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Embracing Ellie: K&S Securities Series

Page 14

by A. J. Andersen

  “Yeah.” I carefully lock the door behind me and cross back to the waiting elevator.

  “I won’t ask again, brother,” Travis drops a heavy hand on my shoulder, “as long as everything is okay. You aren’t in trouble?”

  I can’t contain my loud burst of laughter. So that’s what he was worried about. “No man, I’m not in any trouble at all. I swear.”

  He meets my eyes for a long moment, reading the truth in them. “How’s your knee?” he asks.

  “Better every day,” I assure him, flexing it a few times to show my improved range of motion.

  He jabs a finger against the button and the doors glide closed behind us. With a quiet hum we descend a few floors and head to Xavier’s office where he is waiting for us.

  Travis knocks firmly on the door before immediately pushing it open.

  “Hey man,” he greets X, crossing to the minibar and pouring two fingers worth of whiskey in a glass. Can’t blame him, but I don’t make myself at home as easily as Trav does.

  “What’s this about bugs,” I chuckle, joking around, “better hope they don’t bite your guests.”

  X shakes his head at me with a half-smile, “Want a drink?” he asks waving a hand toward the bottle Travis set on the desk. I’m not about to turn his offer down; I do well, but even I don’t have the money to pay for some of the high-quality liquor he keeps on hand.

  “Weaver says it’s the only thing she can think of with his inside man being in custody.” He means Dominic and Ana’s father Vince. Vince is still hospitalized in police custody, recuperating from the gunshot wound X delivered rescuing his wife. When they discharge him, he will be going straight to jail awaiting trial for his part in Ana and Faye’s kidnapping.

  Behind me Travis inquires, “No chance that someone else is feeding him information?”

  Xavier lifts a shoulder, “Pretty sure that’s not the case. Only the two of you know everything that’s going on. Ana doesn’t want to know any details, and I’m keeping everyone else on a need to know basis.” He slides the bottle toward himself and pours a small amount. “Other than Gray and Geno, no one needs to know anything other than to be looking out for Dom and his crew.”

  While listening to them talk, I have been moving around the room looking for evidence that anything has been tampered with. Manually checking the outlets and electronics in the room that are the most likely place for something to have been hidden. There’s nothing obvious, so I take the small electronic device out of my pocket and use it to start scanning everywhere.

  I glance up to see X watching me, “Radio-frequency detector,” I inform him, seeing the unspoken question in his eyes. “Just in case I missed something.” I quickly finish my sweep of the room and slip it back in my pocket. “Nothing here.”

  “That’s good,” Xavier grunts, his tone clearly saying the opposite as he puts the whiskey bottle back in the cabinet. “Let’s check the penthouse then.”

  As we make our way to the elevator I half listen to the two of them talking about Travis and Faye’s wedding plans and appointments with the priest. It would be the perfect time to make a joke, but I can’t. I already know that I want that with Ellie and it’s no joking matter. Instead of saying anything I roll my eyes, pretending to be the same old Blake, the one who doesn’t take anything with women seriously.

  X laughs. “Just wait Blake. You’re next.”

  “Whatever,” I grumble as the doors slide open, letting me off the hook and I push past them into the foyer.

  The penthouse door swings open and Ms. Smith from housekeeping steps through, a much smaller cart of cleaning supplies than the other housekeepers use in tow.

  “Hello, Mr. Cerelli.” She ignores Travis and me completely, while she fills him in on her tasks for the day. I can feel her eyes on me as I step into the living room and begin sweeping the room for surveillance devices. She leaves moments later, and Xavier calls out for Ana, but there is no response. He takes out his phone, texting then smiling at the quick response.

  “With Faye and Ellie downstairs?” Travis asks, his voice soft, giving away his feelings for his girl. My attention perks up, anxious to hear the answer since I haven’t seen Ellie, other than from the security camera, since she left me in the parking garage.

  “I don’t know what they are going to do when you move out of the building.” Xavier says.

