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Gravitate (Brooklet Dreams Book 3)

Page 9

by C. A. Harms

  “We’ll make sure it is.”

  I lifted my own beer to my lips and took a swig. He gave me a little nod as he finally settled back into his chair. It was almost like I could physically see his body finally relax and give way to the stress.

  Rhett and Terrance took it as a cue that it was safe to join us. The four of us sat discussing the plans for the next steps, eating and drinking. The Georgia sun heated the backyard, warming my skin. Leaning back, I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes, feeling the rays on my face.

  “I heard about your dreamy date last night.” The way Rhett said dreamy gained my full attention. Meeting his humored gaze, I understood this was his attempt to reverse the roles of earlier and get a rise out of me this time. It wouldn’t work. “Dinner, a walk hand in hand, followed by dancing under the stars.” Giving me that faked awe look, I remained seated where I was enjoying my beer and his pathetic attempt to irritate me. “Though Chloe did say something about feeling like it was all too orchestrated.”

  Arching a brow, I leaned forward before I could stop myself.

  “I think some other guy she dated did pretty much the same thing, though he took her all the way to the fountain instead of hidden in the trees.” My pulse sped up, and I fought the words and reactions rolling around in my head. “She also wondered how many others you’ve taken to that same spot.”

  I could have fired back and taken the bait, but instead I lounged back once more and took another pull from my now-empty bottle. The four of us sat in silence, each of them I knew were waiting for me to react, but I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction. Instead, I grabbed another beer and finished half of it in one long drink.

  I was just about to get up and insist we get started again on the project when I heard the sounds of laughter flowing out from the screen door that led inside the house behind me.

  I looked back over my shoulder just in time to see Maddison coming outside, followed by Grace, AJ, Raven, and Chloe. Gone was the flowing dress from last night, and in its place was a short pair of cut-off frayed shorts. A tank top, light pink, that showed off a sliver of her stomach where it met her shorts. I half expected cowboy boots on her feet, but instead she had on a pair of sandals showing off her ankles and toes.

  I followed the trail of her long tan legs back up over her flat stomach and her perfect tits, and when I was met with a knowing pair of blue eyes, I offered her a wink.

  “Wow.” Maddison paused in the center of the deck, looking up at the structure. “This is—” Again she stopped and just marveled over the frame of what would be her greenhouse.

  “You don’t like it?” Mike looked worried.

  “It’s just that I never expected it to be so—” She turned to face him. “You didn’t have to be so extravagant, Mike. I told you that I was fine with a little shed.”

  We all watched as he moved in and rested his forehead to hers, whispering something only she could hear. She smiled, and then he kissed her, holding her close as he gently rocked her from side to side. Her tiny bump showed more today with the tight shirt she wore. Seeing them together like that, so in love, it made my chest feel a little tight.

  I took a chance and glanced at Chloe only to find her watching me instead of them. I wanted to reach out and pull her closer, feeling the warmth of her body pressed to mine, but I wasn’t sure how she felt about that display in front of her family. Hell, I wasn’t sure what she and I were or where last night had left us. I knew where I wanted to be, but after Rhett’s shit he pulled, I guess I didn’t know if she and I were on the same page.

  Rhett shoved Terrance’s shoulder, and he stumbled. “What?” He chuckled, shielding himself from a further assault.

  “That’s my little sister, you douche.” Rhett looked like he was about to tackle Terrance, and I realized I’d missed something.

  “Knock it off.” Grace pushed Rhett’s chest. “I am not a little girl anymore. Stop treating me like I’m ten years old and you need to protect me.”

  “Girl, I don’t give a shit if you’re eighteen or twenty-five living in your own damn place. I will still be ensuring dumbasses steer clear.”

  “Such an ass,” she mumbled.

  I noticed Chloe roll her eyes before turning around and going back inside. Wasting no time, I slipped away when they were all occupied and followed her. Hearing the sounds of my boots against the hardwood floor, she looked back over her shoulder and stumbled a bit as she paused.

