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Page 6

by Desiree Holt

  Sometimes he smiled to himself, thinking how shocked his partners and associates would be, not to mention his clients, if they knew the truth about him. In his public persona, he was the epitome of the alpha male. Control was essential. Perhaps that was why the role of sexual submissive was both a release and a relief for him. But it was also the reason he kept a part of himself separate from his role as a submissive.

  Still, Dani was the first woman to ever make him even consider rethinking that decision. He’d have to be very, very careful here. Even for Dani, he just could not cross that line.

  At last the meeting was over and he retreated to his office. He was thinking about going to Rawhide that night and just seeing what developed when his cell rang. He looked at the screen. G! At last. And thank the lord he was alone in his office at the moment.

  “Mistress Dani has called and requested a session with you, Ethan. Are you still interested in playing with her?”

  Was he interested? Did his cock get hard just thinking about her?

  “Yes.” He kept his tone as neutral as possible. “That would be fine.”

  “She left a request regarding your attire,” G informed him.

  “Oh?” Unless it was too outrageous it wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Tight leather pants, silk shirt, and no underwear. And be sure to wear the Rawhide temp bracelet to show you are taken for the evening.”

  “That’s fine. No problem.”

  Silence hummed across the connection for a moment.

  “Do I detect a lack of enthusiasm?” G asked.

  No. Quite the opposite.

  “Not at all,” he told her. “Please set it up.”

  Another pause.

  “Ethan you’d let me know if there was a problem, right?”

  “I would and there’s no problem. It’s just been a rough week.” And wasn’t that an understatement.

  “Fine. Eight o’clock tonight. We’ll see you then.”

  He had no idea how he got through the rest of the day. He spent a long time showering and preparing his body, scrubbing every inch and washing his hair. Using a razor very carefully, he trimmed away the minute growth of hair on his scrotum and groin. He’d tried to fit in a waxing session while he was waiting for G to call, but his regular attendant was booked and he really didn’t want to try anyone else. He figured he’d just do his own barbering the way he used to before he’d dived into the lifestyle head first.

  Prepared and dressed, Ethan swept his keys and wallet from the dresser, checked himself once more in the mirror, and headed for the door. Despite the lingering trepidation, a sense of anticipation, different than what he usually felt rose quickly within him. He had a feeling tonight would be a turning point in his life.


  Staying away from Rawhide had required a major effort on Dani’s part. By now her sessions with Ethan had taken on a personal feel that both intrigued and terrified her. In her role as Mistress, she had found her calling. The satisfaction of being in control aroused and satisfied her in a way being a sub never had. But she hadn’t been looking for any relationship when she started down this path. The intense connection with Ethan had shocked her.

  She had put some distance between herself and Rawhide so she could sort it out. Not that a relationships with him would be all that bad. But Ethan still kept an invisible wall around his emotions, and she wasn’t going down that road. She had lived it with her different Masters and didn’t intend to go there again. The fact that she never really loved any of them had softened the situation. But Ethan? A whole different ballgame. She had never felt this electricity with any of her Masters. If—and that was a big if—she stepped into a relationship, the other party would have to be all in, just as she would be. So why did it have to pop up with a man who apparently had commitment issues?

  After a long ten days of self-denial, she finally gave in and called Rawhide. Being caught on the fence like this didn’t do her emotions any good at all. If Ethan was available for her tonight, maybe she could find her answers once and for all and move forward, one way or another.

  The call from G confirming tonight’s session sent a thrill of anticipation through her, enough to soak her panties and make her nipples ache to be touched and sucked. She spent the day doing her best to focus on her new project, but all she saw on the drafting paper was Ethan, naked and bent to her will. At four o’clock, she finally gave up and went home. She wanted plenty of time to get ready for the evening.

  She was just about to step into the tub when her phone rang. She checked the readout. Alan. Of course. It was so like him to check up on her. At the end, they had become friends even more than lovers and she knew he still cared for her.

  “How is it going as a Mistress?” he asked. “Are you enjoying it?”

  Enjoying it? Holy hell. Did she even have words to describe it?

  “It’s…exhilarating,” she told him, turning off the tub faucets. “I never realized…”

  “The power of power?” he finished for her and chuckled. “Have you thought about a full membership?”

  “As a matter of fact, I did and it’s all been approved.”

  “That’s great. Maybe we’ll run into each other there one of these nights.”

  “Maybe.” And how weird would that be?

  “You know I would never intrude, right?” He paused. “Dani, I hope we can continue our friendship. I truly respect you as a person, and I want you to know I’m always here for you.”

  “I’d like that, too,” she told him.

  “I hope that while we were together you absorbed enough from me to help you,” he said. “I really think you’ll make a great Mistress.” She could almost see him smiling. “I always sensed that need for control simmering just beneath the surface. You made a wise choice to change roles and follow your true nature.”

  “Thank you, Alan. That means a lot to me. And yes, you provided excellent guidelines on how a sub should be treated. I’ll always be grateful to you for that.”

  “Have fun tonight. I’ll call you soon.”

