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by Anne Schlea

  Copyright © 2019 by Anne Schlea.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  For Jackson, who still wants to read paper books. Keep reading always!

  For my editor Michelle, who will one day teach me how to properly use a semicolon.

  For Fran who randomly reminds me that he doesn’t trust Kristoff. I hope Kristoff redeems himself in this novel. His honesty, emotions, and helplessness were humbling to write.

  And for all my readers – thank you for coming along with me on this journey. Without you, this would be a lonely road.


  Novgorod - 1389

  Kristoff smiles and watches the blond beauty across the square. She dances around the bonfire of Kupola night with a flowered wreath around her head. He guesses it was one that had been meant for the water, instead it finds itself snagged by the magnificent temptress now wearing it. Long blond hair falls in curls past her waist and the skirt of her Russian country dress flowing in swirling colors around her as she dances. Men and women both watch her, entranced by her joyous abandon and laughter. They might even think this beautiful woman is one of the pagan gods, descended to earth to bless their feast of fertility.

  They aren’t far from wrong.

  It’s her eyes that give her away. When the fire flickers just right, he can see the swirl of silver reflecting in them.

  Kristoff isn’t sure who she thinks she’s fooling, but it certainly isn’t him. She’s entered his territory without request and now blatantly attends a feast held not a mile from his stronghold. Who knows what kind of trouble and mayhem she’s here to cause?

  She might be beautiful, but it’s going to take more than beauty to get her out of the trouble she’s in for trespassing in his territory.

  The Scandinavian daughters of the goddess Freyja are not welcome in Kristoff’s territories. Too much chaos and destruction follow in their wake. Too many dead bodies of men; dead with a smile forever left on their faces from one last legendary night of debauchery.

  It takes over an hour, but she finally settles on a man. He’s tall and strong, towering over her with thick arms used to a day’s hard labor in the iron forge. They dance together around the bonfire. He’s obviously aroused and drunk enough to not understand he’s only prey for the night.

  Kristoff watches the man’s hand hold tight to her hip; his lips follow the line of her throat down to her collar. She shakes out her hair and drops her head back in what seems like exhilaration. Her hips grind against his in a dance that wouldn’t be acceptable in a less inebriated crowd. Finally, she takes his hand and leads him toward the edge of the square and the darkness of the alley.

  The man follows eagerly, expecting to delve into the warm folds of her body as soon as they find a dark corner or hidden room.

  Kristoff nods to the two men he has waiting to trail her. Two of his best, they never fail to bring in a target. Ever.

  It looks like she’s going to take a bite out of one of his humans; completely unacceptable. Like all her valkyrie sisters, she behaves with recklessness and no regard for the secrecy of their world. While she doesn’t have the teeth of a vampire, valkyrie are notorious for loving their men and leaving them dead. It’s Kristoff’s sworn duty to protect his humans from the other creatures that walk the night.

  The two warriors disappear down the alley while Kristoff waits. Around him, the drunken night continues, descending into more wanton abandon. Respectable women have already retreated to the safety of their homes with their doors locked and their own men tucked into their beds.

  Still he waits.

  And continues to wait.

  When enough time passes, Kristoff curses to himself and pushes up from his seat. He works his way through the crowd to the alley and expects to see his two warriors enjoying the company of their current target.

  It is Ivan Kupala day, after all.

  The alley is empty. No warrior, no human, and no blond woman. Ending about one hundred meters back at a solid wall, there are no doorways, no windows, no way out.

  He looks around, trying to decipher the whereabouts of four adult creatures, only to hear the lilting laughter of a valkyrie whisper across the wind.

  Chapter 1

  “We have to start looking for her.”

  Zartan looks up from the blade he’s sharpening and levels his gaze at Kristoff. Any weaker vampire would have immediately backed off, but Kristoff is no such vampire. He’s the leader of his clan and he’s already outlived Zartan by centuries. Zartan sighs and returns his gaze to the blade. “What?”

  “It’s been more than a week. Runa would have checked in by now if she were able.” Kristoff drops his voice to a more respectful tone. He bows to no one, but he’s a damn good politician and right now, he’s in Zartan’s territory and he needs a big favor. “Please give me leave to begin the search for her.”

  Zartan carefully wipes his blade down and hangs it in its place on the wall behind his desk. Then he takes his precious time to wipe his hands on a towel and sensibly box away his tools. Each item is toweled off, polished, and returned to its proper place with excruciating care.

  Kristoff watches from the other side of the office with his jaw clenched shut. It’ll do him no good to push Zartan. He can see the other leader is considering his request and its possible complications.

  In war, little is cut and dry. Especially not looking for a wayward valkyrie who carries with her enough trouble to tumble any empire foolish enough to give her sanctuary. He wishes, not for the first time, Runa was better at controlling her more auspicious nature.

  “How do you know Runa hasn’t simply gotten bored with this conflict and moved on?” Zartan leans against his desk and crosses his arms and ankles. He meets Kristoff in the eyes until Kristoff is forced to look away, lest he give away too much.

