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Alpha's Surprise Baby

Page 6

by Skyler Snow

  “Thank you.”

  Colten helped Declan up the stairs and led him to his bed. Once he’d plopped down on it, Colt worked on tugging off his boots and socks before the omega stripped out of the rest of his clothes as if he couldn’t get them off fast enough. He retreated underneath his blanket and sighed.

  “What was all that about?”

  Colten shrugged. “I don’t know. I know he just wanted to help but my wolf lost it as soon as he got too close. Is this that whole when you lose your virginity you get attached kinda thing?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Colten noticed Declan looked everywhere but at him. The thought that he was hiding something came back full force. He’d let it go before, but he had to know.

  “Declan, what’s going on? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “It’s ridiculous and impossible,” he said panicked.

  “What is? Calm down.”

  Declan calmed right away. He didn’t object to Colten helping him that time and the alpha was glad that he could assist him. Colten reached over and took his hand.

  “Look at me, Dec.” When Declan glanced at him and chewed his lip, Colt traced a hand down his cheek. “What’s going on? You can talk to me.”

  “I I know we’re...fated.”

  “Fated?” Colten raised a brow and chuckled. “You really are sick. There’s no such thing as fated mates.”

  “No? Then why can’t you stay away from me? How can you track me down so easily? Why did you just growl at my brother?”

  “That’s just…” Colten scratched his head. “There’s no way. That hasn’t been a thing in forever.”

  “Well, apparently that doesn’t apply to us. Think about it, how does your wolf feel when we’re around each other?”

  Colten didn’t have to think about it. Every time they were around each other his wolf was calm and happy. When other people came around he was on edge. He thought it was just because it was his first time, and he really liked Declan.

  Fated? How is that even possible? The thought of being fated to Declan didn’t trouble him at all. Colt felt his heart swell at the thought of something like that being real. He and Declan fated, mated and happy

  “You’re smiling,” Declan said confused. “Why are you smiling? I thought you would be pissed off that I hid it from you.”

  “I mean I’m not overjoyed about that part but,” Colt grinned. “This is amazing, don’t you think? We’re the first wolves in a while to find their fated. Do you know how amazing that is?”

  “It’s something,” Declan mumbled.

  “You’re not happy about it?”

  “Part of me is. Part is confused that it could even happen and then the rest of me knows that there’s no way in hell we can be together.”

  Colten shrugged. “I don’t think we have a choice in this. Why fight it?”

  “I’ve told you why. I can’t.”

  “I’m not going to give up,” Colten said. “I hope you know that.”

  Declan glanced up at him. “I was afraid you would say that.”

  “Let’s not worry about it tonight. You don’t feel well. I’ll go get you some food and water. Relax.”

  Colten pushed himself up and turned on the TV that hung on the wall across from the bed. He gave the remote to Declan who smiled and settled back against the pillows and flipped through the channels. When he went downstairs Jed had already fixed up a bowl of soup and a bit of bread.

  “Thank you,” Colt said as he picked up the bowl. “Sorry again for the growling.”

  “If I had known you two were so serious I wouldn’t have tried to walk up on you guys like that.”

  “I think Dec’s still in denial about some things.”

  “That sounds like him. I’m sure you’ll take care of him though.”

  Colten smiled. “Of course. That’s all I want to do.”

  Jed nodded. “Good. If you’re hungry there’s extra food on the counter.”

  Just like that, they had an understanding. Fated. He knew Declan’s brothers must not have known about it. Colt wondered when Dec was going to tell them. They would have to tell everyone eventually. From what he knew about the stories of fated mates, they were destined to be together. No matter how much Dec protested, it would happen whether they tried to run from it or not.

  Colten carried the food back up and grabbed a plate himself and some medicine for Declan. They ate together and watched TV until Declan was too exhausted to keep his eyes open. Colt turned off the TV and headed for the door when Dec stirred.

  “Don’t leave,” he said groggily as he extended an arm. “Stay with me.”

  Colten’s heart sped up in his chest. “You want me to spend the night?”

  Declan nodded. “Please.”

  That was all Colten needed to hear. His overprotective wolf would have been up all night if he’d gone home anyway. He kicked off his shoes and stripped down to his boxers before he climbed into bed with Declan.

  The omega snuggled up against him right away. His scent filled Colt’s nose, and he buried it into Declan’s hair. As Declan clung to him and started to fall asleep again, Colten rubbed his back and drifted off with him. He’d never been happier than in that moment holding onto the man he was damn sure he loved.

  Colten woke up as something shifted and tossed beside him. For a moment he was confused until he remembered that he had stayed at Declan’s the night before. He popped up right as Declan shot straight up and groaned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t feel so-Shit.”

  Declan scurried out of the room and disappeared down the hall. A door slammed behind him. Colten hopped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. By the time he opened the door Declan was hunched over the toilet and shuddered as sweat collected on his back.

  “That’s it,” Colten said firmly. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  Declan groaned and wiped his mouth. “Might be a good idea. Maybe I ate something bad.”

