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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

Page 44

by Cami Checketts

  She held up a hand and shook her finger at him, which only made him smile even bigger.” Now you listen here,” she said. “You stay away from me the next two days. You don’t kiss me, smile at me, or corner me in hallways.”

  Bridger arched his eyebrows. “So no more kissing and slapping? I can’t even smile?” He tried for a serious expression, but it just didn’t suit him.

  “Stop playing stupid, Bridger. We both know how smart you are. Just because you squander yourself with women who only want you for your body and your fame doesn’t mean you’re an idiot.”

  His face only tightened for a beat; then he grinned and sidled closer to her. “Somewhere in that irritated speech, I think there was a compliment. You like my body and you think I’m brilliant?”

  Avalyn pulled in a shaky breath. She had to get far away from this man and never, ever be alone with him. “Listen closely, Bridger Hawk. I’ve been nice to you because of my respect for your parents and brothers. I did not come here to see you, and I will never allow you to kiss me again.”

  His eyes grew serious, but his words were teasing as always. “You sure? You seemed to enjoy the kisses as much as I did. You know how I like to ‘play stupid,’ but I could’ve sworn you kissed me back, threw your arms around my neck, felt up my chest.” He flexed his chest, making his pec muscles dance.

  Avalyn’s jaw dropped. He was out of control.

  He tilted his head and gave her a significant look. “Was I daydreaming all of that?”

  “Yes! Just because you’re the stuff that every woman’s daydreams are made of does not mean I like you or want you around, got it?” Shoot, she kept slipping words in there that would make him think she did like him.

  He nodded, folding his arms across his chest, which made his biceps bulge. She was too strong to fall into petty physical attraction and womanly desires for Bridger Hawk. He had plenty of women chasing him at all times. He did not need her. She did not need him.

  “You only want me for the conquest,” she said.

  His eyebrows rose again, but he didn’t even attempt to dispute that.

  “I am not your plaything, Bridger. I know we go way back, but all you’ve done your entire life is tick me off.” And make me want to kiss you. The kisses had been so mind-blowing that she still couldn’t screw her head on straight.

  “I’m sorry, Ava Baby. I’ve never wanted to tick you off.”

  “Stop calling me Ava Baby,” she ground out. “And you’ll stay away from me if you know what’s good for you.”

  She should tell him off some more, but she had to get away. If he gave her one more smirky smile, she was going to kiss it off his lips and then have to slap him again and realize that she had no self-control where this man was concerned. He was much more appetizing than Ghirardelli chocolate. She’d give up chocolate for life to keep kissing Bridger. No! Be strong.

  Avalyn stormed past him, her dreams of relaxing at the pool and the beach completely shot.

  “I rarely do what’s good for me,” Bridger said to her back.

  Avalyn whirled around and glared at him. “Well, maybe you should start.”

  Bridger grinned. “You’re the only thing that’s good for me that I want, Ava Baby.”

  Avalyn gritted her teeth. He was wrong. She wouldn’t be good for him. “You’d only want me until the next hot thing came along.”

  Bridger slowly crossed the distance between them, his eyes focused on hers. Avalyn couldn’t drag herself away. Saints in heaven, she needed help!

  He came so close she could smell his yummy, musky cologne and had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze instead of planting her face in his much-too-appetizing chest. He stopped and thankfully didn’t touch her, or who knew how she’d resist kissing him. “If you’d be mine, I’d never notice another woman as long as I lived.”

  Avalyn’s eyes widened. Bridger’s mouth was set and his eyes were dark and determined. Was he being serious? If he was, it was the first and only time in his life. She studied him for too long. She needed to end this and make sure he stayed far away. “I’m a woman, not a possession,” she shot at him.

  Bridger’s lips curved up in a smile. “Believe me, I know you’re a woman.” His gaze traveled over her face like a tender caress. It was almost as intoxicating as him touching her. “The most perfect woman in the world.”

