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Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1)

Page 8

by C.M. Owens

  Chapter 8

  An Unlikely Alliance

  You cannot hear the truth unless you're willing to listen.

  Allaysia and the others hung around as various members of the Bradbury coven dispersed. Iris and Allaysia had more in common than they had expected. Iris had lost siblings, too, but never at her own father's hand. They seemed to really understand each other and they talked for hours that night. They had a common enemy, and they needed the strength of the families to combine to have a chance of defeating the dark.

  I walked Tallis upstairs to see my room. I wanted him all to myself. When we got up there though, we heard giggling. I rolled my eyes at my botched plan to get Tallis alone.

  I peeked into the game room to see who the giggling was coming from. It was Jay and Ayla. I was kind of surprised by that.

  "What are you two doing?" I asked, raising my brow.

  "Oh… We're just talking about… stuff." Jay looked like a kid who just got caught stealing candy.

  Ayla smiled at me. "Jay is immune to my powers. It's fascinating to me, because no one ever has been. Not even changers or bodyguards. I also feel around him."

  My eyebrows scrunched slightly as I tried to understand her comment. "Feel what?" I asked, somewhat confused.

  "I feel something, I feel everything. I've never felt anything but peace and serenity for my entire life. Even as a mortal, before I inherited my powers, I couldn't feel. Never anger, happiness, sadness... nothing besides tranquility and peace. With your brother next to me during the story, I was able to shed my first tear. When my mother and Iris hugged, I felt happiness for the first time. When Jay touched me, I felt butterflies in my stomach."

  Jay's eyes lit up when she said that last part. Then she touched her cheeks that were blushing. “For the first time ever, I now know what embarrassment feels like as well. This is so truly amazing." She and Jay giggled slightly at her comment.

  I hadn't given much thought to it, but it would be difficult to live life with only one emotion. Tallis smiled at his sister's amusement, her ability to feel happy for the first time. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the room, so Jay and Ayla could be alone.

  He was still holding my hand when we walked into my room. "So this is where Aria sleeps," he said, plopping down on my bed and taking in the surroundings of my jungle-themed bedroom. "You like the jungle stuff, huh?"

  I sat down about a foot away from him, answering his question as I lowered my body to the bed. "Yeah, it reminds me of home."

  All day I had wanted to be as close to him as possible, but not now. I'd never had a boy in my room, and certainly not on my bed. I'd never even kissed a guy. I was nervous and insecure all of the sudden.

  This was exactly what I'd wanted, and now I was so tense that you would have thought I was sitting on a bed made of needles. He seemed to be as casual and confident as usual. Then he leapt from the bed, startling me a little. He walked over to the window and looked around as if he was studying something.

  "What are you looking at?" I asked quizzically. I knew what I was looking at - his lean, perfectly sculpted body leaned up against the edge of window with one arm propped against the top of the frame.

  "Just memorizing which one is yours." He flashed a smile and walked over to my suitcases, still unpacked.

  "You going somewhere?" He looked concerned. His voice was almost distressed by the thought.

  "No. I just haven't unpacked some of my things. They're just some of my sketches and mementos from my old home. There really hasn't been a whole lot of unpacking time."

  I was pleased to see that he didn't want me going anywhere.

  "Oh. Well, then I can go. You're probably pretty exhausted anyway, and you have to get up early for school."

  He started to walk off, but I grabbed his wrist before I even realized it. My body reacted as if it was a reflex to stop him. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't let him leave tonight.

  I'd felt so inexplicably compelled to be with him every moment I could. My eyes were restless when he was out of sight. My ears needed to hear his voice. My nose desired to smell his bewitching scent. My body craved his touch, and my lips were desperate to be introduced to his.

  He glanced down at my hand on his wrist, and then he looked directly into my eyes. I didn't move as his hand went to my waist. His fingertips started pulling my body toward his in a very slow, simmering motion. The desire to be close to him had overwhelmed me for so long that I was just ready to surrender.

  His strong arms laid me gently on the bed. Then he crawled to where his body was elevated above me, staring deeply into my eyes. His lips were so dangerously close to mine. I sat back against the headboard and bit my lip in anticipation. His lips were just inches away and getting closer every second.

  I put my hand flat against his chest, and my other one on the back of his neck. Our eyes connected, and I could feel the heat again. My desire was insuppressible, ready to burst free and claim me.

  He leaned forward. This was finally it. This was going to be my first kiss. The perfect guy was going to be mine.

  "Spoiler Alert!" A loud, obnoxious voice rang out, and Tallis and I both leapt off the bed with haste, dropping our hands guiltily to our sides. It was Taryn, and of course, McKee was with her.

  Her eyes playfully narrowed as she smirked. Obviously she had seen the heated entanglement Tallis and I had been engulfed in before she crudely interrupted us.

  "Sorry to interrupt," she said insincerely, her eyes taunting me with a teasing endeavor. "We just wanted to apologize for scaring you earlier."

  McKee had his hands in his pockets while he leaned up against the doorframe, sulking very noticeably.

