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Chase's Teacher

Page 14

by Angela Franklin

  “Is it okay for her to sleep like this?” Luke asked sounding worried.

  “Yeah, we were both concerned so we read through one of the books and it said she would be tired and emotional so she is okay.” Chase said to him.

  “How are things going? Does she like it here?” Luke asked watching her.

  “She said she does. She really enjoyed riding, but I think I just lost my horse.” Chase said smiling at the thought.

  “What happened to Blane?” Luke asked confused.

  “Oh the idiot fell in love with her too. Blane is so jealous, when she looked at me, he nudged her with his nose.” Chase told him laughing.

  “He is so level headed. We tried to spook him just to see what he would do and nothing.” Luke said shaking his head.

  “I know, but I kissed her when I pulled her down and he looked back whining at us. I think he has chosen her.” Chase said.

  “Well that’s odd. Can Callie even ride?” Luke asked.

  “I rode with her today but she fell into rhythm with his movements easy and she was completely comfortable. I will start teaching her to ride by herself next time we go out.” Chase said pushing off the counter to go to her. “Callie my love, dinners ready.” Chase whispered brushing her hair back.

  “Mm.” Callie murmured, but didn’t get up.

  “Come on baby, after you eat we can lay down if you want to.” Chase told her kissing her cheek.

  Callie raised up slowly and smiled at him. He fixed her a plate and they all sat to eat. They talked and enjoyed their meal. Callie kept a smile on through the meal and even helped by drying the dishes. Her and Luke bickered back and forth playful and even ganged up on him. It was good to have so much activity in the house. Luke left shortly after dinner saying he would be back the next day to help with the meal.


  “Dinner was great. Thank you Chase.” Callie told him kissing his square jaw as they sat on the couch.

  “Not a problem Callie.” Chase told her smiling.

  “So, what are we going to do now?” She asked curling up to him.

  “That’s up to you. What would you like to do, are you still tired?” Chase asked playing with her hair.

  “No, I’m not tired at all right now. You want to watch tv?” Callie asked curling into the other end of the couch.

  “That’s fine, but why are you over there?” Chase asked her confused.

  “It’s your turn to lay on me.” Callie said stretching out.

  “I’m to hea…” Chase began.

  “Don’t even finish that sentence. If you can’t lay on me, then I don’t think it’s fair that I always lay on you.” Callie told him seriously.

  “Callie, I like when you lay on me though.” Chase told her rubbing her leg through her jeans.

  “I like it too, but you deserve to relax too. Lay down.” Callie told him patting her lap.

  Chase stretched out so that he was laying between her legs with one of her legs behind him, and his head on her other thigh. Callie reached down and rubbed her fingers through his hair. He flipped through channels. This time he put it on a romantic comedy and snuggled in on her. She was enjoying the weight of him on her and the fact that he was trusting her enough to be this relaxed. They laughed and cuddle through the movie. Callie wiggled and Chase jumped up giving her room. Callie laughed.

  “Chase, I’m fine, just a little stiff.” Callie said pulling on him as she yawned.

  “How about we go up to our room? A hot bath or shower could help relax your muscles.” Chase said leaning in to kiss her.

  “Sure, that sounds divine right now.” Callie told him.

  “I will shower in the other room, and meet you in the bedroom when you’re done.” Chase said as they got to the top of the stairs.

  “Okay.” Callie said smiling.

  “I will lay you out another shirt, unless you want to come to bed naked.” Chase told her pulling her close.

  “Such big dreams you have.” Callie laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

  “A guys got to try.” Chase said laughing as he pulled one out for her.

  Callie took the shirt he handed her and went to the bathroom, this time she had remembered her panties. Good thing she always packed too much, since she wasn’t suppose to have been here more than one night. She took a long slow shower enjoying the water and relaxing her muscles as she cleaned off. Getting out she dried quickly and dressed before brushing her hair. This shirt wasn’t any longer than the one last night, but it really didn’t matter, he had seen her naked before, she just didn’t remember it.

  “Feel better?” Chase asked leaning back on the bed as she walked back out.

  “Yeah. I love that you don’t run out of hot water, even if we both shower.” Callie said putting her dirty things in her bag so she could wash them when she got home. “Chase, where’s the rest of the things I brought?” Callie asked confused as she saw that her bag was empty.

  “Oh, I put them away, just put those in the dirty basket and we can wash them tomorrow with the others.” Chase said shrugging as he flipped through a magazine.

  “What do you mean you put them away?” Callie asked him slowly.

  “See.” Chase said going to the closet. “I put some here on your side, and the rest are in the dresser.” Chase walked to the dresser and pulled open the drawers. “I can get another dresser if you want one.” Chase said closing them back.

  “I’m going home tomorrow Chase. I work through the week.” Callie told him carefully.

  “These looked like after work clothes, or weekend clothes, so I put them away for when you’re here with me. If you would like me to get the rest of your things and bring them over I can.” Chase said. Sneaky brat.

  “No Chase. It’s closer to work at my place.” Callie said narrowing her eyes.

