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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

Page 51

by Cami Checketts

  He stalked to the bed but held on to her. “Fine. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  Avalyn shook her head. “You can’t sleep on the couch. You need to be in prime condition to beat stupid Ramsey tomorrow.”

  His eyes darkened. Avalyn realized she was still clinging to his shoulders, so she let go and folded her arms across her chest.

  “It’s a big bed,” he said. “I’ll sleep on the other side.”

  “And put some pillows between us.”

  Bridger rolled his eyes.

  “And don’t you think about touching me,” she said.

  “Fine.” Bridger kept holding her.

  “You’re still touching me,” she pointed out. It felt much too nice to be held close to his glorious chest like this, the bulging muscles in his biceps pressed against the side of her abdomen and her thigh.

  “I won’t touch you again,” he growled.

  “You still are.”

  Bridger stared down at her and finally pushed out a breath. “You’re the most confusing woman I’ve ever met,” he said.

  “Why?” She glared at him. “Because I don’t beg you to kiss me like all the bimbos who chase you around?”

  “You wanted me to kiss you at the waterfall. What changed?”

  “I remembered what a pimp daddy you are.”

  “A pimp daddy?” He chuckled darkly. “You have no idea what I am.”

  She drew in a breath and refused to answer him.

  “You want me, Ava. You just won’t admit it to yourself.”

  Avalyn hugged her arms more tightly to her chest as if she could protect her heart from him. He had no clue how much she wanted him. “You’re still touching me,” she reminded him tersely.

  “It won’t happen again.” He set her down on the bed and stepped back. “Good night, Ava Baby.” The mocking, overconfident Bridger was back, and Avalyn hated it, but at least she knew how to act around him. She could protect her heart from Playboy Bridger. She could remember they had different lives to lead and that the children had to come before her selfish desires to be loved by this man.

  Avalyn closed her eyes so she didn’t have to look at his beautifully formed body and feel sorry for herself that even though this might be her last night on earth, she’d chosen to not spend it in the arms of the man she loved because of her fears of heartbreak. His footsteps circled the bed, and then she felt the mattress sink as he lay down. She gritted her teeth and hated that tears squeezed past her tightly shut lids.

  She should worry that he wouldn’t work as hard to protect her tomorrow. Maybe he’d let Ramsey win. But she knew him too well. Bridger was a man of honor, even if he was a player. He would protect her from danger and from Ramsey. If only she could apologize and scoot close. Ask him for a goodnight kiss. Ask him to hold her.

  She gritted her teeth and kept her eyes shut, praying she could sleep tonight and somehow survive tomorrow.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bridger had a hard time sleeping with Avalyn’s soft breaths next to him. Her perfect body was close, yet so far away. Why had she picked a fight with him? Why did she think he was some playboy? Well, okay, maybe he liked to play the field, and of course the media made it look worse than it actually was. He wouldn’t lie to Avalyn and say he hadn’t kissed a lot of women, but why wouldn’t she give him the chance to settle down with her?

  He woke with a dull headache, and the pounding on the door didn’t help at all. The door sprang open before he did much more than sit up in bed.

  Ramsey bound in, lit up like it was Christmas morning. “I thought they were lying to me.”

  “About what?” Bridger growled, standing up to face him. He glanced over to see that Avalyn had also pushed out of bed, still dressed in a T-shirt and some sweats. She looked beautiful with her dark hair tousled and her lips swollen from sleep.

  “You two really aren’t having any fun at night.” Ramsey clucked his tongue, still grinning like the Cheshire cat. “When I win today, I’ll show you what it means to spend the night with a real man,” he said to Avalyn.

  Bridger flew at Ramsey, slamming his fist into his gut. Ramsey doubled over, and Bridger heard guns being cocked as he aimed for Ramsey’s still-smiling mouth.

  “Stand down, sir,” Mike said as four guards rushed into the room.

  Bridger stepped back, though he wanted to hit Ramsey repeatedly.

  Ramsey straightened, all smiles. “Don’t worry, bro. You’ll get a chance to fight me soon.”

  Bridger wondered what that meant. He’d take that chance, anytime. “You aren’t going to touch Avalyn.”

