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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 3

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by Nikhil Parekh

  The most embarrassing moment for a baby sitter was when she dropped the infant

  on the ground; envisaging it to be a piece of chocolate wrapped in soft candy paper,

  The most embarrassing moment for a jeweler was when he added scintillating pearls to his tea; perceiving them to be crystals of sweet sugar,

  The most embarrassing moment for an electrician was when he insipidly handed

  live current wires in the hands of his customer; instead of giving them the compactly molded switch,

  The most embarrassing moment for a zookeeper was when he opened the cage of

  the ferocious lion; expecting innocuous birds to fly out in tandem,

  The most embarrassing moment for a model was when she traversed on the ramp;

  with disdainful blotches of sewage adhering stringently to her face,

  The most embarrassing moment for a artist was when he painted the sun effeminate blue and the landscape blood red; lost in passionate fantasy while incoherently swishing his brush,

  The most embarrassing moment for a singer was when she sang in a tune befitting a crow; the aftermath of a sore throat; drawing squeals of condemnation from the packed audience,

  The most embarrassing moment for a car rallyist; was when his vehicle intractably refrained to budge an inch further; no matter how hard he tried to compress the accelerator at the start of race,

  The most embarrassing moment for a cobbler was when he stitched the lace alongwith the threadbare holes in the shoe; profoundly engrossed in viewing

  the swanky cars passing by,

  The most embarrassing moment for a photographer was when he snapped the clergymen encircling the ministers; instead of capturing the domineering demeanor of the president,

  The most embarrassing moment for a writer was when the ink in his pen exhausted; as he started to emboss the very first page of his book,

  And the most embarrassing moment for a person in love was when an alien girl

  pecked him frantically on his cheek; boldly embraced him in front of his cherished and angry beloved .



  I didn’t eat food today; as I wanted to wholesomely famish myself; to devour

  the appetizing chunks of pudding; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t sleep blissfully today; as I was overwhelmingly excited to run; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t play mischievously today; as I wanted to reserve every iota of my energy to passionately leap; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t drink water today; as I wanted to gulp gallons of voluptuous wine; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t bathe today; as I wanted to drown my persona in flamboyant waves of the salty ocean; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t see any object today; as I wanted to view the mesmerizing beauty of dawn; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t move my legs today; as I wanted to dance unrelentingly all night; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t revolve my fingers today; as I wanted to sketch intricate landscapes with their towering summits in the clouds; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t study one bit today; as I wanted to read through volumes of mystical tales; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t go out today; as I wanted to uninhibitedly explore through the wilderness; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t see the time today; as I wanted to scrupulously count every unleashing minute tomorrow,

  I didn’t smell the air today; as I wanted to inundate my nostrils with the enchanting perfume of lotus; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t speak today; as I wanted to scream hysterically for hours on the trot; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t reside in the house today; as I wanted to live the entire evening in the magnificent castle; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t sweat today; as I wanted to bask under sizzling rays of the sun; let moisture dribble profusely from all pores of my body; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t sneeze today; as I wanted to thunderously blow my nostrils; emptying them in entirety; Tomorrow,

  I didn’t smile today; as I wanted to sway in sheer rhapsody and jubilation; tomorrow,

  I didn’t cry today; as I wanted to pour out rivers of heart breaking emotion; Tomorrow,

  And I didn’t love today; fervently anticipating to be incarcerated in the

  immortal embrace of my dream girl; thinking of tomorrow .






  When I tried to reach her climbing perseveringly on the ladder; poking my head out embarrassingly; after reaching the 9th floor,

  She gave me an obnoxious stare; thrusted the broomstick on my face; sending me hurtling down on the ground; petrified to the last bone of my spine.

  When I tried to reach her in my private helicopter; hovering it at inches from her bedroom window,

  She scornfully hurled disdainful pints off vanity powder at me; thoroughly blinding me; the aftermath of which caused me to crash land in the wilderness.

