Scent Of A Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters

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Scent Of A Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters Page 27

by Dianna Love

  He had? She said, “Okay, but I haven’t used it to hurt anyone.”

  Sticking his head forward, Gan said, “She use power to help me.”

  She wanted to smack him. “Wrong move, Gan. Now he’s going to think I’m trying to control you.”

  Adrian strode up, also dressed. “You mean what you did at the lake house?”

  “You saw that?” Scarlett said before she realized it was a duh moment. Of course Adrian witnessed her use of power.

  “What did you do?” the Guardian asked.

  Gan would not shut up. “She see me struggle and give me little push to stay human. She did this for good reason. But I am changing better now. I talk to tiger. He talks to me.”

  Eyebrows raised on both the Guardian and Adrian.

  Scarlett said, “Really? That’s great. You two are going to be awesome.”

  “Yes. He is happy with name Chica give him.”

  The Guardian’s gaze bounced from Gan to Scarlett, back and forth.

  “Ahh, Chica was so happy when I told her,” Scarlett said.

  Adrian pushed in. “Wait. Who is Chica?”

  “My cougar.”

  “She likes Gan’s tiger?”

  Gan frowned at Adrian. “Yes. Chica is nice to Gemelo. He is nice to her. If they could talk without us sharing words, he would listen to her.”

  “If you two bond, your animals can talk to each other,” Adrian pointed out.

  “Really?” Scarlett said.

  Gan grinned. “Yes. Is good.”

  The Guardian asked, “Do you believe you can bond, Gan?”

  He put his arm around Scarlett again. “Yes. She is mate. Our mate.”

  Scarlett waited for the eagle man to inform Gan he could not be with someone who carried Power Baron blood. Whatever these Gallize were, they came from better stock than hers.

  “Have you accepted an offer as his mate?” Adrian asked Scarlett.


  Gan’s face fell.

  She laughed at him. “I picked you first. You didn’t ask.”

  “No, I pick first,” Gan boasted.

  “I don’t think so, wild man.”

  Holding up a hand for silence, the Guardian told Gan, “You must be careful in selecting a mate—”

  Gan must have thought his boss was dissing her. “She is good mate. She is best mate. She is only mate I want.”

  Adrian said, “Just so you know, boss, the cat shifters have left so we can speak freely.”

  Sighing, the Guardian said, “I hope to one day instill manners in my shifters. When that happens I might be able to finish a thought.”

  Adrian gave Gan a zipped mouth motion.

  Gan frowned, appearing perplexed.

  Scarlett hooked an arm around his waist and he smiled again.

  “As I was saying,” eagle man continued, “our shifters are powerful and must be careful not to bond with someone who might be harmed by their power. Scarlett has proven she is quite capable of accepting the level of energy generated during bonding.” He asked her, “Do you have an older sibling, because Gallize females with great power are always the second born?”

  He gave her an opening to be considered one of them, but she would not lie even if she could pull it off. “Nope. I’m the first child. My power is from that jerk they dragged away. If that’s a deal breaker, I can’t fix it.”

  Nodding, the Guardian continued. “That is not a deal breaker, as you put it. Your integrity does not come from who fathered you, but from inside.”

  She made a small gasp. Was he saying she would be acceptable as a mate for Gan? Her skin tingled at the hope of keeping Gan.

  His boss explained, “There is one important question, though. Do you and Gan both understand what bonding with a Gallize means?”

  Gan opened his mouth then shut it.

  She had no idea what to say.

  Adrian must have taken pity on them. He said, “You both have to accept your responsibility as a Gallize, because every decision you make affects all of us and our mates.” He muttered, “For those who have mates.”

  Facing the Guardian, Gan said, “I can do only if tiger is free. Not in Wyoming.”

  When Gan finished, the Guardian turned to Scarlett. “As you heard from Adrian, we are one large family. Everyone in our circle watches over the others. They will watch over you and yours. You would have to be willing to become more than a friend of the Gallize.”