  Tallis rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. I looked at him, so fascinated by the fact that, despite the interruption, we might still kiss. Then I looked at Taryn. I wanted to apologize for making them flip, but I really wanted them to just leave even more. My hormones won out over my guilt.

  "It's fine. I wish I hadn't been so paranoid." In an effort to keep the conversation from continuing, I added an obvious ending. "See you tomorrow at school."

  McKee leaned away from the doorframe, talking quietly as he did so. "See ya, Aria. Call me if you need me… for anything at all."

  He offered a threatening gaze to Tallis, but he ignored McKee's warning glare. I gave a quick wave and turned back toward Tallis. They were on their way out the door when I heard several people coming down the hall.

  My hands flew up in an aggravated sort of manner as I let out an unintentional outburst with exaggerated agitation in my tone. "Oh no! Now what?"

  I didn't actually mean to say that aloud. I heard Tallis snicker at my disappointment for our spoiled moment.

  "Arisianna!" Someone's voice was panicked. It sounded like Iris's voice, somewhat.

  I kept the same agitated tone as I addressed her. "Yeah, grandma?"

  Now what happened? I just needed ten minutes alone with Tallis, and I couldn't seem to catch a break.

  She came into view... sort of. "Arisianna, honey, something has come up."

  It was her voice, it just wasn't as feeble and scratchy as it had been. She sounded rejuvenated. It certainly was not her face, or body, or even her hair.

  She had long flowing vibrant red waves in place of her silvery white bun. Her face was smooth, no lines or wrinkles anymore. Her body was more lively, and her hands were smooth and young.

  "Grand…ma?" I was in shock.

  "Oh, sorry, dear." She touched her face and hair, remembering that she no longer looked like the little old lady I had known her to be. "I was thirty-five when I became eternal. Making myself look aged takes a lot of concentration. I didn't see any reason to keep up the charade since you knew."

  I just nodded, still a little astonished by the unexpected transformation.

  She came over to where I was. "We've called an emergency meet
ing with the heads of the strongest light families. Allaysia and Edmond will be joining us. None of knew about Graven organizing like he has. One of the bodyguards just spotted another scout. He was an electric. They're planning something. We have to get together and discuss this now that we have more information. Everyone needs to be aware of the imminent threat he could pose."

  There was a slight bit of angst in my tone as I spoke. "Okay. I'll be fine in here, won't I?"

  She quickly responded to my question. "Your essence is hidden in here, and no one outside the invited can come in, but I'm not going to leave you alone and unprotected. I'm going to have some people stay here with you."

  Tallis surprised me by jumping in so eagerly. "I'll stay with her. I've already destroyed one scout today."

  Gear joined us, grimacing at that proposal. "I don't think so, Casanova. You're a little too cozy with my baby sister to be spending the night.” Then he looked at Iris. "I'll stay, Grandma."

  Tallis looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, raising his eyebrows at the same time in a way that said "I tried." I just fought back a smile for his valiant attempt.

  Gear was such a pain. But then Iris interjected.

  "Geariandan, you have to take Olivia and Ashiara to see if you can track down that scout. Olivia can drain his memories and get some idea of what's going on."

  I supposed that meant Olivia was a drainer. I realized I had no clue what powers my siblings had. I found myself wondering how old Olivia truly was as well.

  "Take Desmond, too. You'll find him useful." Allaysia was suddenly in the room, smiling at me comfortingly and appreciatively. I smiled back.

  “I'll stay with Aria." McKee spoke up with a very mischievous tone and glared triumphantly at Tallis.

  "He's not staying if I'm not," Tallis said quietly, but you could tell he was a little upset by McKee's offer.

  I was so undeniably drawn to him, that anytime he spoke, I tuned everything else out. I didn't know what it felt like to be in love, but I was pretty sure it couldn't be any stronger than the feelings I was having for him. I put my hand in his, interlocking our fingers.

  "I didn't hear anyone asking you," McKee snarked.

  It sounded like McKee was trying to provoke Tallis, make him start a fight. Tallis didn’t give in to his tactics though. He patiently waited to see what someone else came up with.

  Jay walked up with Ayla still hanging on his arm.

  "I'll stay in the guest room up here. She's going to need more than me though, and I think Tallis would be the best option. It only makes sense that McKee and Taryn go with Gear and the others to mask them. It'll be easier to chase someone if they can't sense there is someone chasing.

  "The stronger, older bodyguards need to go be with the family heads. There shouldn't be any gaps in protection with so many of you in one place. The house will hide Aria's essence just fine. Tallis is strong enough to do some damage, should someone break through our crests - though that's never happened before. I think we might stand a chance together if we had to. Aster should probably stay, too, in case someone does get hurt. Chris should go with Gear and them to provide them with some extra masking."

  So I gathered that Aster was a healer and Chris was a bodyguard. So what was Ash, Gear, and Jay?

  Iris looked over at Tallis, then at Jay. She seemed to find that to be acceptable terms. She nodded at Jay. Then she went on to speak in a cautious tone.

  "Keep her and yourselves safe. If something feels off, run." Her voice trailed off as she disappeared suddenly. So she was fast.

  Now I was aggravated at how slowly she had made me walk while she was in her old lady costume. Ash bobbed in suddenly.

