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The First Spark

Page 41

by T J Trapp

  The elves had no concern about keeping quiet, and Marta’s clutchmen called out to the apprentice to alert him to their return. But when the elves came around the last bend of the path, they could see Erin standing in front of the shack with Alec at her side. They could see the riders, who were strategically deployed in the surrounding woods, but not their apprentice. The elf Mother quickly strode forward.

  “What are you doing out here?!” exclaimed Mother Marta, in annoyance and surprise. “And why are you dressed? Take off your clothes and go back inside!” No one moved. “Hurt!” she screamed. “Feel pain!” Again, they just stood and looked.

  Erin stepped forward.

  “We came here on a mission of peace, and mutual importance – not to be treated like dirt,” Erin said. “We came to talk to your leaders. Please take us there.”

  The elf Mother ignored her.

  “Where is my apprentice?” she demanded. “How did you remove your neckbands?” Then she raised her hand and started twisting the force around Erin. Erin started untwisting the force.

  Erin and Alec had developed a three-level plan. The first level was to approach the elf Mother and negotiate by talking to her. That clearly wasn’t working. The second level was for Erin to out-maneuver the elf Mother’s energy lines. Alec could see that the elf Mother was much more experienced than Erin in twisting force bands and that this second level of their strategy was not going well. The third level was for Alec to permanently neutralize the elves if the first two levels didn’t work; Alec was confident he could kill them before they knocked him out, if he had to, and was becoming concerned that Erin was not winning her battle. Alec felt that he had one chance to help Erin. He touched her arm and let the dark energy flow. Almost immediately the dark energy opened reservoirs that neither of them knew existed. Now Erin could twist the lines with almost no resistance. She twisted, and the elf woman started to collapse. Without their Mother, her clutchmen were defenseless and fell, whimpering.

  Alec released the dark energy from Erin. The two of them looked at each other in amazement.

  What was that? Alec wondered. That power!

  I never felt anything like that before, Erin thought back to him, wide-eyed.

  Then Erin called her riders from their positions in the woods.

  “Get them banded,” she snapped. She removed the elf Mother’s ring.

  “We are going to treat you as you treated us,” Erin said, as the four elves came to. “No better, no worse. Undress.” The clutchmen immediately dropped and began to cry in pain, and then the elf Mother began to yowl. “Be quiet,” commanded Erin, and the four writhed quietly. The clutchmen were the first to disrobe and groveled at Erin’s feet. The Mother was last to comply, but after a minute she obeyed. Rhor brought the elf apprentice out from the stinking shack and positioned all the elves in a line along the path. Alec tied the Mother’s hands behind her back and fixed a short rope lead around her waist. He would have the responsibility of watching her; along with Erin, he was not susceptible to her controlling touch if he wore his ring, but the riders did not have that benefit.

  Erin exchanged her clothing for the Mother’s discarded outfit.

  “Now, lead us to your council,” Erin commanded, and they started along the path, away from the shack.


  After leaving the shack in the woods, they made quick progress through the elf territory. One of the clutchmen lead the way, with Erin right behind. Alec came next and kept control of the elf Mother’s leash. The other clutchmen and the apprentice were brought along tied in a line in the back, with Rhor bringing up the rear. Periodically Erin would stop and sense ahead.

  “There are six elves coming towards us,” said Erin after one stop, just before they entered a clearing in the woodlands. “They will be here in a half hour.”

  Erin interrogated the elf Mother about this group. She tried to be coy, but between Erin’s ability to sense the truth, and the pain that the neck band inflicted when the Mother tried to resist, she soon opened up.

  “You are sensing the replacement patrol for our search area” the elf Mother said. “The group will have their Mother, Kara, her three clutchmen, and her two apprentices. Each of us patrol for a week; then we rotate. Even though Kara is the mother of that clutch, she is not as talented as me – I am one of the strongest of the coercers. Until now, I have not been beaten in a single combat, and I don’t understand how you beat me.”