  Ramsey laughed. “We’ll see about that.” He clapped his hands together. “Get dressed. Clothes like yesterday. We’ll eat on the way. Got a few hours’ flight each way.” He strode out of the room, and the guards filed in behind him.

  Bridger looked to Avalyn. She was watching him with that hero worship look she sometimes got, but there was fear in her eyes too.

  “Thanks,” she murmured. She turned and strode into the bathroom.

  Bridger pushed a hand through his hair. Today looked to be the worst day yet. At least on the other days he’d felt like Avalyn wanted to be with him. He should’ve gotten the memo that she didn’t on Christmas Eve in Cancun when he’d kissed her and she rejected him. Then he’d sappily followed her to Long Island, and she’d rejected him yet again. Apparently, he was dense when it came to this woman. He knew she didn’t want Ramsey, but it hurt that she didn’t want him either.

  The helicopter ride was excruciatingly long. Avalyn tried to eat some of the breakfast burritos and juices they’d brought with them and look around at the scenery, but it was nothing but ocean for a good portion of the ride. Her rear hurt from sitting, but her heart hurt worse from wanting to be closer to Bridger and knowing she’d messed it all up.

  They left the ocean behind and flew over stretches of beaches and lush greenery until they approached a massive black mountain that she was pretty sure was an inactive volcano—at least, there wasn’t visible lava. They landed next to the mountain, which looked to be thousands of feet tall, made up of tiny black rocks.

  Ramsey had kept up a steady stream of conversation with Bridger, reminiscing about different competitions between the two of them over the years. Bridger talked with him, but his voice was tight, and whenever Avalyn glanced his way, he was looking at her, not Ramsey.

  Avalyn tried to hide her worry over what the contest might be today and her longing for Bridger. The combination gave her a huge headache, and the ride in the chopper didn’t help anything.

  They all exited the chopper and Ramsey gestured around at the mountain covered in tiny black rock. “I rented out the volcano for the day.”

  There was no one around but them, but there was a stack of weird wooden sled-like things close by.

  “Everybody grab one.” Ramsey picked a sled up and gestured for them to follow.

  Avalyn picked one up also. It wasn’t terribly heavy. Maybe today they wouldn’t just throw her down the volcano without anything but Bridger to save her.

  “I’m glad you like to hike,” Ramsey said. “Let’s go.” He started up the hill. Bridger and Avalyn fell into step next to him. It was a decent hike and the sun was already hot, even though it couldn’t have been much past ten a.m.

  They hiked quietly, the sound of the volcanic rock sliding under their shoes their only accompaniment. Avalyn’s throat was dry and her legs burned. The incline continued on and on. When they finally reached the top, they were all dripping sweat. Avalyn glanced at the flatter top surface that sloped down into a crater. They weren’t close to it, but she was still afraid Ramsey would shove her down the hole.

  “Today won’t be near as bad as the other days,” Ramsey said to Avalyn.

  “So you’re not going to try to kill me today?” She planted her hands on her hips and glared at him.

  He chuckled. “I hope not. I really want my chance to stay with you.” He winked.

  Bridger g
rowled low in his throat, “Ramsey.” It was a warning that would terrify most men.

  Ramsey simply laughed. “Man, I like you two. But I sense some tension today. I take it the kiss under the waterfall wasn’t as romantic as you’d hoped?”

  Avalyn felt heat flush her face. She glanced down the mountain. “So what’s the challenge?” The anticipation was torture, and she just wanted it to be over.

  “Ooh, so quick to change the subject.” Ramsey whistled. “Sorry, brother. I guess she’s gunning for me to win today.”

  Avalyn spun to glare at him. “You stay away from me.”

  Ramsey roared with laughter. “We’ll see, sweetheart. We’ll see.” He pointed down the slope. “Have you done this before Bridge?”

  Bridger shook his head.

  “Not a lot of skill to it, but it’s dangerous and fun. They usually wear protective gear, but we don’t care about that. More dangerous the better, right?”

  Avalyn rolled her eyes at him, wishing she could slug him again, but she felt the least fear she’d had since this crazy competition had started. She’d ridden plenty of sleds down snowy slopes. This was steep, but even if they went faster than she’d ever gone on a snow sled, it was nothing compared to being drowned or thrown from an airplane. The chances of survival were infinitely higher, especially if she had her own sled.