  She took her time in the bath, washing meticulously and relaxing in the fragrant steam that rose from the water. When she finally stepped onto the bathmat, she felt loose and relaxed, but as she went about the process of dressing, she was gripped by a bad case of nerves.

  She hadn’t been able to get Ethan Corelli out of her mind. At night, when she was on the edge of sleep, the image of his strong masculine face and his magnificent naked body danced tantalizingly before her eyes and moisture soaked her pussy.

  Today, all she’d been able to think about was Ethan and the evening ahead. His submission had been beyond exciting and fulfilling for her. If only…

  If only what? You didn’t sense he held back a little piece of himself? You were afraid your emotions were involved that quickly and you could easily be hurt?

  It was worth the risk. Well worth no matter what happened in the end. That instant connection, the heat and magic that sizzled between them…experiencing those was worth whatever came afterwards.

  Yeah. Just keep telling yourself that.

  Standing in front of her open closet, she studied the dresses hanging there and finally selected a very short white dress that closed only with a bow at the side. Alan had given it to her and often ordered her to wear it. It allowed him to use his fingers on her when they were out in public without calling attention to what he was doing. Tonight, she wore it for a different reason. She deliberately left off her lingerie, too. She’d been fantasizing for two days about Ethan’s mouth on her, bringing her to completion with only his lips and his tongue.

  The drive to Rawhide seemed to take twice as long and when she got there she had to hunt for a parking space. Some nights were jammed like this. Shivering with excitement, she entered the club. She couldn’t wait for tonight’s session to begin. She had just stepped inside when Clint Chavez approached her.

  “Good evening, Mistress Dani. Welcome back to Rawhide.”

  “Thank you, Clint. And thank you for everything you’ve done to make me comfortable with this.”

  He dipped his head. “My pleasure. It’s what we do. My assistant passed along your request to me, and I have your room all set for the evening.” He plucked a key card from his pocket and handed it to her. “Your sub is waiting for you in the lounge. By the way, Katie said you spoke to her, and she’s fast tracking a membership for you. I can send you what I need in an email if that works for you.”

  “Yes, it does. Thank you again, and big thanks to her.”

  “Our pleasure. I hope your evening goes well.”

  She stashed her coat and purse in one of the lockers provided for it, then made her way to the bar, trembling with nerves as much as excitement. She spotted Ethan at once, standing at the bar, chatting with another man, and she noticed two things immediately. He was wearing the temporary Rawhide bracelet that identified him as taken for the evening, and he had on the tightest pair of leather pants she’d even seen. He’d taken her orders to heart, and a tiny thrill sparked inside her.

  As if he could sense her, he turned his head. When their gazes locked, he set his glass on the bar, excused himself, and headed directly toward her. His eyes widened as he took in her outfit. Good. She had dressed to make a certain impression. He moved with the grace of a panther, the flex of every muscle beneath his slacks and an outline of his thick cock obvious. Even as her mouth went dry, moisture flooded her pussy.

  When he was barely a foot away, he stopped and dipped his head slightly. “Good evening, Mistress.”

  “Good evening, Ethan.” She suppressed a grin. “I must say, those pants are outstanding on you. Turn around so I can get the full effect.”

  He turned in a slow circle, giving her full view of the way the tight pants cupped his ass and delineated the crevice between the cheeks. Dani was suddenly hit with an image of Ethan with the dildo penetrating him, and the liquid of her arousal trickled down her thigh. She reached out and stroked the cheeks of his butt through the fabric. Oh, yes. This man had a fine, fine ass. She could think of many ways to use it.

  “I am pleased,” she said, stepping back. When he looked at her she caught the hint of mischief gleaming in his eyes.

  “I’m happy my Mistress approves. May I get you something from the bar?”

  She shook her head. “Thank you, but no. I’d like to go to our room at once.”

  “As my Mistress wishes.”

  She headed down the short corridor, Ethan walking the appropriate distance behind. Her hand shook with nerves and anticipation as she swiped the key card in the slot and opened the blue painted door. The scent of ocean breeze in the air greeted her as soon as she stepped inside. She had requested candles with that scent and was pleased to see they’d been lit ahead of time. The rest of the room had also been prepared according to her request. All the lights except for the spotlight were dimmed to enhance the candle flames, and the same soft jazz from the previous session drifted in from the speakers.

  Ethan waited in the familiar sub position, head bowed, hands clasped behind his back.

  “Remove your shoes,” she directed, “then stand under the spotlight.”

  Obediently, he placed his shoes by the door, then went to position himself where she indicated. Tall and ripped, with the light catching the gold of his hair, he looked like a Viking god.

  And he’s all mine!

  She moved until she was in front of him. “You may look at me, sub.”

  When he did, his eyes darkened to a stormy gray and a muscle in his jaw twitched.

  “Do you approve of this dress?” she asked.

  “It’s not for me to approve or disapprove, Mistress,” he answered in an even tone.

  “I asked you a question,” she snapped, then inhaled a slow breath. “Ethan. When I ask you a question I expect you to answer. “There is no right or wrong way. You will not be punished for your answer, only for not giving one. I should give you ten strokes for not giving me a direct answer, but perhaps I haven’t made the rules clear. I want the truth, sub. I always want the truth. Remember that. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” The muscle jumped again. “Very clear. I just want to be sure I don’t do anything to displease you.”