  “We are just going to have to wrap this shit up quick so that they can hang out wherever they want.” Travis states, “I miss my dog, so I want to have a place with a yard as soon as I can find one.”

  “Two,” I join the conversation as I pass them on my way into the dining room.

  “Two what?” Xavier inquires.

  “Two places with yards. If we’re staying, I’m going to need a place too,” and I know exactly where I’m going to get one.

  Xavier laughs although we are here sweeping his home for bugs, “I’m sure Ana and I will be joining the rest of you in a house with a yard once the twins are born.”

  I can’t hold back my laughter at the idea of Xavier Cerelli living in the suburbs with two kids and a dog.

  “I’m going to check your office,” I call out as I make my way down the hall. I’m crouched down, checking the telephone wall jack when my small device emits a beep and a red light flashes. Popping the cover off, exposing the wires, I’m not surprised to find a small listening device installed, the kind that taps into phone calls. I quickly call out to Xavier, wanting to show him before I disable it, and continue looking. There’s another one, just another small ineffective recording device stuck to the bottom of Xavier’s desk chair.

  Anger radiates off Xavier, even though he doesn’t say a word as I work my way through the rest of the apartment until only the master suite remains. When Xavier nods, a muscle ticking in his jaw, giving me permission to enter I do. Quickly searching the room, I find another device under the bedside table. I pull it free, showing it to X and Travis.

  With a muffled curse X punches the wall, his fist smashing through the sheetrock. I place a quick call and it isn’t long before Geno is at the door with my laptop and a box of our own observation equipment, including a nanny cam built into a teddy bear for the bedroom and a small camera that I install in the light fixture in the office.

  We decide to leave the listening devices in place, using them to feed information to whoever is receiving it. The idea is mine, and I stand by it, even though I understand why the thought of it fuels Xavier’s anger.

  “Stop stressing, brother,” I walk past, bumping him with my shoulder.

  “Easy for you to say. Not your bedroom that some sick fuck bugged.” He’s right, but I was able to review the data on my laptop so I know he’s got nothing to worry about with these ones.

  “About that, they were new. Nothing on them. There might have been other ones, but until we find your asshole uncle, we won’t know.”

  Some of the tension leaves his body with my reassurance, but I know it isn’t enough. I don’t blame him. If someone was spying on me and Ellie, I’d be hard pressed to not make them disappear somewhere. As it is, this is too good of an opportunity to not take advantage of it.

  Chapter Twenty


  Not being free to tag along with Faye and Ana while they look at wedding dresses for Faye bummed me out, but when I was offered the chance to work a double shift, it was hard to turn it down. I never turn them down. The pay raise has meant that I don’t have to work as much, but a little overtime is still nice. Plus, I’ve been doing my best to avoid Blake and I can’t deny that the possibility of him being with Travis and Xavier today was a big part of why I opted to work.

  As much as I miss him, Lawrence catching us kissing in the parking garage was too much for me to handle. I know that I need to talk to Blake about what happened, and why it freaked me out so bad, but I just haven’t been able to bring myself to face him yet. Every time I think about the confusion and hurt in his eyes when I walked away from him anxiety tig
htens my chest and ties my stomach in knots. I messed things up and I wouldn’t blame him at all if he doesn’t care what my reasons were. It’s what I deserve.

  Lawrence’s verbal jabs have been constant, even though I haven’t been working in the café at all. He seems to have a sixth sense about knowing where I am and keeps cornering me just long enough to toss insults at me before walking away. As bad as Lawrence has been the Rosewoods are worse, and today I’m assigned to their floor. I had hoped they’d be gone by now, but unfortunately, they aren’t. Must be nice to be able to live in a hotel for a month to celebrate an anniversary.

  I’m wrestling to get my heavily burdened cart off the staff elevator, and of course, they’re leaving their room directly across from me. Dropping my gaze to the floor I do my best to make myself inconspicuous, busying myself with straightening my supplies and hoping they don’t notice me. People like them rarely pay attention to the help unless they’re blaming them for something. I just got here, so is it too much to ask that they will just walk right without paying attention?