  Just like that, Avalyn was panting for air again. What was he doing to her? Be strong, be strong, he talks like this to every woman. He gives every woman his smoldering looks and perfect kisses. As soon as Bridger got what he wanted from her, he’d move on so quick her heart would shatter and never recover.

  “I will never be yours,” she managed to push out. Her voice was trembling and the words weren’t said nearly strong enough, but he finally got the message.

  His dark eyes turned cool, and he easily slid back into that smirk that she loved and hated. “Never say never,” he said.

  “You can’t have me,” she said quickly, defensively.

  Bridger’s eyes slowly roved over her face, coming to rest on her lips for so long she was gasping for air again. If he kissed her, she didn’t know how she’d resist, no matter how brave her words were.

  “What’s a challenge, and where do I find it?” he asked. It was his trademark line that he said quite often before performing some insane stunt that few athletes in the world could live through.

  Avalyn gasped. He thought she was a challenge that he’d easily win. He thought he could obtain her. He was wrong. She whirled from him and stormed toward the nearest pool. Dropping her cover-up on a chair and sliding out of her flip-flops, she dove in, praying the cool water would cool the heat in her face—actually, the heat in her entire body.

  She swam under the water, relishing its coolness rushing past her. When she finally had to surface for a breath, she popped up and gasped in the humid air. She only had today to enjoy a quick vacation before Creed and Kiera’s sunrise wedding tomorrow morning on Christmas Eve. Then she’d fly home to spend Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day with her family and then back to work trying to bring healthy living conditions to the children of the world. Bridger Hawk could not ruin her one chance to rest and relax.

  She blinked chlorine water out of her eyes and glanced across the pool. Bridger was standing at the edge, staring at her with a longing that made her stomach heat up again and the breath rush from her body. When he caught her gaze, he tilted his chin up and gave her another smirk before striding away.

  He hadn’t made it two steps before some girl in a bikini was squealing, “You’re Bridger Hawk!” and asking him for a selfie. Bridger welcomed her with an open arm and a cocky grin. His eyes strayed to Avalyn, and his grin got even bigger when he realized she was watching them.

  Ugh! Avalyn pushed back under the water. Somehow she had to stay far away from that man until she could fly away from here. It was either that or admit to him that she’d loved him her entire life.

  Chapter Two

  Bridger stood next to his three brothers as they waited for Creed’s bride, Kiera, to start her march up the aisle. He was happy for his brother, who was finally marrying the love of his life. After everything he’d faced as a SEAL, Creed deserved some peace and happiness.

  Bridger let his gaze stray to Avalyn Shaman. Sadly, the love of his own life loathed him. She met his gaze, and something raw and unguarded flashed in her deep brown eyes before she pressed her lips firmly together and looked away from him.

  He didn’t realize he was staring at her unabashedly until Emmett elbowed him in the side. “Be careful with Britney, eh?”

  Britney? It was then that Bridger noticed the famous swimsuit model seated next to Avalyn. She was making eyes at Bridger as if he were staring at her, not Avalyn. Shoot. He’d been friendly with her the past few days—some might call it flirting—but it was simply a distraction to keep his mind off Avalyn, the way it was with every woman he flirted with and dated.

  His brothers would cuss him up one side an
d down the other if they knew how many women he’d dated to try to push Avalyn out of his mind and heart. They’d say he wasn’t being respectful of women or some such garbage. He was respectful. He treated women kindly, never offered any kind of commitment, and never did more than kiss said women. He’d hoped for years that he’d find someone in the midst of all that dating that would push Avalyn out of his dreams. It hadn’t happened yet, and those kisses yesterday morning had ruined him for at least another decade.

  Kiera finally approached, and everyone stood as the bride’s march song played. Bridger focused in on Avalyn again. She looked exquisite in a black dress that complemented her lean body, her long dark hair trailing across her smooth, brown shoulders. Bridger had seen many a beautiful woman in his day, but nobody compared to Avalyn. Her Middle Eastern heritage and philanthropist heart made her even more appealing. She was unique and perfect.