  He wants to be honest with Zartan but honesty will require him to admit a weakness that could be potentially devastating. At the same time, honesty is the only way he can be sure to get what he wants.

  “It’s complicated, but I’m sure. She’s in trouble.” Kristoff hopes that will be enough. Details are going to be sticky. “I can’t really give you anything more than my gut. I know Runa, she wouldn’t have disappeared without a goodbye.”

  “Zartan, we have an issue.” Zartan’s mate, Antonia, appears in the office doorway before he can reply. Her long blond hair is knotted on top of her head; a plain black t-shirt and jeans almost hide the fact she’s lethal in her own right. Green eyes flash; she doesn’t look happy and she casts a sidelong glance at Kristoff that makes him wonder what he could have poss
ibly done wrong while standing in Zartan’s office.

  Zartan looks up at her with a frown, but she doesn’t back down. She puts her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes at him. All that’s missing is her tapping foot.

  Kristoff has the decency to find his feet interesting, ignoring the mated couple’s wordless exchange.

  “Now.” Antonia’s voice is firm, then she turns her gaze to Kristoff. “You, too.”

  Kristoff doesn’t have much choice other than to follow Zartan as he falls into step behind Antonia and leaves the office. He doesn’t know what could possibly be more important than a search for Runa, but it’s obvious Antonia has something she thinks can’t wait even a minute longer. He’ll have to bide his time and hope to have another crack at Zartan when the current crisis passes.

  When he sees who’s waiting in the sunroom, he wishes he would have waited in the office or maybe left for a distant country. This crisis isn’t going to pass soon, but it might get him the help he wants in finding Runa. Albeit an uncomfortable kind of help.

  They’re greeted by three tall, strong, pissed-off valkyrie who must have gotten wind their sister is missing. The temperature of the room drops an easy five degrees from the power of their energy; the scowls on their faces are equally frightening.

  It doesn’t take the sharp drop in Kristoff’s stomach to warn him this meeting probably isn’t going to turn out well for him.

  “You!” One of valkyrie, a brunette with flashing green eyes and a muscular build, brushes past Zartan to shove Kristoff in the chest. Watching her eyes swirl, drops of molten silver mixed in with bright green, he holds his breath, prepared to be knocked to the ground by the bolt of energy soon coming his way.

  Antonia steps in front of the other two and holds up a hand. “That’s enough, let’s calm down.”

  Kristoff must admire her audacity. He wouldn’t step in between a valkyrie and her prey. Of course, it’s possible Antonia doesn’t realize they’re probably here looking for him yet. If they didn’t come for him, they will likely be hunting him soon enough.

  “Calm down?” One of two nearly identical blondes’ steps toward Antonia, a move that sets Zartan off in a growl. Her eyes flash at him and she bares her teeth in return. “We come to ask you for help finding our sister and here is the vampire who took her. I demand you give him to us at once!”

  “No one’s giving anyone to anyone.” Zartan inserts himself with difficulty between the dark-haired valkyrie and Kristoff. “Everyone take a step back and dial it back a few notches.”

  Kristoff carefully keeps his jaw clenched. His secret will come out soon enough, there’s no need to engage Runa’s valkyrie sisters now. Six warriors in one room can turn deadly quick enough without his help.

  He understood the rules he was breaking well enough when it was happening. Here and now, he’d still do the same thing, unwritten laws of their people be damned.

  Zartan stares down the room until the tense moment passes. When everyone finally takes a step back, he looks at the twins. “Why do you think Kristoff has Runa?”

  “He smells like her.” Twin number one nods in his direction with her nose wrinkled. Behind her, her dark hair sister crosses her arms and opens her footing, daring someone to try and knock her down. “He’s had her blood. It calls to us like a beacon, he cannot hide it.”

  “Kristoff hasn’t had Runa’s blood.” Antonia waves the idea away as if it were completely foolish, her body relaxing. “They were in battle together a week ago. She must have taken a wound and passed some of her blood onto him. He would not have fed from Runa.”

  “You deny it?” The blond spokeswoman narrows her eyes at Kristoff, her nose flaring as she takes in a deep breath. “I know what I smell. You cannot lie.”

  “I don’t deny it.” Kristoff levels an even gaze at the valkyrie, his feet planted on the ground. Here it comes. “What you smell is correct. I have had Runa’s blood.”

  Zartan seems so stunned by Kristoff’s admission that his attention waivers. He looks at Kristoff in shock, a distraction that’s enough for the dark-haired valkyrie to jump past him and cold cock Kristoff with a hard right.

  Kristoff stumbles backward but makes no attempt to protect himself if she advances farther. He probably deserves whatever she can hand out, and he doesn’t want to start a fight inside Zartan’s home regardless. He holds out his hand toward Zartan to prevent the other male from jumping in to try and stop her and hopes he doesn’t get blood on the carpet.

  “Where do you have her?” Her voice comes out as a well-practiced shriek, the kind meant to send armies of humans on the run. Too bad for her Kristoff isn’t human, the sound simply gives him a headache.