  When I tried to reach her masquerading my voice like a female; attempting to fool her on the telephone,

  She instantaneously deciphered my tone; barked a volley of malicious expletives at me; before ruthlessly banging down the receiver.

  When I tried to reach her in my swanky car; pretentiously blowing its bombastic horn outside her door,

  She mercilessly emptied the garbage can on my bonnet; left me in open mouthed consternation; with flies and cockroaches from the sewage crawling all over my body.

  When I tried to reach her; sending her flowery letters; embossed with romantic lines which I had copied from the Shakespeare,

  She had a hearty laugh after browsing through the same; snapped it into infinite fragments; throwing it into the remotest corner of her dustbin.

  When I tried to reach her via the internet; sending her a greeting card; studded with outlines of shimmering silver,

  She transferred the same into the trash can simply viewing my name; let alone reading the first alphabet of the electronic message.

  When I tried to reach her on a horse; gallivanting effeminately in the vicinity of her residence,

  She whispered to her friends to shoo me away; which they executed with supreme efficiency; pelting me with their shoes; and whatever rotten piece of junk that came across their hands.

  When I tried to reach her through a diamond set; transferring the same into her jurisdiction alongwith a scintillating necklace of white pearls,

  She envisaged me to be a rich mans son; distributed the beads amongst the beggars howling on the streets; after scrupulously entangling them from the strings.

  When I tried to reach her through television; stylishly proclaiming her name; as well as announcing a reward to anyone who would bring her alive to me,

  She was appalled at my maniacal tendencies; set the police hot on my trail; for pertinently blackmailing her.

  While it was only when I reached her empty handed; barged through the door of her house in front of the unconventional society, audaciously blurted out "I love you; looking deeply into her eyes,

  That I was able to "WIN HER HEART" as she now perceived that I really loved her; wanted to imprison her forever in the vice like grip of my romance.



  Eternally unshakable “Truth” can only; holistically spawn; astoundingly proliferate; timelessly lead; unassailable diffuse; and impeccable transpire;  into nothing else but; Omnipotent “Truth” itself,

  Unconquerably righteous “Honesty” can only; enchantingly spawn; unstoppably proliferate; indefatigably lead; majestically diffuse; and beautifully transpire; into nothing else but; enamoring “Honesty” itself,

  Pristinely unfettered “Artistry” can only; bountifully spawn; interminably proliferate; irrefutably lead; aristocratically diffuse; and amazingly transpire; into nothing else but; poignant “Artistry” itself,

  Pricelessly inimitable “Humanity” can only; stupendously spawn; unabashedly proliferate; magnificently lead; jubilantly diffuse; and respl
endently transpire; into nothing else but; ubiquitous “Humanity” itself,

  Symbiotically benign “Innovation” can only; brilliantly spawn; undyingly proliferate; insuperably lead; triumphantly diffuse; and beamingly transpire; into nothing else but; ingenious “Innovation” itself,

  Iridescently spell binding “Innocence” can only; celestially spawn; unflinchingly proliferate; indomitably lead; royally diffuse; and victoriously transpire; into nothing else but; bounteous “Innocence” itself,

  Fantastically unbridled “Passion” can only; synergistically spawn; continuously proliferate; redolently lead; forever diffuse; and uninhibitedly transpire; into nothing else but; unbelievable “Passion” itself,

  Altruistically ardent “Bravery” can only; handsomely spawn; compassionately proliferate; fabulously lead; ebulliently diffuse; and ecumenically transpire; into

  nothing else but; untainted “Bravery” itself,

  Well-deservedly truthful “Perseverance” can only; regally spawn; convivially proliferate; Omnisciently lead; emolliently diffuse; and tirelessly transpire;

  into nothing else but; undefeated “Perseverance” itself,

  Unfathomably sparkling “Melody” can only; ecstatically spawn; seductively proliferate; wholesomely lead; gorgeously diffuse; and indispensably transpire; into

  nothing else but; ravishing “Melody” itself,

  Invincibly unparalleled “Candor” can only; beautifully spawn; instantaneously proliferate; serenely lead; magnanimously diffuse; and quintessentially transpire;

  into nothing else but; magnetic “Candor” itself,

  Impregnably harmonious “Simplicity” can only; profusely spawn; undeniably proliferate; vivaciously lead; selflessly diffuse; and inevitably transpire; into nothing else but; Omnipresent “Simplicity” itself,

