me, seemingly lost in thought over the fruits in front of us.

  Inching closer to him, I whispered, “What do you make of recent events?”

  He chuckled, running his hands through his hair with his free hand. “Gem’s right about you. Anxious, aren’t you? It’s poor conversation for the festival.”

  I groaned and ate several of the grapes from my palm. Claire might not have time for me to investigate in great details. Anxious seemed like the wrong word choice entirely. Desperation had sunken in. I was willing to do anything if only to find another clue. She needed to be found now rather than later. I lost twenty years without my sister, and I did not want to sacrifice any more.

  In a more serious tone, Dorian whispered, “We’ve never lost one of our own like this. Everyone will work hard to bring her home. I can guarantee that.”

  “Thank you, I hope we find her,” I replied, smiling.

  I completed my plate and redirected my path to Gemma’s table. Declan’s gaze caught my attention, but he nodded his head slightly and returned to his conversations. I returned to my seat, though Vanessa returned to the table as well. Alesia’s chair remained empty, and I took note of her absence. A woman ready to give birth hardly sounded like someone with a motive to harm Claire. If she was the mastermind of this crime I highly doubted she did any of the dirty work.

  “The poor dear…” Bellona commented as if reading my mind.

  “Has anyone checked on her?”

  “I’m leaving now,” she replied. In a lower voice she added, “I’m in charge of the healers. I can call upon them easily if she is gives birth today.” She excused herself from the table and left in haste. I noted this too, but I tried to keep an open mind. Alesia could be giving birth right now and I would be none the wiser.

  With Bellona gone I realized I sat alone with Vanessa. Gemma remained preoccupied with her former husband where I had left them. We ate in silence, and I tried to enjoy my food despite how I felt toward my company. I sipped out of the cup closest to me, though admittedly I did not remember if it belonged to me. The majority of our table was gone without signs of returning. No one would miss the drink, and at a time like this I needed it more than them.

  Taking a large sip, I cleared my throat and returned the cup to the table. “Your mother must be pleased.”

  I prepared for her explanation about Ezra. None of it mattered to me. The real question I desired to ask her was one I could not ask directly. It was easy to forget not everyone knew my true identity. I could not ask Vanessa about Claire or their relationship because she expected me to know everything. Until I could find a more subtle solution I was left with small talk.

  Vanessa stiffened. “Mother’s demands won’t change who I am. I’ve never loved a man, but Ezra is used to the attention.”

  “You’ll never be happy if you continue on this way. Be strong enough to make your own choices like you once did.”

  “I hardly see Mother and Father anymore. They’re always gone, and Lukas is of no comfort. This is the only happiness I can offer them. Settling down with a man would make my life much easier,” she replied. She lowered her head, but I thought more about what she revealed. If her family was constantly away from home, how much alone time did she have? Her home sounded like the perfect place to hide Claire. Without anyone there no one would suspect anything.

  Leaning in closer, Vanessa said, “Come with me. We should talk in private.”

  She stood up and waited until I left my seat as well. I looked over my shoulder, wondering if anyone watched as I departed. I thought about the letter she brought me the first time I met her. Had it all been a hoax? Was she responsible for Claire’s death? I prepared to use magic, knowing I had an advantage she did not. Even so, a fight breaking out during the festival would ruin my cover. Perhaps this was what Vanessa wanted. She could trick me into revealing myself, and the Council would pay dearly for it.

  We passed the dummies and walked further away from the garden. She stopped at a large tree where the tables remained visible and the music audible. Though we were not entirely isolated, it would take time for anyone to reach me. A slow song played, and I watched couples join together again for a dance. I regretted not being there to accompany Declan. Instead I waited and hoped this decision would not end my life. Vanessa avoided contact with me, but I did not see any weapon on her.

  “Who are you?”

  I panicked and considered using my magic. Had another person seen past my illusion today? I needed my secret to be hidden from as many people as possible. Vanessa was the last person I was willing to trust. She did not deserve the truth, and I refused to give it up easily. Unlike with Lukas, I might have time to mend this. She could be a threat, and I did not know what she would do with the information.

