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The Vampire Cure: A Sci-fi Vampire Romance (The Vampire Cure Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Kat Stiles

  “It’s not ready for human trials,” I said.

  “Bah! It’s not like it’s real human trials, if we test on the homeless. And we’d be cleaning up the streets, too. Two birds.”

  I looked to John, but he kept his gaze fixed on the president. Was I the only one not okay with this? Or was everyone else too afraid to speak up?

  “John, get this scheduled, work with the police,” the president said. “I’ll send down the paperwork.”

  The other scientists started scribbling notes and even talking quietly amongst themselves.

  “This is a mistake,” I said, and at once it got dead quiet.

  “What did you just say?” The president frowned. “Because I must’ve heard that wrong.”

  “The adverse effects rate is too high for human trials,” I continued. “Homeless or otherwise.”

  John shook his head, whispering to quiet down.

  “What is this, some kind of sabotage? Are you jealous because you’re not leading the study anymore?”

  “What? No,” I said. “People are sick. Finding a safe cure is the priority.”

  “Sure it is. You know, I got people like you all around me. The reporters, the aides. And don’t get me started on the CDC. Always with the agendas, and the—”

  “Mr. President, I assure you this is based solely on my scientific findings. If I can present my new—”

  “Did you just interrupt me? I’m the friggin’ commander-in-chief!” His skin turned a darker shade of orange somehow. The whole thing would’ve been comical if it were anyone else’s life but mine.

  “I apologize, sir, I only would like to present you with an alternative—”

  “And you’ve got the nerve to keep talking,” the president said. “That’s it. You’re done. Pack up your stuff, because you’re fired!”

  Frederick beamed. I’d never seen him happier. His full-on smile was just disturbing to see.

  “Mr. President, there is another option, if I could just explain—” I said, desperate for him to hear me. Not to save my job, but to stop my vision from coming true.

  “Get her out of my building! Now!”

  John escorted me out of the room, his gaze avoiding mine.

  “Please don’t let them test that,” I said. “I swear to you, bad things will happen.”

  “I’m sorry about all this, but you kind of brought this upon yourself,” he said.

  For a half a second I considered persuading him to keep me on. But I realized that would only get him in trouble too, once the worst president in history found out.

  “Promise me, John,” I said, more concerned about the vision then his lack of a spine when it came to dealing with that asshole. “Promise you won’t let him bully you into this.”

  “Okay, okay. Pack up your stuff, I gotta get back in there.”

  As he closed the door behind him, I heard the president say, “What took so long? Did she offer to go down on you to keep the job? Hey, maybe she is good for something.”

  I remembered my earlier vision with the president; it finally came true. God, why did that one have to happen? But then thinking back on all of them, they all came true in one way or another. My romance with Ryan, and James welcoming me to the family. Eerily accurate with my new “condition.”

  But dreams while I’m awake? It must’ve been like Ryan said, my talent became enhanced when I was turned.

  Great. My life isn’t freaky enough, now I have waking visions. And no job.

  I held back the tears as I packed up all my stuff. I even managed to steal one of the vampire mice. He was a kindred soul in this weird existence called my life. And maybe if I continued to study his condition, I could find a cure for this horrible side effect.

  I called Amy and told her the news so she wouldn’t expect to go back to work. I also asked for a ride. She was the only person on the planet who knew my secret and wouldn’t question why I was hiding under a lab coat on a perfectly sunny day. On the ride to my apartment, we commiserated about what an asshat the president was, and how messed up it was that John didn’t speak up once.

  “So what’s next, boss?” Amy said, as we arrived at my apartment complex.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “Unemployment?”

  “Pfft. That’s ridiculous. Get some sleep, go to the woods tonight, find some cute fuzzy animals to feed on. And then call me back.”

  I took her advice, and it was amazing sleeping during the day. But when I went hunting that night, I couldn’t find a decent-sized animal anywhere. And catching squirrels is harder than it looks.

  I was finally able to grab one. The blood didn’t taste nearly as delicious as the girl’s did, but it was sustenance. I had to grab two more, before the hunger was satisfied.

  Damn, I thought, there’s got to be an easier way to do this…

  And then an idea sprouted in my head. Blood donations. A blood bank, privately run and owned. Part of the business could be a lab, like the one the president had. But this lab wouldn’t be setup to try to end ED. Its main purpose would be to reverse the effects of vampirism. It would need funding…

  Just how psychic am I? I wondered. I bought a lottery ticket for the big prize—twelve million. I held it in my hand and thought about the outcome of that lottery, the drawing with all the cute little ping pong looking balls. And then the scene played out in my head. The gorgeous brunette in the evening gown fidgeted with all the little balls sucked down the tubes, and finally announced the winning numbers: 17, 23, 42, 56, 68 and 74. I played one more ticket with those numbers, hoping it wasn’t just wishful thinking.

  I got back home and sent Thundarr to sleep one more time. He always barked at me, no matter how many times I tried to tell him it was still me. All he could smell was an undead freak. So while he was sleeping, I took him to my mother’s house. He grew up there too, and I knew he’d be happier in a yard anyway. With humans. She looked a bit suspicious when I asked her to keep him, but when I broke down and cried, she nodded and just cried along with me. I made plans to come back the following night and take her to visit Dad at the hospital. He was being observed, and if I had to guess, analyzed for his amazing recovery. It was what I would have done in that situation.