  “Then answer my question and I will be satisfied.” Adrenaline surged through her.

  “I find you breathtaking in that dress, Mistress. I enjoy seeing you in it. It arouses me.” His eyes burned into her. “I would enjoy removing it even more.”

  Dani laughed. “Perhaps if you’re very good, you’ll get the chance.” She pulled back the drape of the skirt to bare herself to him. “I had my pussy waxed this week. Does that appeal to you? Would you rather I’d left some hair?”

  His gaze drifted lower to her mound, and his cock pulsed visibly behind the restraint of his fly.

  “I like it just as it is.” His voice was thick with the rough edge of passion. “You have a beautiful pussy, Mistress, and it would be a shame to hide it behind anything.”

  “What would you like to do with it if I offered you your choice?’ Her senses were so stimulated by their conversation she was having trouble keeping herself together. “Tell me, sub. In detail.”

  Excitement raced in her bloodstream. Stepping into her role as Mistress gave her a feeling of power that was better than the strongest aphrodisiac. No wonder, she’d felt she was missing something all these years.

  “If my Mistress would permit me, I would lap every inch of it with my tongue.” He did a slow lick of his lower lip. “I would suck her clit with my lips, and thrust my tongue inside her to taste her juices, which I’m sure are better than even the finest aged brandy.”

  Dani was so wet she felt her liquid on the inside of her thighs. The muscles of her cunt quivered at the thought of his tongue inside her.

  “If you are very good, we’ll get to that.” She studied the taut muscles of his body, the golden curls peeking out above the vee of his shirt that begged her to touch it, and the masculine line of his body, and had to stop herself from licking her lips. “But to begin our evening, I want to undress you. Taste you. Feel you with my hands.”

  “As my Mistress wishes.”

  When she placed her hands flat against his chest, she felt fine tremors racing beneath his hot skin. So. He was just as affected as she was. As a young sub, she’d been taught that language could be as stimulating as actions and could also be an indication of a connection between people that went beyond the sexual. If you could seduce someone with your voice or be seduced by them, it took the relationship to a whole new level. That had never happened with her Masters, yet with Ethan, she seemed to feel it right from the beginning.

  She wanted to do so many, many things with this man. Bend him to her will in so many ways. But only if it gave him as much pleasure as she received. And somehow, with him, she believed that was possible.

  Very slowly, she opened his shirt, one button at a time, easing the tails out of his trousers and sliding the smooth fabric down his arms until she could toss the garment to the corner. When she ran her hands over his chest, beneath the soft curls of blond hair and the hard wall of muscle, she felt the hard beat of his heart. He was definitely affected.

  She skimmed her hands over his skin, found his nipples, and pinched them lightly. His breathing barely increased, but his skin grew even warmer. Impulsively, she closed her lips over one nipple and sucked. Hard. And was rewarded by a hissing intake of breath. She licked the little bud, relishing the hitch in his breathing, and turned her attention to the other one.

  When he raised his hands to hold her head, she lifted her mouth. “Keep your hands at your sides, sub. Your body is mine to do with as I wish, and it pleases me for you to stand absolutely still while I…pleasure myself.”

  “And me,” he told her in a strangled voice.

  She pressed up against him, hard enough to feel his cock swell and push against the restraint of the leather. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to see its mag
nificence again. Dropping to her knees, she slipped her hands down his taut skin to the button at the top of his fly, the muscles in his abdomen tightening at her touch. She opened the placket with a slow glide of the zipper, tugging it down one notch at a time. He was commando as she’d requested, so the opening of the zipper allowed his erection to spring free, his essence teasing at her nostrils. She knelt and leaned her face against it to more fully inhale him. Tension vibrated from every inch of his body as he waited to see what she’d do next.

  The fabric of his skintight pants were so buttery soft, she had little trouble easing them down his thighs. She stopped at his knees, reaching between his thighs to cup his balls and roll them in her fingers. He made a sudden hissing sound, but otherwise he held completely still.

  Dani looked up. “Do not move even a muscle, sub. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He ground out the words.

  “No matter what I do.”

  “No matter what you do,” he assured her, his voice tight as he dug for control.

  “Excellent. It will be well worth it.” She paused. “For both of us.”

  In one of the drawers in the cabinet, she found what she was looking for. The cock ring G had shown her the other night. Turning back to Ethan, she dropped to her knees again and held the ring in front of him.

  “Mistress G informed me you’ve worn one of these before. I understand it is a favorite with many Doms. That it ups the degree of pleasure for the subs.”

  “Yes.” Desire flared in his eyes, and the muscles in his body bunched at the memory.

  “Then this should please us both. Hands behind you. Now.”

  With the spotlight illuminating his body, she threaded his cock through the two small leather straps and buckled them, fastening the longer one around his sac. He grunted when she tightened it.

  “Am I causing you pain?” she asked. “You must tell me if it’s the wrong kind.” When he didn’t say a word, she tugged on the apparatus, enough to make him jump. “Damn it, Ethan. I told you I always want the truth.”


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