  “Hi.” Trying to recover, she braced herself on the wall at her side and offered me a smile.

  “Orchestrated, huh?” Stepping up closer, I placed my own hand at her side and leaned in close. This action triggered her to lean back, and her head made a thud sound as it hit the wall behind her.

  “What?” Ignoring the fact that she just hit her head, she quickly moved past it.

  “Rhett said you felt last night was a little to planned out.”

  “You should know by now that Rhett is trying to get to you.” A smile spread out over her lips, and I was lost for a second in its beauty. This woman had the ability to make me feel all fucking jumbled up inside with a smile alone. So damn beautiful. “Looks like he was successful.”

  “So you didn’t say that you wondered how many other women I’ve taken to that very spot?” Her smile faltered, and she worried her lip as she bit at the corner of her mouth. When she avoided looking at me, I knew that part was true. “Just you.” Lifting her gorgeous blue eyes to lock on mine, I reached up and cupped her jaw with my free hand. “Nothing about last night was planned, besides the reservation to the restaurant. I just knew that I wasn’t ready for it to end after dinner.”

  “Me neither.” Her confession triggered a blush to fill her cheeks. So innocent and sweet, yet sassy and confident, Chloe was everything a good woman should be.

  We stood tucked around the corner in a darkened hallway that led toward the bedrooms, and part of me wanted to drag her off to the bathroom or a closet so that I could ensure we’d remain alone. The things she made me feel were exhilarating and damned confusing, too.

  “Last night was just for you.” She nodded her head, her eyes still locked on mine. “For us.”

  Her lips parted, and without a second thought, I moved in and pressed mine to hers. Almost instantly, her hand rested upon my bare chest and her tongue glided over my lips. What was meant to be a simple kiss quickly shifted, and I stepped in closer, her body sagging back against the wall. A low hum, a whimper maybe, filled the silence of the hallway, lighting a small flame inside of me. What I wouldn’t give to hear her make that sound over and over.

  I could feel myself growing hard, and I knew without a doubt the way I was pressed firmly against her that she had to feel it, too. It hit me where we were, and I understood the magnitude of one of the guys, Rhett or Mike, finding us in our current position. It didn’t seem right, so slowly and with great difficulty I drew back and kept my forehead rested upon hers. Together we each drew in one ragged breath after another, our eyes still remaining closed, or at least mine were. I knew if I looked at her and saw a shimmer of arousal in her eyes, I would be done for.

  “I’ve been thinking about you doing that since the moment you walked away last night,” Chloe whispered breathlessly, and I could feel my resolve slipping.

  “Me, too,” I confessed. Truth be told, I had been thinking about a whole lot more, but I would keep that to myself for now.

  Feeling her hand glide up over my chest didn’t help matters as she cupped the back of my neck and her fingers tugged on the hair at the base. Then her lips were on mine once more, and I was fucking lost. Cupping her ass with one hand, I lifted her like she weighed nothing, and instantly her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “Love the way you kiss me, Kitten.” She set me on fire.

  That low whimper fell from her lips once more and she opened her eyes, looking directly into mine. This woman was dangerous; I knew it was going to be impossible to hold back for too much longer. Like a drug,
she was more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before.

  “Oh damn.” We both looked toward the sound of the voice and found Grace standing at the end of the hall, her eyes widened with shock. Immediately, Chloe loosened her legs that were still wrapped around my waist, and I ensured she was on her feet before I backed away. Granted, it wasn’t one of the guys, which I was thankful for, but this was Grace. Little Grace. It was hard to see her as anything more that the young girl of the group. I got where Rhett was coming from; she was the baby of the group.

  “I am so sorry.” She started to back away.

