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Page 9

by Donn, KL

  My mind swirls with emotions, colors, images. They dance as if I’m at the ballet, and I’m riveted to the way the ballerinas effortlessly float through the air. My breath catches in my throat as their hands explore my body, touching me in ways I only ever dreamed of.

  “Close your eyes,” Asher commands. Doing as he says, their touches become more compelling. They not only entice my heart to connect with theirs, but they fuse our souls as one.

  The power that flows through my veins becomes more manageable as they touch me. The more they draw out my desires, the more control I believe I have.

  “You feel us, princess? This connection is unbreakable.” Ares words are a balm to my confused soul as his hands glide down between my legs and gently coax a reaction from my folds.

  “Mmmm.” I shiver as they draw delicious tingles from my every nerve ending. I hope this feeling of completion never leaves my body because I don’t think I could go on without either of them.

  The circling of a finger against my channel is almost more than I can bear as Asher’s hands cup my breasts, tugging at my nipples.

  “Ready for us?” Ares breaths in my ear as they lay me flat against Asher’s chest. I can only nod, my speech completely gone, replaced by this forbidden desire for us to become one.

  “Always,” I respond, closing my eyes. I allow my body to absorb every sensation brought on by these men.

  My men.

  My warriors.


  Is this love? I haven’t given that emotion much thought over the years. But what I’m feeling for Arianna right now, I’m like a territorial wolf ready to mate. The way she submits to us, closing her eyes, breathing slowly, lifting her hips into me, I know I want it to be.

  A thunderous sensation rolls through me, one I’ve never felt, couldn’t identify it if I tried, and I recognize that it has to do with the electrical connection between the three of us.

  Our bond is more than soul-deep now; it’s elemental. It’s…magical. No matter what I thought yesterday, or a week ago, after experiencing the power wash through Arianna’s frame as she bowed off the bed, I do now. I know that, for as formidable as she presently is, she is also a young woman yearning to be loved. She hungers for not only our strength and support but our love.

  And, so help me, even if it kills me, I’m going to give it to her.

  Rubbing my hands up and down the globes of her juicy ass, I spread her cheeks and guide my cock to her entrance. I don’t remember the last time I had a virgin, but I know she was nowhere near as innocent as the woman currently in my hands.

  Achingly slow, I push through her tight center. My dick throbs with a thirst for release, and when I breach her barrier, the proof of her innocence, her cry of pain halts my movements. Remaining still when all I want to do is buck my hips so I’m balls deep inside her, is hard to control.

  “Nice and easy, Ari,” Apollo murmurs into her mouth as he kisses her.

  Gripping a fistful of her silky hair, I jerk her head back to arch her spine, so her hips are cocked further into my pelvis, and slowly, I begin moving inside of her.

  The gentle glide as her body accepts me is nearly my undoing. My hips thrust, my cock pulses, and when I feel Apollo drive his pelvis up, I lean back to watch his dick slowly inching his way into her tight pussy so we can fuck her together.

  “Christ, man. You’re going to kill me,” I hiss as Arianna’s already snug channel becomes nearly unbearable.

  “Yup, straight to hell, but fuck will it be marvelous.” He grins.

  “It hurts,” she whispers between us.

  “Only for a second. Let those precious muscles relax,” Apollo encourages her as our hands rub along her body, soothing her when we can feel her body’s instinct to pull away.

  Closing my eyes, I place my head on her back between her shoulder blades, trying to breathe some control back into myself. Our mingled moans with every heartbeat pulse through the room like we’re at a rave. Apollo and I grasp her waist at the same time and casually begin to move her body back and forth. Up and down. Pleasure builds, the air crackles with electricity as Arianna tenses again under our ministrations, and when she sobs, we nearly stop until her body lights up.






  They roll through me like a tidal wave as Apollo and Ares continue their tactical assault on my body. I’ve never felt so free in my life.

  They gave me a gift.

  The dark mage gave me life.

  And now, I can free my people.

  Illumination bursts across the room as my core shatters, and pleasure consumes my entire being. Heart, mind, and soul. I don’t know how or why, but I do know that whatever happens next, I have the wherewithal to put an end to it.

  “It’s…brilliant,” I hiss as my whole being tingles from aftershocks of carnal desire. I can feel both men let go of their release, and it’s in this moment, right now, that I can say with absolute certainty, I’ve fallen head over heels in love.

  I am Arianna of Graeline, the cursed princess, meant never to enjoy love, and yet, I’ve found it in the form of these two men. The fulfillment encompassing me leaves me breathless because I now know what it’s like to indeed be a woman. To be desired and loved.

  I may reside in hell at the moment. My body may be broken. But my spirit is resilient and ready to fight any battle to come my way.

  “Don’t forget to breathe,” Ares whispers in my ear from behind, and I shiver at the puff of air on his lips.

  “I am,” I whisper the words back.

  “You’re glowing,” Apollo adds as he brushes the sweaty hair from my face.

  “Is it always like that? So consuming?” I marvel as I look between the two of them.

  “Never,” they say at once, shaking their heads.