  She tells truth, Erin thought.

  “We should meet them here,” said Erin. It will take the better part of a half-hour to get ready and strategically, this is a good location.” She turned to the riders. “Array our captives in a row on their knees with their heads down. Put the Clutch Mother behind the men, and then you fan out behind them. Make sure our captives do not lift their heads without my permission.

  “You and I need to stand in front,” Alec told Erin. “Be ready to repeat the performance we put on to capture our Elf Mamma here.”

  The oncoming elves weren’t concerned about intruders this deep in their land, so the elf Mother wasn’t sensing the land ahead of her for threats. However, when the elves entered the clearing they stopped short and ceased their banter as they saw the group lined up before them. These elves were trained to stop intruders and they quickly converted from trekking to a combat formation and walked, carefully, towards the waiting group. They approached to within a spears-throw and stopped.

  Erin stepped forward.

  “I am Erin – Princess of Theland and descendent of the Elf Lian. I wear an elf ring in acknowledgment of my heritage,” she said, holding up her hand. “I travel with my Consort, Alec, and my personal guard. We come to your land to meet with your leaders to discuss a matter of great common importance.” She gestured to the naked elves behind her, who were on their knees, heads down, neckbands visible. “We have not been well-treated in your land.” She stepped slightly to one side to reveal the captive elf Mother, who was in the same submissive posture as her clutchmen. “I expect you to escort me to your leaders with the dignity and honor that an official delegation of a neighboring ruler deserves. If you choose not to treat me appropriately, then I will let you join your friends. It is your choice.”

  The oncoming elf clutchmen looked at their Mother, waiting to respond to her desires. The elf Mother, Kara, raised her hands and started to twist the force lines around Erin. Alec stepped forward, fed Erin dark energy, and the elf Mother flopped on the ground unconscious.

  “Back away from your Mother,” Erin said. The five male elves knew they were outclassed and backed away. “Drop your weapons,” said Erin. “All of your weapons,” she quickly amended, remembering Alec’s treatise on precision. There was a muffled clatter as the elves dropped their spears, swords, knives, keys, quills, toothpicks, and walking sticks onto the soft ground of the forest glade.

  “Band her,” said Alec. Thom snapped a neckband on the woman elf and removed her ring, handing it to Erin. Erin roused the Mother.

  “Undress,” she said. The Mother fought the compulsion for a long time, writhing and howling and gnashing her teeth. Erin looked on, stony-faced, and did not attempt to quiet her. After what seemed like several minutes, she finally quit resisting and complied, her bright-colored robes forming a small pile next to her. “On your hands and knees! Crawl over there next to the other elf Mother.” The Mother did as she was told. Alec tied her hands behind her back and fastened a rope around her waist, attaching her to the first Mother. Alec could see how roping the elves around the neck would give him much better control, but it reminded him too much of his experience with the Alder slavers.

  Erin turned to the five male elves.

  “We did not come here to cause harm – we came to discuss a matter of great importance with your leaders. Now you have a choice. You may continue to wear your clothes and escort us to your leaders, or we will put a neckband on you and herd you, naked, with our other captives.”

  The six male elves looked at eac
h other and seemed to try to establish mental communication with their clutch Mother for instructions.

  “No, do not communicate with the Mother,” said Erin. “She has lost her right to lead.”

  With pained looks, they quit trying to connect with their Mother. The elves talked among themselves in low voices; they seemed to Alec to be plagued more with uncertainty than disagreement on whether to comply with Erin.

  Eventually one of the clutchmen stepped forward.

  “We will escort you to the New Haven. What happens there is not our decision.”

  “Fair enough,” said Erin. “I will permit you to send one of your clutch in advance of our party, to announce our arrival to your Council. That will give them enough time to ensure that our delegation is appropriately received.” The elves nodded, and one of the clutchmen took off at a quick pace.