  “Back off, Reagan.” The blond leader’s command stops Reagan’s advance. She makes an indelicate sound in her throat, the valkyrie version of a growl. “He doesn’t have enough in him to have done her any true damage.”

  “It’s not recent, either.” Kristoff directs his gaze at the blond leader and takes care not to blink or back down. In the game of dominance, it only takes one mistake to cost lives: his in this case. “A few years back, Runa and I had an indiscretion. It was probably ill-advised, but it happened. That is what you smell.”

  “A few years is recent enough to us, Russian.” She seems to accept his explanation, her body relaxing back from his. Her leather boots take a step back, the weight of her duster moving with her. Kristoff has always wondered what the weight in the pockets of their dusters is. They don’t need weapons to fight, yet it seems the long jackets are always heavy with something. “You should feel grateful she left you alive. I am Britta.”

  “This is how you knew she was missing.” Zartan regains his composure and turns his focus back on Kristoff. He’ll know the blood must be far more recent for Kristoff to feel Runa’s absence, thankfully he keeps that to himself. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “For all the reasons you can imagine I wouldn’t say anything.” Kristoff had done everything in his power to convince them to look for Runa. Everything except tell them he’d had her blood. That secret is hers as much as it’s his and he has no right to share it. It’s unusual for a vampire to take a lover of another species besides a human; it’s unheard of for a valkyrie to leave a lover breathing when she’s done with him.

  Together, he and Runa are breaking at least a dozen accepted social laws of their people.

  If anyone had any idea for how long, or how deep, their relationship runs it could cause a lot of problems. Thankfully, for now, no one needs to know. The important part is to find Runa.

  “Fair enough.” Zartan redirects his attention to Britta. “I’ll have my best spies and operatives ready within the hour. Together we’ll find her.”

  “Where is your maji?” Britta takes leadership for the women. She carefully removes the leather gloves covering her hands and shakes out her long hair. Dressed from head to toe in leather, she looks like an extra in one of the Underworld movies. “There is one called Stephanie. She has spent many hours with Runa. I believe we can funnel energy into her that would allow us to find our sister.”

  If it were possible to make Kristoff feel worse about the situation, that just did it. Stephanie’s untouchable at the moment, and it’s his own fault. Even he can’t get to her now.

  “Stephanie has been sent away for her own protection,” Antonia shifts her weight on her feet, bringing her closer to Kristoff. Her eyes never drift in his direction, but he realizes immediately she’s putting herself in a position to protect an attack coming his direction. What faith she must have in his ability to cause problems. It seems like Runa and he have more in common than he ever realized.

  “Where?” Britta doesn’t seem at all deterred. With a shrug of her shoulders she looks bored and studies her nails. “I’ll get her and bring her back.”

  “No one can reach Stephanie right now.” Zartan doesn’t look at Kristoff. There’re still some sore feelings over Arthur turning to Kristoff instead of his own famil
y to protect Stephanie and his offspring. “I can have my own maji here in a matter of minutes.”

  “No. Stephanie is necessary.” Britta’s head tilts to the right, studying Zartan and his body language. Her brows furrow. “There’s nowhere in the world she is unreachable from us. Tell us where to go.”

  “Stephanie carries Arthur’s child.” Antonia tells her gently, shifting her weight once more, bringing herself even closer to Kristoff. The movement is so subtle Kristoff wouldn’t have noticed it had he not been paying so close attention; it’s his head they’re after, after all. “She’s been sent overseas for everyone’s protection. Arthur has become…overly possessive of her. You’ll have to kill him to get her here, and that is unacceptable.”

  “She breeds?” Reagan clicks her tongue and wrinkles her nose in disgust. “How unfortunate.”

  “Also, she’s in the middle of maji territory under the protection of both the maji and six of my best warriors.” Kristoff pushes himself forward, an act to assert himself for fear of losing face with the valkyrie. He’s going to need their help to find Runa, and they’ll only give help if they deem him strong enough. Once she’s rescued, there will be the additional drama of what her sisters will do about their dalliances. “No one can get to her.”

  “Aren’t you the one who controls the borders of maji territory?” Britta pins him with another look, this one accompanied by a deep and dramatic sigh. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Well, aren’t you adept at making trouble?”

  Kristoff glares back at her. He isn’t going to let her belittle him for doing what was in the best interest of everyone involved. Zartan and Antonia wanted Stephanie kept somewhere safe - off continent. Arthur needed to be somewhere that he could trust no nosferatu allies to reach them and only a fool would enter maji territory unwelcome. It’s just his luck the maji stronghold can only be safely accessed through his own.

  “The arrangements were made before Runa vanished.” Kristoff crosses his arms over his chest. He steadies himself by planting his feet shoulder width apart, a blatant dare and also a defensive position. He’d rather not get knocked to the floor again. “Stephanie was on an airplane out of the country the morning after the raid that took Runa. She never even knew your sister was missing.”


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