The Future Is Asian

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The Future Is Asian Page 45

by Parag Khanna

failure of democracy in, 302

  financial reform in, 184

  Rohingya genocide in, 122–23

  see also Burma

  Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 51

  Nanjing, 42, 49

  Napoleon I, emperor of the French, 1

  nationalism, 11, 20, 22, 49–50, 52–55, 77, 118, 137, 138–39, 222, 312, 329, 337, 352

  Natufian people, 28

  natural gas, see oil and gas

  natural gas production, 175–76

  Nazism, 200

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 52, 55

  Neolithic Revolution, 28

  neomercantilism, 20, 22, 158

  Nepal, 46, 119–20, 333

  Nestorian Christianity, 36, 70

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 97, 98, 100

  Netflix, 348

  New Deal, 287

  New Delhi, 245

  Ng, Andrew, 199

  NGOs, 313

  Nigeria, 265

  Nisbett, Richard, 357

  Nixon, Richard, 56, 101

  Nobel Prize, 48, 221, 249, 323, 353–54

  nomadic cultures, 76

  Non-Aligned Movement, 55

  Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, 61

  North America:

  Asian trade with, 13, 14, 207

  as coherent regional system, 7

  energy self-sufficiency of, 175, 272

  internal trade in, 152

  see also Canada; Mexico; United States

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 7

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 2, 57, 92, 116

  Northeast Asia, 141

  India and, 154–55

  internal trade in, 152

  manufacturing in, 153

  North Korea, 55, 61

  aggressiveness of, 63

  China and, 143

  cyber surveillance by, 142

  nuclear and chemical weapons program of, 142

  Russia and, 143

  South Korea and, 142

  US and, 142–43

  Obama, Barack, 18, 82, 229, 240

  oil and gas:

