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Scent Of A Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters

Page 18

by Dianna Love

  Adrian announced, “I’ll stay with this one and help cover your ass.”

  Jaz leveled him with a disgusted look. “I did not ask for help.”

  “And I didn’t ask your opinion,” Adrian countered.

  Scarlett felt better that Jaz wouldn’t be alone. She started to work out details about meeting up when Jaz lifted her nose and turned sharply toward the woods she’d just emerged from.

  Adrian stepped past Scarlett who inhaled as Gan did the same.

  Chica warned her, Danger coming fast.

  Four shifters jumped from the trees in a spread-out formation, racing at them.

  Two more followed on their heels.

  Chapter 22

  Gan called up his tiger and for once they were on the same page. Bones snapped and rearranged. Muscles elongated and thickened. His jaws stretched and filled with fangs. His tiger roared and stepped in front of Scarlett who couldn’t shift with a baby in her arms.

  Two of the attackers changed on the fly. Crazy fast.

  Both were black, like a panther female Gan had seen captured by the Cadells, but these males were far larger.

  He smelled hyena on the air, hardly pausing to note that he’d identified that scent.

  The other four attacked as Adrian and Jazlyn changed into a red male wolf and a golden female wolf.

  Scarlett yelled at Gan, “Break loose from the panthers so I can help.”

  He ignored her.

  If he didn’t engage both animals, one would get to her. He would use his last breath to keep her and the baby safe.

  His tiger agreed. Kill all. Save mate.

  One panther leaped on the back of Gan’s tiger, but his beast had learned something from fighting Adrian’s wolf. His tiger locked his jaws over the one in front of him and dragged that panther by the head when he rolled all that weight over, crushing the cat on his back. Screams, howls, and roars filled the air now thick with the brutal smell of fresh blood.

  His tiger hadn’t killed either panther, but he’d slowed them down. His jaws opened and closed again but with more force this time, crunching hard to break neck bones in one crushing bite. That cat whined and fell on its side.

  The other panther got a second wind and attacked his tiger with paws slashing his shoulder like a fan on high speed.

  Scarlett yelled, “Get me to the truck and I’ll lead them away.”

  At hearing that, the two cats still fighting Adrian and Jazlyn broke free and started toward Scarlett.

  Adrian’s wolf slammed one predator.

  Jazlyn’s ravaged wolf made a wobbly hit at the other one that spun around and fought her.

  Sharp teeth withdrew from Gan’s tiger and turned for Scarlett, too, but his tiger tackled the black cat. They tangled into a vicious fight with the panther clawing gouges down his tiger’s leg.

  If more shifters showed up, Gan could not keep Scarlett and the baby safe. He wanted her out of here.

  Gan told his tiger, Scarlett and baby need truck. She can go. Be safe. We stay and help others.

  His animal shouted, Stay with mate! Protect mate.

  No, Gan argued. Do what is best for everyone.

  Adrian’s voice came into Gan’s mind. Get Scarlett to the truck. Her female wolf friend is about to drop. I can’t defend her while I fight. Stay with Scarlett so she has protection and draw some of these shifters away. Then I can get us to my truck.

  Gan argued, I will not leave you to die.

  Every second you waste makes it harder for me to survive, cat. I’ve got this. Adrian broke off talking while he fought his way out from under a cougar bigger than Scarlett’s, and with a darker coat.

  Gan told his tiger, Move to truck. Keep Scarlett on safe side.

  Scarlett caught on quickly and shadowed Gan in a fast trot to Vic’s sport utility.

  Gan had his tiger watch all around them as they kept a steady pace. He hated leaving Adrian with Jazlyn, who was damaged too much to continue fighting, but he would trust Adrian. The wolf had done this longer.

  Gan herded Scarlett around the end of the house. When the truck came into view, Scarlett took off running.

  A shifter in human form stepped out from behind the vehicle and ran at them. He changed into a jaguar, fresh and ready to fight.

  Scarlett slowed.

  Gan shot past her. His tiger screamed, Save mate!