  “It’s all right.” My dick was screaming otherwise. “I need to get back to work anyway.” Without thinking, I leaned toward Chloe and gave her a quick kiss. Her eyes opened in shock. “We can pick this up another time.” With a wink, I hurried off, trying my best to think of anything but the willing Chloe I was leaving behind. The last thing I could do was step outside in my current state; the guys would have a field day.

  One thing I did know was that Chloe and I needed to have a talk. There were some things we needed to clear up before things went any further.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Who is that?” I held my phone to my chest tightly and looked back to find Holly standing in the doorway of the break room.

  “That is actually none of your business.” What in the hell was wrong with this woman? “Don’t you have some room to clean or trays to stock?”

  “You do know that you’re only a phase.” Crossing her arms over her ample chest, she smirked. “He’ll get what he wants and he’ll move on to the next. It’s who he is. In fact, I’m more than sure he’s got three others just like you he’s playing.”

  Something inside of me snapped. Generally, I was a keep-the-peace kind of girl, but I had had enough. “First of all,” tucking my phone in my back pocket, I stepped closer to her, not allowing her size to intimidate me, “whatever Landon and I are or aren’t is again none of your business. I don’t owe you any explanations. You need to back off because your actions are really starting to piss me off.” My heart was beating rapidly, and I could feel my hands shaking at my sides. “Get the hell out of my way.”

  I wasn’t sure she was going to listen. I was actually afraid we would be having another game of stalkerish follow me around all day. But when she stepped aside and held out her hand for me to pass, I felt a huge sense of relief.

  An hour had passed before I’d remembered that I had not responded to Landon’s earlier text.

  Landon: Movie night? Beer and pizza. I think we need to talk and clear some things up before we move forward.

  His message scared me a little had he not mentioned movie night prior to it. If he wanted to pump the brakes or even stop seeing me, he would not suggest a night in, would he?

  Me: Should I be worried about this “talk?”

  Landon: Not at all, just want to make sure you know what I want. Which, to be clear, it’s you.

  My heart raced.

  Me: In that case, yes, tonight. My place at six work for you?

  Landon: Perfect, I’ll bring the pizza and beer.

  Me: What should I bring?

  Landon: Just you!

  I spent the rest of the day smiling like a fool. Practically humming through each cleaning, I exited the building at ten after five and fought the urge to skip like a foolishly happy girl to my truck.

  When I got home, I’d instantly realized my mistake. I truly should have said seven and not six. I was left with only thirty minutes to clean up and change from work.

  I hurried through my apartment and picked up anything that may be embarrassing before taking the fastest shower in the history of showers. Or mine, at least. With fifteen minutes to spare, I brushed my teeth, did a quick blow dry to my hair, and put on a little mascara and lip gloss.

  I decided to settle on a pair of my jean shorts and an old Georgia State t-shirt. I was in the kitchen placing the last dish into the dishwasher when the buzzer echoed through my apartment, making me jerk in surprise. I was a ball of nerves. Even though the text ensured me I shouldn’t worry, I was. I’d fantasized over this man for so long, and now that I’d had a taste of the real thing, letting go, I knew, would be next to impossible. I wanted it all.

  Drying my hands on the towels, I looked around quickly. Satisfied with the appearance, I walked toward the front door.

  Peeking out, I got a fluttering feeling when I saw him on the other side, wearing a ball cap I’d seen him wear often and a tight t-shirt, which I was sure accompanied by a pair of jeans. I was practically drooling before I even opened the door. I took in one last calming breath before flipping the lock and pulling open the door. A smile spread out over his lips as he lifted one hand to display the beer and another with a pizza.

  “Hope you like mushrooms.” Leaning in, he gave me a quick kiss. “I decided to forego the onion.” He winked at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh when he stepped around.

  I watched him walk around my space, my home. I’d always felt like the space was enough, big enough, but with him here, the size of this man made it feel smaller.

  “Great place.” Placing the pizza box and the six pack on the counter, he turned around, taking it all in. I’d never had a man at my apartment before, no one other than my family and friends, that was. This was my safe place, the one location I had that was all mine. But having him here actually made the place feel even cozier.