  “W-what?” My voice cracked, but I laughed in an attempt to hide it. I already regretted my choice, but it was too late to walk away now. No one was nearby to help me, and I did not want to draw attention to the situation.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Claire stopped talking to me after the engagement. She said I would ruin everything. She only spoke to me if forced. I don’t know how, but you’re not her.”

  “A month before my wedding, and you think I am someone else. Have you gone mad?”

  “Have I? What was my sister’s name?” She asked, crossing her arms. I remained silent, knowing that I could not answer this question with luck. I had never seen another sibling of hers beside Lukas and could only assume the sister she spoke of had since passed.

  Ignoring my silence, she sniffed and added, “You ought to remember. I told you the first day we met... Yet here you stand in front of me, acting as though I am the stranger. No memories of my family’s tragedies or the love you once felt for me.”

  I shook my head, trying to remain firm with my position. “I’m a new person. I’m not the girl you once loved. I’ve chosen to forget all of it because I don’t need you anymore. Can’t you see how much happier I am without you?”

  Vanessa gasped, holding her hand against her chest. “You dare repay me this way after everything we’ve been through? If you are Claire, you are no friend of mine. You face real dangers now. Your happiness will crumble before you ever see it fulfilled. And I will ensure you fall into the Void’s grasp before my last breath.”

  We stared at each other as voices and songs continued in the distance. I had been gone for too long, and I did not want to cause alarm. Vanessa had more motive than anyone to harm Claire, and everything I feared came to pass. I dared not tell her the truth in fear that I had made any unnecessary enemy. Regardless of her intentions, she also had no reasons to trust me. Actions spoke louder than words, and as of late I only fed her lies. Her concerns and theories might be harmless now, but if anyone else knew my identity she would be held responsible.

  Vanessa placed herself at the top of my suspect list, and her threats would only help my case against her. No matter how careful Declan warned me to be I planned to reveal Vanessa for the two-faced woman she was.

  “Stay away from me,” I said, running away from her.

  I ran until I neared the tables and slowed my pace. People glanced up fr
om their conversations, dancing, and games, but everything remained normal. I wanted to challenge Vanessa, but now was not the time or place. I scanned the tables and drew in my attention on Ezra and Jhase. Any moment now Vanessa would follow behind me and seek out the men at their table. Whether she would speak with Ezra or her father first I could not be certain. It seemed too dangerous to call for a Council meeting during a festival. Locals would question it, and their suspicions would only lead to rumors.

  “There you are!” A voice from behind me called out. I turned around and sighed at the sight of Gemma.

  She approached me with a warm smile, seeming genuinely pleased with my appearance. Thoughts consumed me as she said something else. I could not focus on her words; I only thought to warn her about Vanessa. My newest enemy returned to the festivities and sat down as if nothing changed. She did not acknowledge my presence, but my whole body stiffened at the thought of what she might do next.

  Gemma waved her hand in front of my face. “Hello? Are you there?”

  “What? I’m sorry, I—”

  “Claire...” Gemma grabbed my arm, and inclined her head forward. “I’ve never seen that woman before.”

  We both looked to Jhase’s table, where a new woman had joined him. She stood behind him, having his full attention, and they carried on with a conversation. I recognized her long thick hair and tight selection of clothing instantly.

  In a whisper I said, “Gemma, that’s Nina. That’s my... mother.”

  I cursed under my breath. Days ago I had wanted nothing more but to return to Mother. Now I watched as my worst fear came to life. She conversed with Jhase, and they laughed and smiled at each other. If I had ever doubted my true bloodline, Mother’s arrival confirmed everything. People around me whispered to one another. The older mages still remembered my mother, despite the years that aged her.

  Their conversation remained inaudible from where I stood, but the facts did not lie. They were familiar with each other, and Mother was a liar. She had been in Ninomay before, enough times to know about the Petals Festival. She spoke with Jhase as if she did not have a care in the world. Her missing daughter was in the same area as her, but she never glanced in my direction.


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