  Her heart raced at how close she stood to true happiness, but she needed more. “I didn’t hear a reply to Gan’s wish to be free. If we do mate, I will be there for Gan to develop his relationship with his tiger, but I will expect everyone to give him some leeway to learn.”

  “Good grief, Scarlett. That’s what we do,” Adrian groused.

  Gan smacked his arm. “Talk nice to mate.”

  She laughed. Evidently in Gan’s mind they were mated regardless of whatever Gallize ceremony happened. The Guardian’s smile seemed to echo her thoughts. She had one more concern.

  “If I do this, you said you and yours would be safe. I need my little sister Fayth and her baby to be included.”

  “Yes.” Gan nodded. “Need place for her and Spud.”

  Adrian murmured, “Spud?”

  “The baby,” Scarlett answered.

  The Guardian gave them both a curious look. “Am I correct in assuming you have not asked each other to be a mate? Because I would have felt your joined power if you had bonded, plus your animals are not communicating directly yet, correct?”

  “Right,” Scarlett said.

  Gan pointed out, “We have both power when fighting.”

  The Guardian said, “That’s encouraging, Gan, but once you ask her to mate, and she accepts, your Gallize power and her energy will join forever so that you are both stronger individually.”

  Taking Scarlett’s hand, Gan asked, “Do you want to—”

  “Wait!” eagle man and Adrian shouted.

  “Why? Too much talk,” Gan grumbled. “Want to be with mate.”

  The Guardian glared him into silence. “I wish for Scarlett to speak with the other mates prior to making this important decision. She deserves to get honest input.”

  “How many?” Gan asked holding a hand to his head. “Are mates everywhere?”

  His Guardian chuckled. “Yes, we have them in other countries, but I’m only talking about the ones in the Spartanburg area. She knows Tess, but Tess has only shared what is allowed, to those outside our circle. Now Scarlett can ask any question, plus she should meet Eli and Siofra.”

  “Yes. I will go with her.”

  “She hasn’t agreed to anything yet, Gan,” Adrian offered, but his attention had shifted past Gan.

  Scarlett followed his gaze in time to see a golden wolf slide into the shadows. She didn’t want Adrian following her friend. She rushed to keep the conversation about her and Gan going. “Yes, I have, Adrian. I officially want to meet these mates and be considered as Gan’s mate.”

  “What?” Adrian said in a distracted voice. “Okay. That’s good. Uhm, boss, I’ll be back in a few.”

  The Guardian waved him off then finished with Gan and Scarlett. “Please do not bond until you return to headquarters and after Scarlett speaks with the other mates.” He lifted a hand. “I have no objection to her as your mate, Gan. I am very pleased about the union and even more pleased about you and your tiger bonding.”

  Scarlett said, “Thank you. I’m sure I won’t change my mind, but we will wait. I need to check on Fayth.”

  “And Spud,” Gan added.

  “Absolutely. We’ll go together to give her the good news.” She raked a hand over her hair that felt atrocious. “That reminds me, I’ve got to find out where my friend left my truck.”

  “We located your truck,” the Guardian explained. “We found that right before you called. My people are cleaning up the mess on that property as well as the one where scents for you, Gan, and Adrian were found as well as ... a female wolf. Her s
cent was in your truck as well. Do you know her?”

  First test as Gan’s mate. She knew better than to lie. “Yes.”

  After a few seconds, his boss said, “But you’re not volunteering it?”

  “Do I have to?”


  She smiled.

  He added, “Not unless we have cause to find her.”

  Did that eagle man know about Jazlyn?

  Maybe, maybe not. He could just be clueing Scarlett in to the fact that she could no longer run like a lone wolf.

  Chica said, Lone cougar. Not wolf.

  Scarlett smiled at her cat.

  At the sound of trucks coming down the drive, Scarlett recognized the Hummer she’d seen a Gallize shifter named Justin driving when they saved Gan and his sister.

