Diver's Heart
Page 2
I hear him on the radio as the boat purrs to life, making me crack open my eyes and sit up with a sigh. My abs clench with the movement, showing off my six pack. It’s hard-fucking-earned, but being a diver and exploring means you have to be strong. Hell, I have some arm muscles that even men don’t. I can deadlift two hundred and forty pounds from years of hauling tanks and equipment.
My long blonde hair sticks to my back, making me sigh. I need to get it cut, but that means taking a break from work to go and get it done. I have the same eyes as my daddy, bright green—emerald, he used to tell me. Hell, he even once held an emerald we found up next to them to prove it.
I also got his height, all five feet nine inches of it, but I got my mum’s curves. No amount of working out or training gets rid of those. My left leg is covered in tattoos from hip to ankle. Of boats, treasure, skulls, the sea, and everything in between. On my right hip, I trace a faded white shark bite, smiling as I remember the day it happened.
I’m pulled from my recollections, though, when Michael calls me. “What?” I snap, standing as I drain my beer and duck into the tiny galley where he’s standing at the helm. “What’s up, old man?”
“Call.” He holds out the phone, and I take a sip of my beer as I grab it.
“Peyton, it’s Mr. Rogers.” I blink and smile for real, my beer dangling from one hand, which Michael feigns trying to steal, so I kick out at him.
“Steve, how are you?” I ask casually. As one of the only rich men I like, I make a genuine effort with him, rather than playing nice for the sake of a dive or funding.
He laughs, knowing I hate small talk. “I am very well, and yourself, Peyton?”
“I know you’re on a job…” He trails off, rustling papers as I lean against the cabin wall.
“Just finished actually,” I reply.
“Wonderful! I have one for you, if you’re interested. Double pay.”
“Why double?” That usually means it’s more dangerous…or I’m not going to like it.
“I have a team already in place, and they have been ready for a while, but I need someone I can trust to monitor and report back. Not to mention…you are the best.”
“Second best,’’ I correct automatically. There is only one other person who is better at what we do than me, mainly because my dad trained him—Tyler. I shake that off and drop my hand when I realise I was playing with my necklace. “What’s the exploration?”
“A new cave system deep in the jungle off the coast of South America. You know I like to be the first person to step foot in those types of places. I have a documentary crew coming out in the next few months, and I need the place mapped and made as safe as possible by then.”
“Got it.” I nod. “You think there’s anything of interest there?”
“I don’t know, it was stumbled upon after a hurricane and, well, it got my interest piqued.”
Oh, I bet. Steve is a man with money to burn, and he does. Not that I complain, since he keeps me in business and exploring the world, where most others have stopped. Others aim for the stars, while I aim for the deep unknown in the crust of our planet. It does sound interesting. Untapped caves are fun, lots of diving and mapping, which is my favourite part, not the treasure hunting I’m doing now. I genuinely enjoy discovering and working for the good.
“I’m in. I can be there in two weeks.”
“Good, they will be ready by then. I’ll inform them of your presence.”
“They might not like it.”
“Maybe not, but it’s my money, so they will do it.”
I hum, peering down at the watch on the controls. Damn, it’s getting late. If we want to get back and restocked before morning and get going to meet in two weeks, we need to go now.
“I can tell you’re eager to get ready. I’ll see you in two weeks to brief at the site.”
“Oh, do I know them, the team?” I inquire curiously. There are only so many of us left, and I know some of them. Some are swindlers and shit, and I need to make sure these aren’t.
“I don’t think so, but I’ll introduce you. I’m also sending across the information and coordinates, liaise with Mary like always,” he offers evasively. “See you there! Safe trip,” he says before hanging up.
Shrugging, I look at Michael. “Yo, we got a gig. Let’s get back and return the boat and restock. We’re on the next plane out.”
Time for another adventure.
Another day, another dive.
Chapter Three
We don’t have to wait too long to fly, only twelve hours, seeing as though our last dive was only into sea caves with no decompression stops. It gives us time to return the boat and conclude our current job with a satisfied customer. He informs us he will be putting the treasures in a museum, which makes me smile. It’s where they should be, not kept as relics by the rich.
After that, we eat and chill, calling companies to order the gear we’re going to need. We always sort it ourselves—never let another handle your gear, trust yourself. I liaise with Mary on it and locations, getting some gear sent ahead for us as well as making sure they have everything we’ll need. They do, even some fancy equipment like sonar guns. It seems they spared no expense.
I don’t worry too much about equipment, since Michael sorts it out to make sure we get the correct kind—the best computers and gear—from some of the companies we trust. Every diver has a particular kind they prefer, and I’m no different. I do bring my trusty compass that my dad gave me on my first dive though.
We also grab some sleep before heading to the tiny airport on the island. The flight is long, but I’m used to them by now, and I sleep most of the way before looking over the printout of the emails sent about what we’re going into.
It’s exciting. It looks like a deep underwater cave with sumps and unexplored passages. They have barely gone down yet, and we’re going to be the first. It fills me with the adrenaline and excitement I crave.
The only things I feel anymore.