  Asian imports of, 9, 62, 82–83, 84–85, 96, 102, 106, 107–8, 152, 175, 176, 207

  Gulf states’ exports of, 62, 74, 100–103, 176

  Iranian exports of, 50, 94, 106, 107–8, 118, 176

  Iraqi exports of, 55, 96

  OPEC embargo on, 57

  price of, 61

  Russian exports of, 82–83, 84, 87–88, 175, 176

  Saudi exports of, 58, 87–88, 102, 103

  US exports of, 16, 207

  West Asian exports of, 9, 23, 57, 62, 152

  Okakura Tenshin, 48

  oligarchies, 294–95

  Olympic Games, 245

  Oman, East Asia and, 104

  ONE Championship (MMA series), 341

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 57

  Operation Mekong (film), 123

  opium, 47, 123

  Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 241

  Oslo Accords, 59

  Osman I, Ottoman Sultan, 41

  Ottoman Empire, 40–41, 43, 45, 46–47, 48, 73, 91

  partitioning of, 49–50

  religious tolerance in, 70–71

  Out of Eden Walk, 4

  Overseas Private Investment Company (OPEC), 111

  Pacific Alliance, 272

  Pacific Islands, 181–82

  US territories in, 48

  Pacific Rim, see East Asia

  Pakistan, 52–53, 58, 62, 72, 95, 102, 105

  AI research in, 200

  Asianization of, 81, 113–18

  as Central Asia’s conduit to Arabian Sea, 113–14

  China and, 20, 114–16, 117–18

  corruption in, 161

  failure of democracy in, 302

  finance industry in, 168–69

  foreign investment in, 115

  GDP per capita in, 184

  India and, 55, 61–62, 117–18

  intra-Asian migration from, 334

  logistics industry in, 185

  as market for Western products and services, 207

  US and, 114–15

  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), 307

  Palestine, Palestinians, 49, 54, 99

  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 59

  Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 59, 62, 97, 100

  Pan-Asianism, 48, 351–52

  paper, invention of, 72

  Paris climate agreement, 178, 240

  Paris Peace Conference (1918), 49

  Park Chung-hee, 56

  Park Geun-hye, 313

  parliamentary democracy, 295

  Parthians, 33, 76

  Pawar, Rajendra, 205

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 50

  peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, 169

  People’s Action Party (PAP), Singapore, 294

  People’s Bank of China (PBOC), 110, 188

  Pepper (robot), 134

  per capita income, 5, 150, 183, 186

  Persia, Persian Empire, 29, 30, 42, 45, 47, 50, 68, 75

  see also Iran

  Persian Gulf War, 61, 101, 217


  Asian immigrants in, 275, 276

  Asian trade with, 272

  Peshawar, 32

  Peter I, Tsar of Russia, 45, 90

  pharmaceutical companies, 209–10

  Philippines, 61, 157, 165

  alternative energy programs in, 180

  Asian migrants in, 333

  China and, 123–24

  Christianity in, 74

  in Cold War era, 53–54

  eco-tourism in, 340

  foreign investment in, 124

  illiberal policies of, 306

  inclusive policies in, 304

  as market for Western products and services, 207

  Muslims in, 71

  privatization in, 170

  technocracy in, 304–5

  urban development in, 190

  US acquisition of, 48

  US and, 123–24

  philosophy, Asian vs. Western, 357–58

  Phoenicians, 29

  Pinker, Steven, 284

  plague (Black Death), 40

  Plato, 37, 286, 291, 300

  Poland, 249

  pollution, 176–78, 181

  Polo, Marco, 40

  Pol Pot, 56, 70

  populism, 283–84, 296

  democracy hijacked by, 3

  Portugal, 44

  poverty, 183, 184, 318

  prisons, 308

  private equity, 171–72

  privatization, 169–70

  Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, 249

  public goods, global, 321–22

  Punjab, 33, 47

  purchasing power parity (PPP):

  of Asia, 2, 9, 10, 63, 184

  global, 10

  Putin, Vladimir, 84, 85–86, 87, 89, 241, 310

  oligarchic regime of, 310–11

  Qajars, 47

  Qara Khitai, 39

  Qatar, 100, 101, 247

  gas exports of, 175

  Russia and, 88

  Qichao, Liang, 351

  Qin Dynasty, 31–32

  Qing Dynasty, 44–45, 47, 48, 69, 76

  Qin Shi Huang, 31

  Quah, Danny, 320

  racism, 329

  Rajgir, 31

  Rakuten, 133

  R&D, in Asia, 197, 210, 211, 227

  Rashid al-Din, 40

  Rashidun Caliphate, 36

  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) movement, 313

  Rason, 143

  Ray, Satyajit, 349

  Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), 8, 9

  religious tolerance, 40, 70–71, 75

  renewable energy, see alternative energy

  renminbi, 165, 188, 243, 264

  as currency for intra-Asia trade, 102, 103, 110, 157

  retail sector:

  in Asia, 172, 184–85, 189, 200,

  in US, 228

  Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 50, 54

  ride-sharing industry, 174–75

  Rio Branco Institute, 277

  Riot Games, 209

  robotics, 134, 193, 196–97

  Roma, 256

  Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 353

  Rome, ancient, 33

  fall of, 35, 36, 39

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 287

  Rosen, Dan, 156

  Rudd, Kevin, 12

  rule of law, 281, 282, 292, 312

  blurred line between abuse of power and, 319

  economic performance and, 309–10

  Rumi, 39, 220

  Rushdie, Salman, 256

  Russia, modern, 3, 11, 15, 40, 140

  arms exports of, 86, 87

  Asian territory of, 82

  China and, 19–20, 82–83, 84–85

  Crimea annexed by, 83

  ethnic and cultural diversity of, 89

  Europe and, 83–84, 85, 89

  European territory of, 82

  expansionism of, 240

  grain exports of, 90

  India and, 86–87

  Iran and, 87

  Israel and, 88

  Japan and, 82, 86–87

  Latin American investments of, 275

  North Korea and, 143

  oil and gas exports of, 82–83, 84, 87–88, 175, 176

  Qatar and, 88

  re-Asianization of, 81–91

  Saudi Arabia and, 87–88

  Southeast Asia and, 87

  Southwest Asia and, 87

  stability preferred over democratic ideals in, 310

  Syria and, 11, 83, 87, 88

  Turkey and, 88, 92–93

  2016 US election and, 83, 320

  Ukraine invaded by, 83

  Western sanctions against, 83, 86, 240–41

  West’s divided policies toward, 83–84

  see also Soviet Union

  Russia, prerevolutionary:

  Bolshevik Revolution in, 49

  in era of European imperialism, 45, 47, 48

  Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), 88

  Rwanda, 268

  Ryukyu Kingdom, 44

  Safavid Empire, 106

  Saint Petersburg, 82, 90

  Salesforce, 331

  Salman, king of Saudi Arabia, 103

  Salopek, Paul, 4–5

  Samarkand, 32

  Samsung, 159, 195, 211

  Sanskrit, 69, 253

  Sassanian Empire, 36

  Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie), 256

  Saudi Arabia, 11, 50, 54, 57, 71–72, 101, 134, 251

  alternative energy programs in, 179

  Asia investments by, 104

  bond offerings by, 165

  Chinese arms sales to, 101

  economic diversification in, 190

  Indian migrants in, 334

  Iran and, 95–96, 100, 105–6

  oil exports of, 58, 87–88, 102, 103

  privatization in, 170

  Public Investment Fund (PIF) of, 164

  Russia and, 87–88

  technocracy in, 312

  Saudi Aramco, 102, 103, 104, 168

  Saudi-Iraqi Coordination Council, 96

  Schmidt, Eric, 200

  Schröder, Gerhard, 83


  Asian achievements in, 354–55

  Asian fusion of spirituality with, 355

  Scythians, 29, 30, 76

  SEA Group, 167, 189, 209

  sea levels, rising, 181–82

  security systems, in Asia, 137–44

  self-determination, 22

  Seljuks, 38, 39, 44, 76

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 3, 62, 113, 220, 231

  service sector growth, 191, 192

  sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, 314–15

  shadow economies, 203

  Shah Jahan, 41

  shale oil energy revolution, 13, 175, 272

  Shanghai, 42, 114

  art scene in, 342

  Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), 60, 84, 86, 92, 106, 108, 117

  Shanghai-Tehran railway, 106

  Shankar, Ravi, 332

  Sharp, 132

  Shi’a Muslims, 36, 41, 58, 95, 106, 312

  Shintoism, 31, 34, 69

  Shōtoku, prince of Japan, 35

  Siam, 45–46

  Siberia, 82

  Siddiqi, Lutfey, 163

  Siemens, 242, 246

  Sikhs, 47

  Sikkim, 186

  Silicon Valley, 172, 199, 219, 287

  Silk Road Fund, 110

  Silk Roads, 24, 32, 33, 35, 40, 68, 69, 76, 81, 106, 239, 329

  modern versions of, 1, 75, 84, 92, 97, 103, 108–13, 122, 244, 246, 252

  as weakened by European voyages of discovery, 44

  Silk Way Rally, 81

  Simpfendorfer, Ben, 96–97

  Sina Weibo, 314

  Singapore, 22, 46, 53, 56, 74, 121, 156, 187, 212, 268, 334

  American expats in, 234

  art scene in, 342

  civil liberties in, 297

  civil service in, 292–93

  in Cold War era, 54

  data collection in, 295–96

  democracy in, 288–89, 290

  diversified economy of, 290

  education in, 294

  ethnic and cultural diversity of, 288, 297–98, 337

  gun and drug laws of, 306

  Japan and, 50–51, 133

  Latin America investments of, 277

  as libertarian nanny state, 289

  as melting pot, 24

  as model for other Asian countries, 299, 331

  multiracial families in, 337–38

  parliamentary system of, 295

  policy corrections in, 291

  public trust in government in, 291

  technocratic government of, 287–99

  technological innovation in, 195

  Singapore Cooperation Program, 299

  Singh, Shailendra, 174

  Sino-Australian Free Trade Industrial Park, 129

  Sino Israel Technology Innovation fund, 99

  Sistema, 90

  Slovakia, 256

  Slumdog Millionaire (film), 348

  social media, 208–9, 314

  censorship of, 320

  SoftBank, 112, 134, 171, 174, 179, 193

  Sogdian peoples, 32, 33, 67

  solar panel industry, 242, 272–73

  Song Dynasty, 38–39, 42, 73

  South Asia:

  early history of, 35

  economic growth of, 9

  failure of democracy in, 302

  low-level workers from, 334–35

  Muslims in, 70–71

  oil and gas imports of, 152

  poverty in, 183, 184

  religious and ethnic diversity in, 70

  South China Sea, 60, 84, 125, 130

  Chinese assertiveness in, 19, 60, 84, 123, 124, 128, 137

  Southeast Asia, 29, 50, 52, 208

  Africa and, 264

  Asianization of, 81

  China and, 122, 154

  Chinese migration in, 333

  in Cold War era, 52, 53–54

  cross-border integration of, 121–27

  digital integration in, 187–89

  economic growth in, 63, 148

  energy investments of, 102

  European colonization of, 45–46, 67

  failures of democracy in, 302–3

  foreign investment in, 9, 121, 148, 154, 250

  Gulf states trade with, 102

  India and, 154–55

  Indianization of, 34

  Indian migrants in, 334

  internal trade in, 152

  Japan and, 50–51, 133, 153–54, 156

  low-level workers from, 334–35

  manufacturing in, 133, 148, 153–54

  Muslims in, 38–39, 43, 70–71, 121

  1997 financial crisis in, 121

  opium produc
ts in, 123

  in post–Cold War era, 61

  religious and ethnic diversity of, 43, 46, 70, 121

  Russia and, 87

  South Korea and, 153–54

  tourism in, 122

  US and, 125

  see also Association of Southeast Asian Nations

  Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 53

  South Korea, 14, 16, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63, 104, 275

  Asian migrants in, 336–37

  automation in, 193

  capitalism in, 159

  cashless economy in, 189

  China and, 141–42

  civil society in, 313

  corruption in, 161

  economic growth of, 158

  film industry in, 348

  global branding of, 331

  Gulf states and, 102

  Japan and, 141–42

  multiethnic families in, 336

  North Korea and, 142

  Southeast Asia and, 153–54

  technological innovation in, 195, 197

  US and, 52, 142–43

  Vietnam and, 154

  Southwest Asia, 54

  in Cold War era, 54

  Russia and, 87

  use of term, 6

  sovereign debt, 165–66

  Soviet Union, 49, 300

  Afghanistan invaded by, 58, 59

  Africa and, 261

  in clashes with China, 56

  in Cold War, see Cold War

  collapse of, 13, 14, 58, 59, 82, 283

  Germany’s invasion of, 50

  Spain, transpacific trade of, 44, 74

  Spanish-American War, 2, 48

  Sri Lanka, 105, 334

  Srivijaya Kingdom, 34, 35, 38, 39, 70

  State Department, US, Asia and, 143–44

  steel production, 109, 176, 272–73

  Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, 12

  stock markets, Asia, 167–68

  Straits Times, 290

  Suez Canal, 102

  Suez Canal Economic Zone, 99

  Suharto, 61

  Sui Dynasty, 37

  Sukarno, 53

  Sumatra, 38, 45, 70

  Sumer, 28, 29

  Sunni Muslims, 11, 36, 38, 57, 95, 312

  Sun Tzu, 31

  Sun Yat-sen, 48, 49

  Sweden, Syrian refugees in, 255–56

  Sykes-Picot Agreement, 49

  Syngman Rhee, 55

  Syria, 11, 16, 49, 54, 62, 94

  civil war in, 63, 95, 255

  Iran and, 106

  Russia and, 11, 83, 87, 88

  Syrian refugees, 218

  systems, global, 7

  systems, regional:

  Asia as, 5, 6–7, 15

  conflict and, 11

  Europe as, 7

  North America as, 7

  in world order, 13–14

  Tagore, Rabindranath, 48, 351, 353

  Taipei, art scene in, 342

  Taiping Rebellion, 47

  Taiwan, 52, 56, 61

  China and, 141

  civil society in, 313

  Tajikistan, 59, 108–9, 182

  Talas, Battle of, 36, 37, 77, 117

  Tale of Genji, The (Murasaki), 353

  Taliban, 62, 68, 116–17, 139

  Tan, Anthony, 175

  Tan, Yinglan, 173

  Tang Dynasty, 36–38, 69, 70, 72, 75, 117, 137

  Taoism, 182

  Tao of Physics, The (Capra), 220


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