  When the two vehicles parked, Tess’s mate, Cole, climbed out of one and Vic stepped down from the driver’s side of the other Hummer with one more shifter that smelled like wolf.

  The eagle shifter gave them directions to begin cleanup and locating any cat shifters still around to process through the placement system.

  She wondered what exactly the process would be, but that was not her job today.

  “I shall return to headquarters,” the Guardian announced.

  She told Gan, “We’re going to have to use our legs. I don’t have a vehicle.”

  Vic said, “If you let me get a handle on this, I’ll get you to your motel. I can have a truck pick you up from there.”

  Evidently happy with that, the Guardian gave Gan and Scarlett a stern look. “I shall expect you in headquarters in two days.”

  Gan nodded. “Yes.”

  Scarlett bumped Gan with her elbow. “Yes, sir.”

  “I say yes.” He lifted his shoulders in an irritated move.

  Shaking his head but with a wry smile, the Guardian shifted into his magnificent eagle and took flight.

  Scarlett muttered, “I want to be him when I grow up.”

  Gan said, “Eagle? No. Gemelo want cougar. I want you.” He wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her.

  When the Gallize men drifted into the background, the sounds melded into a buzz of background noise easily ignored.

  Scarlett soaked up the feel of Gan wrapped around her, happy to have him safe and a chance at a life with him. When he started nipping kisses to tease her, she laughed and pulled back, staring into crystal-blue eyes that saw into her heart.

  She had to come clean. “I’m sorry.”


  “I didn’t tell you about having that monster as my father. I didn’t tell you why I had to get to Fayth or her child. I feel like I deceived you, but I really didn’t mean to in a harmful way. I thought we would only have these few days together, then I’d never see you again. The less you knew about me, the safer you would be. I didn’t want to lose anyone else to that Power Baron.”

  Gan brushed his hand over her face and let his gaze roam softly until his eyes met hers. “I forgive but no forgive needed. You did for family. I would do for mine.”

  “I’m sorry you lost everyone at birth, Gan.”

  “You are mate. We do what Guardian want, but you are my mate. I will always protect mate and baby. My life for family.” He looked away with a pained expression. “I owe truth, too. I want go with you at first to escape Gallize. I feel tiger never stop killing. I had plan. Take him to cold country, live alone.” He shrugged. “All before I know you are special. Before you are mate, but I did not tell truth either.”

  She understood what he said. He had only wanted freedom when they first met and he pushed her to take him with her.

  “What about now, Gan? If the Guardian said it was okay by him, would you want to go live somewhere else in this country and roam free?”

  It took all she could to ask that without panicking. She couldn’t lose him now, but neither would she stop him from having all he wanted.

  The smile he gifted her with took her breath. “I am free with you. Happy with you. My tiger and I understand love is you and Chica.”

  Her legs threatened to fold at that declaration. “I think the same thing. You are my love and so is Gemelo.”

  “We want to stay with you and Chica,” Gan admitted. “One day, you drive us to snow country and cats play.”

  “That sounds like a great mating honeymoon, tiger.”

  Chica said, Can I talk to Gemelo?

  Scarlett told her, Soon. I think that will happen when we bond.

  Human, tiger, and human bond?

  Gan asked, “Why frown?”

  “I just told Chica that she could talk to Gemelo when we bond. She asked if the shadow person or ghost that stays with Gemelo would bond with us. We should figure out who that person is.”

  “Ask more.”

  Didn’t he think Chica would have said if she knew who it was, but Scarlett figured out what he said. Gan wanted Chica to explain what this person looked like.

  When she questioned her cat again, Chica said, Like human.

  Now Scarlett had to translate Chica talk, too? She pressed her cat for more detail, What human?

  Gemelo. Her cougar paused and added. Gemelo human.

  Scarlett studied on Gemelo for a moment. She hadn’t picked up the Spanish language except for bits and pieces when she’d been with the family where Chica had been named.

  Scarlett asked, What does the name Gemelo mean?

  Two humans.

  Do you mean ... twins that look alike?