  “Okay. We can bring over a few more of your non work clothes when you come back.” Chase said going back to the bed and his magazine. He wanted to pretend there was nothing unusual about this, fine, she could ignore it for now.

  “What are you looking at?” Callie asked walking over to him.

  “I am going to redo the bathroom, and the some of the kitchen, so I was getting ideas. See anything you like?” Chase asked watching her as he flipped the pages.

  “It’s your house, do it how you want.” Callie told him shrugging.

  “There’s nothing wrong with a second opinion.” Chase told her. “Just tell me the things you think would be good or bad in a bathroom. A woman knows more about what might be good, but a royal pain to clean.”

  “I guess that sounds right.” Callie said.

  They sat going through the magazines talking about the different things that would work. Chase pointed out something with mirrors and she laughed telling him they would need to be cleaned everyday and nobody wanted to do that. They talked about multiple shower heads and a whirlpool bathtub or a garden tub. They even looked at adding the dishwasher to the kitchen without changing the way it looked too much.

  “Thanks Callie. I really like the things we have talked about. I thought I wanted the mirrors, but I had no idea the amount of work they would be.” Chase said putting the magazines on the night stands and laying back on the bed.

  “That’s why you asked for my opinion. When are you wanting to do your remodel?” Callie asked propping her chin on his chest.

  “I want it done as soon as possible, but I know that it could take a while for a contractor to have the time to get to it. I’m going to call around Monday and see what I can find.” Chase said running his fingers through her damp hair. “Do you usually dry your hair?” Chase asked.

  “Yeah, but my dryer is mounted to the wall so that it doesn’t take up as much room that way, and I didn’t see one under your sink.” Callie told him shrugging.

  “I didn’t even think about a hair dryer.” Chase said to himself.

  “Most men don’t use them. Considering it’s just you and Luke out here, I didn’t think yo
u would have one.” Callie said moving to lay beside him.

  Chase turned to face her and pulled her close. She leaned up and kissed him softly, before laying back and rubbing her hand on his cheek. She could see the heat in his eyes, but they were just laying here enjoying being close to each other. Chase had his hand on her hip, but they weren’t rushing anything. It was like they were content to just have this small connection. It some ways it almost seemed more intimate to her like this. It was like he could see her soul.

  “Are you ready for having your sister over tomorrow?” Chase asked kissing her gently.

  “Why should I be worried? It’s your house.” Callie whispered giving him another soft kiss.

  “I thought you would want her to be comfortable here too.” Chase said leaning down again.

  “Of course I want your house to be comfortable, but it’s yours.” Callie whispered against his lips.

  “Are you comfortable here Callie?” Chase whispered moving alittle closer.

  “Yes, I love it here.” Callie told him.

  “Are you sure you want to leave tomorrow?” Chase asked quietly.

  “I have to. My things are at my house, and my car doesn’t even like going that far, I don’t think it would make it here everyday.” Callie said running her hand through his hair.

  “I could take you. I’m going to have your car taken to a garage on Monday. I don’t like not knowing if it will start. You are too precious for me to risk.” Chase said dragging her closer.

  “I was planning to call someone.” She whispered kissing his jaw.

  “I will be there every morning to take you to work, and when you’re about ready to leave just call me.” Chase said running his hand down her thigh slowly.

  “Okay.” Callie said hitching her leg up over his hip.

  “Callie, are you sure? I can’t take anymore.” Chase said squeezing her thigh.

  “Absolutely.” Callie said breathlessly.

  Callie used her hand in his hair to pull him to her. She locked her lips to his, but that was all the control he allowed her. He took control of the kiss, pushing her back on the bed and moving over her. Callie didn’t resist. She spread her thighs making a cradle for him. He groaned, pushed farther down and pressed his erection against her. Callie reached down and tugged at the bottom of his shirt. Chase leaned up and pulled it over his head. Chase pulled her up gently before pulling her shirt off and laying her back down.

  “You are so beautiful, Callie girl.” Chase said running a hand between her breasts and down her stomach.

  “Chase, pull these off.” Callie said tugging at his pajama bottoms. Smiling Chase moved off the bed and did as she requested.

  “What about these?” Chase said hooking his thumbs in the waist band of his boxers.

  “Of course those have to go.” Callie told him coyly.

  “If mine go, so do yours.” Chase said watching her.

  Callie wiggled out of her underwear and waited as Chase removed his and got back on the bed. He took his time kissing up one thigh then the other. Callie was withering beneath him, she was so wound up it seemed like one little touch could set her off. Chase wasn’t ready to give it to her. He bypassed where she wanted him and kissed up her stomach to suck on her nipples, first one than the other. Callie arched her back off the bed cupping the back of his head, as she searched for what she needed. Slowly Chase kissed back down her stomach to where she had wanted him. It didn’t take much for his talented tongue to push her over the edge. Callie cried out his name as she came hard. Chase kissed back up her body to her mouth giving her a soul searing kiss before pulling back.

  “Chase, I need to feel you in me.” Callie said reach down to stroke him.

  “Put me where you want me Callie.” Chase commanded her on a groan.