  30 – New Haven

  The trek through the Elf Mountains forest to the elves’ central city was uneventful. The four elves lead the way; Erin and Alec came next with their six captives; followed by Erin’s riders. Alec mused that if it were not for the gravity of their situation, he would enjoy hiking through this woodland. After a couple of hours, they came to the edge of the forest and crossed through fields with rows of well-tended crops; naked farmhands were diligently working the fields. Most of them did not pay any attention to the little band. Only occasionally did someone glance their way; even though six of the elves were naked, the farmhands didn’t seem to care. After crossing the fields the little band reached the outer perimeter of a city; there were few outbuildings, and the rows of crops came all the way up to the walls of the city. The New Haven walls were substantial. Alec thought that they appeared to be about twenty feet high with a recent coat of whitewash on the outside. Their path took them to an ornate metal gate leading into the New Haven.

  A small force was arrayed in front of the gate – Alec estimated about twenty people. It seemed to be composed of small teams, each with a lead woman and three men supporting her.

  Time to be bold, Erin thought to Alec. They marched up and faced the force arrayed against them. Erin motioned to Alec.

  Alec stepped forward.

  “Her Highness Erin, Princess of Theland, and descendant of the Elf Lian, has come to consult with your leaders on a matter of great import. Whom may we be addressing?”

  A woman and her three men came to the front of the group ahead of them. Mimicking Erin, she motioned to one of the men, and he stepped forward.

  “Her Excellency Varra, Clutch Mother, and member of the Disca of the New Haven, stands to hear your plea,” he announced, feeding Erin the words the woman telepathed to him.

  “Thank you, Clutch Mother Varra, for allowing us the privilege of addressing you,” Erin said, taking her place in front of Alec. “We are an official delegation and come to discuss with you and your Council a common issue of great urgency.”

  The two women stood facing each other, assessing the other. Alec could not feel any energy lines from either of them. They must have hit the ‘mute’ button, he thought.

  A long silence ensued as the two women stared at each other. Finally, Erin broke the silence.

  “We are sorry we required your scouts to escort us in this manner, but they did not share our urgency,” Erin said, pointing to her captives. “Now that we have arrived at your fair city, we will release them to you as a gesture of goodwill and an indication of our peaceful intentions. They have been gracious company on our trip, so I would ask that you reward them for their hospitality. May I turn them over to your authority?”

  The elf woman looked with disgust at the naked, banded elves and then, with exaggerated grace said, “We thank you. We will accept their return and promise they will be appropriately handled.” At her mental command, her clutchmen came forward to receive the elves. “Come to me!” Varra commanded, and the banded clutchmen and the apprentice immediately walked to her in a single file; the two clutch mothers made a motion towards her, but Erin gave them a command to wait until Alec could obviously and ceremoniously hand over their rope lead to the clutchmen.

  “We welcome you and your delegation to our New Haven. We will allow you to appear before the Disca tomorrow,” Varra said. “Since you have bested two Mothers, I grant you the privileges of a Mother until the entire Disca can properly determine your status. Until then we will provide you with our hospitality. We will prepare a residence for you, and accommodations for your clutchmen and drones.” A banded drone came forward to escort them.

  Erin’s team was led through the middle of the New Haven. Alec was amazed at the city. All the buildings were constructed of solid white stone. Windows were abundant and covered with panes of glass-like material. The buildings were brightly colored, two and three-story structures with fanciful towers and balconies. Colorful patterns were inlaid on the surface of most outside walls. All the Mother's residences were large with a single entryway and elaborate gate, and appeared to have an interior courtyard.

  Erin and her party were taken to a large residence. As Erin stepped into the residence, three banded drones stood respectfully waiting for her to enter. The drone who had escorted them turned and stood with his head down waiting. It took Erin a second to understand that he was waiting for permission to speak. She nodded her head. “Mother, these three will take care of your every need.”

  The head drone stepped forward and waited patiently. Alec noticed that all three drones’ heads were slightly bowed to ensure they didn’t look Erin in the eye – they were bowed at the perfect angle to see and respond to facial expressions but not look into the eyes of their masters. Erin nodded. The lead drone very politely asked Erin about her preferences in food.