  When Landon noticed I was still standing near the door, quieter than usual, I guess he took a few steps toward me and reached out his hand. There was no way to hide the way my hand shook when I placed it into his. So many things were coursing through my mind—fear, excitement, hope.

  “Why are you so nervous?” I shrugged and moved closer toward him when he gave me a little tug. “I told you that there wasn’t anything to worry about.”

  “I know.” But that didn’t take the fear away.

  He led me to the couch. Sitting, he turned his body to the side and patted the space at his side. “C’mere.”

  I did, worrying my hands in my lap. He placed his over mine. “Chloe.” When he whispered my name, I looked up and found him looking at me with kindness. One arm stretched out over the back of my couch, he curled one lock of my hair around his fingertip. “I felt like we should clear some things up before we move forward.”

  “And that’s not supposed to make me nervous?”

  Dipping his chin, he brought his face in closer to mine and kissed me softly. His lips lingered for a few seconds before kissing me a second time. “I want you, Kitten,” he whispered. “I just wanted to make sure you want the same things.”

  Leaning back quickly, I wanted to see his eyes fully. “You wanted to make sure I wanted you?” Was he truly that dense? “I’m pretty sure that part has been obvious. Do you not remember the bar?”

  He smirked as he took his hand off mine that were still pooled in my lap and glided his palm over my thigh. Chills covered my skin, and a shiver ran through me. “I know you’re attracted to me, Chloe, and I’m sure you’ve picked up I am attracted to you, too. But that’s not what I am referring to.”

  I waited, watching him closely.

  “I’m talking about more,” he confessed. I had never seen Landon appear vulnerable before. “I don’t want a fling, Chloe. I want you. When I say that, what I mean to say is that I won’t share you.” My heart felt like soaring. “We’ve never talked about where we want this to go, but I think that’s something we should discuss. Because in the future if you show up somewhere I’m at, I don’t want to have to hide away somewhere to kiss you. I want to be able to do that right out in the open. And I want you and everyone else to be okay with that.”

  “Are you asking me to go steady, Landon Layne?” I was going for playful, but there was no way to hide the joy in my voice.

  “I guess I am.” He chuckled. “But I think I’ll just refer to it as me making sure that you are all mine, Chloe, because that’s w
hat I want.”

  “Me, too.” More than he would ever know.

  When he leaned in to kiss me, I made the move and crawled over his lap, straddling him. Instantly, he placed one large hand on each of my hips and pulled me in closer. Without even thinking, I shifted my hips forward, and he groaned, kissing me deeper.

  “We should eat.” I almost laughed at his weak attempt to deter our make-out session. “It’s gonna get cold.”

  “I have a microwave and an oven.” Smiling against his lips, I found the hem of his shirt and began to lift. As I glided my palms over the defined muscles beneath, his deep groan vibrated against my hands. “Besides, right now I’m not really hungry for pizza.”

  Apparently the excessive want I’d had for this man over the long, exhausting months had managed to conquer my shyness. To hell with the food, I wanted him.

  His mouth began to explore, kissing along my jaw as I arched my neck, needing more. Feeling his tongue trace over the shell of my ear and along the side of my neck triggered me to shift against him once more. Feeling how hard he was growing beneath me gave me a sense of satisfaction.

  His lips left me long enough for me to pull his shirt over his head and toss it to the side. His lips found their way back to my neck. He kissed lower and lower, tracing his tongue over my collarbone.

  The man had magic hands, roaming over my thighs, hips, and gripping my ass to pull me forward as he lifted his own. His erection hit me perfectly with each shift; it was mind blowing.

  The second his palm slid beneath my shirt, along my sides and over my stomach, I felt my nipples harden with anticipation. It’s almost like he could read my mind, too. Pushing his hands up further, he cupped my breasts and gently kneaded them, pinching my nipples through the lace.


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