  “Now you sit or lie on the sled,” Ramsey continued, pointing back down the slope they’d climbed up. “The lower you get your body, the faster you’ll go. If you want to slow down, just put your feet down—but not too hard, or you’ll flip yourself, and this volcanic rock can leave a mark.” He pointed to a scar on his chin.

  Avalyn waited for the punch line. “That’s it? I just have to ride this sled down the volcano? You’re not going to drown me or sacrifice me in the volcano?”

  “Not today, sweetheart.” He winked, then gestured. “You go first. We’ll be catching you soon.”

  Avalyn glanced at Bridger. He gripped the sled tightly, staring at her. There was something in his eyes she didn’t like. This wasn’t his usual event, and Ramsey had done it before. Would this be the day Ramsey won? She couldn’t let herself think that. At the moment, she was simply relieved this didn’t seem as bad as the past two days.

  The helicopter hovered in the air a short distance away with a cameraman standing in the open doorway. She sat on the sled and looked at the camera. “What’s a challenge, and where do I find it?” she said jauntily.

  The other men laughed, and Bridger cracked a smile at her. “You got this,” he said.

  Avalyn nodded to him, then pushed off, sitting up. The sled gained momentum quickly, and it would’ve been a fun ride if she wasn’t worried about Ramsey catching her or tipping the sled and ripping her face and arms apart. She glanced over her shoulder and could see the men were coming now. They were both lying down and angled right at her.

  Avalyn wondered if she could steer to the left so Bridger could reach her more easily, but then she wondered if she shouldn’t lay down herself and try to go faster and have neither of them catch her. She’d demand Bridger get his own bedroom, and she could sleep in peace tonight.

  She lay back and the sled sped up, but as she looked back, the men were still gaining on her and there was a lot of mountain left. She needed to try to steer the thing to the left. As frustrated as she and Bridger were with each other, she couldn’t risk Ramsey winning this challenge.

  She could hear the whoosh of their sleds coming closer and closer as she sat up and tried to pull at the handles to guide her to the left. It didn’t work. Shoot. She put her feet out and pushed her right foot in, thinking she could shove herself to the left. The sled veered to the right instead, like she’d dug a rudder in.

  She glanced back and saw Ramsey shove Bridger’s sled to the left with his foot. Avalyn cried out and tried to pull on the handles to avoid him. Ramsey grinned, angling closer. He was almost upon her. Bridger was too far to the left. He would never reach her first. No, oh no!

  Ramsey was only a few feet away. She prayed and tried to turn the stupid sled somehow. Going to the right would take her farther from Bridger; turning to the left would let Ramsey run right into her. She couldn’t escape. Ramsey edged nearer, nearly touching her sled now.

  “Bridger!” she yelled.

  “Ava!” Bridger was closing in on them, but he’d never reach them in time.

  Ramsey leapt from his sled and landed right behind her on her sled. He spread his arms wide and stood behind her like he was surfing. “Yes!” he hollered. “Yes!”

  Avalyn’s heart slammed against her chest. “No,” she whimpered.

  Ramsey sat down behind her as the sled whooshed down the hill. “Isn’t this fun?” he asked.

  Avalyn didn’t answer. Her heart was thudding against her rib cage and her grip was so slick she could hardly hold on to the handles.

  They coasted down the last of the incline as it leveled out. Ramsey jumped up and extended his hand to her. Avalyn ignored his outstretched fingers and stood on her own. Her legs were shaky, but there was no way she was relying on Ramsey. Fear clawed at her throat and her stomach turned over and over again. Even being pushed out of an airplane wasn’t as terrifying as the thought of fighting him off all night long. If she even could.

  Bridger’s sled came to a rest and he stood. Avalyn looked at him. His proud shoulders were bent forward and a look of misery clouded his handsome face. He said nothing, and that scared her as much as anything, as if he were resigned to her fate.

  “I finally won!” Ramsey punched a fist in the air and jumped around a few times. “You guys ready for lunch?” he asked as if Avalyn’s world wasn’t crashing down around her.