  Gemelo’s shadow looks like Gan? Scarlett shouted telepathically.

  Yesss. Chica could have a sassy mouth when she wanted.

  Gan asked, “Chica say what ghost look like?”

  Scarlett took a few seconds to arrange her thoughts. “Chica said the ghost looks like you.”

  He frowned and scratched his head.

  She thought back over all he’d told her about losing his family. “You said your family was all killed and you lost a brother in the womb.”


  “But you also said you were captured right after birth. The baby that hadn’t been born would be your twin.”

  “Yes. Guardian say they kill brother.”

  She gave him a watery smile. “That could be the ghost. Your tiger might have your brother’s spirit.”

  Gan put his hand on his chest. “Brother?”

  “Maybe. Once we mate, we’ll let our cats talk. They might be able to tell us more.” Her heart filled with so much love it might burst. She’d spent her entire life on the run and alone. Gan had been just as alone.

  “I have you, Chica, Fayth, Spud, and Gemelo ... brother.” His voice was thick.

  Tears streamed down her face, but she didn’t care.

  He smiled the biggest smiled she’d ever seen. He caught her as she leaped up to hook her arms around his neck, kissing him with fire burning in her soul.

  This was life.

  This was love.

  This was true happiness.

  He wouldn’t free her lips once he had them, kissing her with so much more than passion. With all his heart had to give.

  When she smiled around the kiss, he pulled back, glancing around. “Too many people. Always too many.”

  She cupped his neck and leaned close to his ear to whisper, “Guess what, wild man?”

  “I guess. What?”

  “I’m out of condoms.”

  He lifted her away until they were nose to nose. His blue eyes lit with mischief. “Spud need cousin.”

  Three words and her womb came to life. “You will be the best father.”

  Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes. “A family,” he said in a hushed voice. “I have ... family.”

  Then he lifted her high in the air and swung her around. He let out a tiger roar for all the world to hear and yelled, “I am free. I have family!”

  Her heart might just burst after all.

  The Gallize paused, staring at them, then started clapping and cheering. Gan had he
r and his Gallize family.

  He pulled her back to him and kissed her gently. “I. Love. You. Always.”

  That was a vow she’d hold in her heart the rest of her life. “I love you, wild man. Forever.”

  Chapter 33

  Adrian stretched out in the Spartanburg hotel after a long hot shower and finishing off two heavy meals he’d had room service deliver. His wolf couldn’t be trusted around humans who might drop a tray of glasses and set the maniac off.

  He’d have caught up to that female wolf if Mad Red hadn’t fought him for control. Gan told him Scarlett called the golden wolf Jaz, short for Jazlyn. What could she have done to be running from the law?

  If he hadn’t been in Wyoming the entire time since returning from Iraq, he might know what was going on these days. He could have mentioned her to the Guardian and gotten anything the Gallize had on her, but ... she’d fought beside him.

  She’d stayed at the lake house when she could have run.

  He wanted to find his own answers, plus Gan had asked him not to get her in trouble because she was a friend of Scarlett’s.

  Adrian’s code of duty came before anything, but he wouldn’t add to Jazlyn’s troubles for no reason. He wished he could get that sexy body and those fierce amber eyes out of his mind, too. Tough to be objective when he wanted her.

  For now, she’d have to sleep on the back burner in his head.

  His boss had given him a couple days downtime to allow him to find his friend.

  He opened the letter and read the scrawled writing again.


  You don’t know me, but I’m Tanza, Leonard’s younger sister. He always talked about his days in the special Army shifter unit with you. He said if something happened to him and I ever needed someone that I could trust you.

  Dropping the letter to his side, Adrian pinched his eyes, seeing Leonard’s laughing face. The guy loved to prank everyone. Anything was worth a laugh. He kept the unit’s spirits up and had Adrian’s back more than once.

  In fact, Leonard had died covering Adrian’s six.

  His death had been hard on the entire unit, but Adrian couldn’t say to this day if Leonard had died because of a mistake. Adrian’s mistake.


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