  I stopped off at the local convenience store and bought a can of Pringles. Then I walked around to the back of the building, where the filthy dumpster was located. I threw away half the chips in the dumpster, then used the can to scoop up one of the many mice that lived in the vicinity.

  At home, I presented the chips and the mouse to my little vampire buddy. “What should I call you?”

  I flipped on the news while I watched the vampire mouse sink his little fangs into the dumpster mouse.

  “The fire destroyed a priceless mansion. Rescuers discovered the remains of several victims, none of which have been identified. It has been labeled arson, but there are no leads as to who committed this heinous crime.”

  I watched the clips of the fire raging higher and higher. “Blaze?” I said to the mouse. He let out a squeak that sounded disapproving to me.

  “You’re right, that’s kind of douchey.” I watched him feed, and it occurred to me his style of eating was closer to the vampire bat than a human vampire. He pierced the skin and then licked up the blood as opposed to sucking it.

  “Fangs?” I swear he just stopped licking and looked at me. I didn’t need to speak mouse to know he wasn’t impressed.

  “But yours are so cute!”

  He blinked at me.

  “Okay, okay.” He seemed so happy to have that blood. “I know the feeling, little guy. Oh, I’ve got it! Hemo.”

  The mouse squeaked, and it seemed pretty happy to me.

  “Hemo it is. Welcome to your new home.”

  The following day I invited Amy over to visit for a while. I was still adjusting to the night schedule, so she came over at dusk. We watched a movie and avoided painful or difficult conversations. I told her about my idea, and she loved it.

  “Oooh, our
own lab? This is amazing. Plus with your own little restaurant on the side.”

  I punched her in the arm, barely tapping her. I still wasn’t used to my strength and didn’t want to send her through the wall.

  “Only one question. How are we going to pay for it?”

  “Hopefully a simple answer.” I handed her the lotto ticket I had bought, and I flipped on the channel that televised the drawings.

  I took it as a good sign that the gorgeous brunette looked exactly like she had in my vision. She drew the numbers I had seen.

  “Holy shit, it actually worked!” I yelled.

  Amy’s forehead wrinkled. “Um, what worked?” She handed the ticket back to me.

  I realized I gave her the first ticket that had gotten printed out. “Oh sorry.” I fished the right ticket out of my wallet and handed it over. The numbers remained on the screen, and I watched in delight as she rattled them off.

  “No way!” She jumped up and down. “You’re rich? No, you’re fooling me! This is a fake ticket or something.” She ran to my kitchen, and I could see her holding up the small slip of paper to the light.

  Her eyes grew big. “Dude… How did you do that?”

  “I’m psychic.”

  “For real? Is that like a vampire thing?”

  “Nope. It’s a me thing.” I grinned, proud of that for some reason. It was a cool power to have, especially when it worked on demand.

  “Wow, I’ve never known a millionaire, this is so cool!” She cheered and danced a little, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her exuberance.

  “So I need your help to pull this off. I can’t claim the money.”

  “Oh yeah, the whole sunlight thing.” She shrugged. “I’ll do it. I’m game.”

  “That’s awesome! We set aside four million for taxes, two million for the business, and then we can split the rest.”

  “Split the rest?” It’s like the statement didn’t quite make it to her brain. She did the calculation in her head, though the math was simple. I could hear her heart beating so fast in her chest, as she realized what that meant.

  “You’re giving me three million dollars?” She hugged me and jumped up and down more, and then hugged me again.

  When the commotion finally died down, she stopped and raised an eyebrow.

  “Who’s to say I don’t take the money and buy an island somewhere?”

  “You could do that. But I think you would miss me too much.” I grinned.

  “And the work! Oh my God, we could research anything we want! Can you imagine the experiments?”

  I shared her excitement. Especially over the prospect of finally researching COPD.

  Dad! I remembered I wanted to visit him at the hospital. I told Amy my plans and said goodbye to her, but I wasn’t entirely sure she heard me. She was too busy compiling a list of all the cool stuff she was going to buy.

  I picked up my mother and told her the good news as well. She didn’t believe me, so I gave up trying to convince her. Money was never that important to either of my parents.

  It was much easier to see my Dad in a regular room, so the only persuasion I had to use was on the nurse to let us both go see him together. I felt so relieved to see him sitting up in bed, the color restored to his face. I gave him a big hug, being careful not to squeeze too tightly.

  “There’s my Dizzy Lizzy!” His smile warmed me all over, which was a welcoming feeling now that I was cold all the damn time.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good as new,” he said, his eyes growing glassy. “And proud as hell. My daughter, saving the day. Birdie told me everything.”

  “You had us scared there,” Mom said.

  “Oh Birdie, you know I’m a tough old bear.”

  She laughed, and it was music to my ears. When they held hands, I felt a pang of sadness as my mind conjured up Ryan. His smile. His cold hands. His gentle nature, despite that he was (as I am now), a monster.

