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The Vampire Cure: A Sci-fi Vampire Romance (The Vampire Cure Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Kat Stiles

  “Yes, master,” I said. “I will obey.” I was glad I hardly ate anything the whole day. Vomiting after you pledge your undying allegiance might look a bit suspicious.

  His grin grew wider than before, full of bad intentions. He brushed my hair back away from my neck. Those hideous fangs slid out, razor sharp. “This will only hurt for a second,” he whispered, and right as he was about to chomp down on my neck, I plunged the contents of the syringe into his arm.

  “What the hell?” he roared, grabbing the dosed arm.

  But I didn’t bother to explain. I took off, running toward my desk. I grabbed my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, and made a run for the door. But right as I pushed the door open and escaped, Galen’s hand shot out and grabbed my arm through the open crack.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he hissed.

  I tried to yank my arm back, but Galen’s grip was too strong. “Anywhere you’re not.”

  “What did you inject in me?” he practically screamed.

  I remembered my taser in my purse. Ryan said they could be killed or hurt the same way as humans. Maybe I had a chance, at least to get away…

  Slipping my free hand inside my purse, I then grabbed the taser.

  “Bitch, if you don’t tell me—”

  Through some miracle I was able to activate it. Fifty thousand volts later, Galen’s body spasmed and hit the floor. I quickly discharged the cartridge and bolted toward my car, running so fast my lungs burned. I nearly reached the door when Galen suddenly appeared in front of me. I couldn’t stop myself. I ran straight into his arms.

  He closed one hand around my throat and lifted me in the air. “You don’t have to be alive for me to take your blood,” he said, his voice gravelly.

  I gasped for air, unable to speak. My arms and legs flailed helplessly, hoping to make contact with his body but failing. I began to feel dizzy as my vision faded.

  This is it, I thought. He’s going to win. He’s going to kill me.

  But then I heard footsteps nearby.

  “Put her down, Galen.”

  Ryan’s voice. I fell to the ground hard.

  “As you wish, brother.”

  I coughed repeatedly, still gasping for air. My vision returned, right as Ryan threw a punch that knocked Galen down.

  “She’s off limits, we discussed this.”

  Galen made it to his feet rather quickly, considering he’d been injected with a virus, tasered, and now punched.

  “You’re not my sire. I don’t have to listen to you.” He wiped the blood from his nose, and I looked at the back of his hand longingly. I so wanted to collect a sample…

  “Then I will just have to keep kicking your ass.”

  Galen laughed awkwardly, as if to challenge him. But Ryan was visibly taller and stronger. In a fight, it didn’t seem like Galen would stand a chance.

  “What I lack in strength, I make up for in planning. One day I’ll be ready for you. And you won’t walk away from that fight.”

  Then he disappeared into the night, running off so fast, he was a blur.

  “Are you okay?” Ryan asked, avoiding my eyes.

  I swallowed hard, still trying to breathe normally.

  “I’m okay,” I croaked out.

  He shook his head. “No, you’re not. I’m sorry, I would’ve gotten here sooner, I just didn’t realize…”

  “It’s fine.” I made it to my feet slowly, feeling sore from that fall. “I mean, I’m alive, right?”

  “Are you hurt?’

  Something within me snapped. He’d been gone, I mean, out of my life for a whole week. And then, like some kind of superhero, he showed up out of nowhere to save the day. “I’m not well. Not physically or emotionally.”

  He softened, his lips parting open.

  “At least in any way that matters,” I added, turning my back to him. “Not that you care.”

  “Liz, I stayed away to keep you safe,” he said, and placed one of his cold hands on my shoulder. “You know that, right?”

  What difference does that make? I sighed. “Fine. Then go. Disappear out of my life again.”

  I limped to my car. With a shaky hand, I punched the wrong button to unlock my car and the alarm went off instead.

  He took the keys from me and shut off the annoying sound. “Let me help you.”

