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Claiming Menace: Ruthless Sinners MC

Page 6

by L. Wilder

  I knew I should’ve rushed out of there the second I realized what he was doing, or better yet, when I saw that he was naked and in the shower. It would’ve been the decent thing to do, but I couldn’t seem to force myself to leave. I could only stand there, clenching my thighs together as I watched my boss pleasure himself. What kind of crazy lunatic does that? This kind… Me! I was the crazy lunatic who did that. I blamed my actions on lack of sex. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been with a man, and seeing him in the shower stirred something inside me I hadn’t felt in a very long time. When I finally came to my senses, I raced out of that office like a bat out of hell and ran smack dab into Country. A big smile crossed his face when he asked me, “Hold on there, darlin’. Where’s the fire?”

  “Oh, umm. No fire. I’d just gone to Menace’s office to...” Images of Menace naked in the shower came flashing through my mind, making it difficult to form a complete sentence. “I was going to... apolo... apologize for spilling those drinks on him.”

  “Ah, no need to apologize for that.” Country snickered. “Wasn’t the first time a woman threw drinks at him. Won’t be the last.”

  “Wait, I didn’t throw the drinks on him. He bumped into me, and they spilled on him.”

  “Mm-hmm. If you say so.” His eyes skirted over me, and a wicked grin crossed his face. “You got plans later tonight?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” Country seemed like a good enough guy, but I had absolutely no interest in that charming smile of his. There was only one man I was attracted to, and he was having himself a merry old time in the shower. Doing my best to let him down easy, I told him, “I have a hot date with my bed, and I’m really looking forward to it.”

  “Sounds like fun. Maybe too much fun.” Not ready to give up, he pushed a little harder. “You might need a chaperone. It’s not usually my thing, but since you’re new in town, I’d be willing to make an exception.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m gonna have to pass. I wouldn’t want my bed to get jealous.”

  “You never know.” Country stepped closer. “We might just hit it off.”

  Before I could respond, I heard Menace’s voice roar, “Country! That front door isn’t gonna watch itself.”

  “Yeah, I’m on it.”

  Without another word, Country walked right past me and down the hall, disappearing into the main bar. When I turned to look at Menace, he was standing in the doorway in a pair of jeans and a half-buttoned shirt, looking just as unbelievable as he did in that damn shower. I felt like someone’s hands were wrapped around my throat as I muttered, “I’m sorry about spilling the drinks on you.”

  “Mm-hmm. Not a problem.”

  “I’m also really sorry for… uh... walking in while you were showering.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m very sorry.” I could feel the heat of my blush creep over my face. “It was completely inappropriate, and I’m truly sorry I did that to you.”

  “I don’t think you are.”


  “You heard me.” Menace stepped out of the doorway and stalked over to me, only stopping when he was towering over me. He took another step forward, forcing me back as he pinned me against the wall. I could feel the warmth of his breath caress my shoulder as he growled, “I think you liked what you saw.”

  “No!” I gasped. “I mean... yes, but no. I—”

  “Which is it?” He lowered his mouth to my ear; his voice was low and sultry. “Did you or did you not like what you saw?”

  Oh, dear Lord, this man had me so tangled up I didn’t know what to think. My entire body was tingling with desire as I muttered, “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, I think you do know. And you know what else?”


  I tilted my head, giving him full access to my neck and shoulder as he whispered, “I liked that you saw me.” He brushed his lips ever so softly against my flesh as he admitted, “I liked seeing that look in your eyes as you stood there watching me.”


  “It’s the same look you have right now.”

  “I don’t have a look.”

  “Oh, yeah. You definitely do.” A rush of heat swept over me when he added, “You’re turned on now just like you were earlier.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You sure about that?” I felt the warmth of his touch on my thigh, and instead of pushing him away, I shifted my step, giving him access to glide his hand even higher. He eased my panties to the side, letting the tips of his fingers rake against my wet center. “Just as I thought. So fucking wet.”

  Unable to say anything more, I muttered, “Menace.”

  He quickly withdrew his hand, and when he took a step back, his eyes were filled with hunger, leaving no doubt that he didn’t want to stop. In all honesty, I didn’t want him to either. I wanted this escape. I needed it, even if it was just for a moment, but sadly, that time had come and gone. He muttered something under his breath, then turned and headed back to his office. I was tempted to stop him, but I had no idea what I should say. Doing the only thing I could, I simply stood there and watched as he walked into his office and closed the door.

  Damn. I’d screwed up once again. I shouldn’t have been surprised. I’d never been good with men. I tried, but I was terrible at flirting and got tongue-tied any time I tried to carry on a conversation with a man I was interested in. Over the past couple of years, things had only gotten worse. It wasn’t like I could help it. I’d lost my family, and if that wasn’t enough, my life was in jeopardy. I was doing everything I could to just stay alive. I didn’t have the time, nor the desire, to get involved with anyone, and I didn’t see that changing any time soon—even if I wanted it to. But I couldn’t deny there was something about Menace that gave me pause—and not just because he was so unbelievably hot.

