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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

Page 53

by Cami Checketts

  Avalyn didn’t want to have this talk. She wanted to savor her escape from Ramsey, kiss Bridger all night long, and bask in Bridger saying he loved her. But she’d loved him as long as he’d claimed to love her, and he had repeatedly chosen to flit from girl to girl and break her heart. “You’ve tormented me since we were teenagers, and the one time you kissed me, you went and made out with Kelly Turner in front of the entire school the next day.” She’d been a senior and thought finally she and Bridger were going to have a chance, but he’d proven her wrong quickly.

  Bridger’s brow furrowed. “You have to understand that you were two years older than me and perfect in my eyes. I kissed Kelly to make you jealous so you wouldn’t dump me. I know it was stupid now.”

  Avalyn pushed off his lap and stood. She needed some distance from him and his excuses.

  Bridger stood also. He looked fierce and strong. She would never be afraid of him physically, but he’d hurt her so many times emotionally as she’d longed for him from afar all these years and watched through social media as he flitted from woman to woman.

  She suddenly regretted the intense kissing session they’d just had. Yes, she was relieved Ramsey hadn’t taken advantage of her, and she was touched by Bridger’s apparent devotion, but she knew better than to trust that he’d settle down to one woman. Hadn’t he proven that with Britney on Christmas Eve?

  Avalyn was so out of sorts right now. She didn’t feel like a philanthropist, author, and speaker, but like a needy woman who only existed for this one man. “So all the women you’ve had clinging to you throughout the years were just to ‘make me jealous’?”

  His brow furrowed.

  “Being all over Britney Nolan at Creed’s wedding? That was just to make me jealous?”

  He lifted his hands and shoulders. “In my defense, that was—”

  “Last week,” she supplied, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Stupid. I was going to say stupid.” He took a step closer, his broad frame overshadowing her. “Plus the fact I kissed you the day before and you shut me down with no hope of you being interested.”

  “I only shut you down because you’re such a player.”

  “Those other women meant nothing to me, Avalyn.” He brushed her hair back over her bare shoulder, and her skin tingled in response. “It’s always been you for me. Always.”

  Avalyn wished she could believe him. “Well, those other women meant a heck of a lot to me.”

  “They did?” His eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah. I’ve loved you every bit as long as you’ve loved me, and those other women have gouged my heart out. They meant the man I loved was a player who would never settle down to one woman. Never settle down to me.”

  Bridger caught her in his arms. He pulled her against his chest, and Avalyn couldn’t resist him. “I was wrong,” he said. “I should never have dated or kissed any of those women. I didn’t know you loved me. I thought you were out of my league and I’d never be worthy of you.”

  “Honestly?” She pulled free of his embrace and took a step back. “That’s the stupidest excuse you’ve had yet. You’re Bridger Hawk. You haven’t lacked for confidence a day in your life.”

  “Is it?” He arched an eyebrow. “I’ve always thought you were the most exquisitely beautiful and perfect woman in the world. You told me yourself that our paths are different, basically that I’m a selfish thrill-seeker and you’re a charitable philanthropist.”

  She had said that, kind of. It sounded awful as he threw it back at her. “I’m sorry, Bridger. I didn’t mean it like that. My life isn’t glorious or glamorous like people think. Most of the time I’m sleeping on a cot, living on rice, and working long hours to make a child’s life better. We just have different paths. We’ve each chosen our lifestyles, and I don’t know how they’d ever coincide.”

  “Our paths have been different, but that doesn’t mean we can’t love and complement each other’s careers and vision. You think I just jet-set around the country from party to party, but that’s not true either. At every event I’m trying to help the children too, and a lot of times we’re camping out to be in the right place for a certain challenge. It’s not extravagant or glamorous.”

  Avalyn pulled in a breath. She’d never thought of complementing each other’s dreams, mostly because she’d never thought Bridger could truly love her—before these past few days. It wasn’t really about living conditions and money, though. She still wondered if he could love her like she wanted to be loved, with all the other women constantly fawning over him and seeking his attention. What if she devoted herself to him and he fell back into his old patterns? Could a player like him ever be faithful to one woman?

