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Clara and Claire

Page 24

by Lindsey Richardson

  Walking outside, I closed the door behind me. The sun set in the sky, and as I walked through the street I watched merchants collect their belongings. Families rejoined and couples whispered to one another, but everyone appeared to be traveling home. My home was a different kind of home, and one I was not fully accepted into yet. Nothing would be ordinary until Claire’s return. In the meantime I was left with no choice but to play my part. Claire’s dignity remained at stake, and I would not lose it because of Lukas. He and I did nothing wrong, and no one would twist our words so long as I had something to say.

  I reached the castle, and sighed with relief that the sun had not fully set yet. I approached the entrance, glancing back several times for any sign of Declan. He was nowhere in sight, but I was certain he was safe and maintained in Lukas’s care. I opened the front doors, and a room full of people stared at me. They murmured amongst one another, though the majority of them were councilors. Those who I did not recognize appeared ready for a special event. Everyone was dressed elegantly as they had been for Declan’s party.

  Jhase and Ezra stood at the top of the stairs, peering over the banister. They gestured for me to join them, but I walked slowly. With every eye glued to me I needed to be on my best behavior. I feared I might miss a step and fall, and everyone would judge me for who I was not. Lukas’s name was audible from the crowd, and as I approached the first step I heard the words “slept with him.” Rumors spread through this castle faster than I had acknowledged.

  I held onto the railing with each step I took, but I feared reaching Ezra and Jhase more than anything. Since when had Ezra become Jhase’s guard dog, and what would he think of these rumors? Someone needed to place this gossip to rest before it spread further.

  Taking one final step, I stood in front of the men. Ezra’s eyes met with mine, and I mouthed the words “see me.” As if ignoring it entirely, he walked past me and descended the staircase. The crowd rumbled again with gossip, but Ezra reached the last step and ordered everyone to the ballroom. He glanced up, looking at me one last time before he was swept away with the crowd.

  “Clara, follow me,” Jhase said, avoiding eye contact with me. He walked down the hallway, and I followed quickly after him. We passed the nursery, which he did not even glance at. An unfaithful woman was no more accepted than a cheating man. The sooner Jhase allowed me to defend myself the better for everyone. Jhase led us past several more rooms until we stood outside of my bedroom. He opened the door and gestured for me to step inside. I walked inside and sat on the bed, watching him enter and shut the door quietly.

  “You must stop these rumors. I’ve done nothing wrong,” I said.

  Jhase approached the vanity and touched the picture of him and Claire. “Gemma was right to warn you about him. You should not have sought him out alone.”

  “I never slept with him. What else would you have me say?” I asked, biting down on my lip. No matter how desirable other women found Lukas, I was not seduced by his charms. The only man I ever desired on this island remained a secret. I refused to reveal my feelings for Ezra unless forced.

  “I believe I can fix this. Circe knows I’ve done it before for Claire...”

  Leaning forward, I said, “Vanessa was arrested earlier than we talked about.”

  His forehead furrowed. “Alec spotted her in the street and asked for backup. He thought it safer to arrest her before anyone in her family tried to save her. It was a last minute call, and there was no time to tell you. I truly am sorry.”

  Jhase had already lost one daughter, but tonight his second would disappear again. I refused to return to the castle empty handed. It might mean leaving him for several days to wonder about my fate, but no other option presented itself. I did it for Claire’s sake and to stop the Council from harming an innocent woman. I had nothing to offer Jhase because tonight might be like the Void for him. All that remained was a little bit of luck in finding my sister.

  At my silence Jhase approached the door and opened it. He turned back and said, “It’s best if you stay here for the remainder of the night.”

  He frowned, but he turned around and exited the room. The door slammed shut, and I remained alone. Though I could not tell if Jhase was concerned or disappointed, his punishment worked perfectly with my plans. If no one expected me tonight I could stay in my room until Gemma found me. Once night fell I would not wait long for my allies. Hadn’t we forced Claire to wait long enough? A few hours might make all the difference.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Someone knocked at the door, and I opened my eyes. Glancing at the window, it was pitch black outside. I quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, assuming it would be Gemma or Declan. As I opened the door I was taken back by Ezra’s appearance. He said nothing, but I stepped aside for him to enter. I wondered how much longer I could afford to wait for the others.

  The night grew late, and I belonged outside searching for Claire. As much as I wanted to explain myself to Ezra, he chose the worst time. I stood still like a statue, thinking of an excuse for him to leave.

  “Declan told me the plan. He asked me to come instead... after his actions today,” Ezra said.

  I sighed and frowned. “Then we can leave?”

  “No, Gemma is on her way.”

  We stood in silence, the longest neither of us said a word to each other. Memories of the kisses I shared with him clouded my mind, but it only offered distraction from my true task. Did he blame me like the others? The look in his eyes was different from Jhase’s; they appeared softer. Perhaps he had every right to assume the worst, as I had during his time with Vanessa. We tiptoed around the idea of love like innocent children. Even after all the destruction of Ren’s life and Claire’s, my heart pushed me closer to Ezra.