  "Ayla is staying, too. You may need her in case the atmosphere gets a little too crazy." Then she winked at Jay and mouthed "you're welcome." She turned to leave before he got the chance to silently thank her.

  Jay smiled and winked at me as he walked out. McKee scowled angrily as he stormed off, defeated. Then Gear walked toward us.

  "Promise me you won't do anything with my sister. Not tonight - preferably never -but especially not tonight. I need you to be alert and focused. Her life could depend on you." He had so much worry in his voice.

  "I promise. I won't do anything inappropriate. I'm on a job and I trust myself to take it seriously. I'll stay with her as much as I can tomorrow, too."

  Tallis also sounded very serious… too serious. Gear had officially ruined our hormonal buzz. Great.

  Gear reached out and shook his hand. Then he took Olivia's hand and they ran out to start their search.

  Jay and Ayla were in the room just two doors down. We could hear them giggling and whispering. I heard Ayla say something about her first time feeling excited. I rolled my eyes and then looked at Tallis who was sitting by my window, staring into the pitch black night.

  "Why do we have to be so serious if they don't have to be?"

  Tallis chuckled, still looking out the window.

  "They just found each other. They’re soul mates. They can't help it. Everyone knew that, including Jay, which is why he said he couldn't do it alone. For the first few months after meeting your soul mate, you can't think, or focus, or do anything but lose yourself in that person. The only thing that can shake you from it is self defense. If there's a fight, he'll be ready. But other than that, he's going to be completely wrapped up in her for a while."

  That statement disturbed me. I almost felt like crying. "So you know you're soul mates the instant you meet?"

  He didn't seem to notice the pain in my voice. He continued speaking casually unaffected and staring out the window. "Yeah. It's too strong to deny and there's nothing like it."

  "You have personal experience?" I could hear my voice choking up slightly as I asked that question.

  He turned to face me. His voice was sincere. "No." He smiled at me. "My mom and dad explain it pretty well though."

  I was still choking back my overwhelming urge to burst out into tears. "So I take it that I'm not your soul mate?"

  I got sick. I couldn't believe I just sounded so whiny and devastated. I barely knew him.

  His mood changed and he stepped away from the window before walking over to me. "I didn't say that. I don't know."

  Now I felt like he was trying to spare my feelings. "You said you knew it instantly."

  He shook his head, smiling. Oh his smile was so perfect. "When you're eternal. Not until then. So we won't know until you transform."

  I sighed out in relief. "Do you think we're soul mates?"

  Again, I was the whiny girl acting far too clingy. I couldn't stop myself though. There had to be a reason for the madness.

  "I think we're talking about too much for one day, and I think you should sleep." He was avoiding answering my question. With too many tears wavering, I decided to drop it.

  "Are you sleeping?"

  He smiled and looked away. "Yeah. Aster is going to keep an eye out and wake me if I'm needed."

  My stomach fluttered as he climbed into my bed and peeled off his shirt. I had changed into some cute silky pajamas - kind of a simple sexy. Thank goodness for Ash and Aster.

  He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, making me feel warm and safe. His lips were even softer than I had imagined. It made me want him even more.

  I looked up and he was staring out the window. I laid my head on his chest and was asleep within seconds.

  The next morning I woke up to see the sun shining brightly through the window. My alarm was buzzing in the usual annoying fashion. I looked around as I slapped it very hard, praying the vexing box would just break. Tallis was nowhere to be found.

  I jumped up and ran downstairs. He wasn't there either. I walked back up the steps very disappointed and got ready for school. I grabbed my bag and headed toward the door. When I got outside, Tallis was waiting on me, propped up against his car.

bsp; His tone was as seductively tempting as it could possibly be. "Good morning, Aria." I smiled sheepishly as his smug grin sent chills up and down my spine.

  "Good morning." The top was down on his car. He reached in and grabbed a tray of coffee.

  "I wasn't sure how you liked it, so I got you some selections. I thought you might need it."

  His voice was gentle. He didn't sound tired at all. I, on the other hand, was exhausted. I reached out and grabbed the one that was plain coffee with cream only.

  "Simple girl, nice." He walked me around to the other side of the car and opened the door for me. I couldn't stop smiling. I sat down, sipping my coffee and buckled my seatbelt. He reached over me, picking the tray of coffee back up.

  "I'm going to take this in there for everyone else so that it doesn't go to waste." He was in and out before I could even look at myself in the mirror.

  I noticed my family crest imprinted into the upholstery on his leather seats and his dashboard. He saw me staring at it.

  "Better protection for you," he explained. "If you're going to be with me, you're going to be safe. My crest works best on our blood, which I don't need it, but Mom and Dad do. I know your crest works better for your blood. I figured it was better safe than sorry, you know?"

  I could feel myself falling more for him with each passing second. "Thanks."

  He glanced at himself in the rearview mirror as he sat down. I looked at him, admiring how much better he looked than yesterday.

  "Thank you for the coffee. I did need it. Four hours of sleep isn't so refreshing, so caffeine was a must. You keep saving me."

  He put the car in first gear, smiling cockily. "That's what I do."


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