  “I just got used to you being gone,” I said, feeling my eyes well up in tears. “Look this has been a really hard day for me, and I don’t need—”

  He interrupted me with a hug. In his strong, cold arms I melted into him. It was exactly what I needed, what I craved.

  The sound of a police siren flickered on and off. As I pulled back from the embrace, I saw the flashing lights.

  “Ma’am, are you okay? Is this man bothering you?”

  The voice sounded like the cop I’d met before. “Officer Jones?” I asked, squinting against the ray of his super bright flashlight.

  “Liz! I thought that was you.” He turned off the beam. “Everything all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I approached his vehicle and frowned at seeing him in his uniform. “Oh, did you not make detective?”

  “No, I passed,” he said and sneezed. “It’s just with all this craziness, I’m on patrol a little while longer. It’s where I’m needed.”


  “I heard a car alarm go off,” he said, and then grabbed a tissue and blew his nose. “At this time of night…”

  “Oh, no, nothing’s wrong. I just pushed the wrong button.”

  “That’s not the guy you were trying to avoid last time, is it?” he said quietly.

  “Nope, that’s not him. He’s okay.”

  “All right, then,” he said, flashing a smile. “It was nice running into you again, Liz.”

  “You too, Officer Jones. Thanks for stopping by.”

  “Please, call me Edgar. And it’s my pleasure.” He eyed Ryan for a second, before his gaze came back to me. “Stay safe.”

  “You as well. The world is a crazy place now.”

  “Indeed it is.” He waved to me as he drove off.

  Ryan’s arms were folded against his chest when I returned. “On a first name basis with him?”

  “What the hell does it matter? I’m a mistake, right? You made it pretty clear the last time we were together that you wanted nothing to do with me.”

  He shook his head, looking down. “I’m getting you home, no arguments.”

  It was comical watching him squeeze into my tiny car. He had to push the seat all the way back to drive it. And even then, his head was practically touching the ceiling.

  I stole glances at him the whole way to my house. The way he left last time, it was like an open wound. A wound that had just started to heal. And his presence managed to tear it open again.

  He followed me up to my apartment, which I told him wasn’t necessary, but deep down I knew it totally was.

  “I guess this is it,” I said when we made it to my door. I kept my gaze fixed on the floor. Thundarr began barking up a storm, smelling Ryan.

  “Shhh!” I whisper-yelled, but it had no effect. It was too late for a barking dog, and if he kept it up, I might get evicted.

  “Can you knock him out?” I asked.

  He nodded and followed me inside.

  The dog chomped down on his arm, and when Ryan did his whole “sleep” command, the dog’s jaws were still attached.

  “Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked, as I pried the dog’s jaws off his arm.

  He winced. “Very much so.”

  Then he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. That had the effect of amplifying his musky scent, and the sight of his defined biceps was even worse. But what really got to me was watching his injured arm heal itself in seconds.

  I thought of my father and how much that blood could multiply his chance of survival, especially after my last failure. And I just broke down.

  I turned away from him, but then I felt his hand on my shoulder.<
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  “Are you okay?”

  I shook off his touch and ran to my bathroom. Inside, I locked the door behind me. Then I slid down to the floor with a thud.

  Ryan knocked on the door. “Liz, what’s wrong?”

  I wiped my eyes, trying not to sound like the pathetic hot mess I was. “Just leave.”

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

  The tears persisted, and I let them flow. Once I was this gone, there was no stopping them anyway. Sometimes a good cry is exactly what is needed. The kind that makes your mascara run down your face and gets your eyes all puffy.

  “Please let me in.”

  It was clear he wasn’t going to leave anytime soon, so I rose and looked at my reflection in the mirror. It was as horrible as I thought. I splashed some water on my face and patted it dry, wiping away the small, dark splotches of makeup around my eyes. It didn’t stop the tears, but I at least felt a little better.

  I unlocked the door.

  He hugged me and I didn’t fight it. I was too tired and it felt too right.

  “Please tell me you know I never thought you were a mistake. Don’t you understand?”