Each dive is harder than the last as I push myself to feel alive. I realise I’m fiddling with my necklace and drop it, forcing myself to relax. We have a lot of work ahead, so this might be the last time I get to for a while.
But the exhaustion is part of the job, and at the end, it only makes it all worthwhile.
When we land, our gear is waiting at the hotel. I check it out to make sure it’s all correct and accounted for. Your gear is your life in cave dives, and you treat it with respect and check it often. My paddle fins look new and good quality, as do the wet and dry suits. The full face masks are state of the art, with comms and lights built in. I have my tanks, harness, and primary and secondary lights. My knife, computers, BCD, regulators, tanks, and climbing gear have already been sent to the site, as well as some deco, safe bottles, and my backup gear. We can’t take all of it with us, so cave divers learn to pack light on the stuff we don’t need, but we always bring extra gear. Down there, anything could go wrong, so you have to be prepared for the unexpected.
I have my thermals to wear under my suit and a couple changes of clothes and essentials in my backpack. I grab my bandana and bag, and we’re ready to go. We eat at the hotel that night before taking another plane out, and then fly on a sea plane until we reach the dive boat.
We are both tired, so we sleep for a few hours while the sun is still down and we are cutting through the waves on the way to the island. It’s only accessible by boat or a helicopter from a ship. This one is bringing in the last of the gear, the storage filled with tanks, ropes, food supplies, water, lights, DPVs, and so much more. It’s impressive.
I can’t wait to play with all the equipment.
When the sun comes up, I’m awake and standing on the deck, nursing a mug of coffee. The bright blue water crashes into the side of the boat, and I notice the tides are strong today, making me grin.
Then we come upon the island, and I gape in awe. Fuck, I love exploring
new places. Seeing them, wondering what other secrets they have to hide. It rises from the ocean like an untamed beast, daring us to conquer and explore it.
The side we’re facing has huge cliffs reaching into the sky, filled with trees and foliage. Michael joins me on deck as we stare at it. “Cap says we moor near the cliff edges, and then we have to climb up the cliff. It’s a two-mile trek to base camp. When you’re there, let them know the boat is waiting so they can haul the gear up.”
“Hell yes,” I mutter, downing my coffee and rushing inside to put my wetsuit over my shorts and tank top. I tuck my necklace in and brush my hair back into a ponytail before grabbing my mask. “We’re going to free dive this shit,” I tell him as he swears and gets into his suit. I grab my backpack and thread my arms through as I wait at the back of the boat.
When the engine cuts and the anchor drops, I look back and thumbs-up the captain as Michael steps up next to me. “Race ya, old man.”
“Fucking Minnow, you know you’ll win,” he mutters as I turn and step onto the freeboard.
“Not my fault I hold the record for being able to hold my breath for eleven minutes,” I tease, and with a turn, I dive into the cool water.
I reach the cliff first and heave myself up onto the ledge at the bottom. Yanking off my mask, I tie it at my hip and grab my chalk, dusting my hands to make it easier to climb. There is already a rappel and belay, and ropes with crampons in place. I grab one of the helmets waiting on top of the supply box and tug it on.
Safety first.
I attach myself onto the rope, but instead of using it to pull myself up, I start to climb. Using the small rocks and ledges, I wedge my toes and hands in, pulling myself up and pushing with my legs. I’m halfway up the wall when I hear Michael below me. Grinning, I search for the next hand hold and find one across the wall. I leap for it, swinging as I connect with it, and scramble to find some foot holds.
I hear Michael yell, and when I’m secure, I look down to see him glaring at me. “Come on, old man, what’s life without a bit of risk?” Winking, I start back up the cliff edge, moving quickly and easily, yanking myself over the top before tying off and looking down at Michael, who’s moving slowly but surely. Pulling off the helmet, I strip from my suit, fold it, and put it into the wet bag as I grab my shades and look around at the forest before us.
There is a cleared path heading to the site, and I can’t wait to get there and get started. Excitement fills me until I’m almost bouncing on the spot, waiting for Michael. I look back out at the ocean, seeing the boat, which is just a dot from up here, and the vast blueness stretching out as far as I can see.
This world still has so much to offer—places never before seen, paths never traversed, rocks never climbed, or caves never dived…and I plan to find them all. Starting here. This dive is the one that will properly kick off the rest of my career, I can feel it.
When Michael is at the top, I turn back to the path with a smile. “Let’s do this.” I wink over at him, and he smiles, shaking his head.
“To the next adventure.”
“Always,” I agree as we start off into the forest.
Chapter Four
My legs burn, and sweat drips down my forehead and back. I love it, the pain only makes me push harder. It’s not a long trek, but pushing through a rainforest after two weeks of constant dives means it’s not easy either. The terrain is rough and raised, and though they carved through the foliage, we still have to climb, duck, tramp through water, and scale a small mountain and rappel down.
Michael is panting behind me when we reach the bottom and cover the last mile between us and the camp. One second, we are in the forest, with the monkeys grunting above us and the snakes slithering about, and the next, we’re breaking into the clearing.
Into the camp.
