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The First Spark

Page 53

by T J Trapp

  Erin laughed and put her finger on his lips to silence him. “We will discuss the Council another day. Tonight, we need to celebrate our victory. I know of a suite in the Residence that has a large tub and right now I would love a hot, soaking bath. I could use the assistance of a Great Wizard.”

  Alec looked at her expectantly, kissed her fingertips, and asked, “What type of assistance might you want from a Great Wizard?”

  “Why to heat the water of course!” Then with a sly smile, Erin added, “But there might be some other things I need a great wizard to do also.”

  The End of the First Book


  The following lists of characters, places, and other terms may aid the reader’s understanding of this book.

  List of Characters


  Scientist; dark energy researcher; consort of Princess Erin

  Alder; Dr. Alder

  Lead researcher for dark energy at the North Atlantic Institute

  Aldermen; The Alder

  Foreign army massed on the Grasslands


  Brun’s daughter; Erin’s step-sister


  Theland rider


  Theland Councilman, consort of Queen Therin, and Erin’s step-father


  Brun’s younger son


  Brun’s older son, and suitor of Erin


  Sarah’s daughter


  Erin’s younger brother


  Theland rider

  Debor, Major

  Gott military officer at Winding Pass (deceased)


  Erin’s brother (deceased)

  Devin, Consort

  Erin’s father (deceased)

  Drone Master

  Elf Mother responsible for training drones


  Ancestral elf mother

  Erin; Princess Erin

  Princess of Theland


  Queen Therin’s lead rider

  First Mother

  Lian, the ancestral First Queen of Theland

  First Queen

  Lian, the ancestral First Queen of Theland


  Nomad tribe of the Grasslands


  Ancestral elf mother


  Town Marshal; freed slave


  Theland lead rider


  Elf Mother healed by Alec


  Boy living in a village on the Grasslands


  Gambler at an inn on the Grasslands


  Elf Mother; coercer

  Kirkdar, Commander

  Theland military officer under Amelia


  Woman who befriends Erin


  One of Queen Therin’s Guardsmen (deceased)


  Leon’s son; a scholar; Erin’s former boyfriend (deceased)

  Levor, Captain

  Gott military officer in charge of the Winding Pass garrison


  Historic ancestral elf; First Mother; First Queen;


  Elf Mother responsible for Erin’s capture; coercer

  Mawn, General

  Gott military officer in charge of the Raner Pass garrison


  Theland rider


  Un-governed tribes living on the Grasslands

  Original Five

  Five ancestral elves who founded Theland 500 years ago


  Amelia’s advisor; elf coercer

  Rawl, Lord

  Gott nobleman


  Theland rider


  Alec’s girlfriend at the Lab


  Ancestral elf mother

  Smink, Captain

  Gott military officer at Winding Pass (deceased)


  Ancestral elf; mother of Lian

  Therin; Queen Therin

  Ruler of Theland; Erin’s mother


  Erin’s lead rider

  Urgan, Sgt.