  They met the jaguar straight on in a barreling crash. Claws raked his shoulders and sharp fangs bit his head and back. The jaguar’s teeth seemed to be everywhere at once.

  The truck engine roared to life. Gan hadn’t even considered where the keys were, but Scarlett tended to know these things. She probably planned ahead for a quick escape.

  Smart woman.

  He worried about losing this battle and told his tiger. If we do not kill jaguar, he will get to Scarlett and baby.

  His tiger didn’t reply.

  Instead his tiger knocked the jaguar in the air and over on his back where his tiger could claw and rip the jaguar’s soft underside.

  “Gan!” Scarlett shouted.

  He wanted to yell back to go, but he couldn’t in animal form.

  What was she waiting for?

  As if she heard his thought, she yelled, “Not leaving without you.”

  The jaguar came up quick at the tiger and grabbed the loose skin of his throat. Another bite and the big vein Gan had seen cut on other animals would rip out. They would die.

  He couldn’t talk to Scarlett in this form. He ordered his tiger, Finish. Kill.

  Slapping a paw on the jaguar’s chest, his tiger locked his jaws on the jaguar’s throat, ignoring claws tearing at his face, and ripped the cat’s throat out with one vicious yank.

  Gan said, Change back. Must be human.

  His tiger sounded exhausted. No.

  Scarlett snarled, “Gan! Change!”

  He caught the sound of animals coming. One glance told him time was up. The cats had broken free of Adrian and Jazlyn ... or killed them.

  Gan forced energy hard through his body and into his next order for his tiger. Change now.

  He had barely said that when he returned to human shape.

  The cats were racing around the side of the house.

  He roared at her, “Go!”

  Scarlett had the truck turned to leave and his door open. “Get. In. The. Fucking. Truck!”

  Gan set up and kicked the lead cat into the one right behind it.

  He made a running jump into the truck as she hit the gas. Lunging for the open door, he dove in and slammed it shut.

  She had the baby in one arm. “Take her.”

  Reaching over, he carefully pulled the baby from her.

  Something heavy hit the top of the truck.

  Scarlett swung the steering wheel back and forth. The cat held on and slammed a paw hard on the roof.

  Gan grabbed a handle above his door with one hand and held the baby with his other arm. “Baby is safe. Knock off cat.”

  She didn’t hesitate to wheel off the path and under a low limb that scraped the roof.

  The cat screamed as it bounced all the way off the back. She wrenched the wheel hard, fighting ruts and dodging trees until the road came back into view. Not even slowing, she bounced her way back up on the road, fishtailing until she had control again.

  She drove with surprising calm as the speeding vehicle slid around corners on the soft ground. Her knuckles were white with strain, but he had full trust in her ability.

  “Put your seatbelt on, Gan,” she ordered.


  “Dammit. Do you have to question everything? Just do it.” Taking a breath, she added, “Please. You’re holding the baby. While you might not die in a crash, that doesn’t mean a baby will survive.”

  “I will do.” He moved the baby from arm to arm as he clicked the seatbelt latch in place.

  She opened and closed her hands on the steering wheel. Claws shot out and retracted. “Sorry. I’m ... stressed.”

know. Baby is fine.”

  No one said a word as she fought her way to the paved road and made a sliding turn to a smoother ride. Gan considered asking where she was headed, but she’d just criticized him for asking questions.

  The baby stirred and made a noise, but Gan shook the bundle gently like he’d seen done in the camps to calm babies. This little one gave a tiny sigh, moved its lips in a sucking motion, then turned toward his heat and remained asleep.

  “How’s she doing?” Scarlett asked, not taking her eyes from the road. Her gaze flicked to each side and the rearview mirror.

  “Is girl?”

  “Yes.” Scarlett explained, “Lily is usually a female name.”

  “She is good. Sleeping. Happy.”

  Lifting an eyebrow at him with a bit of exhaustion and amusement. “How can you tell she’s happy?”