  Ramsey led the way to a covered picnic area. There was a large lunch spread on the table, sandwiches, salads, sushi rolls, veggie and fruit platters. The entire group was somber, except for Ramsey. He didn’t rub anything in, which surprised her, but he just had this perma-grin on his face as he ate and chatted with one of the guards about a heli-skiing competition in Switzerland that he and Bridger had competed in last year. Bridger had won, but that didn’t bother Ramsey. Nothing seemed to bother this guy.

  Bridger ate methodically, not looking at any of them, even her. Avalyn couldn’t stomach food right now. She pushed some around on her plate and drained a couple of water bottles, but that just made her stomach more squeamish. If only Bridger would glance at her, somehow reassure her that it would all be okay. But they both knew the truth. It wasn’t going to be okay.

  Bridger felt the pain of his failure rounding his shoulders, weighing him down like no burden he’d ever experienced. The unthinkable had happened. He hadn’t won. Avalyn would be subject to that monster Ramsey tonight. How could he have failed her? He wanted to yell out his anguish and pound at his chest. Instead he ate slowly, forcing food in as his mind scrambled for an option, any option.

  They finished lunch and Ramsey said happily, “Let’s go, boys.” He gestured toward the helicopter.

  Bridger was having an out-of-body experience as they trudged back to the chopper. He wanted to grab Avalyn and shield her with his body as Ramsey’s men pumped him full of bullets, but what would that accomplish? Then Avalyn would be subject to Ramsey every night instead of just tonight. Pain lodged in his chest. Ramsey touching Avalyn. It was too horrific to allow his mind to go there.

  Avalyn was going to hate Bridger even more for failing her. Why had he fought with her last night and this morning instead of holding her close and begging her to not think about the other women he had kissed, to concentrate on how much he loved her and only her?

  He stewed through the chopper ride, but no brilliant ideas to protect Avalyn hit him. They arrived back at the yacht in the late afternoon. How was he going to survive when Ramsey took Avalyn to his room? He cast a guilty look at her. Her eyes were closed and she’d wrapped her arms around her abdomen like she was praying. He should pray too, but there wasn’t much hope or faith left in him. He’d tried s
o hard, and he’d failed her.

  They walked down the steps from the chopper, stopping on the rear balcony. Ramsey spread his hands wide. For once, his perma-grin was nowhere in sight. “This is where we part ways.”

  Bridger knew he couldn’t fight them all, but he had to try something. He stepped up to Ramsey and said, “Please don’t do this.”

  Ramsey’s blue eyes glinted at him. “Why not? I’ve earned my night with her.”

  Bridger swallowed, but the lump in his throat stayed firmly in place. “Ramsey. We’ve competed for years. We respect each other. We’ve been friends a long time.”

  Ramsey nodded in acknowledgment.

  “Please,” Bridger repeated. “You can’t do this. I’ll do anything you want. Lose any competition to you. Shout all over the media how great you are.” He was desperately trying to think of anything that might convince Ramsey not to touch Avalyn. Money meant nothing to him, only fame and women. Women. Not Ava. Not the woman he loved. Please Lord, help us.

  Ramsey silently smirked at him.

  “Please,” Bridger tried again. He glanced at Avalyn. She was the picture of beautiful innocence with her dark hair trailing across her shoulder and her dark eyes staring at him with such tenderness and fear. He couldn’t let Ramsey hurt her. He lowered his voice and admitted to Ramsey, “I love her.”

  Ramsey’s blue eyes lightened. “That makes it even better.”

  Bridger let out a growl and lunged at Ramsey. A taser hit him in the back, and a shock of pain surged through him.

  “Bridger!” Avalyn yelled.

  His face slammed into the slick floor. He jerked and grunted in pain as his body writhed from the electricity. The taser finally released its agonizing grip on him, but immediately arms grabbed him from behind. The four men each took an arm and a leg. Gripping him tightly, they hauled him through the main area, down the hall, and into the suite he and Avalyn had shared. He could hear Avalyn screaming for him until they were out of earshot. They tossed him on the bed, and one of them secured his hands behind him with some kind of strap.


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