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Of Water and Moonlight (Thunderbird Academy Book 1)

Page 19

by Valia Lind

  "Letting them in, of course."

  Before anyone of us can move, she grabs the handle, pulling it open. My spell dissipates, and with it, our protection.

  The traitor has been under our noses this whole time, and she just broke the last layer of our defenses.


  Aiden and Ben growl on either side of me before launching themselves forward. Christy raises her hands, and both shifters hit an invisible wall at once, sliding back toward me. I drop to my knees, my hands on each of them as they shake off the impact.

  "Funny Maddie," Christy says, and her voice doesn't sound like her own. "Always trying to save people and... creatures." My hand is still on Aiden's upper arm, and I drag him to a standing position beside me. Owen helps Ben up, and both of them take their position at my back, with Aiden at my side.

  "It was you the whole time," I say now, and the other girl laughs like she's a villain on a bad TV show.

  "Of course it was me. And you had absolutely no idea. You were too busy with your stupid schoolwork and your unrequited love crushes and sucking up the headmaster, you golden child."

  It's hard not to look at Aiden at Christy's words, but I can feel his eyes shift to me. I'm sure he's putting two and two together. She's not exactly being subtle.

  "Why?" I have to keep her talking while we figure out what to do next. But it's not like I can communicate telepathically with the shifters. My plan will have to be my own. Everyone else has moved away from the main hall as the wind blows all around Christy. If I look closely enough, I can make out the shapes of the shadow creatures at her back, but it's like she's keeping them in check for the moment.

  "Why not?" She laughs again, and I'm really starting to hate that sound. "You thought you were the big man on campus after that little spell you and your sisters pulled but look at you now. You couldn't' even see what was staring you right in the face."

  I shake my head, amazed at how focused she is on this concept of my popularity. "You really think I wanted all this responsibility?"

  "Ha! You've been eating it up all semester. Woe is me, I'm Maddie Hawthorne, a powerful witch with a super cool spell under my belt. Don't look at me. Well, only when I want you to."

  Bitterness drips off her every word, and I don't know what to say to that. How can I explain to her my actual feelings on the matter when she has already made up her mind about me?

  "Is that what this is all about?" I wave my hand in the direction of the open doors, and the smile she gives me chills me to the bone.

  "Of course it's not all about you, Madison," she says my name like a curse.

  "So, what was it? Why betray this place? Why now?" I can't risk looking at the shifters, but I can feel them move at my back. Aiden's fingers graze mine, sending a million electric shocks up my spine, and the moment makes me braver. I take a step toward Christy, putting my friends at my back.

  "You had to go and open your big mouth." Christy spits in my direction, all trace of that cute, bubbly girl gone from her eyes. "The council has been deliberating, and I can't let them spell extra protection over Thunderbird Academy."

  So, Headmaster Marković stayed true to his word and went to the Elders. But how could Christy know any of this? And why is she involved?

  "What's in it for you?" I ask, even though I have a pretty good idea.

  "Power, of course. Ultimate power. They sure know how to reward their followers. And I? I will have no problem knocking down whatever spell you throw my way. Because I will be more powerful than you."

  It’s that simple. Power really does corrupt.

  I move closer still, and this time, she notices.

  "I wouldn't if I were you." She raises her right arm into the air, and I watch as three shadow creatures appear from the darkness at her back. "You know my dear friends, right?" Christy asks, that sinister smile back on her face. "They've been dying to say hello."

  Before I can figure out what she means, she flicks her hand, and the creatures attack. Along with the first three, a dozen more pour into the building with Christy standing by the doors, laughing like a maniac. I can't tell if she's controlling them completely or only providing a pathway, but I know I have to get to her.

  The chaos around me is a battlefield. The shifters have all turned and are holding their own against the Ancient's minions. I can feel the vibrations of battle magic echoing around me as my friends and fellow students fight the dark creatures. The storm is now inside the building as well as outside the walls. The blackness of the night is seeping into every nook and cranny, as if the mere presence of the Ancient magic is poisoning the land.

