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Baby for Brother’s Best Friend: Brother’s Best Friend Book 1

Page 13

by Summers, Sofia T

  Dan put his hands to my breasts and cupped them admiringly, then gently bit my nipples as his fingers stroked my areolas. My pussy was wet and throbbing and the material of my panties rubbed over my hard clit. I reached down and fumbled with Dan’s belt but he pushed my hands away gently.

  “Relax, baby,” Dan whispered. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me up as if I weighed nothing at all, then set me back down on the couch and crawled on top of me. He moved down my body and pushed my skirt up, exposing my panty-clad pussy. My clit throbbed and tingled in anticipation and I moaned and arched my back, spreading my legs as wide as they’d go on his cramped office couch.

  Dan pulled the crotch of my panties to the side, feasting his eyes on my exposed pussy before sliding a finger inside of me and rubbing my G-spot. I was so wet and ready for him that I could have groaned with frustration – the way he was teasing me was driving me crazy. Just kissing Dan had been enough to make me wet, and I bit my lip and squirmed as he lowered his face to my pussy and wrapped his lips around my clit. When his tongue flicked over my most tender spot, I gasped and plunged my fingers into his hair. Dan sucked and lapped at my clit, sliding his fingers in and out of my pussy. Every nerve ending, every fiber of my body was pulsating with hot ecstasy as Dan pleasured me. I held my breath and my curves shook with intense lust as he sucked and licked harder, worshipping my clit, pulling me away from earth and onto a heavenly plane.

  “Oh my god,” I whimpered.

  Dan’s head popped up from between my thighs. He was giving me a smoldering hot look that made me shiver with lust.

  “I need you, Lyssa,” he growled.

  I shuddered as Dan stroked the inside of my thighs and got to his knees. He unzipped his pants and undid his belt and his trousers slid down, leaving his cock exposed. He was so hard that I could practically watch him pulsate with lust and I reached forward and wrapped a hand around his shaft. Dan’s eyes rolled back in his head with pleasure and he groaned as I began stroking him up and down, holding his cock in my fist and gasping at the knowledge that I was making him feel damn good.

  “Fuck yeah,” Dan groaned. He began thrusting his hips towards me, pumping them rapidly and driving his cock into my hand over and over. With my free hand, I took hold of his hips and pulled him so close that just the head of his cock was poised over the soaking wet entrance to my cunt.

  “Take me,” I begged softly. Our eyes met and a jolt of powerful electricity passed between us.

  Dan stared into my eyes for another long, searing second. My heart was hammering away in my chest and I felt like I had never experienced such intensity in my life. He ran a hand down my body, stroking me and leaving fire in the wake of his fingertips.

  Then, he plunged inside of me, thrusting his cock deep in my pussy. A powerful bolt of hot, wanton lust seared my soul and I moaned as Dan buried himself in me. He leaned over and kissed me, cupped my breasts in his hands and rubbed his thumbs over my nipples as his hips began to pump against my body, filling me completely. We moved together, kissing and writhing, and I buried my hands in his hair and surrendered myself completely to him. Being with Dan made my entire life, my entire past, seem to vanish into thin air. When we were together, nothing mattered.

  Nothing except each other.

  I loved being with him so much that it almost frightened me but now, I didn’t feel frightened at all. I felt safe and strong and cared for.

  I felt like I was home.

  As we bucked and gasped and made love to one another, tears filled my eyes and I hastily blinked them away. Dan brushed his thumbs over my cheeks and kissed me, over and over and over. I felt my body beginning to swell and become even more aroused just as Dan groaned and buried himself deeper than ever before. My orgasm hit me in a powerful tsunami of pleasure, cresting and breaking over my head as it filled me.

  “Fuck yes,” Dan growled into my neck. He kissed me and nipped at my lips, sucking and licking as his own orgasm took hold of his body. I held my breath as the pleasurable sensations grew stronger with each passing second, gasping and whimpering as the ecstatic orgasm held me hostage. Our bodies twisted and our hands clutched each other and I closed my eyes and let out a long, shaky breath as the pleasurable fire began to slowly fade, leaving me with a lingering, delicious sensation.

  Dan was sweating hard and breathing heavily when he pulled away. He wiped sweat away from my brow and gave me a tender kiss, cupping my face in his cheek and stroking my cheek with his thumb.

  I love you, I thought.

  But I couldn’t say it. How could I? Dr. Dan Andrews had become so much more to me than just my doctor and an old friend of the family. He had become my safe place, my home. The light that I ran towards when I needed comfort.

  And that wasn’t fair to him. I knew that he was only doing this as a favor, only doing it because he was such an old friend.

  He was my doctor, not my protector.

  I had to stop treating him as such,

  Dan began to dress, hastily reaching for his belt and his trousers. I pulled my panties up my legs and tugged my skirt down, then reached for my shirt and bra. We didn’t talk as we straightened ourselves and I felt an uncomfortable silence settle into the room.

  “Lyssa, what happened this morning?” Dan asked. “And for the love of god, what happened to your head?”