  Theland military officer in charge of a garrison near Winding Pass


  Elf Mother; coercer; speaker for the Disca

  Voy, Major

  Gott military officer at Raner Pass and aide to General Mawn


  Captured Alderman


  Brunder’s girlfriend


  Elf Mother serving as Erin’s host; empath

  List of Places

  Aleinte Escarpment

  Ridge in the foothills of the Elf Mountains


  Large town on the Grasslands


  Town on the Grasslands


  Town on the Grasslands

  Elf Mountains

  Uncharted mountain range separating Theland from the elf lands

  Evening Mountains

  Uninhabited mountain range between Theland and the Grasslands

  Freeland City

  Capital city of Theland


  Land adjoining Theland; ally of Theland

  Gott City

  Capital city of Gott


  Un-governed lands adjoining Theland


  Compound owned by Brun outside of Freeland City; formerly a mine


  North Atlantic Institute, science research laboratory in the U.S. northeast

  Justice Square

  Plaza in the center of Freeland City where the queen metes justice

  Lab; Laboratory

  Dark energy research center at the North Atlantic Institute

  Land of the Five Moons

  Orb term for the planet where Theland is located; Nevia


  Land near Theland; an ally of Gott

  Mt. Eras

  Mountain peak in the Evening Mountains, on the border of Theland


  Orb term for the planet where Theland is located

  New Haven

  Capital city of the elf lands

  North Atlantic Institute

  Science research laboratory in the U.S. northeast


  Land near Theland

  Raner Pass

  Main pass through the Evening Mountains in Gott; leads to the Grasslands

  Residence, the

  Royal residence (palace) of Queen Therin in Freeland City

  Ryn River

  Large central river running the length of Theland


  Erin’s homeland

  Winding Pass

  Small pass through the Evening Mountains in Gott; leads to the Grasslands

  List of Terms


  Small device, generally worn about the neck, that cancels dark energy


  Distance roughly equal to the length of a person’s arm, or a normal pace

  Black Wizard

  Wizard who uses dark energy for evil purposes

  Blue thorn poison

  Quick-acting strong poison

  Book of Queens

  Ancestral Theland document, read only by the Queen or her daughter


  Small, antelope-like animal of the Grasslands, often used as a food source


  Group of male elves, usually three, bound to a specific elf Mother

  Clutch Mother

  See ‘Mother’


  Male elf bonded to an elf Mother


  Elf Mother who can bend a subject’s will


  Governing body of Theland

  Cross-breedr />
  Person of mixed blood, with both elf and orb genes


  Activity where elves raid orbs communities to acquire drones (slaves)

  Dark Energy

  Fundamental energy of the multiverse; has positive and negative forms


  Governing body of the elves


  Large flying serpentine beast, having a complex brain

  Dragon Queen

  Ancestral mythological being

  Dragon’s blood

  Bloodline of the ancestral Dragon Queen


  People (orbs) enslaved by the elves, usually men


  Ox-like beast of burden, often used for pulling wagons


  Small pony-like mount


  Distance roughly equivalent to two-thirds of a mile or one kilometer


  Population of beings living in an area adjacent to Theland


  Elf Mother who can sense a subject’s feelings (emotions)

  Founding, The

  Ancestral founding of Theland as a separate colony


  Elf child


  Small wolf- or jackal-like creature on the Grasslands

  Jinja Root

  Plant medicine used for birth control

  Lead rider

  Military officer in charge of other riders


  Small device, generally worn about the neck, that collects dark energy

  Mother (elf)

  Female elf

  Negative dark energy

  Anti-energy equivalent of positive dark energy


  Population of non-elf beings (including humans)


  Means to use dark energy to move from place to place

  Prairie skarn

  Small venomous animal found on the Grasslands

  Purple mushroom

  Highly-addictive hallucinogenic


  Person riding a trogus; military cavalryman


  Theland woman with certain powers who can discern the future


  Day of the week

  Stone of Truth

  Spherical stone in Justice Square that changes color


  Small crystals that can transmit dark energy


  Large cat-like animal used as a mount by military cavalry

  Truth Stone

  See ‘Stone of Truth’


  Person who uses dark energy; or who exhibits magical properties

  A Brief Discussion of Dark Energy

  From Alec’s college notes on the fundamentals of dark energy.

  Dark energy is the background energy of the universe.

  It is free-floating but can be concentrated and focused into other forms – ordinary matter, heat, motion, weather control, etc.

  It can also be used to bend light or create a vacuum.

  Dark energy has two forms: positive and negative (anti-dark-energy).

  Using positive dark energy to create matter or cause another effect requires three things: a source of concentrated dark energy, a focus, and a director (person).

  The director uses mental energy and a tricrystal (in a medallion or another object) to focus and coalesce dark energy. When the desired effect is obtained, the director releases the mental focus.