  "Aiden, watch out!" My heart jumps inside my chest as I thrust my hands out in front of me, throwing up a protective shield right before the creature attacks Aiden from behind. The wolf spits out the creature he has in his mouth, dissipating the magic before he turns to look at me. Even in his wolf form, I see the gratitude and determination in his eyes. Suddenly they narrow, just as I feel something coming at me from the left.

  I twist around, throwing up a protective shield, but I'm a second too late. I go flying across the hall, my back slamming into a wall. Dazed, I do my best to get up on all fours, but with my magic drained and my head spinning, I'm not fast enough. The tendrils of a shadow creature wrap around my wrists yanking me back. I cry out, searching for my battle magic, but I can feel it leaving me by the second.

  The pain is excruciating, as if one of my limbs is being pulled clean off. Writhing on the floor, I try to clear my mind enough to think, but no dice. It's too much, all at once, and it feels like I'm being torn apart.

  Then, just as suddenly, the pain is gone, and I open my eyes to find Aiden ripping the shadow creature apart. Since they're made of magic, all they do is reform somewhere else, but at least I'm no longer attached to one. That's when I realize what I need to do.

  "Aiden," I say, getting to my knees. The wolf stops in front of me, and this time I don't hesitate. I plunge my hand into his fur, memorizing the silky texture with this one touch. Electricity sparks between us, but before I can understand it, I breathe easier as I meet his eye.

  "Shadows cannot live in the light," I say, staring right at him. He nods, understanding exactly what needs to be done. "Give me five minutes."

  Aiden doesn't hesitate to step in front of me as I get to my feet. One howl and Ben and Owen are suddenly there as well, protecting me from every side. I glance around, trying to find my friends, and see Jade and Noel battling a few of the creatures farther down the hall. Some students are screaming as the monsters eat their magic right up. The sight breaks my heart, but the only thing I can do for them now is draw out the shadow creatures. For that to happen, I need more power.

  "Get me to Jade," I say, and the wolves move as one as I race behind them. Throwing up a protective shield, I wish for more water, but I make do with what I have. The rain outside is enchanted, so it's no use to me. When we're almost to my friend, something knocks me off my feet. I drop fast and hard while my face stings from the impact. With my head ringing, my instincts take over, and I pull on all those hours of working with Aiden.

  I'm being straddled, and my neck is wrapped in a tight grip, so I do the only thing I can. I drive my palm straight up with full force and am satisfied when I hear a crunch and then a scream. Christy is immobilized for only a second, but it gives me enough time to find my momentum and push her off me. I'm on my feet as she recovers, blood dripping down her pink shirt.

  "You broke my nose, witch," she spits, looking less like a human by the second. She's more of a feral creature than any animal I've ever seen, and that makes her dangerous.

  "It looks better that way," I reply, unable to help myself. She doesn't like that, so she launches herself at me with a scream, but this time I'm prepared. Ducking underneath, I twist around, bringing my leg up to slam it into her back. She staggers forward but doesn't drop, and before I can deliver another kick, she's coming at me once more. I block her advances as she continues to swin
g her arms. For someone so small, she's incredibly strong and quick. I wouldn't be surprised if she's had a few magical enhancements.

  When my fist connects with her face, I don't hesitate to grab her hair and pull her down as I bring up my knee. The impact affects both of us, but I manage to stay on my feet. She reaches for my skin, ripping half my shirt off and scratching up my arm, but I'm so focused, I don't even feel the pain. I punch her again before I knee her in the stomach, and I finish it with a jump kick. She lands hard on her back, completely knocked out, and I gulp air like a drowning man.

  "Jade!" I call out when I find my voice again, and I turn in time to see Aiden and Ben take care of another three shadow creatures. With two leaps, Aiden is beside me once more, and I swear he looks proud of me when his gaze moves from my face to that of Christy's body.

  "I told you I was paying attention," I mumble and then take off toward my friends.