  It’s not long before a shift in the air signals their concern. I can see the worry written across their faces as if they’d put pen to paper. “What’s happening?” I ask, separating from their embrace, feeling new soreness in my body that I’ve never felt but secretly savor.

  “Judas wants us to expose you tonight,” Ares says, his words are blunt, hard. His demeanor is relaxed, his own mask firmly back in place once again.

  “Expose me how?” I have the feeling I already know; I just don’t want to admit it to myself.

  “What we did to you earlier, making you submit for us,” Asher explains to me.

  Licking my dry lips, I can feel the dark mage’s power crawling beneath the surface of my flesh. Her power. My power now. And I want to tell them. I want to make them understand that what we did was not only special, but they opened my mind and body to the effects of an ability I had never known I had.

  “If I give myself to you”—I swallow the bile attempting to climb my throat—“in front of those sick men, accept your pain and give you my pleasure, will we be able to free my people?” I’ll do nearly anything for that. They don’t deserve this life.

  Sitting up from his position behind me, Ares’ firm hand grips my jaw and turns me to face the two of them. “Whether you submit to us or not isn’t a question, you’ll fucking do it because it’s what we all want, but it doesn’t have to be here. We will free your people, Arianna, or we’ll die trying.”

  Tears mist my eyes because he gives voice to my fears and desires all at once. They understand how important the people of Graeline are to me. I could not have asked for better men.

  “How long do I have?” I need to gather my strength and see if I can get a message to Callista. We’ve always had a mental pathway to each other’s minds, but never before has it been tested by so much distance between us.

  “An hour,” Asher tells me, his concern so bright in his dark eyes.

  Turning my body to face him, I kneel down in front of him and cup his jaw in the same way he and Ares do to me. “Do not fear for me, Asher. I have you and Ares at my back. I will be fine.”

“Christ, woman.” With a fierce growl from deep in his chest, he pulls my head up to his and places a soul-searing kiss on my lips as he drags me into his lap.

  My heart pounds against his chest as our tongues tangle, and I begin to quiver in his tight embrace. These men drive me to the edge of insanity, and I think to get through the evening, that’s exactly where I’ll need to be.

  I’m going to have to pull on their strength.

  “Don’t let me fall, Asher,” I mumble into his mouth.

  “Not in this lifetime.”



  Her eyes glow with a promise for everyone in the room as I chain her to the wall. Arms above her head, legs spread, Arianna is more than ready for a battle I know she won’t win.

  As strong as her spirit is, I recognize a broken soldier when I see one. Her body won’t last for long. Which means we must act quickly.

  “There are going to be casualties,” Apollo says next to me.

  “Pointing out the obvious.” With a wicked laugh, he raises his hands and backs away. We’ve already explained to Arianna how the two of us would act tonight. How she’s going to have to fight with everything she has not to submit.

  She laughed. Told us, it wouldn’t be hard. She had zero desire to let other men know and see how she came undone for us.

  Much as I agree with her, I admit that hurting her, actually turning her flesh crimson from pain, slicing along her thigh, made my dick harder than it’s been in years.

  Breaking Arianna is something I yearn for.

  She saw it in the way she looked at me too.

  “You wish to hurt me, Ares?” Her captivating gaze held me still as I tried to interpret the look in her eyes. “Only if you make it good.” Her sinful kiss caused my pulse to pound in my veins.

  Arianna is much more than your typical princess. Whatever this dark mage has done to her, flows deeply throughout her body. I understand her tumultuous desire for darkness because it matches mine. Anticipating the future before a distraction can be put in place, is consuming me.

  Hearing the chamber door open, I turn from Arianna to see Carson Shay, the guard with an agenda, walking through. Ten girls follow behind him, aging in range from what looks like late thirties to as young as ten.

  Fucking hell.

  Ten fucking years old.

  These sick fucks need to die.

  The older women that are all bruised and bloody make my blood boil. What nearly sets Apollo off next to me, though, is the fear in the younger girls’ eyes. They don’t deserve to be here, let alone see their princess chained to a wall.

  There’s a misconception about Apollo that most people don’t understand. My friend may be a stickler for honesty and truth. He demands justice for all. But he is not afraid to become the judge, jury, and executioner for anyone when he sees fit.

  Now, I believe, is one of those times.

  And I’ll be the one handing him the knife.

  “Gentlemen.” Judas walks over, rubbing his hands together and reminding me of that Mr. Burns guy from the Simpsons. With a greedy stare and a soulless arrow through his heart. “Things are looking well.” While he speaks, his gaze is glued to where we chained Arianna to the wall.

  She wears a dark-colored dress with her hair still slightly damp from the shower we gave her, exploring her body as she trembled with fear between us.

  Her strength may be growing, and maybe her witch friend is right…she could possess powers as yet released, but whatever is happening with her makes me nervous.

  I deal in death and mayhem.

  Not magic and spells.

  I’m still not even sure I believe this shit is real. But I have no other choices right now.

  “She’s stunning,” Judas says, walking over to Ari, slipping one hand in his pocket.

  Before either Apollo or I can react, he’s pulled out a small, razor-sharp knife and is slicing it across her collarbone. Her cries of pain tense my body as I fight every instinct in me not to rip his fucking head off his shoulders and use it as a soccer ball.