  “Understand what?”

  “That I’m falling in love with you, Liz Meyer.”

  Chapter 12

  “I stayed away for your own safety. If I were to ever hurt you…” Ryan trailed.

  In love with me? Could it be true? Though the idea of being in love was beyond crazy, it was what I wanted too. I felt so horrible not talking to him. Not smelling him, touching him. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and I realized that must be why. I must be falling for him, too.

  “I know this isn’t only about us,” he said softly. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Most of me didn’t want to leave his embrace, even as cold as it was. But his strong arms released me. I withdrew, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  “My father has a lung condition,” I said. “And he’s contracted the virus.”

  “I’m so sorry, Liz.” He looked into my eyes. “Maybe I can help with that.”

  My lips parted in shock. “But I thought… James…”

  “James has changed. He’s not the man I befriended anymore.” He let out a long sigh. “After what happened with Amy, I kept a closer eye on him. The things he’s doing…they’re unspeakable. I’ve decided to leave the mansion. I’m not going back.”

  “Does this mean…” I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face.

  “I’ll give you a blood sample.”

  I jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Ryan, I can’t believe it! Thank you!”

  His arms wrapped around my back, supporting me.

  “You’re the best!” I gave him a bunch of little kisses all over his face.

  He laughed, and then it dwindled into a smile. I felt my heart grow lighter seeing it. I missed him so much, and for him to concede to my request…and being in his arms like that, I couldn’t resist kissing him for real.

  I kept it slow and sweet at first, savoring the taste of his lips, before I slid my tongue inside his mouth. His cold tongue instantly turned me on, a pleasure I sorely missed. He groaned that sexy deep growl moan as he backed me up against the wall, kissing me deeper. I could feel the erection in his jeans pulsating against me, begging for release. I squeezed my legs tighter around him, rubbing my crotch against his again and again. Feeling an instant release, but craving more.

  Inside me.

  I cried out in pleasure, enjoying the warmth that spread across my body. Never in my entire life did I feel this kind of excitement with a partner.

  He released me rather abruptly. I caught a glimpse of his fangs in the mirror as he turned away. “How can I be with you?” he whispered.

  I hugged him from behind. “The bloodlust you mentioned, is it abated when you drink blood?”

  “Yes. If I were to feed, it would subside, but that’s not possible—”

  “Hear me out.” I took his hand and walked him to my bedroom. “Sorry, I just feel weird having a conversation in the bathroom.”

  He chuckled. “Agreed.”

  We both sat at the edge of the bed, facing each other.

  “You’ve saved me, more than once. And if you give me a blood sample, you could be saving my father too. And the rest of humanity, for that matter. I want to give something back to you.”

  His eyebrows scrunched together. “What do you mean?”

  “If you promise not to kill me, you can feed.”

  He closed his eyes. “I would never ask you—”

  “I know. But I want to be with you, too. And I think it’s how we can be together.”

  “I don’t know about this,” he said. “What if I hurt you?”

  “Have you never fed off a human?” I asked quietly.

  “Once. When I was first turned. The bloodlust…the raw, physical desire to feed is so strong the first time. I hardly remember any of it.”

  “Did the person survive?”

  He looked down. “No.”

  I gulped.

  “So now you see why I hesitate.” He took hold of my hands. “I mean, I have fine-tuned the art of feeding so I’m not as much as a savage now. But is that really a risk I want to take with you?”

  “I can’t believe you would hurt me. And hell, if Galen can do it, I’m sure it’s something you’re capable of.”

  “You would think so,” he said and laughed. “But Galen is a great deal older than I.”

  “Exactly how old are you?”

  “Seventy-two. Galen is over one hundred fifty years old.”

  “You’re immortal?”

  “I don’t know. It seems like James is aging, though it is very slowly. Perhaps we just live longer.”

  “Except for you,” I said. “With your super healing, I imagine you wouldn’t age at all.”