  He studied her. “If I’d come to you at any point in our adult lives and told you what you meant to me, how deeply I love you … would you have believed me?”

  Avalyn’s breath caught. She loved him, but was it enough? “Probably not,” she admitted.

  “What do I have to do to get you to trust me?”

  Several beats passed, and the room felt stifling. Finally, Avalyn admitted, “I don’t know, Bridge.”

  He sucked in a breath.

  “Our lifestyles are just so different. We’re so different.”

  Bridger didn’t try to touch her. His gaze was hollow and sad.

  “Let’s just get through this nightmare with Ramsey. It’s silly to worry about us as a couple when we may never escape this boat.” Ramsey could kill or rape her tomorrow. Who knew?

  Bridger stared down at her, then said in a rough whisper, “We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know I love you, Avalyn. I don’t have all the answers for us, but I just …” He pushed a hand through his hair. “Can I keep you close tonight?”

  A tremor passed through her at his words and his tender request. Tonight might be their last night on earth. She didn’t want to spend it fighting with him or theorizing why they wouldn’t work, especially after the horror of being captive in Ramsey’s room, fearing the monster would take advantage of her.

  She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers down. “You’re right,” she admitted.

  Bridger walked slowly toward her, a smoldering look in his eyes that robbed her of her breath. He slipped out of his shoes and slid into the bed, reaching up for her. Avalyn couldn’t resist him any longer tonight; she lay down and cuddled close to his side.

  She wished they could kiss the night away, but she’d have to content herself with being in his arms. She couldn’t afford to let her desire for him take control and deal with the regrets that would surely come. If they got back to the real world, would she feel his arms around her again or have to watch him with other women? She closed her eyes shut, inhaling his musky scent and pushing those fears away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Avalyn felt groggy when she woke the next morning. She slowly blinked open her eyes and realized she was still cuddled into Bridger’s side, her cheek pressed into his muscular shoulder. She glanced up at his face. His eyes were closed, so she could simply study him. She loved the defined planes of his face, the strong jaw shadowed with dark hair, the regal nose and brow, and those intriguing lips that were the perfect fit for hers. His dark lashes rested against his upper cheek, but she could easily picture how they framed his eyes so perfectly.

  She loved him. Not just because he was beautifully formed, but because of his fun, confident personality and his love and zest for life. Seeing this serious, protective side of him the past few days had only made her love him more.

  His eyes slowly blinked open and he stared at her. His trademark smirk tilted his lips and he said, “You enjoying staring at perfection?”

  “Oh, you!” Avalyn pushed at him, but she laughed. “Always with the overconfidence.”

  “It’s one of the many things you love about me.”

  “Yes, it is,” she admitted.

  Bridger’s cocky smile disappeared. “Is it really?”

  Avalyn gave him a
quick nod, then wiggled out of his arms and stood quickly. She was still in the silky dress from last night, and it felt ridiculous in the light of day. She didn’t know where she and Bridger stood, and she realized it was in her court to decide. Maybe today would be the day this awful competition ended. Maybe, when they got back to the real world, she and Bridger could find a way to make a relationship work with their very different lives. If he reverted to his old style and countless women in his arms, she’d have to learn to deal with her broken heart. Somehow.

  “I’m going to shower and get dressed,” she said.

  He nodded, still studying her much too seriously.

  Avalyn rushed into the bathroom, where her suitcase was, and hurried to shower, not bothering to wash her hair. She got dressed in a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Her stomach tumbled as she thought of kissing and loving Bridger, but she forced those thoughts away and wondered what today would bring. Ramsey. How would he act after last night? She felt indebted to him for letting her go, letting her return to Bridger. Yet this nightmare was all Ramsey’s creation, so she didn’t want to feel any gratitude to the man.

  Breakfast was waiting when she exited the bathroom. She waited while Bridger showered and dressed. When he walked out looking fresh and irresistible in a blue tank top and gray shorts, she sharply sucked in air. How could she resist this man?