  “What the fuck?” Apollo isn’t so shy about his outrage as he storms closer, pushing Judas away from her. For the men we’re presenting ourselves to be right now, our behavior will work in our favor.

  “Touch me again, friend, and it’ll be your blood smeared across the walls of this place,” Judas threatens.

  Apollo’s chuckle betrays his anger. His stare flashes retribution. “Touch the girl again, and it’ll be your dick hanging from these chains while you choke on your balls.”

  Uncertainty crosses Judas’ face as he digests Apollo’s defiance. “Put your dog on a leash, Ares, or he’ll be escorted to the back fields.” We watch as he walks away while Arianna still moans in pain.

  Spinning to face her, I rip my shirt off and put pressure on her fresh wound. “What do you need?” I ask her, knowing we can’t stitch her up right now. The blood continues to flow down her chest, and I realize that, before long, she’s going to need medical attention.

  “I need”—she tilts her head back—“power”—before closing her eyes. “I feel her darkness flowing through me. With every beat of my heart, every inhale of breath, she’s in the back of my mind coercing me to accept her.”

  Tears flow down her cheeks as Apollo cups her face. “And if you do?”

  Callista never covered this shit.

  “She’ll have my soul. I’ll be shrouded in darkness, never able to break free. I’ll be chained to her forever.”

  “Then, don’t let her. We’ll take care of you, Arianna. Trust us in that,” I hiss through my clenched jaw. I don’t know when or how it happened, but I recognize that I can’t walk away from her and Apollo after this. We’re destined to be with each other, and I’m learning to accept that.

  “I don’t think I have a choice,” she whispers.

  “Gentlemen!” A voice over the speakers in the corners of the room booms, startling Ari. The rattling chains echo around the room as all the girls try to shrink back, anticipating what’s coming. “Welcome to a pleasure-filled evening where we have a special treat for you.” I can hear the assholes in the security room snickering.

  “Where’s Ainsley?” Arianna asks, her eyes frantic as she searches for the girl she fought so hard to protect that first time I saw her here. “She was here this morning. You have to find her.”

  “If she’s not in here, we may not be able to bring her,” I say cynically. My priority is Arianna. Getting her out of here is the only thing I’m concerned about.

  “No! She comes, or I stay.” Our princess has a backbone made of steel it seems as she glares at me.

  “Fuck sakes, Arianna.” Pain radiates up my arm as I slam my hand against the brick wall next to her head, making her flinch. “I will look, but when it’s time to leave, we go, with or without her. Got it?” She nods as Judas begins speaking again.

  This whole fucking plan is going to go to hell in a fucking handbasket before we can control the situation.


  Relaxed against the wall next to Arianna as she mouths something I can’t hear but strongly suspect is her trying to speak to Callista telepathically, my eyes roam the room. Ares went to speak to a guard who left the same way he brought the girls in earlier, and we’ve both been tense ever since.

  I don’t know who this Ainsley girl is, but I understand she must be important to Arianna for her to put up such a fight.

  Waiting for Judas to finish boosting his clients’ egos puts me on edge. This is my first night here, but it feels like he’s stalling. Delaying the show for another reason, and as my eyes scan the room, the ten girls Ares’ guard friend brought in get chained to the walls around us. Five guards that monitor the girls, pace slowly up and down the middle of the room.

  It’s the windows directly above us that worry me.

  I’m aware that there are spectators watching the show. Paying big money to not only witness the girls’ agony and degradation but from what Ares says, they als
o shell out more to participate. When we took this job after the king contacted me, I was prepared for human trafficking, not human torture.

  This is a whole new deal, and no matter the shit I’ve seen in my life, the lack of humanity from these assholes is sickening. Growing up on the streets of Detroit, I observed and did a lot of bad shit. Drug dealing, gangs, hookers, they were all a part of my life, but not once did I see anything as vile as this.

  “Gentlemen, first up, we have the lovely, the innocent, young Ainsley from Graeline. She’s a wild one. Spirited, full of fight.” Standing straighter, I growl as Judas laughs as he talks about her.

  “No!” Arianna gasps beside me as a young woman is brought through a door in the wall nestled between two of the other girls that are chained up. Her face is swollen, her hair is full of dried blood, and her clothes are torn.

  Placing a hand on Arianna’s quivering stomach, I hold her in place as Ainsley is paraded around the room like she’s a prize to be won.

  “Stay still. If you react, it’ll be so much worse for her,” I whisper as the whimpering girl is strutted past us. Her gaze flickers to Arianna briefly, and the torment they project is haunting. Whatever else they’ve done to her, this could very well be the time she breaks.

  “You have to do something, Asher, please,” my princess begs beside me, and I can feel the agony flow through her. Anguish for a girl her family has vowed to protect from the world isn’t something she’s going to take lightly.

  “Just wait,” I tell her again. I fucking hate waiting. And doing so while someone else is about to be tortured isn’t how I envisioned the night going.

  Ares’ stride as he storms over to us is filled with rage. His eyes are nearly black, and I can see him working through a plan in his mind as he stands before me.


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