  Ezra looked down at the floor. “How is Lukas?”

  “Patient, considering we arrested his sister,” I replied harshly. I could taste the bitterness in my mouth like salt water. Without hesitation I snapped at him, though the dilemma was out of his control. Love was mentioned in stories, but this was far from it. What stood in the room with us was not love or friendship. It was like the dark spirit within me; it came out and showed our true colors. Maybe this was our worst, and if it was could we step past it?

  Ignoring my remark, Ezra waved his hand over me and the illusion fell. “We have no need for masks tonight.”

  As I opened my mouth to respond Gemma rushed inside, shutting the door behind her. She panted, catching her breath, and readjusted herself. Every minute after this was crucial, and we need not waste any more time. Gemma explained that Declan would remain at the castle to secure our whereabouts. In the morning if we did not return he would also join in the search. Without further debate we departed from my room silently.

  The hallways were deadly silent. No one stirred, and I suspected the guests had since retired for the night. Servants would be cleaning the ballroom, and with that in mind we quickened our pace.

  “I packed light with enough goods to last us for two days. We will need to return for more if we are unsuccessful.” Gemma whispered, revealing a small brown bag she carried over her shoulder. She also revealed small staffs she had placed inside. Should we find Claire, it was likely we would need magic or weapons to help her.

  I reached the staircase, and slowly descended. Ezra walked beside me, and looking directly at me, he asked, “Are you ready?”

  Though I never thought to ask myself this question, tonight might not be everything I expected. Something could go wrong, and should Claire be dead no magic would revive her. I did not know what awaited us, but holding back any longer was a death sentence for her. I could not carry on with a double life any longer.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I whispered, nodding firmly.

  Ezra gained several steps ahead of me as I followed behind with my pulse quickening at the thought of what tonight could mean for us. Finding Claire was everything; her value was priceless in Ninomay. Despite t
he odds we made it this far, and now I was determined to stop at nothing.

  We reached the bottom of the staircase, and Gemma rushed to the front doors. Servants’ voices lingered from within the ballroom, but we remained a safe distance from them. Gemma opened one door and gestured for us to walk through. One by one we stepped outside and left the castle exactly as anyone would expect it.

  The night air brought goose bumps to my skin, but I did not lose sight of our goal. We walked toward the woods, which Gemma reasoned was the best place to begin. Every day we had seen and walked near the woods countless times, but this time was different. My eyes were on high alert for any sign of my sister.

  A flame lit nearby, and everyone froze. We had barely left the yard, but I begged my companions to wait before reacting. The figure approached us and as it drew in closer we recognized it to be Lukas. He distinguished the flame above his palm and lowered his hand. He joined us without a word, and neither Ezra nor Gemma commented on his arrival.

  I whispered my gratitude to him, and he winked at me. We refocused on the path ahead of us, and our group of four replenished my hopes. Lukas’s father was known for his skills in tracking a person; perhaps his son carried the same talent. Regardless we stood a better chance united than separate.

  It was dark in the streets with only lampposts offering light. I advised everyone against using their magic until necessary. We could not afford any mistakes or unwanted attention. The forest seemed like a strange place to hide Claire, especially when her blanket led me to the garden. The night was nearly silent except for animal noises nearby. I remained on high alert in case one of them jumped out in front of us. Everyone moved slowly, even Gemma who seemed more anxious than the others. Though we had the entire night ahead of us, come morning someone would realize our absence.

  The entrance of the forest was within our sights, but the night seemed darker. We advanced inside, walking deeper past the first row of trees. The leaves covered the moonlight, and Gemma used her magic to light a flame. It was foolish to stumble around in the dark, and thus far we saw no sign of Claire. She could be anywhere, and the forest might lead to a dead end.

  Lukas quickened his pace, walking in front of me, and I fell behind to be the last one in our group. To the left and the right everything was clouded in darkness. The only source of light was from Gemma, and she was a fair distance from me. She guided the way forward, but if anyone stopped they risked being lost.

  We continued ahead without hesitation. Ezra remained close to Gemma, and they spoke about a couple who once lived in the forest many years ago. I walked behind Lukas, though he did not attempt any conversation with me. Instead I focused on everything surrounding us. I peeled my eyes for any sight of clues that might lead us to Claire. Though I did not know how large the forest was, I doubted we were even halfway through.

  A snap nearby gained my attention, and I stopped for a second. I opened my mouth to call out to the others, but warm hands wrapped over my lips. I screamed into the hand, but the person dragged me further back. I squirmed in my capturer’s arms, but something sharp struck me in the neck. I caught one last glance at Lukas walking into the darkness along with the others before eyes shut like the lid of a casket.


  I opened my eyes and shivered as I tried to adjust my eyesight. I recalled the attack, but I did not know where I was. Nightfall was still upon us, though I was no longer in the forest with my friends.