  I couldn’t explain it, but for the first time since my family was murdered, I didn’t feel threatened or afraid. I knew it was crazy. I knew Menace and his brothers were bikers. I knew people feared them, and rightly so. They were big, muscled up, and tattooed, and they wore leather vests with Ruthless Sinners embroidered on the back. Any rational person would be a little intimidated by them, but for some insane reason, I wasn’t—at least not anymore.

  While I hadn’t spent a great amount of time with them, I’d seen how they interacted with one another. There was a strange camaraderie among them and their significant others. They treated the women at the club with kindness and respect—something I wouldn’t expect to find at a strip club. I was still standing there pondering my life choices when I heard Marlowe ask, “Hey, Aubrey. You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I quickly turned to face her and smiled. “I’m fine. I was just about to head back out.”

  “Okay, I was just checking.”

  “Thanks, Marlowe. I appreciate you looking out for me.”

  She smiled as she replied, “That’s what we do.”

  I followed her back out to the main bar and rushed to catch up on my orders. It was a busy night, but busy was good. That meant I made even more tips than I had the two nights before. It also meant I didn’t have time to think about my encounter with Menace.

  As soon as I arrived at the apartment, I took a quick shower and went straight to bed. I was exhausted, and my feet ached like they never had before. I just wanted to fall asleep and put the crazy day behind me, but as soon as I closed my eyes, the nightmares started creeping in. I never knew which one would surface first, but they always came to torment me. They’d start off pleasant, a nice memory of a time I treasured, but they always turned into something awful.

  Tonight was no different.

  I was adjusting to my life in Colorado. I had my routine, a home, and I’d just started to make a few friends. I’d grown to like working at the diner with Sally and her husband, Peter. On this particular day, Peter had me in the kitchen, and he was smiling as he showed me how to make his favorite
beef stew. “It’s important to always use fresh vegetables. None of that canned stuff.”


  “And go on and pay a little extra for a decent cut of meat. Lots of folks will say it doesn’t matter, but I’m here to tell you that it does.” He dropped the veggies into the broth as he urged, “Get the better cut.”

  “Yes, sir. I most definitely will.”

  “And don’t get too carried away with the seasoning. The vegetables and meat have all the flavor you need.”

  “Okay, got it.”

  He’d just reached over to turn up the heat on the burner when we heard the sound of gunfire coming from the front of the diner. I turned to Mr. Brant as I gasped, “What the hell was that?”

  “You need to get to the hideaway.”

  “What?” I shrieked.

  “It might be them! You need to go.” Peter took a hold of my arm and pulled me over to the cabinet that hid the secret staircase. As he opened it, he whispered, “If something happens, there’s a car waiting for you at the salvage lot.”


  “Find Allen. He’ll make sure you get what you need.” When the sounds of gunfire got closer, Peter gave me a nudge. “You gotta go now!”

  “I’m so sorry, Peter. I’m so, so sorry.”

  He gave me a wink as he said, “We’ve all gotta go sometime.”

  Without saying anything more, he closed the hidden door, locking me away in the darkness. I crouched down, listening in horror to the screams and gunfire erupting above me, and it was all I could do to keep my sanity. I just wanted it to end. It had to end.

  I shot up in my bed, gasping for air as I tried to break free from the nightmare’s grasp. When my breaths finally slowed, I dropped back on the bed and fought the temptation to cry. I needed to think of something else—anything else. It was the only way I could ease the tightness in my chest. I rolled over, clutched my pillow, and cried myself to sleep.

  The next morning I woke up feeling a bit out of sorts, so I went to the living room to watch a little TV. It did little to improve my mood, so I decided to take a shower. As soon as the warm water hit my skin, I started thinking about Menace. It was impossible not to imagine what it would be like to shower right along with him. I leaned forward, letting the hot water cascade down my head as I thought about his hands roaming possessively over my body, his mouth trailing kisses along the curve of my neck, and the bristles of his day-old beard prickling against my skin. It was a delicious fantasy, but that’s all it was—a fantasy. I knew nothing could come of Menace and me, but it sure was better than obsessing over my past.

  I forced myself out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I needed to get out of the house for a bit, so I decided to go grab some lunch and a coffee before work. I was still learning my way around Nashville, and the traffic was a nightmare, so I took my time and tried not to get flustered when every red light stopped me. There was a time when venturing out in an unfamiliar place would have me practically hyperventilating. I’d spent so many days scared and feeling like my world was coming to an end. I was tired of looking over my shoulder and of being afraid. I wanted things to be different, and I truly felt like things were ever since I’d moved to Nashville. Maybe it was the fact that Peter had sent me here, that he trusted the Ruthless Sinners; with Menace and the other brothers, I didn’t feel as terrified every second of every day. In fact, I felt a little stronger, a little braver, and I liked the feeling. I liked it a lot. I held on to that as I pulled into a parking lot next to an adorable little coffee shop.

  I got out of my car, rushed up to the door, and the second I opened it, I was hit with the most amazing aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I was on my way up to the counter when I noticed the waitress, a beautiful brunette with crystal-blue eyes, was talking to a young man sitting at the counter. He looked to be about fifteen or sixteen, and it was easy to tell by his dark hair and similar olive skin that he was the waitress’s son. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible not to hear her as she said, “I don’t want to hear it, Corry. You know how I feel about you hanging out with those boys.”