  Just wishful thinking on my part.

  “Well, well.” Mrs. Rosewood’s shrill voice drawls as she slithers up to where I’m standing in her too tight leopard print shirt and matching heels. “I thought you were long gone. I need to have a talk with management about correcting that.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say meekly, doing my best not to let her see how much her palpable animosity rattles me. How can someone hate a stranger the way she seems to hate me? It’s beyond my comprehension. I don’t hate anyone. Not her and not even Lawrence. I just don’t have it in me.

  “You stay the hell out of my room,” she spits, her heavily made up eyes burning holes through me.

  “Yes, ma’am,” It’s like my whole vocabulary has shrunk to just those two deferential words under the malice in her eyes and I hate it. Hate myself for being so weak all the time. Broken bits of retorts battle in my head, trapped in my throat, begging to get out. For me to speak up, defend myself. It’s no wonder that Blake felt that he needed to step between me and Lawrence that morning. He obviously knows what a weak idiot I am.

  “Good. See that you do as you’re told and maybe I will let you keep your little job for another day.” She sniffs through her turned-up nose. I wonder idly how she can see where she’s going with her chin lifted so high in the air. Following close on the heels of that thought is another one. The quiet, almost unheard from voice of my inner mean girl, I hope she trips and falls on her snooty butt.

  Sucking in a calming breath I fight to halt the trembling of my hands and knees, swallowing back the bile in my throat. I hate confrontation. I always have. I’ve always thought how unfair it was that Lizzie got all the bravery and I got all the timidity and now, with her accident I don’t even have her to take my hand and help me be brave like she always did before.

  Bah! I’m so ridiculous! Ignoring the pang in my chest, I berate myself for not telling that wretched woman off. Just like when Lawrence says nasty things to me, I froze, and now that she’s gone I can feel my mind and body thawing. Now I want to defend myself. Now I want to fight, but the opportunity has passed. Just like it always does. One time. Just one time I’d like to not cower when someone pushes me around. To be strong enough to stick up for myself and to take back the power I always hand over. My father would be so ashamed of me. He didn’t raise me to be such a pushover. I don’t even realize that tears have spilled out of the corner of my eyes until I feel them splashing down onto my hands.

  Swiping them away angrily, I muscle the hefty cart to the end of the hall and knock on the door to the first room I’m supposed to clean. When no one responds I let myself in with a sigh of relief. The room is almost untouched and will be a breeze to clean. I want to get done as quickly as possible so I can have someone else come up and do the Rosewoods’ room before they return.

  “Ellie!” Ana’s voice yelling my name down the hall brings a smile to my face. They are back already! That didn’t take long! I stop and turn toward her. Faye is beside her. They are hustling as fast as Ana can go these days. She looks so happy that she practically glows, or maybe that’s just being pregnant. Seeing them lifts the dark cloud that has been hovering over me. I should have sought them out for a little girl time days ago.

  “What’s up beaches?” I laugh, making Ana laugh too. She’s never quite understood why I don’t use bad words. I just don’t. It’s as simple as that. I don’t get offended if anyone else does. It’s not a religious thing or even an Auggie thing. I’ve never used cussing to express myself. Mama doesn’t and neither does Liz. It wasn’t considered acceptable in our house growing up and I’ve never seen any need to change that now that I’m an adult. There are plenty of other words I can use to get my point across.

  “Puh-leaze say you can take a break!” Faye wails dramatically before bursting into laughter.

  “I can. I was just going to get my lunch.” I’m so excited to spend time with them that I give a little booty shake and dance around for a second. I can’t wait to hear about the dresses they looked at. “I just need to put my cart away.”

  I grunt and get it moving again, heading for the big double doors with Ana and Faye right behind me. The sound of a raised voice stops me in my tracks. Putting my finger to my lips I motion for them to be quiet and I glance around to see if anyone is close enough to see us eavesdropping.

  “That’s Ms. Smith,” I whisper as quietly as I can, all three of us cramming as close to the door as possible before pushing it open the smallest amount.