  To create an object, the director must be able to visualize the object and how it works.

  Positive dark energy is somehow related to time; the details are not fully known.

  Negative dark energy fields exhibit lines of force. In theory these can be twisted or otherwise manipulated to affect the mental stability of another person (another director), but this has not yet been demonstrated.

  In areas with a low background field of dark energy, it will take longer to obtain results – mechanical concentrators can be used to increase the dark energy field.

  Loss of focus too early can result in an explosion, which can be fatal to the director or others in the vicinity.

  For more details, see the information at .

  A Brief Discussion of Elves, Orbs, and Other Beings

  Alec and Erin learned of elves, orbs, and the wars between the races from The Book of Queens and from their visit to the elf city. Here are some of the main points.


  The elves are an ancient race and are found on many worlds.

  An adult female elf is called a “Mother.” Each Mother forms a “clutch” instead of a family group. Each clutch is headed by a Mother, and includes her three male-elf clutchmen, and possibly additional male-elf apprentices. The Mother controls her clutch through telepathic commands.

  Elves reproduce by laying eggs. A Mother lays eggs twice in her lifetime; there are always four eggs, usually three male and one female. Mother elves do not raise their young. The eggs are tended in a Hatchery, using dark energy, until the “freshling” is ready to emerge. The freshlings are raised in a communal school until they become adults.

  Each Mother elf has a dominant “talent” that first emerges when she reaches adulthood. “Coercers” are the top talent and can mentally bend other beings to their will; “empaths” have the ability to sense emotions and actions. There are many other types of talents. Some Mothers have more than one talent.

  Elves can sense negative dark energy, but not positive dark energy.

  Mother elves are addicted to negative dark energy. They need to arouse strong emotions in order to sense it, best generated by sex, torture, or killing.

  Mother elves wear a special ring that allows them to use negative dark energy to communicate and perform unusual feats. When not wearing her ring, a Mother can control an orb through touch.


  The orbs are an ancient race and are found on many worlds; orbs are more abundant than elves.

  Elves despise orbs and the two races have been at war for millions of years.

  Humans on Earth are a lost, or wild, herd of orbs.

  Orbs civilizations tend to be unstable over time.

  All orbs reproduce as humans do, and raise their own young.

  Elves establish breeding populations of orbs on new worlds or new territories, called “herds,” and cull them from time to time to obtain “drones” to become slaves.

  Orbs can sense positive dark energy, often by using a tool such as a medallion or a tricrystal, but not negative dark energy.

  If an orb is touched by an elf Mother, the orb has an overwhelming desire to do what the Mother wants; however, if an orb is wearing a ring, the orb is not affected.


  A cross-breed results from a union between an elf and an orb. Descendants of cross-breeds may also be cross-breeds.

  Cross-breeds are fairly common because elves will often couple with orbs or cross-breeds for sexual gratification.

  Elves fear and hate cross-breeds, and usually eliminate female cross-breeds.

  Cross-breeds reproduce as orbs do. If she has children, a female cross-breed will generally have three: a male, then a female, then another male.

  Cross-breeds may exhibit characteristics of both elves and orbs; for example, they may have the ability to sense and use both positive and negative dark energy, especially if using a medallion or a tricrystal.


  Drones are slaves who serve the elves and may be either an orb or a cross-breed.

  Drones are almost always male.

  Drones are created by banding an orb or cross-breed with a special neckpiece. The drone is then under the mental control of the elf Mother.

  The drone will feel excruciating pain if the Mother’s wishes are not carried out, and exquisite pleasure if her wishes are met.

  Compliant drones are necessary in elf society because they car
ry out all mundane tasks. Elf technology depends on positive dark energy; because elves cannot sense or control this, they use drones to operate all equipment. Drones are also used for non-technical tasks, such as farming.

  The neckpiece controls the drone; if the neckpiece is removed, the drone will slowly revert to its former self.

  For more details, see the information at


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