  Callie did as he asked her and moved her hips up to meet him. Chase pushed in slowly inch by inch. She felt stretched, but it felt so good. She tried to make him go faster but he resisted, moving at his own pace. When he was fully inside her, he kissed her lips gently. Callie didn’t want gentle, she nipped his lip and pushed her hips up to move him. Pulling back he chuckled but took the hint. Callie’s eyes rolled back as he pulled back only to push slowly back in.

  “More Chase.” Callie whispered.

  “Open those beautiful eyes and look at me Callie.” Chase said pulling back out. Callie obeyed and her eyes locked on to the burning desire in his. “You are mine Callie.” He said pushing back in faster.

  “Yes.” Callie cried out.

  Chase leaned over kissing her before setting a fast pace. Callie was overwhelmed with the emotion she felt as he moved in her. He pulled back locking eyes with her again as he moved more forcefully. For some reason Callie couldn’t understand, she felt the need to bite him. She leaned forward and bit into his shoulder as she came again. Chase gasped and moved in jerky movement as he found his own release, groaning her name. Her name had never sounded so good. Chase rolled over pulling her on top of him as they caught their breath.

  “I’m sorry.” Callie said as she traced the mark on his shoulder. “I have no idea why I did that.” Callie whispered as she starred at what she had done.

  “Callie, I really don’t mind. I like being able to make you loose control enough to do something you normally wouldn’t.” Chase said pulling her face up so she looked at him.

  “But I can’t do the same for you.” Callie said softly furrowing her brows.

  “Of course you can. Our baby is proof of that. I have never forgotten before Callie, you did that to me. And just now when you bit me, I was trying to make it last, but I lost control when you bit me.” Chase said before kissing her forehead. He rolled her to the side and leaned up.

  “Where are you going?” She asked confused.

  “I’m going to clean up. Just stay right there.” Chase said as he went to the bathroom.

  He came back a few minutes later with a wet wash cloth, and cleaned her. She wanted to be embarrassed, but he did it as if he worshipped her. He came back and pulled the covers back sliding under them, then pulled her to rest on his chest. Callie had never slept naked before, but she was to tired to get up and get dressed. Chase hadn’t put clothes on either so she didn’t feel too bad, it was hard to feel bad when she was pressed against his naked chest like this. Unable to resist she kissed over his heart and laid her head over it, settling in to go to sleep. His heart was still pounding, but so was hers.

  “Good night Callie. I love you.” Chase whispered kissing the top of her head.

  “Good night Chase.” Callie said realizing she loved him too. Callie fell asleep to dreams of them together, horse back riding and cooking in the kitchen.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning Chase woke up to Callie kissing his chest and rubbing down his stomach. Apparently she was feeling really good this morning. He ran his fingers through her hair, but let her play. She was shy, but she seemed so eager to learn, so he guided her when she fumble. It was the best morning Chase had ever had. They came together this time, but she hadn’t bit him. He liked when she did that.

  They took a shower together this morning, which took twice as long. The sight of her with soap suds running down her body had been his down fall. He had to clean her again when he finished and scrubbed off quickly himself. Callie laughed when he jumped out wrapping a towel around his waist, but insisted on making sure she was completely dry. While she brushed her teeth, he dried off and brushed his while she got dressed. He was definitely having his and hers sinks installed. As he was shaving she came to lean against the door jam and watch him. It seemed so natural the way she leaned against the door jam smiling while he finished up.

  “Come on, let’s go see if you have any long johns left so that I can call and tell Chasity how many you need.” Chase said taking her hand.

  “Why do I smell turkey?” Callie asked turning to him when they reached the top of the stairs. Chase looked at his watch to see that it was after ten, apparently they had
slept late.

  “I have no idea, but considering it’s after ten that’s probably a good thing.” Chase said kissing her again. He couldn’t seem to stop himself.

  “I don’t remember getting a turkey at the store.” Callie said pursing her lips.

  “Luke was the one who set this up, so maybe he picked it up.” Chase said shrugging as he heard voices, assuming Luke was watching tv, he started down the stairs.

  “Does he know how to cook a turkey?” Callie asked and Chase frowned. He had never cooked one before.

  “Luke, if you don’t go away, I may have to kill you.” He heard then Callie laughed.

  “Well that makes more sense.” She said as they saw Luke backing out of the kitchen.

  “It’s our first family dinner, we can’t screw it up.” Luke said back to Chasity.

  “Are we back to that again?” Callie asked coming up behind him.

  “Hey sis. Have you been sick? Chase never sleeps this late.” Luke said hugging her tight.

  “I will be if you don’t let me breath.” She said gasping for air. Chase knew she was playing, but Luke stepped back immediately.

  “Would you not squish my sister! Other than the long john obsession, I’m rather fond of her.” Chasity called from the kitchen.

  “I didn’t.” Luke called back as she came into the living room. “See she’s fine, I think?”

  “Callie are you sick.” Chasity said walking over to her.

  “No I feel great why?” Callie asked her confused.

  “Well you only sleep this late when your sick and you hair is wet. You never leave it wet.” Chasity said pulling a few strands between her fingers.


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