  “Yes. Today. I will get them for you today.” A male voice replies, but it’s indistinct and I can’t tell whose voice it is or what is being said. Ms. Smith must be standing closer to us than whoever she is talking to. “Yes. No one will be there. They were going out today. Dress shopping or something Mr. Cerelli said.” More muffled words respond to her.

  “No one suspects me.” Her voice is even closer now. She is coming this way! Looking at my friends I mouth the word hide and turn my back to the doors, dragging my cart and making as much ruckus as I can while backing through it. Faye has Ana’s hand, dragging her back in the direction of the busy casino. When they round the corner and disappear from sight, I sigh with relief.

  “Oh, hello Ms. Smith!” My voice is ringing with what I hope sounds like genuine cheerfulness, “I was just going to park this thing and take my lunch break! Do you need me to do anything before I go?” I inquire, hoping desperately that she can’t see how uncomfortable I am.

  “That’s not necessary, Elinor,” Ms. Smith answers in her stiff voice. “You go on ahead, I will put this away for you.” She pulls at the cart I still have a death grip on. Reluctantly, I release it and take a hesitant step back. I need to get my lunchbox, but it’s clear that Ms. Smith is trying to get rid of me.

  “Thank you,” I say firmly, taking control of my nerves as I release the cart. Ana and Xavier have been good to me, and I feel like I need to at least try to figure out who is in here with my supervisor. Especially since we overheard her saying some very suspicious things. “I need to get my lunch and my purse.” I explain breezing past her and heading straight to my locker. From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of broad shoulders and a dark suit exiting through the service door to the alley, but I pretend that I’m completely focused on the task at hand.

  Turning the dial on the lock, I pull my cubby open and take out my small insulated lunch bag and purse. Waving at Ms. Smith I hurry back the way I came, through the doors and into the hall, following the same direction Ana and Faye went. I know that they’ll be waiting somewhere close by.

  I find them waiting on a bench outside of the bathroom that I’m scheduled to clean before I go home. Their heads are close together as they whisper back and forth. Ana notices me first.

  “Who else was in there?” She asks, her hand is pressed against her heart, her eyes wide.

  “Come on,” Faye says, jumping to her feet and holding out a hand to help pull A
na to hers. “We need to go tell the guys no matter what.”

  I don’t disagree, we should let Mr. Cerelli know, so I follow as Faye leads the way to the private elevator. I’ve never been in it before. I haven’t had a reason to. It’s so fancy, with sparkling mirrors and a plush, upholstered bench where Ana promptly sits again and takes a long, slow breath.

  “Well, who was she talking to in there?” She prompts, looking up at me.

  “A man.” I shrug, “I didn’t get a good look at him. He was leaving out the back door when I got inside.”

  “It’s just so weird.” Faye mumbles, scrunching her nose and frowning thoughtfully. “Why would your housekeeper be involved with bugging your apartment?”

  That’s news to me… “What?” I shriek, hardly able to believe what I just heard.

  Ana looks up again as the elevator slows to a stop, “Blake found recording devices hidden in X’s office and in our bedroom this morning.”

  “Oh no!” I gasp. Blake. Is he still in the penthouse?

  “Oh yes,” she replies, not knowing the real reason for my distress. Her cheeks flush red with discomfiture and she pushes slowly to her feet, leading the way to her door and letting us in.

  “X?” she calls, “Are you here?”

  “Kitchen,” comes his sharp reply. She and Faye hurry in that direction leaving me to linger in the foyer. I’m not ready to face Blake, but I know if he’s here I’m going to have to. There won’t be any way to avoid it. Unless he ignores me. That might be worse than if he confronts me for avoiding him.

  “Ellie, come on!” Faye rushes back to my side, snatching up my hand and pulling me along behind her. I go without protest. I’ve been keeping my budding relationship with Blake a secret for just this reason. I didn’t want anyone to know just in case things went south. I had figured that he would get tired of slumming it with the hired help and move on to someone better than me. I never expected that it would be me who messed things up.


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