  I felt frozen and mute. I couldn’t bear to tell him the truth – that seeing my ex had felt like a crushing blow to the chest, had catapulted me into Dan’s safe arms. That being with Dan made everything safe and ... well, just better.

  Dan took me gently by the arm. “Lyssa,” he said in a grave voice. “You can tell me.”

  I looked into his dark brown eyes, wanting to believe him. Wanting to believe that if I confessed my love for him, he wouldn’t run away or treat me differently.

  But I couldn’t.

  And just like that, I grabbed my bag and coat and ran out of his office, leaving Dan calling after me from the hallway.


  Dan – Friday

  As the week dragged on, I became more and more confused as I thought about what had happened on Monday. Lyssa, tearing into my office like a bat out of hell and throwing herself into my arms. The obviously fresh wound on her head. The desperation and hunger in her kisses.

  The intense way that she had so clearly wanted me, as if I was the only man in the world who could comfort her.

  I knew that I shouldn’t read too much into it, but that was hard.

  As it was, at least work had been busy. After Carrie had left, Alice had gone above and beyond to find new candidates for me to interview. I’d had to reschedule all of the patient consultations that I had on Friday, and dedicate most of my time to scouring resumes.

  Friday morning, Alice brought coffee into my office and sat with me behind my desk.

  “We’ve got six interviews today,” she said. “And I have some coming in next week, too. Your Monday is pretty booked but I’m hoping to get more people in here on Tuesday and maybe even Wednesday.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “You’ve been working hard,” I told her.

  Alice gave me a deadpan look, and I wondered if I’d underestimated her – she was a great receptionist and assistant, but her seriousness and efficiency made me wonder about the future. Would my office expand into a real clinic, with other doctors and me as the head? With Alice as an office manager?

  It was a real possibility ... but if I wanted that, I was going to have to knuckle down and get serious about work again. I had to get Lyssa out of my head, where she had managed to make herself comfortable twenty-four seven, like she lived there.

  “Well, yes,” Alice said. “I mean, you can’t not have a nurse or two around. You know how many patients would be uncomfortable with just seeing a doctor?”

  Clearly not Ms. Lyssa Holm, I thought, but it wasn’t like I could actually say that.

  “You’re right,” I told her. “Let’s get started.”

  The first nur
se to come in for an interview was a guy – in his late twenties, with close-cropped black hair and broad shoulders.

  “So,” Alice began. “Why not tell us a little about yourself?”

  “Well, I need a job, for one,” he said. Then he stared at us and I realized it had been a joke.

  “I see,” Alice said curtly, again impressing me with how seriously she was taking all of this. “We meant professionally.”

  As the guy began to talk about his schooling and his history, I realized he was exactly the type of person who I didn’t want working for me.

  “I love helping chicks out,” he said, nodding along with his own words enthusiastically. “It’s like, the greatest thing in the world seeing a pretty girl smile, right?”

  “We take ourselves very seriously here,” I said. Leaning forward and narrowing my eyes, I pressed my lips together before speaking again. “Helping patients is what we’re here for – to make them feel comforted and safe about their struggle with fertility.”

  The guy snorted, and Alice exchanged a very pointed look with me.

  “I think we’ve heard enough,” I said as I rose to my feet. “Very nice to meet you.”

  The next few candidates weren’t much better – egotistic nurses who clearly thought themselves too good for everything I would have expected. One woman candidate actually gasped when I told her that she would have to assist with consultations and taking blood.

  “I don’t know what these people thought they’d be getting themselves into,” Alice muttered after the gasping female had left. “It’s a nursing position – they’re not like, getting hired at a country club.”

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s because I have a private clinic,” I told her. “They think it’s somehow going to be a lot cushier than working in the ER.”

  “Sorry,” Alice said. “I should have done more homework before calling these people in.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I feel like I’ve totally wasted your day.”

  “Anyone left?”

  Alice nodded. “Just one. Jennifer something, she’s a little older based on her resume. Looks like she used to work for Trinity Hospital, managing their interns.”

  I didn’t say anything. Back when I had been an intern in medical school, the internship had been nothing more than a means to an end: the kind of thing I needed to pad my resume with in order to get hired. I’d spent most of my internship doing the kind of work that Alice did now, making coffee and filing paperwork. Admittedly, I hadn’t handled it well at first. I’d felt insulted that I was having to take serious time away from med school to basically be an office servant.

  In the end, it had been a humbling experience. It had taught me that anyone can get through med school but not everyone is capable of working with people who act snobby and superior all the time. I wondered if Jennifer would be one of those nurses – the kind to bully and smirk and lord over everyone beneath her. If so, that was the last kind of person my clinic needed. Even the guy who had referred to potential patients as ‘chicks’ would have been a better fit.

  “We’ll see,” I said. “You can bring her in now.”

  Jennifer was an effusive, middle-aged woman who came in smiling.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Dr. Andrews,” she said. “I just read your paper in the American Society for Reproductive Medicine journal. It was fantastic.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I said, glancing over at Alice. She, too, was smiling.