  It was pitch black with no source of light to see where I was. The air was colder than before, and a stench filled the air. It smelled like death here, and I wondered if I had been tossed with dead bodies. I reached out in front of me and felt the cold touch of a long bar. I was caged like a bird, but nothing would hold me. I cast a spell, watching a green mist leave my body and hit the bar. It lit up everything around me for a moment, but it didn’t release me and extinguished. Was my magic useless here? I tried another spell, closing my eyes and focusing harder. When I opened them again nothing changed. I remained locked with no escape.

  “Magic won’t save you,” a woman’s raspy voice said.

  “Who’s there?” I asked, though I did not recognize the voice. I prayed Gemma had not been captured as well.

  “Claire Kanelos of Ninomay. My father is the head councilor of these islands,” she replied.

  My jaw hung open and my hands trembled. Had I heard her correctly? My eyes swelled up, but I did not want to believe her words. She was close enough to have a conversation with me. At last I had found her, yet I remained trapped and useless. I failed her despite my best attempts. I could do nothing for her while I remained locked up. My only hope was that the others would find us.

  Trying to hide my excitement, I asked, “Claire... is that really you?”

  “Who are you? Do you know me?”

  “It’s me, I’m...” I paused, not knowing how to explain my relation to her. Jhase should have been the one to tell her this, and she had no reason to believe me.

  Clearing my throat, I tried again. “I’m... here to help you. Your father sent me.”

  She chuckled. “Some help you are.”

  Ignoring the insult, I decided to cut straight to the facts. “Where are we? Do you know who is responsible for this?”

  “Judging from what I’ve seen, we are in Shadowland. And no, I’ve never seen their faces. They use a lot of magic and rose thorns when they come around,” she explained.

  I sighed and accepted that Claire might not have all the answers. If she had been harmed or tricked by the persons responsible for this no one could blame her for being unaware. Though I could not examine her for any injuries, she struggled with each word she spoke. Perhaps it would be more beneficial for me to wait for morning light. I was not tired and weak like Claire. I was more than ready to meet face to face with our capturers.

  One certainty stood out in my mind. Vanessa could not be responsible for our situation; she was locked up at the castle. Alas no one would be able to stop the Council from proving her for answers until they discovered the truth for themselves. I leaned back, resting my head on the cold bars. The grass underneath me felt wet, but it was nothing compared to what I might face in the morning. I contemplated with the idea of telling Claire about my true identity, but I doubted neither she or I were ready. The persons behind this had broken her.

  The raspy voice returned, breaking through my thoughts. “The first night is the worst. After that it becomes routine.”

  “I didn’t come alone,” I said firmly.

  Coughing, she responded, “Then I hope you brought them with you. There’s at least two people in on this conspiracy. They’re not alone either, and we aren’t dealing with amateurs.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  White Rose

  I opened my eyes, and the sunlight shined through the bars that encaged me. At last my surroundings were no longer a mystery. I scanned the scenery, observing the ground, which mostly consisted of dirt with small plants. This definitely was unlike any area I had seen in Ninomay. A humble-sized cage, like that of one for an animal, held me prisoner. Glancing at the trees again, I frowned at the bark, seeming to be a strange gray color. It was unnatural and almost lifeless.

  I turned my head slowly and looked into the cage beside me. Claire sat inside, huddled in the corner like a beaten dog. Her royal blue dress was torn, revealing a vast amount of her legs. The top of her dress barely remained intact and her corset popped out through the fabric. Dirt and scratches covered her face, but without a doubt she shared my facial features. She stared at me with big blue eyes and her skin flushed.

  “Who in Circe’s name are you?” Anger rose in her voice, and her dark eyebrows furrowed. I crawled to the side of my cage to face her. Our cages were small enough to just barely fit our bodies inside.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you—”

  “Oh? I demand to know who you are. Is this a sick trick?” she asked, narrowing her eyes on me.

  Shaking my head, I
replied, “No, your friends mistook me for you. They requested my help, but as it turns out... I’m your sister. My name is Clara Nasso.”

  She snickered. “You really do take me for a fool. My sister is dead. Leave me alone.”

  I stared down at my hands, wondering how I would make sense of this. Jhase needed to be the one to tell her the truth, but for all we knew he might be miles away. I thought back to what Gemma had told me about Claire. An intelligent woman such as herself would want facts, and I had numerous.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I began telling the story of how I came to fill Claire’s shoes. She listened quietly, but whether it was from lack of energy or genuine interest I could not determine. Though I tried to slow my pace, I spoke quickly and left nothing unsaid. I told her about everything: the kisses Ezra and I shared, Vanessa’s arrest, and even Declan’s outburst. If she wanted the truth I had to be completely honest with her.

  After spending countless days paranoid about who I could trust, I knew without being personally acquainted with Claire that she earned my secrets. She was the reason I stayed in Ninomay, and she more than anyone deserved to know everything I did to end up here. The story, while relieving to share with another person, was not nearly as heroic as it would have been if I were not caged. This was the story I had wanted to tell her after saving her.

  “And now I’m here with you... without any inclination as to what happened to the others,” I said, finishing the story.


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