  “I’m just glad you’re feeling better,” I said, pushing the memories away.

  “Yes! And I’m not the only one. I heard they’re treating others in ICU with that wonderful serum you gave me.”

  “Wait, what?” I said.

  “The serum. It’s got to be yours, they said they were administering a new serum to critical ICU patients.”

  Oh no. It can’t be. How did they start it so fast?

  John promised me. Did he really release it, even after I warned him?

  I had to know. I had to see for myself.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said.

  I slipped into the ICU and acted totally natural. When a nurse accosted me, I convinced her I was a visiting doctor from the CDC, and that I’d come to look at one of the patients who took the experimental serum.

  “Certainly, doctor. Right this way.”

  She walked me over to one of the curtained-off beds.

  “Liz, is that you? Small world!”

  My jaw dropped at the sound of Edgar’s voice. No matter where I went, I always seemed to be running into this cop… The nurse tilted her head, a confused smile on her face. I dismissed her, whispering in her ear that she forget she ever saw me.

  “Edgar, are you okay?” I asked the question, but I already knew the answer. I could smell it on his skin. He took the serum.

  “I got the virus. I was just a little sniffly at first, but then it blew up—I couldn’t even breathe. I thought I was a goner for sure.”

  Even his breath smelled different. Like a chemical.

  “But then they gave me this serum, and now I feel like a new man. It’s crazy, I think my hearing is actually better than it was before.”

  And likely your other senses too. I flashed a polite smile but was genuinely fearful.

  The most blood curdling scream sounded from a few beds over. A nurse grabbed her bleeding arm, stepping away from the patient. It was exactly what I dreamt.

  How many people would mutate? Scarier still, how many innocent people would be slaughtered at the hands of this new breed of vampire?

  A breed I created.

  A breed I must stop.

  Thank You

  Thank you for reading The Vampire Cure! I had a blast writing it. I’ve been writing books for a few years now, and although I’m not quite a full-time author, I’d like to get there eventually. If you have time, I’d love it if you could leave a review for this book.

  If you enjoyed this book, you’ll love my other titles! Check them out at on my Amazon author page:

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  Want a sneak peek at The Vampire Cure 2: A New Breed? Read on!

  The Vampire Cure 2: A New Breed Chapter 1 Sneak Peak


  I heard his voice—Edgar, the cop who got the virus and was administered my first serum. The serum with vampiric side effects in mice. But I was too distracted by the intoxicating scent that now filled my nose. Rich and coppery. Dripping carelessly on the floor.

  I licked my lips, catching myself before I full-on drooled. “Yes. Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” Understatement of the century.

  It was enough to be recently turned into a vampire. I didn’t need a whole army of new vampires to contend with, too. And would they be the same as me? Hemo, the mouse I had tested the serum on, had actually consumed food.

  Others came to assist the injured nurse. I bit my lip, trying hard to maintain my composure. I didn’t realize it would be this difficult. I turned away from Edgar as my fangs elongated, the hunger stirring deep within me. I closed my lips, hoping he hadn’t noticed.

  “I was just saying I’ve never felt better in my life,” Edgar said.

  “That’s uh…that’s great.” I balled my fists, digging my nails into my palms. Needing to distract myself from the overwhelming urge to sink my fangs into that
nurse’s arm. To taste one drop of that amazing blood. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. “Hey, Edgar, have you eaten since they gave you the…uh, cure?”

  It sounded false to call it a cure. But referring to it as a huge mistake or abomination would be a little suspect.

  “The nurse was by here before, gave me some kind of pasty, goopy stuff. It was gross, but I took a few bites so she would leave me alone.” He smiled. “To tell you the truth, I’ve never been hungrier.”

  I know the feeling, I thought. The injured nurse finally left, and the air started to clear of that delicious aroma. I realized my palms were bleeding from the pressure of my nails digging into the skin. I watched in amazement as the cuts began to heal. Only a little, but I knew it would be minutes or hours instead of days. Nothing short of a miracle.

  I couldn’t help but think of my father’s condition. Sure I was able to stave off DESVID with my serum, but vampirism could be the ultimate cure for his COPD. He could breathe again without struggling.

  At what cost, though? I felt like more of a monster than a human—I nearly attacked an innocent person, just because she started to bleed.

  And the patient who bit her, how was he affected differently from Edgar, who hasn’t chomped down on someone?

  A new breed of vampires. Created by a serum I came up with.

  I so wanted to look at their blood, see if I could determine the deviance. But the longer I stayed there, the more likely it was I would be discovered. I couldn’t hypnotize everyone.

  “You still there?” Edgar said. “You seem like a thousand miles away.”

  His eyes seemed to flash a darker hue. Now that I really looked into them, the hazel color they were before seemed darker. Was that a side effect?

  “Yeah. I need to talk with you…”

  Several nurses and doctors gathered around Edgar’s bed. One of them noticed me and frowned.

  “Visiting hours are over, I’m afraid Edgar needs his rest.”

  “Can I call you?” I said to him. “We really need to talk.” I dug out my cell phone and he rattled off his digits.


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