  “Tell us a little about yourself, and what you could bring to my clinic,” I requested.

  Jennifer nodded. “Well, as you can see, I’ve been managing interns at the hospital for a little over five years. I was head nurse of the OB-GYN ward for five years before that, and before that I worked in various private clinics.”

  “Managing interns is a lot less demanding than working as a nurse,” I said bluntly. “And I’m sure the pay we’re offering is less than what you’re used to.”

  Jennifer nodded again. “Yes,” she said simply. “But I felt as though I was becoming too complacent, that I wasn’t really using the skills I worked so hard for. I wanted to help people again, and your clinic has such glowing reviews. I thought that working with such a highly rated physician to assist women make their dreams come true would be far more fulfilling.”

  “And what about salary?” Alice pressed. “We’re rather limited in what we can offer you,” she added.

  “I’m at a point in my life where that isn’t as important as it used to be,” Jennifer said. I sensed she was speaking truthfully as she added: “I’m an empty-nester, now. My son just went off to college, full scholarship, and I’m downsizing. I thought that having a more fulfilling job would be worth taking a significant pay cut.”

  I blinked. I had to admit that I was impressed – if I’d been an intern under someone like Jennifer, I may not have had so many days where I felt a little bitter about the experience overall.

  “Well, that’s wonderful to hear,” Alice said. “Now, on to your qualifications.”

  As the two of them talked, I listened and made notes. It felt like the first time in weeks that my head was truly in the game, that I was truly present at work.

  And, I had to admit, it felt wonderful.

  Surely there had to be a way where I could still have my successful clinic and Lyssa, too?

  If there was, I was determined to find it.

  After the interview, Alice and I both shook hands with Jennifer and she left.

  “She was really impressive,” Alice said. “Should we call her back in for a second interview?”

  I nodded. “Schedule it some time for early next week. If everything keeps going this well, I’d love to hire her.”

  Alice looked relieved. “Yeah,” she said before pausing and wrinkling her forehead at me. “Although it’s like, I don’t know if it’s because she’s really good, or because everyone else was really bad.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll find out,” I said. “I just don’t want to be capricious when it comes to hiring.”

  After work that evening, I was at the gym running on the treadmill when my phone buzzed. I was soaked with sweat – I’d run over five miles and didn’t feel even halfway close to being done – but I took a moment to step down and answer it.

  “Hey, man,” I said to Stephen. “You okay?”

  He snorted. “Yeah,” he said. “You feel like making the trek out to my parents’ house for dinner?”

  Will Lyssa be there, I thought immediately. It was a Friday – would she be playing the part of the dutiful daughter?

  Or would she be out with a friend in another one of those ridiculously sexy tight dresses?

  Just thinking about it made my cock hard.

  “You there?” Stephen asked, jarring me back to reality.

  “Yeah, sorry,” I said. “At the gym – shitty service, you know that. Anyway, yeah, dinner sounds good. Just give me time to get home and shower.”

  “I think my parents like you more at this point than they like me,” Steven mock-complained.

  I thought about the prenup they’d suggested to Meredith, which was more than enough to murder my growing ‘situation’ downstairs.

  “I don’t think that’s true,” I said awkwardly. “Should I bring anything?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Steven said. “This wasn’t a planned thing – I think they’re just lonely.” He chuckled a little bit. “You know, with me getting married and Lyssa getting her life back together, I think they’re a little in need of a project, you know?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah,” I said. “Sure. Anyway, see you soon.”

  I ran another quick, six-minute mile, then figured I’d save time and shower at the gym. As always, the eyes of the female gym-goers were on me ... and as usual, I ignored them.

  I did, however, think about how hot Lyssa and her round curves would look in leggings and one of those tight sports bras. God, just the possibility of seeing her in an hour or so was thril
ling. Even though I’d just seen her at the beginning of the week, our encounter had left me wanting so much more that I hadn’t been able to bear it. I’d been jacking off twice a day, to thoughts of Lyssa and that luscious body of hers.

  I thought of her all the way up to Cos Cob. When I knocked on Steven’s parents’ front door, it swung open immediately and his mother, Joanna, opened it.

  She gave me a smile. “Danny!” Joanna exclaimed before pulling me into a tight hug.

  “Hi,” I said, gently hugging her back. Steven’s mother seemed to look more frail with each time I saw her, and I had to wonder just how much of that was due to the impending stress of Steven’s marriage.

  Or, how much of it was retroactive because of Lyssa and all of her struggles, I thought.

  “Are we expecting Lyssa tonight?” I asked as casually as I could manage before handing over the bottle of wine and the box of truffles that I’d brought.

  To my surprise, Joanna’s smile faded a touch. “Why, no,” she said.

  I frowned. Had Lyssa gotten into a fight with her parents that I somehow hadn’t heard about?

  There was no logical reason for Lyssa to have called and told me. Was that the reason why she’d burst into my office so abruptly on Monday and then left in just the same manner?

  Joanna led me into the living room where Steven was sitting with his father and someone else – a girl who looked vaguely familiar and who looked to be in her late twenties.


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