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The Love That Heals Me (Forever Mine Book 2)

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by H. J. Marshall

  “Maybe. I’m just tired of not feeling loved. And not by my family or friends. I want a forever kind of love that makes your heart skip a beat when they walk in the room. Someone who will move heaven and earth to keep us happy. Not me. Us. Someone who can’t see the future without me as a part of it. A love that is written in the stars. I thought I had it once but I now know that to be a lie.”

  “Was it a lie though? And please hear me out. What you and Andrew had, from what you told me, was the forever kind of love. I know you are finally ready to look for love again after him and the jackass from college but don’t discount what you had with Andrew.”

  “Do you know something I don’t? Since when do you defend the man who broke my heart?” I snapped at him and his line of questioning that was starting to irritate me.

  “I’m not defending anyone. All I have ever said about him is that I think something else was driving his anger when he broke up with you but that doesn’t make what you two had any less real.”

  “Real or not, it’s over now.”

  I swear I heard him mutter ‘maybe’ as we pulled into the hotel and made our way to our rooms. The elevator ride was silent and it was starting to make me uneasy.

  As he walked me to my door, he grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in the eye, very serious all of the sudden.

  “I want you to be happy. I want you to find The One, but I need for you to be open to possibilities that may seem farfetched and out of reach, just like the stars where true love is written. Above all else, I want you to trust me. Promise me you will trust that I have your best interest at heart and will do anything to protect you.”

  “I promise.” I replied as I hugged him and went into my room. I needed to shower and get ready to start early in the morning. Whatever had me in a weird mood must be rubbing off on him and I was ready to be away from it. Away from the memories that, no matter how hard I tried, still lingered in my mind.

  The next morning, I woke up to a text from Josh saying he left me the car and took an Uber to the gym. He wanted to get there early and workout before his meeting and didn’t want to disturb me.

  I was glad to have some time alone. I had two hours before my meeting so I laid in bed and found myself staring at the ceiling, thinking of the past and what the future could bring. Andrew and his family came to mind immediately.

  I’d loved his parents like they were my own. They welcomed me into their home on his first day of school when we walked home together. We lived about a block apart, so when Maddie and I saw the cute boy from class headed in the same direction we took every day, we slowed down and strolled with him. It became something we did throughout middle school and by the time we got into high school, he was my other best friend.

  We spent every afternoon together and our families had become very close. When we started dating our sophomore year, I had already been in love with him four years and I felt like my life was complete when he kissed me the first time. A gentle, soft pressing of lips that made my heart skip a beat as he leaned in.

  The summer before our junior year, when we started dating, he had just finished restoring the car his dad gave him for his 14th birthday. A 1967 Chevy Impala that was painted black and purred like a kitten. I loved that car and all the memories we made in it. It was in that car, parked in the woods, that two young lovers explored each other for the first time. No explosives fireworks, just two bumbling kids in the backseat, trying to figure out how to give and receive pleasure.

  We practiced until we perfected our lovemaking and we had begun to explore what we enjoyed and what we fantasied about. All of my firsts were with him and I have compared every man I have been with since to him. I have yet to find a lover who ignites my body like he did, or who knew exactly what I liked as well as he did.

  His little sister Emily was going to be a knockout when she finally grew up. She should have graduated this year and I wonder how life has been for her. She was always so outgoing and vibrant and was like a magnet that drew people in. She had taken gymnastics, dance, and was active in social clubs. Emily also had a streak of daredevil in her that I wondered if time had erased or boldened. She was a classic beauty with small features, a long elegant neck and piercing hazel eyes, that fluctuated from green to brown. She was so unique and rare and I was jealous of her beauty, even at such a young age.

  I allowed myself a few more minutes to dwell on the past before I snapped myself out of the mood I was sliding into. Today was a new day and it would be better than yesterday. I slept like a baby after my workout last night and a long soak in a hot bath.

  I decided to do my official check-in on social media as I had been doing every day since we left. I loved posting pictures of the cities we visited or the crazy roadside attraction I made him pull over for. Josh and I had posted quite a few selfies, always trying to keep the mood fun and light.

  The friend request was still sitting on my notifications from last week and I decided now was a good time to see who wanted to be my “friend” as you rarely actually see your social media friends.

  I was absolutely not prepared for whose name was sitting there, asking to be my friend, again.

  Emily Shepard.

  I was getting ready to head to the gym to open this morning when I noticed Emily had her head buried in her computer again. She had been doing that a lot more lately and I decided today was the day to ask her what had been so important over the last week or so that had her attention diverted so much.

  “What are you doing? Every time I come in you have your head buried in the computer. Is everything okay with you?” I inquired as I sat down with her at the dining room table and tried to turn her computer towards me.

  She grabbed the laptop and closed the lid as she stood up. “Everything is fine. What’s with the interrogation this morning?” she snapped, as she stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door.

  I swear I will never understand what sets a woman off sometimes. Concerned about her hiding something, I made a mental note to check her computer while she was teaching the little kids’ self-defense class this afternoon. Emily had a way with children and I was glad to see her taking part in the teaching of the next generation.