  “Is simple. If baby is not happy, it cries.” He thought everyone knew that. He should point out she asked questions without him criticizing her, but Scarlett worried over Fayth and would not like being teased at this moment.

  She turned on the ramp, taking them back on the interstate.

  Leaving her alone while she drove, his mind returned to Adrian’s words. Gan had never thought about trying to escape magic. He still had a hard time accepting that the Guardian had so much power he could call any Gallize shifter home.

  How could he overcome an invisible chain? Adrian had made it sound as though Gan had no option if the Guardian called him.

  He had no future.

  Before now, he’d started thinking about finding a way to stay close to Scarlett, even if he had to give up snow.

  He’d lost that choice.

  As soon as the Guardian forced him to return, Gan would be sent back to Wyoming the minute he failed to prove he could control his tiger.

  Because what little control he enjoyed now was due to his tiger being around Scarlett.

  This time, ending up in Wyoming would be way worse.

  His tiger believed Scarlett was their mate.

  Gan would never want another as his mate.

  I will not leave mate, his tiger declared.

  Gan pushed his animal away from his mind for some peace. The tiger’s voice dulled more and more until he could hardly hear the animal rumbling. He listened, waiting for the beast to react, but that never happened.

  Was that what control felt like?

  Why couldn’t he figure out how to be a shifter all of the time? Not just when his beast was happy around Scarlett?

  Gan still had two days with her.

  He would not spend it wondering over what he could not do. Two days of freedom with the woman he carried in his heart.

  What about Adrian?

  Had he and Jazlyn gotten away safely?

  Why did Gan feel guilty about Adrian? That wolf had made his life difficult from the first minute they met. Adrian’s wolf had bloodied Gan’s tiger more than once in Wyoming.

  Then Adrian showed up at the lake house, ruining the special night Gan had been enjoying with Scarlett.

  On the other hand, Adrian had made it possible for Gan to get Scarlett and the baby to safety.

  And the wolf had actually sounded as if he wanted to help Gan with the Guardian.

  Now Adrian battled shifters over something that had nothing to do with him. He’d stood there, sending Gan to protect Scarlett instead of saving his own hide.

  Gan had to be honest about Adrian.

  His red wolf couldn’t be trusted to turn a back on, but Gan respected the man. He only hoped Jazlyn managed to stay upright long enough to fight with Adrian and they both escaped.

  They were probably gone by now.

  Or were dead.

  Gan couldn’t believe he was going to ask Scarlett to contact the one person he had hoped to never see again. “Can you call Guardian? Tell him to send Adrian help?”

  Sounding tired, Scarlett said, “I would have done that already, but I don’t have a phone. Mine was upstairs in the bedroom. I normally carry it with me, but I ran to you the second my cougar said your tiger was in trouble.”

  Gan’s guilt doubled.

  How could he help Adrian and Jazlyn? He muttered, “Adrian made me go, to protect you. He said if you leave, cats follow and he would save Jazlyn. She was hurt bad. I am glad I did, but ... did he give truth?”

  “The panthers did follow,” she said gently.

  “Yes.” That didn’t ease his conscience. In the heat of the moment, he accepted Adrian’s battle experience over his. Now that he thought back, he wondered if that had been the right decision.

  Had he left Adrian and Jazlyn to die?

  While he worked on that, something Scarlett said sank in. Her cougar told her his tiger was having trouble. That had to be when he struggled not to shift in front of Adrian.

  How could her animal have known this?

  What else did her cougar know?

  Scarlett said, “We’re pulling off at a rest stop in about a minute. Adrian’s bag is still in the back and has extra warm ups. I’ll find a place away from people where you can put on some clothes.”

  “Something wrong?”

  “Sort of. Vic’s ride has a tracking device. I’m going to find it and pull the wires out.” She swallowed. “I have to get in touch with the Guardian to send help to the lake house. That won’t happen until I find a place with a phone. Right now, I need to stop him from tracking us. I can’t allow him to show up at the wrong time and interfere when I’m in the middle of getting Fayth back.”