  “Or maybe you’re sicker than you think. I’m getting your clothes.”

  Colten walked back down the hall and froze when Nathan poked his head out of the door. Dec’s brother raised a brow and then looked downward. Colt suddenly remembered he was running around their house in just his boxers, and he shrugged sheepishly.

  “I forgot.”

  “Oh I’m sure,” Nathan grinned. “What’s wrong with Declan?”

  “He’s sick. I’m gonna take him to the hospital.”

  Nathan frowned, but he nodded. There was something behind his eyes that told Colten Jed had probably had a conversation with him about what happened the night before. He was grateful that they were keeping their distance especially when he was so wound up.

  “Tell him to text us and give an update later.”

  “I will.”

  Colten bolted back into Declan’s room and rummaged through his drawers. He found him a pair of sweats and a t-shirt along with some fresh boxers. Colten pulled on his discarded clothes from the day before and met Declan in the bathroom.

  “I’ll get dressed and meet you in the car.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” Colt said as he leaned against the wall. “Get dressed and come on.”

  Declan didn’t argue with him. He brushed his teeth and dressed before they headed out together. The hospital couldn’t come up fast enough the way Colten’s stomach twisted and dipped during the trip. Anyone getting sick made him twitchy at best and seeing Declan sick and weak was so much worse.

  “I hate waiting,” Colten said as he paced back and forth once they were settled into a room and the preliminary exam had been conducted.

  “You’re just impatient,” Declan sighed. “Come here.”

  Colten walked over to him. He hated seeing him in that ugly dotted hospital gown. All he wanted was his healthy, well Declan back.

  “Why are they taking so long?”

  “Don’t bite anyone’s head off,”

  Colten huffed
. “You act like that’s not a reasonable reaction.”

  Dec grinned. “It’s really not but there’s something about you getting all protective that makes me smile.”

  “Is it because we’re fated?”

  Declan groaned. “Stop that.”

  “I like it,” Colten grinned. “It makes me feel better.”

  Declan glanced away and Colten watched the red as it crept up on his pale cheeks. As much as he wanted to fight it, he understood that Declan liked it as much as he did. Colten pressed a kiss to his forehead and the man relaxed underneath his grip.

  “Hopefully they’ll say this is just a virus, give me some fluids and then let me go back home. I’m exhausted already.”

  “Whatever they say it’ll be fine,” Colten said firmly. “I know that for a fact.”

  “I like that you’re so sure about everything.”

  “Not everything,” Colten said as he thought about school. “Some things I’m just as confused about as you are. I just know things will work out. Or I hope that they will.”

  Someone rapped on the door and it opened. The doctor walked in and glanced at the chart before he smiled. That smile unraveled the nerves that had been nothing but knots in Colten’s body.

  “Good news, you don’t have a stomach virus. You’re pregnant.”

  Declan gaped at the man at the same time Colten blinked so hard his eyes watered. He didn’t just say pregnant, did he? He and Declan’s eyes connected and Colten swallowed thickly.

  “I thought you um took the pill.”

  “I did,” Declan deadpanned. “I took it. I was going to start on the daily one soon. There’s no way this is possible,” he said as he looked at the doctor. “I took the emergency contraceptive the next morning.”

  “It’s not always a guarantee that it’ll work. In your case, it looks like the pregnancy took anyway. It’s still early days, but you’re definitely pregnant. I’m writing you a prescription for some vitamins and something to help with the nausea. You should see a doctor for a follow-up.”

  Declan was frozen. Colten stared at him but when he continued to stare blankly through the doctor he took the prescriptions and thanked him. Once the doctor was gone, he gave him a gentle shake.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  Colten frowned. He felt a bit guilty because he was excited. A pup. I’m having a pup. It was unexpected and scary considering it was exactly what he had tried to avoid, but Declan was worth it. He might have regretted it with anyone else, but not him. Not his omega.

  “Come on, let’s get you dressed and get this medication for you.”

  “I’m going to be sick,” Declan muttered.

  He dashed from the bed and made it to the trash can just in time. Colten swept his hair back from his face until he was finished. He quickly ripped down some paper towels and wet them before he dabbed at Declan’s face.

  “It’s going to be okay. I told you, things work out.”

  “This is too fast. Everything’s changing overnight.”

  “We’ll handle it,” Colten pushed and flooded their space with pheromones. “Let’s get your medication before we figure anything else out.”

  Declan clung to him and nodded. “That’s probably a good idea. I’m really tired of puking my guts out.”

  “Then let’s take care of that first.”

  Colten helped him get dressed and led him out of the hospital. He thought about the facts. There was no way he would be able to continue school, not with a pup on the way. His father wouldn’t love it, but Colten realized he didn’t care as much.

  He wanted to come back home. And now he had another person that cared about him to come back home to. What more could he want?

  “You’re happy about this,” Declan said as they drove toward the pharmacy.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I mean a child of my own, it’s exciting. There’s a lot we’ll have to do, but yeah, I’m happy about it. I’m going to move back here, get a job, everything’s going to be perfect.”