  “I’m headed to the gym. I’ll see you at noon. Are you planning on riding your bike over or are you taking an Uber today?” I asked through the closed door.

  “I’m taking my bike. I can leave it at the gym tonight and catch a ride home with someone if you’ve left already when I get off. Stop worrying. I’ll be fine.” She retorted through the door.

  “I know you will be, but it’s my job to worry. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” The volume of her music became loud enough she couldn’t hear me anymore.

  Her anger had become more evident since graduation and she still refused to talk about it. I don’t know what has her so upset but I plan to find out and fix it. Emily is the only family I had left and her happiness is the most important thing to me.

  The drive into the gym was longer than normal today due to ever-present road construction, allowing my mind to wonder.

  Why was Emily so mad?

  Had she decided on what college she was going to attend?

  What was Caroline doing?

  Was she dating?

  Had she found love?

  I wanted to know the answer about Caroline but was too much of a coward to try and find out. I’m sure I can reactivate my social media accounts and have a pretty good look into her life but fear of seeing her happy kept me away.

  She deserved to be happy and I knew it would never be with me.

  I pulled into the parking lot and turned the car off, the heat instantly rising inside the confined space. I made my way to the building, finding it was already unlocked. Cody was helping spot a huge guy, covered in ink, bench press at least 200 pounds like it was a feather.

  I was surprised to see him this early. I had been in the back room before closing having some fun
with a cute little redhead with a guest pass to the gym. She had dropped to her knees three seconds after I closed the door. I had come in for a late afternoon sparring match with one of our older students, running him through drills, when the fiery redhead walked in and immediately zoned in on me.

  That was fine. I could get what I needed and she would be out of town in a couple of days, having fulfilled a fantasy, more than likely, of fucking a fighter or a stranger on vacation. It happens quite a lot and Cody, myself, and a few of the other staff members took advantage of it.

  I must have disturbed the cadence of his workout because the big guy racks the bar and sits up, giving me a look, I couldn’t quite decipher. He looks angry, hurt, and understanding all at the same time and his gaze was starting to piss me off.

  Cody broke the confusing stand-off between the stranger and me by introducing the man. “Good morning Andrew. This is Josh Kennedy and he came in last night to set up a meeting with you. I agreed to open early so he could get a lift in before you got here. Josh, this is the owner of G’s Gym, Andrew Shepard.”

  After a brief pause, he extended his hand to me and I returned the gesture.

  “It’s good to meet you, Josh. How can I help you? Are you looking for a trainer because I don’t know what I can do to help you unless karate is your game, then I’m all ears?” I wasn’t in the mood for a sales pitch this morning but was willing to listen to what he had to say.

  This guy looked down on me, slightly, and I wasn’t used to men my size unless I was facing them in the ring. His stance showed relaxation, but his jaw reflected tension like he wanted to take a swing at me. I knew I could handle him but really didn’t want to see how hard could he hit.

  “It’s good to meet you and I appreciate Cody opening early for me. I got in too late last night to get my workout in and wanted to start today off right. New day, new start. You know, a second chance to make things right.”

  He wasn’t making any sense but from the look on Cody’s face, I needed to listen to what he had to say. It isn’t often Cody stays this close during a meeting, usually running off to help a client or to check on Emily. He hated the business aspect of the gym and was glad to give me the responsibility.

  “I guess. What can I do for you, Josh?” I was growing impatient with his vagueness and was ready to get to my office.

  “I work with MSJ Media. Do you know who they are?”

  “Of course. They provide phone, internet, and cable for most of the city along with a couple of other things. It was a boom in the city when they came in and laid all the fiberoptic lines. I have a couple of friends still who work for them in Baton Rouge. Why? What do they have to do with anything?”

  “Can we sit so I can talk to you about a few things? I promise it will be worth every second.” He teased as we made our way towards the front desk where there are always a few stools for people to sit after their workouts and visit with Emily.

  “So, what’s MSJ Media have to do with you? No offense but you don’t seem like the corporate type.”

  “I’m not, per se. I freelanced with MSJ for a research project. They implemented a program in Atlanta last year that united kids with reading problems with seniors who can tutor them. It’s a win-win for both groups. The seniors get people to visit and talk with that will help keep them young and active. The kids get help with school and a mentor to guide them. It has been hugely successful and I have a colleague in town with me looking to expand the program into other cities. The company is doing a great thing for the community and has received a ton of corporate donations to help fund it. This is the third city we have been to since last week, looking into expansion markets and potential facilities.”

  “What does that have to do with me? I’m not exactly the tutoring type.” still confused why he was here.

  “I’m researching combining physical fitness and classes, such as yours, to teach the kids discipline, self-respect, and hopefully give them a chance at a real future. MSJ wants to see what it would take to either have the kids bussed to the facilities, which they cover, or if it is easier for the instructor to come to the centers. How many students can you handle in one class? How many classes a week can you teach and at what facilities? What is the charge per student? Those kinds of things. I think your karate classes may be exactly what some of these underrepresented kids need. Someone to help them get rid of their anger in a safe and constructive manner.”