  Her eyes traveled over his handsome face and down to his chest and arms. She gasped and rushed toward him. “What happened to your shoulder?” His right shoulder was black and blue.

  Bridger glanced down at his shoulder and grinned. “I rammed it into the door a few … hundred times.” He pointed at the door, which looked more battered than his shoulder. “Sadly, the door won.”

  Avalyn half laughed and half cried. He’d bruised himself trying to get to her. She wrapped her hand around his forearm, then bent down and pressed her lips to his shoulder. Bridger groaned, and heat filled her belly.

  He cupped her chin and tilted her face up. “You missed the spot. My lips are up here.” He grinned, but there was nothing cocky about it. This grin was downright sexy and meant for only her.

  Avalyn laughed for real this time. “I guess I’m not a very accurate markswoman. Can you help me out?”

  “Gladly.” He cupped her cheek with one hand and wrapped his other hand around her lower back to pull her flush against him.

  Avalyn melted against his broad chest, and when their lips connected, she trembled under his touch. His lips maneuvered hers in a pattern that was becoming familiar, but it was still so exciting she could hardly stand on her own two feet. Luckily, she didn’t need to stand with his strong arms supporting her.

  There was a rap at the door. The lock turned and it swung open to reveal Mike. “Oh, sorry to interrupt.” He pushed a hand over his bald head. “Chopper’s ready to go.”

  Bridger smiled down at Avalyn. “I’m sorry he interrupted too.”

  Mike chuckled, and Avalyn winked at Bridger. Bridger released her, and they both filled plates with food and cups with juice. Mike said, “You eat quick. The chopper will wait.”

  Bridger arched an eyebrow at Avalyn as Mike stepped back out of the door but left it open so they could come when they were ready. “You’d think we were honored guests or something.”

  She sank into a chair and speared a bite of eggs. “Or something. I’m so ready to be done with this crazy train.” She smiled. “Or crazy boat and helicopter ride, I guess I should say.”

  He nodded, but his eyes grew serious. “I worry when we’re done you’re going to slip away from me again.”

  Avalyn’s bite of eggs caught in her throat. She coughed and then took a long drink of apple juice. She couldn’t promise anything at this point. Bridger’s actions when and if they ever escaped Ramsey would determine their future.

  They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, then took turns brushing their teeth before they followed Mike to the helicopter.

  Ramsey’s grin was so broad as they settled into the helicopter that Avalyn didn’t know what to think. Should she be afraid of what he was planning, or hope that maybe he was their friend now?

  “You two have a good night?” he asked.

  Bridger grunted in response. Avalyn squirmed. She’d loved sleeping in Bridger’s arms, but the tension between them was growing worse as her fears and indecisiveness lay between them. Part of her wanted to throw her worries out the helicopter door and simply love Bridger until the day she left this earth, which sadly might be today. No matter what Ramsey said about her not being involved today, she didn’t trust him after he’d almost drowned her on day one, thrown her out of this very helicopter without a chute, then terrified her last night that he would take advantage of her.

  Yet she couldn’t commit to Bridger when they were in this delusional reality. She wondered what it would take for her to commit to him, to believe he wouldn’t ditch her for another model as soon as those options were available again. Bridger Hawk just wasn’t the type of man to settle down and live in the suburbs—but then again, neither was she. Could their dreams come together?

  “We’ve got a shorter flight today. Settle in and enjoy the scenery.” Ramsey winked and then took his own advice, leaning back and staring out the window.

  Bridger and Avalyn strapped on their seat belts, and the chopper took off. They flew over the ocean but soon were over land. It was the Caribbean, so the island was lush and green. They flew over a sprawling city, and Avalyn wondered if it was Belize City. It looked a lot like it.

  They landed at a small, overgrown airstrip. A few Hummers were waiting for them, and some of the guards from the boat were already there. Had they come earlier in the chopper or taken the speedboat in? They all piled into the vehicles. Nobody said much as they drove through city streets.