  “I know, but they’re my friends, Mom. And we’re just going to the game. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Maybe not to you, but it’s a big deal to me.” Her tone softened as she whispered, “I trust you, but I can’t say the same for them.”

  “You’re really not gonna let me go?”

  “No, I’m going to let you go, but I want you to call me and let me know how things are going. And when the game is over, you are to come straight home. No goofing around and doing things you aren’t supposed to.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He got up with a bright smile and rushed to the door. “Thanks, Mom!”

  As soon as he was gone, the waitress turned her attention to me. “I’m so sorry about that. I had a little ‘son drama’ that had to be dealt with.”

  “No problem. I totally understand.”

  “You have kids?”

  I sat down on the stool where her son had been sitting and answered, “No, not yet. I’ve been a little preoccupied for that.”

  “Well, you’re young. You have plenty of time for kids.” She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. “Listen to me carrying on and giving advice when it wasn’t asked for. Corry would tell me to zip it up. What can I get you today?”

  “I’ll have a chicken salad sandwich with a mocha frap and all the advice you have to offer. I could definitely use some.”

  “Oh, really?” She turned and started making my coffee. “Going through a rough spell?”

  “Yeah, you could say that.” I gave her a minute to run the blender, then said, “I just started a new job, and I’m afraid I’ve taken on more than I realized.”

  “First, congrats on the new job. Where are you working?”

  “I’m uh...” I could feel a heated blush creep over my face as I answered, “I’m waitressing at this place called Stilettos. I doubt you’ve heard of it.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard it.” A big smile crossed her face. “In fact, I kind of date one of the men who run it.”

  “What?” I gasped. “Are you serious? You’re dating a Ruthless Sinner?”

  “Mm-hmm. As a matter of fact, I am.” She placed my frap on the counter, then started making my sandwich. “I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to meet him yet, but his name is Widow.”

  “Is he the tall, dark, and brooding one?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She giggled. “That’d be him. I’m Frankie, by the way.”

  “Hi, Frankie. I’m Aubrey. It’s really great to meet you.” I took a quick sip of my drink, then told her, “I haven’t had much interaction with many of the guys, but from the few times I’ve been around him, he seems like an okay guy.”

  “He’s more than okay. He’s great. He’s been a real blessing to me and my boys.” I couldn’t believe it. I knew I was being a judgmental asshole, but she didn’t seem the type to be involved with a badass biker guy. She was beautiful, well-spoken, and a mother. I figured she’d go for the stockbroker-in-khakis-and-button-down-shirt type of guy, but from the way she spoke, she was pretty crazy about the man. Frankie finished my sandwich, then placed it down on the counter next to my coffee. “In fact, all the guys have been a blessing. They’ve helped me in ways you couldn’t begin to imagine.”

  “Actually, I think I can. Menace gave me a job when he had no business doing so, and not only that, he set me up in an apartment.”

  “I’m not surprised. Menace is a really good guy.”

  “Well, I was very surprised and grateful. I wouldn’t have a place to live if it wasn’t for him, and the crazy thing is he didn’t even know me.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I bet he knows more than you think.” Frankie cocked her eyebrow as she said, “From what I’ve picked up on, Menace is pretty savvy with that computer of his. I’m sure he did a little investigating before he hired you.”


  “Oh, don’t take any offense to i
t. He has to do it for anyone who works at the club. It’s just a way to make sure they all know who they’re bringing into the fold.”

  I suddenly felt like the world had fallen off its axis, and its entire weight had landed right on my chest. I couldn’t breathe, nor could I move. I sat there in horror thinking about the explosions of gunfire blasting through the diner. I knew Peter and Sally were going to die, just like my parents and sister had, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it. I was terrified the same thing would happen again to Menace and everyone at the club. I’d only known them for a short time but would never forgive myself if something happened to them. I was on the brink of tears when Frankie reached over and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “No... No, I’m not.” I reached into my purse, took out a twenty-dollar bill, and tossed it on the counter. “I’ve got to go.”

  I rushed out of the coffee shop and to my car. My mind was racing a mile a minute as I sped over to Stilettos. I could envision Menace sitting at his computer, searching my name and the social security number I’d given him. I slightly smiled at the thought of him typing in that number and seeing a big African-American man named Sanford staring back at him. Of course, I didn’t have a clue what he’d find when he searched that fake number, but I knew he wouldn’t find me. That would have him digging deeper, and I feared his in-depth search would draw Rossi and his flock’s attention or perhaps the police, who were also working feverishly to find me. If Frankie was right about him, there was a good chance that he’d already started investigating, and that thought scared the hell out of me. The running had gotten to me. I wanted a little more time to stay put and make a bit more money, but I might not have a choice in the matter.

  It was still early when I got to the club, so there weren’t many folks there—just a few of the girls who’d come to practice their night’s routines, and Rafe. He was sitting at the bar studying his phone with a disgruntled look on his face. I didn’t want to interrupt him, but I didn’t have a choice. “Hey, Rafe... is Menace around?”


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