  "Jade, Noel, I need you," I shout, stopping near the doorway to the other room. They hear me and instantly move toward me as I turn to study who else is there. Vera has shifted into a hawk, and is a beautiful bird, much larger than any I've seen before. She's holding her own, but I need her witchy powers right now.

  "Witches, I need you!" I shout into the room and a few students glance up at me before moving forward. Some are still fighting, but others race to meet me at the doorway.

  My thought is simple. If I can call on my ancestors for help, then I can call on my fellow students as well. We need a blinding enough light to drive out the creatures, and I've only heard of the magic my sister's friend created month ago. Now, I get to improvise.

  "Join hands," I direct as the shifters do their best to keep the creatures away from us. "I will call on the guiding light, and I need you to let me connect to your magic as an amplifier."

  "How do we do that?" Noel asks as he takes Jade's hand. Vera lands elegantly beside him and shifts before she replies.

  "Give Maddie permission to enter." She nods at me as she steps over and takes my hand. She's more powerful than I imagined considering she holds her clothes within her shift. That's usually the sort of magic that is earned, and if we survive this, I have a lot of questions for her. Now, I give her a soft smile, and then turn to face the main hallway. Jade grips my hand tightly, and I watch the rest of the witches follow suit.

  Now that Christy is out of commission, it's as if the shadow creatures are given to their own devices. Those who are still fighting glance over at us and push the creatures out further, giving us a wider berth. The shifters are right in front of me, holding their own. When I take a deep breath, Aiden turns suddenly, his attention entirely on me.

  I meet his eye, as if we're the only two people in the whole world, and this war is not happening around us. I find calm within the storm just by looking at him, and instead of hiding from the feeling or running from it, I embrace it.

  It blossoms inside of me like a flower opening its petals, and my magic follows suit. My arms vibrate from the power of it all as I feel the students at my back giving me permission to enter. When I open my mouth, I'm still looking at Aiden.

  "The night is dark, the evil is Ancient,

  "But bonds are stronger than those of the agents.

  "The story of old has all but been told,

  "And the magic of sunrise has never been wronged."

  The words of the story pour out of me as the ground under our feet begins to shake. The shadow creatures all pause, as if they feel something coming. I'm not about to disappoint them. The simplest of spells are sometimes the most powerful. I grin, my body beginning to glow from within, and then I utter the words.

  "Let there be light."


  When the blinding light finally dissipates, I drop down to my knees, completely spent. My friends are there to hold me up and then, so are the shifters.

  "Maddie, you did it. They're gone," Jade whispers, hugging me tightly. I can barely hold my head up, but when I do look outside, I find the storm has ended, and it once again looks like a gloomy afternoon outside. I feel a slight bump on my arm, and I look over to find Aiden pressed against me. This time, I'm sure his wolf looks proud of me, and I manage a smile.

  "Not bad, huh?" I ask, right before I pass out.

  When I wake up, I'm in my room with no recollection of getting there. My body feels heavy, as if something is pressing on me at every side, but I don't actually feel any physical pain.

  "You're awake!" Jade exclaims, jumping off her bed and coming to stand beside mine. "Oh Maddie, you really saved us. You're amazing!" She falls right into me, hugging me tightly, and I return the gesture.

  "What happened?" I ask when she finally pulls back.

  "I can't believe it was Christy all along," Jade comments, tears running down her face. "We trusted her, Maddie. How could we not see?"

  "She didn't want us to see," I reply, sitting up fully and reaching for Jade's hand. "What happened to her?"

  "Headmaster Marković and the council took her to prison. You really did a number on her. I think she'll be in recovery for a very long time. Part of her punishment is being stripped of her powers, and they're not performing any healing spells on her either."

  "What about everyone else?"

  "We've all been checked over by the healers. They're more concerned with our safety than anything else. Since the protective wards were breached, it's hard to rebuild them now. Especially since so much of the magic was drained during the battle. Headmaster, along with most of the staff and shifters, has been on patrol nonstop."