  The drones quickly prepared a meal consistent with Erin’s preferences. Alec investigated the food preparation room and was astonished to see that they were preparing the meal on a device that was powered by transmitted dark energy and that there was a food-storage cave that was cooled in the same way. The seven Thelanders were served a multi-course meal complete with a rich dessert. It was the best meal they had eaten since they had left Theland. The lead drone apologized for the simplicity of the meal and promised that tomorrow night the meal would be up to proper standards. As the meal progressed the sunset, and the natural light faded from the large windows. One of the drones touched some globes on the wall and the room filled with light. Even nicer than my globes, Alec thought to Erin.

  After the meal, and a last quaff of ale, a drone appeared to show the riders to their quarters. The head drone unobtrusively came up to Erin and stood with his head down.

  “Yes?” she finally asked him.

  “What else does the Mother need?” the drone then asked deferentially.

  “A hot bath and some decent clothes would be nice.”

  Immediately one of the drones scurried off and within five minutes had returned with a tailor at his side. The tailor unfolded several samples of clothes. The first sample looked too much like the loose clothing of the drones or the people of the Grasslands. The second sample was in the garish style of the elves and not to Erin’s taste. The third sample was closer to the dress of Theland and Erin asked for things in that style.

  “The sets of clothing in this style will be ready for you and your clutch by the time you awaken,” he said. Then he sprinted off.

  The lead drone approached Erin and waited head down respectfully. Finally, Erin figured out what he wanted.

  You may speak,” she said.

  “Your warm bath is ready upstairs,” he said. “I hope it is the right temperature for you, and of an aroma pleasing to you.”

  Alec followed Erin upstairs to the sleeping suite. The drone led them through a sleeping room and into an ornate bathing room. Then the lead drone stood carefully to one side, with eyes averted, as Erin undressed and slid into the warm water. Alec sat on a bench of carved stone nearby. The drone collected all of Erin’s clothes and discretely folded and stacked them. Erin let the warmth sink into he
r pores. She had not had a proper hot bath since she left the Residence in Theland.

  The drone stood quietly and unobtrusively at the side of the room. Whenever the water temperature started to cool even slightly, the drone would discretely touch a panel on the wall. Alec could feel dark energy flow and reheat the water.

  The drone had decided that Alec was closer to a drone than a clutchman – even though Alec did not wear a neckband – so he approached Alec and said, “Will the Mother want me to provide any other services?”

  “What is usual – what do others ask of you?”

  The drone sighed and looked down at his crotch.

  “In my prime, I was known for my ability to provide exquisite pleasure to the Mothers,” he said wistfully. “My capability is not what it used to be, but I will give my best if she desires it.”

  “I think I can take care of those needs,” Alec said, smiling wryly.

  The drone was relived.

  “Thank you! Thank you! I was hoping you would,” the drone said. “I would have given her everything I had, but I am no longer up to the standards the Mothers demand.”

  “My pleasure,” Alec said.

  The drone, satisfied that Erin was enjoying her bath, pointed to the wall.

  “Do you know how to control the room temperature for the Mother’s preference?” he asked Alec.

  Alec looked at him in surprise. He had often missed central heating on the cold nights and primitive conditions traveling across the Grasslands, and missed air conditioning on a few hot, muggy days in Theland, but had not realized until this moment that all these rooms were at pleasant temperatures.

  “No,” he replied.

  The drone motioned for him to come into the sleeping room and walked over to a wall. “Place your hand here and you can increase or decrease the wall temperature to make the room more desirable for the Mother.” Alec looked closely. The location was indistinguishable from the rest of the wall. “Remember to do it in advance because it takes a few moments for the room to adjust. Many Mothers like to sleep in cool rooms but desire the room warmer when they rise.” He looked at Alec. “Do not disappoint the Mother by waiting too long to start the warming,” he admonished.


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