  “I would need to look into a few things before I could answer your questions. Can you come back a little after lunch so we can sit down with my sister Emily? She handles the scheduling of classes, payments, etc. so her input is necessary but I like the idea of what you are doing. I think there is a large segment of New Orleans that could benefit from this program you guys have. All of it, the reading and the fitness.”

  He stands up so Cody and I join him as he extends his hand to me and gives me a firm shake. “I’ll head back to the hotel and get cleaned up. I’ll see you at noon.” As he pats Cody on the back and walks out the front door.

  “Why didn’t you tell me last night about that guy?” I questioned my best friend. He tells me everything, all the time, so for him to forget about opening early for this meeting seemed odd.

  “You were busy with the redhead when they were in last night and it slipped my mind until my phone reminded me this morning at seven. I didn’t mind meeting him and I knew after he told me his proposal that you would be okay with it too,” Cody apologized.

  “They? Did you meet his colleague last night? I bet he is the typical corporate stick in the mud, am I right? Complete opposite from Mr. America that just left.” I joked as I made my way towards my office.

  “Something like that.” Was his reply as he started getting the building ready for the first class.

  I came out of my office a short while after I heard the overhead music change. Emily had been in a mood lately and today it seemed Florida-Georgia Line was going to be the choice for the day.

  Great! Bromance country all day.

  I went out to talk with her about what had been bothering her when I noticed that guy Josh from this morning was leaned over the counter talking low with Emily, smiling as she whispered back to him.

  Oh! Hell! No! My sister is not on the menu for him—or any other meathead.

  Not wanting to make a scene, I tried to calm my anger before I did something I would regret and would most definitely make Emily even madder at me than she seems to already be. Making my way towards the counter, a member called my name, causing them to look my way and move apart.

  I extended my hand to him and squeezing a little harder than necessary to try and get my point across. I greeted him and called Cody over to watch the front while I ushered him and Emily into my office and shut the door. If I got into a fight with this guy, it was not going to happen in front of my clients.

  I sat down at the small table I had as he pulled the chair out for Emily and sat down next to her. Staring him down, trying to convey my displeasure and anger at his blatant flirtation with Emily caused the silence to stretch longer than comfortable. He never broke my gaze or showed any signs of being intimidated. I’ve seen cock-sure guys like this before and I wasn’t worried about him.

  I was worried about the small smile that was gracing my baby sister’s face. It was nice to see her really smile again but after everything she had been through, I refused to let someone older than me even think he had a chance with her.

  Emily was the first to break the uncomfortable silence. “I think the partnership is a perfect idea, Andrew. Josh was just telling me the details of the project they have in Atlanta and the possible expansions into fitness. We have the space to hold the students and I can work out the scheduling for our regular classes and private training.” Hopefully, that meant he was discussing the potential partnership and not hitting on my sister.

  “I was just telling Emily that the company would be willing to make a substantial donation to your facility to make sure it
can accommodate the number of students we predict will take advantage of it. I also noticed that the space next door is vacant. Have you ever thought about expanding?” he asked, never looking at Emily, his entire focus was locked on me.

  “We just expanded a little over a year ago to include the mat area on the other side of the equipment and we added the heavy lifting area, where you worked out this morning. I don’t think we could afford to expand again so quickly with such a huge mortgage already. Is expansion a requirement to be a part of your, what did you call it, ‘research’? Are all the facilities you visited in the different cities expected to expand?” I smugly asked. I wanted to make sure Emily knew this guy would disappear as soon as he got the information he wanted and I didn’t want her to get caught up in his pretty looks and tattoos.

  She had recently gotten her first tattoo, to cover the scar on her arm from the accident and from what I could tell, her “type” tended to be more heavily inked. I didn’t want to see her hurt when he left town.

  “Expansion isn’t required but after speaking with one of the company’s executives this morning after we met, I was authorized to offer some incentives to get you on board. The company is willing to pay off the current mortgage and fund the full expansion to the open space next door, in exchange, you offer a discounted rate to our enrollees. It is a win-win for both of us. You get your debt paid off, more space to train students, our participants get to use your gym, and take advantage of the classes you offer.”

  “Does that mean we don’t own the gym anymore?” Emily asked, a slight tremor in her voice. We were both scared of losing the gym after we struggled so hard to make it successful when our parents died. I would never let that happen.

  He looked over at her and smiled a small smile, trying to convey what appeared to be a reassurance.

  “No. You will retain ownership of the gym and MSJ will have no lien or rights to any parts of it. This is an exclusive deal we are offering you. The company wants to see the program in New Orleans be as successful as possible and your gym fits the needs we have. To us, that means we pay off your debt. I understand that may cause you to be hesitant. We would sign a contract with you stating that fact and at no time would you have to worry about losing this building. We are offering to get you completely out of debt and allow you a fresh start.”


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