It’s amazing, and you can definitely tell Steve is rich. The tents are erected around the perimeter with alerts for predators. The dive site is closed off with supplies waiting to go down next to it. There are fires ready to burn, a helicopter landing pad with one sitting right there, and it’s bustling with people carrying equipment, coming up from the cave, and helping get set up.
It’s incredible, one of the best I have been on.
“Jesus, kid, would you look at this? Our last boat was held together by duct tape compared to this.” Michael laughs as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. “We are finally making it, kid, like you deserve.”
“Don’t get soft on me, old man. Let’s go introduce ourselves and get started.” I grin, pulling away.
“Just can’t wait to get down there, can ya?” he calls and laughs, following me. I get smiles and quick hellos as I wind through the camp. I spot Steve talking to a fierce-looking huge black man, but when he notices me, he dismisses him and turns with a grin, his arms wide to showcase the camp.
“You’re here!” I meet him halfway for a hug. When he releases me, I drop my gear on the ground and look around.
“This is impressive,” I tell him, and he grins wider.
“It is, isn’t it? I can’t wait for you to see the cave itself. We haven’t mapped much, just been planning our attack, but we can discuss that later during the briefing. I’m sure you’re tired. Let me show you to your tent before you meet the team.”
“Thanks.” I nod, grabbing my pack and hauling it over my shoulder. “Also, let them know the boat is here and waiting to unload.”
He nods and calls out to someone as I look around again, noticing the huge hole in the ground the camp is built around. It’s obviously the way down into the cave and the entrance chamber. I can’t fucking wait to rappel down it and see just what Mother Nature has in store for us.
Steve turns back and leads us through the camp as he talks, his voice rushed and excited. That’s another thing I like about him, he has an adventurer’s soul, he just got into the game too late to actually dive and explore. Instead, he funds others so everyone can see what the world has to offer.
He could spend his immense wealth on anything, but he chose this, and he has my respect for that. He doesn’t do it for the credit, though it helps, he does it because he wants to inspire and prove our world is incredible and still so unexplored.
“We’ll have a team up here at all times, including a crew bringing down more equipment and rations if you need them, and of course emergency help. There’s a comms unit and relay up here so you can send what you find at the end of each day. We have medics and professionals, but this will be yours and my team’s mission. You’re in joint charge with another team, with you lot staying down there while we come up.”
I nod as he explains the parameters.
“Oh, and this is you.” He points at a single smallish tent. I drop my bags inside and stretch my muscles as he grins. “So, are you ready to see it?”
“Hell yes! I thought you would never ask.”
He grins and leads me back to the hole. I walk around the edge, staying a safe distance away and peering down. But it’s black, pitch-black, and deep.
“How far down?”
“Forty meters,” he answers, making me whistle.
“And nothing mapped yet?” I ask as we wander back into the camp.
“Not really, only the first tunnel is since we started bringing the equipment down.” I nod as Michael meanders away to check on our equipment, which should be here.
“What about your team?” I query, looking around, curious to meet them. They have to be good to be diving in this and sorting all this out already. I can’t wait to get started with them. I just hope they aren’t pissed Steve has brought me on, but we are all adults.
“Down there—oh wait, I think they’re coming up,” he tells me, and I nod and look farther into the forest surrounding us, wondering what else is hiding out there and how far the cave system stretches under the surface. Fuck, I wonder if it goes to the ocean… Wouldn’t that be great?
“Peyton, let me introduce you to the team. They have just come back up from taking more
equipment down,” Steve explains, and I turn with a polite smile on my face but freeze. My heart stops, my lungs scream, and my stomach drops.
“Peyton, this is…”
But his words fade as I stare at the men unclipping from the ropes and talking among themselves, completely oblivious to my presence in the bustling camp.
It’s them.
All four of the men I loved…and left.
They’re here, standing on the edge of my new job, unclipping and laughing amongst themselves. I stand immobile, unsure what to do. Panic winds through me, rooting me in place. Oh fuck, oh fuck.
But then Steve whistles and draws Tyler’s eyes. He blocks them from the sun with his hand and looks over. “Tyler, meet Peyton, the diver I was telling you about!” he calls.
Tyler freezes, his gaze swinging to me. Our eyes clash and stay locked from feet apart, neither of us speaking nor moving. I drink him in, unable to help myself. Even after all this time, he still has my heart racing and stomach clenching.
He’s more beautiful than ever.
He’s changed. He’s bigger, more muscular, and has darker skin. He also has more tattoos from what I can see, but it’s his face that has me wincing—hasher, colder, and darker.
The Tyler I knew was sweet and kind, compassionate, and could make me laugh for hours. He had hopes and dreams and the spirit of an adventurer. This isn’t my Tyler. I don’t know this stone-faced man who so easily barked commands. I knew when I left him it would kill a part of him…break his heart. I thought I could handle it if it meant he never found out the truth. Seeing him now, how much I changed him, I know I was wrong…it makes me question if it was worth it at all.
After all those years and distance between us, not speaking or seeing each other, the wound is still fresh and easily ripped open. And, not for the first time, I regret my decision to leave. For a moment, I think he feels the same, the stone façade dropping and revealing the man I used to love underneath.