  Gan thought about what he’d learned from Adrian. “You must leave me when you stop.”

  The look of disbelief she gave him hurt. “You want to go back?”

  “No. I never want to go back. But when I see Adrian tonight, he tells me the Guardian can call me to him any time. Eagle shifter has strong ... magic. He will be problem for you if I stay.”

  She slowed the car as they neared the exit into the rest area. “If you really want to stay with me, I’d like that, too. But keep in mind that I can’t promise any of this will turn out well.”

  “Yes. I want to be with you. If I go back now it will be worse than before. My tiger will fight Wyoming. I promised tiger we would leave for somewhere cold. North. But Guardian will not let me. I want to stay long as possible.”

  In the quiet that followed, Gan sensed that she was sad. What had he said wrong?

  Lifting her head high, she said, “If that is what you really want, let me worry about the Guardian. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. He will not be a problem for me and maybe not for you. Just tell me if you feel yourself being drawn away and ... I might be able to stop it.”

  What could she do against a powerful eagle shifter?

  He’d had one small moment of happiness.

  Soon the Guardian would yank Gan away from ... his mate. Scarlett was the mate of his heart.

  He swallowed past the thick ball of misery.

  He wanted more time with her, but in two days they would be ripped apart.

  Chapter 23

  Lights blurred through her vision.

  Scarlett shook off the exhaustion and blinked.

  It had to be after four in the morning, because the last gas stop had been around three. She’d swung into a major truck stop right after leaving the rest area and asked a trucker to let her borrow his phone.

  He thought she was calling her family to tell them she’d gotten lost and was running late.

  When a male answered the Guardian’s number, she didn’t give him time to patch her to his boss. She told him the lake house address and to send help immediately, then hung up.

  Before leaving, she used an electronic banking outlet to withdraw cash from a secret account no one could trace. Not without knowing the name it was registered to, which she’d set up a long time ago just for an emergency like this.

  After that, she headed to Galax, Virginia, where she’d found an all-night super-store.

  With no diapers, no baby food, nothin
g to care for an infant, she pulled into the parking lot with a mental shopping list. After a mad dash through the store while Gan watched the baby, Scarlet grabbed baby supplies, adult clothes, snacks, and a phone. She could win one of those grocery store races at the speed she’d filled a cart. Gan needed to change. Her brain saw him, but smelled Adrian’s scent on his clothes.

  Until she found a computer where she could tap her list of resources tucked away in virtual cloud storage, the phone would be of little use.

  Not exactly useless.

  She had to call the Guardian back and find out if Adrian and Jaz were okay, plus let him know Gan was safe. She couldn’t put off this call when Gan said his boss had the ability to call him back to headquarters.

  Could she use magic to block the eagle shifter?

  She had her doubts.

  He carried a load of magic.

  Back in the car, Scarlett opened the phone and shoved in the charger. She wiped her eyes. “We’re close to a motel. We need sleep.”

  “You are too tired.” Gan ran his hand over her hair and rubbed her neck.

  “Careful, Gan. If you relax me too much, I’ll pass out.” She smiled at him.

  He smiled a moment, but it had been colored with worry.

  Cranking the engine, she pushed on.

  Gan checked Lily for the millionth time. Her tiger shifter had been a champ holding Fayth’s baby girl the entire drive and cooing any time the child became restless.

  She hoped that eagle shifter had good news or Gan would buckle under the guilt riding his face the whole drive.

  Something along the lines of Adrian having survived and Jazlyn vanished into the night would be awesome.

  Sure, that happened.

  While she was having delusional fantasies, she’d wish up a national chain hotel happy to provide a room with a king-sized bed and full kitchen for the limited cash she had on hand.

  No, a fantasy would be spending a week with Gan and lots of condoms.

  Somewhere near a huge body of water or maybe a beach. Had Gan ever been to a beach? She doubted it from what he’d said. He’d never lived free.

  The fact that she even thought about going somewhere with Gan after this nightmare pointed to a major loss of brain cells.


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