  "Wait, how long was I out?"

  "Almost a full day." Jade squeezes my hand. A day? I can't believe it. I need to get to the headmaster. I need to see what the council said about story spell casting. I need to see Aiden. That last thought comes unbidden, but I can't deny it. Something happened between us in that building, and I can't exactly run from it now. It felt more powerful than magic.

  "Aiden has come by to check on you every chance he gets," Jade comments, as if reading my mind. She gives me a small smile, and I return it.

  "I need to see him."

  Without hesitation, Jade moves out of the way, so I can stand. Pulling on my jeans and a hoodie, I find that even though my body feels heavy, a part of me is energized. Something is happening to me, and I don't know if it's my own magic, or the story spell cast I used, but I feel... right somehow.

  "He's scheduled to patrol by the pond," Jade says, as I lace up my boots. "He told me the last time he came in to check."

  I give my friend a quick hug before I'm racing out of the room. The hallways are deserted, and I wonder if the students are barricading themselves inside their rooms, or holed up somewhere together. Clearly, we can leave our rooms, but I can understand why they wouldn't want to.

  The few who are out and about patrolling don't try to stop me, but I can feel their eyes on my back. I have no idea if the rest of the school knows what I pulled in that building, but at this point, I'm used to the looks. After everything I've dealt with, I think I can handle a few stares.

  I half walk, half sprint to the pond, passing a few of Aiden's pack mates in the process. They all seem to know exactly where I'm going. When I reach the pond, I find Aiden directly by the water.

  "You're up," he says before turning to face me. I knew it wasn't just me who was so attuned to him that I could feel his presence. He doesn't move toward me, and now that I'm here, I freeze only five feet away. We study each other as if we've never seen the other person before. It's as if our eyes have been opened to something entirely new, and we're unsure of how to proceed from here.

  "Thank you." I break the silence. "For what you did back there."

  "I didn't seem to need to do much," he replies, flashing me a smile. I think my heart stops for a second at the sight, my eyes drinking in every detail. It's the first true smile I have seen from him and it shatters me into a thousand emotions. Suddenly, I can't seem to think, and I wonder if I look as flushed as I feel.

  "You were incredible, Maddie," he continues, taking a tiny step forward. "I've never seen someone so in tune with their magic and so bold in their execution."

  With each word, I think my world is tilting on its axis once more. If we don't get back to even ground, I don't think I'll ever be able to recover. So, I say the first thing that comes to mind.

  "But the most important thing is how was my fighting form?"

  There's a slight pause, and I think I'm just being stupid, but then Aiden laughs and the sound becomes my favorite sound in the world in a span of a second.

  "Your fighting form was amazing. But it could probably still use some work."

  It's my turn to laugh, and suddenly, I don't feel so awkward anymore. We were partners on that battlefield, and that means we will never be enemies again. This time, it's me who takes a step forward, and then we're only three feet apart. I don't want to push my luck, but I have to ask him. I have to know if I'm the only one thinking these crazy thoughts.

  "That moment when I touched you, it—"

  "I felt it everywhere," he interrupts, speaking softly, and now I know I didn't imagine the electricity rushing through me. He takes another step toward me, and now, the only thing between us is the air we share.

  "What does it mean?" I whisper, afraid of the answer and afraid of not getting one.

  "It can't mean anything," he replies, cracking my already fragile heart. But somehow, I don't move away, and Aiden is not done. "When I first saw you, it changed everything for me. I can't explain it, but it did. But you and I, we can only ever be this." He waves a hand between us, and somehow I understand. Seeing him has changed me too.

  "I am bound by my duties as the next alpha, but I am also bound to the promise I made to make sure you are safe. Know that I will always keep that promise."

  I frown at him, unsure of what he means by that last part. I know Natalie is part of his duty as the next alpha, and I know there's nothing I can do about that. I want to ask him about his promise, but just then a wolf runs over, and Aiden is back to his closed off soldier self.


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