  They stopped behind a large warehouse-looking building. The guards slid the doors back, and everyone walked inside. Avalyn’s eyes adjusted to the dimly lit open room. There were sets of temporary silver bleachers situated around a boxing ring. She glanced at Bridger. He looked at her and shrugged.

  Ramsey strolled in front of them down to the ring. He turned and spread his arms wide. “Today could be our last challenge, my friends, and you’ll say goodbye to me forever.”

  Avalyn’s stomach leapt with apprehension of what this challenge might be, hope that this would really end, and dismay that she might no longer be with Bridger every day and every night.

  Ramsey grinned. “You’ve been wanting a chance to beat the life out of me, right, Bridge?”

  Bridger shrugged and then smiled. “You know me well.”

  “Yes, I do.” Ramsey laughed low and deep. The sound was eerie and foreboding. Avalyn didn’t know him well, but she didn’t like the little she knew. Even though he’d set her free last night, he’d used her as a pawn and almost killed her.

  “So here’s our last challenge,” Ramsey added. “Bridger and I fight. No gloves, no protective headgear, no rules, no referees.”

  Avalyn’s stomach churned more and more. What awful trick did Ramsey have up his sleeve? She looked closely at his hands, searching for brass knuckles or something shady like that. Her eyes then went to his ever-present bodyguards. Did they have a taser or worse to zap Bridger with if he truly thumped Ramsey? She didn’t doubt Bridger could win, but she doubted it would be a fair match.

  “What happens when I pummel you?” Bridger asked.

  Avalyn focused in on him. He stood there so brave and strong, like a fierce warrior who would never bow to the adversary. She loved his spunk and strength and especially his protectiveness of her. Yet she remembered one of his YouTube videos. He and Ramsey had sparred, and it had been awful to watch. They’d gone at it until they were both bloody, but the fight had eventually been declared a draw. How long and how hard would they fight today? She hated that it would be an even match. What if Ramsey won?

  Ramsey laughed. “If you knock me out, you both go free and you’ll never see me again.

  Avalyn’s heart leapt. Going free and never seeing Ramsey again sounded wonderful.

  “I like the thought of knocking you out and being free,” said Bridger, as if reading her thoughts. “How can you promise I’ll never see your ugly mug again? Maybe I’ll come with my own hired thugs and take you out.”

  Ramsey grinned. “I’m all-powerful. You should know that, Bridge.” His smile left. “I can promise we’ll never see each other again … after you knock me out.”

  Bridger studied him. Avalyn was interested in Ramsey’s terminology but couldn’t make much sense of it. She wouldn’t mind if Bridger did hire his own bodyguards to come track Ramsey down after what he’d put them through. Better yet, he could work with Creed and his Navy SEAL buddies, kick Ramsey’s butt, and then turn him in to the proper authorities. She was sure there was nothing Ramsey would hate worse than rotting in a jail cell. He should have to feel what she’d felt these past few days—fear, uncertainty, misery, and despair.

  “Let’s do it.” Ramsey pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the floor before heaving himself up onto the ledge of the ring and slipping through the ropes. He stretched his arms behind his back, making his chest muscles pop. He was fit; there was no doubt about that.

  Bridger turned to her. “A kiss for good luck?” he asked.

  Avalyn’s mouth dropped open. “How can you think of kissing at a time like—”

  Bridger pulled her in close and cut her off with his lips. She melted against him and returned his kiss, joy radiating through her from his touch and supple lips.

  He released her and winked. “I can think of kissing you at any time.”

  Avalyn pressed a hand to her lips, ignoring Ramsey’s laughter from the ring. “Come on, Bridge, don’t rub it in that you won the girl.”

  Bridger lifted his shirt up and over his head and dropped it on a nearby bleacher. Avalyn’s mouth went dry as she studied the defined muscles of his chest, shoulders, biceps, and abdomen. The bruising on his shoulder reaffirmed that he’d go to any extreme to protect her. She framed his face, lifted onto tiptoes, and kissed him again.


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