  “I hope that’s not true. Outliving everyone I care about is a scary thought.”

  “So how about we take it slow?” I suggested. “If it hurts or it seems like you’re losing control, we can stop.”

  He half-smiled. “The problem is, I might not be able to.”

  “Oh! I’ve got an idea.” I ran to the entry hallway and grabbed my purse, then returned back to Ryan.

  I fished the taser out of my purse and reloaded it. “Voila! If things get out of hand, I’ll taser your ass!”

  He laughed. “You sound so excited to do that.”

  “Well, it was kinda fun on Galen.”

  “You tasered him?”

  “And injected him with the virus.”

  “You what?” His eyebrow lifted.

  “Well, I get that you’re immune, but you’ve got special healing powers. I wanted to know if all vampires are immune.” I pushed a stray hair behind my ear. “It would be interesting to compare your blood to his, I’d love to discover the—”

  “Always so full of questions.” He smiled. “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known.”

  I blushed. It wasn’t often someone appreciated me being a quirky brainiac type.

  “Tasering and infecting him with a virus, that’s next level.” He kissed my hand. “Super smart and a bad-ass.”

  “Well, the taser took him out for like ten seconds. That should be enough time to get away from you if go all savage on me.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Of course I wasn’t sure about it. The whole thing was reckless. Dangerous. But maybe the danger was what I found so irresistible to begin with.

  The truth is, I didn’t believe he was capable of hurting me. It was more of a gut feeling than anything concrete, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.

  I nodded.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he whispered, as he burrowed his fingers under my hair and kissed me. It was simple, teasing. Then he lifted me in his arms effortlessly, to reposition us from the edge of the bed. He lay me down carefully in the center.

  “I’ve dreamed of this,” he said. “Be
ing here with you.”

  I sat up to slip off my lab coat, and just kept going, taking off my shirt as well. His cold hand touched my neck and traced down to my breasts. He kissed my shoulder and my bra straps fell down as he massaged my breasts. Even through the lacy bra, the cold instantly aroused me.

  He pushed the bra down to expose my breasts, and began to suckle on one. I sucked in a breath at the delicious cold that coaxed my nipples even harder.

  He pulled back, his fangs glistening and fully elongated. This time he didn’t turn away.

  “I’m not afraid,” I whispered, as I pushed the hair back away from my neck and gently lay down.

  His shaking hands rested on my body, one on my cheek, and the other on my opposite shoulder. Then he slowly descended on my neck and sunk his fangs in.

  I felt a slight pinch, similar to getting an injection. He drank carefully, slowly. Groaning in ecstasy, like he was experiencing chocolate for the first time.

  “God the way you taste…” he whispered.

  The feeling of his tongue licking my neck was getting me so wet. His hand on my shoulder moved downward, sliding around to my back then underneath both my jeans and underwear to grab my ass. I moaned as his squeezed, and the ache within me start to pulsate.

  “I need you inside me,” I breathed.

  He withdrew from my neck, wiping his mouth and sitting upright. And when he took his undershirt off, I think I drooled a little. Was that a ten pack? I’d never seen a more perfectly chiseled body.

  I sat up and ran my fingers down his chest, his abdomen, along the groves on the side of his abs that led to what I really wanted. With a fervor I’d never experienced, I pushed him down on the bed and unbuttoned his jeans, freeing his cock. It was so perfectly hard and responsive. I stroked it twice before taking it into my mouth.

  Ryan cried out, a pleasurable cry. But I didn’t want to push my luck. If it had been as long for him as it had for me…

  I quickly unbuttoned my own jeans and he helped me slide them off my legs, followed by my underwear. He lay me gently down on my back before his tongue went to work on me, plunging inside, lapping up all my juices. I felt another small pinprick, this time on my leg, as he switched to pleasuring me with his fingers. Feeling him suckle my leg was an exquisite blend of pain and pleasure. And his fingers knew exactly how to move inside me. I was so close to another orgasm, but I bit my lip.


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