  Why was she so determined to stay away from him? He’d acted much too impulsively kissing her like that yesterday, but she’d responded. Oh, how she had responded. The mere memory lit a fire inside of him. She met his gaze and stuck her tongue out at him. Bridger had to bite down a laugh, as this was a serious, beautiful moment for Creed and Kiera. Her dad was saying he gave this woman to Creed and all of that. Yet Bridger loved that Avalyn would tease with him. They’d been friends their entire lives, and he’d known she was the one for him since he was twelve and she was fourteen.

  What was holding her back from loving him? He sighed and focused on the wedding. Maybe the fact that he’d never been worthy of her and never would be. What mere mortal could be worthy of Avalyn Shaman?

  Avalyn’s heart was slamming against her rib cage. Bridger kept giving her these heady, significant glances throughout the wedding. She needed to fly out of here as soon as social dictates would allow. Somehow she had to act cool and collected through the ceremony and the breakfast, and then she’d flee from Bridger and hopefully not see him again for a few more years. She’d pray hard for that miracle.

  Creed and Kiera kissed, then held their joined hands high as everyone cheered. They walked happily down the aisle, and Britney Nolan, the supermodel, turned to Avalyn. They’d met last year at Emmett Hawk’s fitness camp, where he’d asked Avalyn to be a guest speaker. Avalyn liked Britney.

  “Wasn’t that beautiful?” Britney dabbed at the corners of her eyes.

  Avalyn nodded, cussing herself for not even noticing the beautiful ceremony; she’d been distracted by a more beautiful man.

  They stood, and Britney linked their arms as they watched Emmett Hawk and Callum Hawk meet up with their respective fiancées, Cambree and Alexia. Bridger’s parents were hugging, and Avalyn had that familiar feeling of being the only person without that special someone.

  “Isn’t he beautiful?” Britney murmured, gazing up to where Bridger was talking to the preacher, a young, smiling man who Avalyn had heard was one of Creed’s Navy SEAL buddies.

  “Yes, he is,” Avalyn agreed, but she bit her tongue. She had to backtrack quickly. “The preacher? That’s who you mean, right?”

  Britney giggled. “The preacher’s married and definitely not who either of us has been checking out.” She sighed. “Aw, Bridger Hawk. The only single Hawk brother left. Who do you think will claim that man’s heart?”

  Avalyn rolled her eyes at Britney’s dramatics. “I don’t think anyone can claim a heart as wild as Bridger’s.”

  “Come on. I would think an independent successful woman like you would love a challenge like Bridger.” Britney elevated an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t it be fun to try to fight for him?”

  “No!” Avalyn pulled in a calming breath. She was too transparent. Britney seemed to know exactly how Bridger was affecting Avalyn. What’s a challenge, and where do I find it? She was not Bridger’s challenge or anything else. If only she could keep her eyes from straying his direction every few seconds. “I know Bridger too well,” she tried to explain to Britney. “He’s a tease and a flirt, and I’m not in the market to be his flavor of the week.”

  Britney’s smile deepened. “Well, I am. You’re sure you’re not into him? I respect you too much to go for your man.”

  “He is not my man!” Avalyn had to draw in another breath. The mere thought of Bridger being “her man” made her heart thump uncontrollably. Those stinking kisses yesterday. Dang him. “I promise. If you want him, he’s all yours.”

  “Thank you.” Britney was so beautiful, and when she smiled, it only enhanced her perfect face. Bridger would be thrilled to have her pursue him.

  Why did that settle in Avalyn’s stomach like a load of bricks?

  “It’s great to know you’re not interested,” Britney said.

  “Not interested in what?” a deep voice said much too close to Avalyn.

  She whirled to face the man of her every dream. Her tongue stopped working as she studied him in that perfectly cut navy-blue tux.

  “You,” Britney said. With a deep and throaty laugh, she released Avalyn’s arm and put her hand on Bridger’s chest.

  Bridger glanced from Britney to Avalyn. “Why wouldn’t you be interested in me?” His dark eyes bored into her, simultaneously offering a challenge and looking like a little boy who’d been hurt by a bully.