  “Oh god,” Declan groaned and buried his face into his hands. “This is a disaster.”

  Colten frowned. “Why would you say that?”

  “I don’t know if I want this baby.”

  Colten stared at him. His hands tightened on the wheel, and he felt bile as it rose up his throat. His wolf rejected the notion right away and it took every ounce of control in Colten’s body not to be pissed off.

  “What are you talking about? You would get rid of it?”

  “I don't know.”

  “You know something or you wouldn’t be saying it.” He glanced at him. “Declan.”

  “I don’t know,” he muttered.

  Colten’s stomach dropped. The first thing he knew for sure that he wanted and Declan didn’t? How can we be fated if he would even think about getting rid of our pup? He clutched the wheel so hard his hands ached and the steering wheel protested and caved under his grip. The car went silent, tension thick as they both stared straight ahead with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

  Chapter 9


  I can’t believe I was dumb enough to get knocked up. Declan had always been responsible, but there was something about Colten that had made him reckless. Some part of him was even satisfied that he’d gotten pregnant by the handsome, protective alpha.

  The sensible part of him said he was a moron. No matter how much his wolf loved it, he knew things weren’t going to suddenly become smooth sailing. They would have to tell Frank. Wolves only stayed pregnant for about three months. They wouldn’t be able to hide it forever.

  He’d heard the irritation in Colten’s voice. It made him feel like dirt for even saying it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t resist telling Colten the truth though. He deserved to know what was going on in his head, and he wanted Colten to trust him.

  “Are you angry at me?”

  “I don’t know what I am,” Colten mumbled as they pulled up to the pharmacy. “I’ll go get your meds.”

  “I can get them.”

  “You sit down. As soon as you get to moving you throw up. I’ll be right back.”


  “It won’t take long.”

  Declan’s heart sank as the alpha hopped out of the truck. The driver’s side door slammed and rattled. Dec’s shoulders went up around his ears, and he stared at his hands in his lap.

  Yeah, he’s pissed. Declan glanced up and watched him disappear inside of the pharmacy. I can’t drag him down with me. Colten was making something of himself, he was going to be a big shot attorney. If he stayed in South River, he would be trapped. It wasn’t fair to him, to Frank. No, he couldn’t put everyone through that.

  Declan ran a hand over his belly. In his mind, it swelled and grew with their child until it was round. He frowned and bit back the tears that threatened to spill.

  How was it fair? Declan had wanted a family for as long as he could remember. When he started approaching thirty-five he had given up on the notion. He’d been pretty sure he couldn’t get pregnant anyway at his age. Who heard of an omega getting pregnant so late in life?

  Now, he was pregnant by a man that wanted him. A man that he loved to be around. If he even thought about Colten leaving, his stomach rebelled, and he felt sick all over again. I can’t take his life away like that. I can’t be that selfish.

  Colten climbed back into the truck a while later. He opened one of the bottles and spilled a pill into his palm. A bottle of water was passed to Declan along with the pill, and he nodded.

  “Take it now. You’ll feel better by the time we get back to your house.”

  Colten looked so tense. His shoulders were so high and his back was slumped over as he started the truck. Declan took the pill and swallowed it down. He capped the bottle and cradled it in his thighs.

  “You’re really upset.”

  “How am I supposed to feel?”

  “I don’t know.”

Colten sighed. “Don’t worry about it.”

  That was easier said than done. Declan had never felt so bad about disappointing someone before. Over the years he had felt awful that he couldn’t grow the pack and give his parents the grandchildren they so obviously wanted, but this felt worse. He picked at his pants. The pill started to kick in and by the time they were at his house, Declan felt more normal.

  “I’ll help you get upstairs and then I’ll-.”


  Colten stared at him like he had bumped his head. “What the hell are you talking about? Why would I leave you alone right now?”

  “I don’t want what you want.”

  The alpha scoffed. “Seriously, you don’t know me at all.”

  Declan frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “It means get out of the truck you dense mutt and go into the house, so I can make you something to eat. You’ve been doing nothing but puking. You have to be starving by now.”

  Declan stared at him and his eyes watered all over again. What the fuck? How did I get so lucky? He had never been the overemotional type, but Colten and the baby seemed to have other plans for him.

  “Hey, don’t cry,” Colten said as he reached across and swiped his thumbs against his cheeks. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  “How do you still want to be with me?”

  “I’m upset about it, but I know this is scary too. Let’s just go inside and eat, okay?”

  Declan nodded. No matter what Colten said however, he saw the hope on his face. The alpha wanted his baby.

  He trudged into the house after Colten. It had fallen quiet since his brothers were at work, and he was glad they had the place to themselves. As much as he loved them, he needed some space.

  “Sit down. What do you want to eat?”

  “Hmm, something salty.”

  “Salty? That’s the only requirement?”

  Declan nodded. “Yeah, my body is dying for it. Maybe sweet too.”

  “Salty and sweet,” Colten said as he raised a brow. “Let me see what I can whip up for you.”


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