  Avalyn still couldn’t speak.

  Britney laughed again. “She’s the only one who’s not, you stud, you.”

  Avalyn’s eyes narrowed and jealousy rippled through her. No. She couldn’t be taken down by petty thoughts like this. Bridger was an annoying little brother who she would never be compatible with, and she’d just given Britney permission to pursue him. “You’ve got him all to yourself, my beautiful friend. Bye.” She forced a smile, which only Britney returned, and spun away. Striding through the sand in heels was no easy feat, but she plowed on.

  A hand wrapped around her waist, lifting her clean off her feet. She glanced up, and again Bridger Hawk was much too close for comfort. His subtle musky cologne infiltrated her senses and she wanted to push him away, but she was rendered helpless as he carried her to the steps, then set her on her feet. When he released his grip on her, she could still feel the impression of his warm palm on her waist.

  “Looked like you were struggling,” Bridger murmured, his gaze dark and broody as he stared down at her.

  “Thanks,” Avalyn murmured, much too breathlessly. Be strong, be strong. “Where’s Britney?”

  Bridger inclined his head. “Emmett helped me out.”

  “Why would you need him to help you out? Go have fun with your swimsuit model.” Avalyn felt guilty as she said that. Britney was a nice person, and Avalyn would hate to be stereotyped like that.

  Bridger leaned closer to her. “Why wouldn’t you be interested in me?” He repeated the question from earlier.

  Avalyn pushed out a breath, folding her arms across her chest. “You and I are never going to happen, Bridger.” Why was he pursuing her so hard? They were family friends and she didn’t want things to be awkward between them. She remembered those kisses from yesterday morning. Okay, too late on things not becoming awkward. Why had she allowed herself to respond to him like that?

  Because he’s irresistible, a little voice argued back.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes, praying for strength and the wisdom to explain so he would never try to kiss her again. If he did, she’d be sunk. “We’re polar opposites, Bridge. You’re a playboy who every woman adores. You don’t take life seriously.” The fact that he was crazy brave and could die at any moment while performing his stunts should be another reason to stay far away from him. “My life is dedicated to serious causes, helping the children of the world.”

  “I donate to your causes,” he said.

  “Throwing money at a cause is vastly different from living in the trenches and dedicating every spare hour of the day to it.” She blinked at his hurt expression. What was this? She wasn’t a guilt-ridden person, but she also didn’t like to be the holier-than-thou type of pe
rson either. She’d made her choices for her life. She doubted Bridger could even understand the hours and days spent in primitive conditions helping and loving children. Her life was only occasionally glamorous and in the spotlight like Bridger’s. It didn’t mean that Bridger’s path was wrong; it just meant their paths couldn’t coincide. “Thank you for donating. It makes a huge difference.”

  “But not enough of a difference,” he murmured.

  “To what?” Just like that, she was caught up in his gaze again. Why did he have to look at her like she was his whole world? She knew it was a lie, just an act he’d perfected to reel women in.

  “To win your heart.” His gaze pinned her in place as other wedding guests streamed around them on the stairs, heading up to the patio where the wedding breakfast was being held.

  Avalyn backed away, clenching her hands together tightly. “You don’t want my heart,” she muttered.

  “I want all of you, Ava.” His beautiful brown eyes were framed by long lashes and dark brows, and right now they were studying her like she could make or break his life.

  Avalyn’s breath caught. She couldn’t stay strong for one more second with him looking at her like that. Forget social protocol. She needed to get away, right now. She spun and hurried up the stairs.

  A tinkling voice piped up from behind her. “There you are. Where are we sitting for breakfast?”

  Britney. She could have Bridger. Britney was beautiful and kind, and Bridger would have a great time being around her. Britney had said she wanted to be his flavor of the week. Why that made Avalyn sick to her stomach was beyond her, but at least she didn’t need to warn Britney that Bridger would move on to another woman tomorrow.


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