  Gloriously blazing “Virility’ can only; profoundly spawn; unsurpassably proliferate; vividly lead; serendipitously diffuse; and heavenly transpire; into nothing else but; unlimited “Virility” itself,

  Unceasingly virgin “Mischief” can only; ecstatically spawn; romantically proliferate; eclectically lead; winningly diffuse; and surreally transpire; into nothing else but; unhindered “Mischief” itself,

  Innocuously mesmerizing “Beauty” can only; fathomlessly spawn; steadily proliferate;

  symbiotically lead; heartily diffuse; and perennially transpire; into nothing else but; effulgent “Beauty” itself,

  Sensuously fiery “Breath” can only; limitlessly spawn; blissfully proliferate; plausibly lead; universally diffuse; and perpetually transpire; into nothing else but; voluptuous “Breath” itself,

  Fantastically undeterred “Determination” can only; adroitly spawn; incessantly proliferate; gorgeously lead; effervescently diffuse; and passionately transpire; into nothing else but; intransigent “Determination” itself,

  Magically ameliorating “Holiness” can only; indisputably spawn; undauntedly proliferate; magnetically lead; robustly diffuse; and divinely transpire; into nothing else but; unblemished “Holiness”,

  But Immortally fearless “Love” has; is and shall forever; mystically spawn; uncontrollably proliferate; effulgently lead; marvelously diffuse; and sacredly

  transpire; into all of the above and an infinite more than the imperceptible definitions of enigmatic infinite infinity.



  I wasn’t the most infinitesimal iota sad; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was enshrouded by cloudbursts of untamed ecstasy; and was invincibly happy,

  I wasn’t the most parsimonious iota negative; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was indefatigably embracing the Sun of unflinchingly unbridled optimism; and was triumphantly positive,

  I wasn’t the most minuscule iota impotent; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was proliferating into astoundingly victorious newness every unfurling instant of the day; and was unassailably virile,

  I wasn’t the most mercurial iota defeated; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was kissing the most royal epitomes of insuperable success; and was unbelievably


  I wasn’t the most infidel iota ugly; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was unceasingly blessed with the heavens of celestial resplendence; and was inimitably


  I wasn’t the most vanishing iota diminishing; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most unconquerable crusader of tomorrow; and was eternally blossoming,

  I wasn’t the most diminutive iota hapless; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was serendipitously bestowed in every singleton aspect of destined life; and was impregnably fortunate,

  I wasn’t the most invisible iota weak; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was boundlessly impregnated with the most undaunted of calcium; and was fearlessly strong,

  I wasn’t the most fugitive iota sacrilegious; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most untainted apostle of sacredness; and was Omnipotently divine,

  I wasn’t the most abstemious iota wayward; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was unshakably parading towards the path of symbiotic righteousness; and was

  indisputably straight,

  I wasn’t the most oblivious iota criminal; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most unconquerable harbinger of humanity; and was miraculously philanthropic,

  I wasn’t the most inconspicuous iota cacophonic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was incessantly bouncing in the aisles of harmonious rhapsody; and was

  gloriously mellifluous,

  I wasn’t the most obsolete iota invisible; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was seen on every tangible and intangible cranny of this fathomless Universe at the same time; and was majestically Omnipresent,

  I wasn’t the most eloping iota dirty; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was perched on the most unshakably bountiful apogee of hygiene; and was Omnisciently


  I wasn’t the most surreptitious iota abhorrent; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was tirelessly embracing every echelon of humanity till my very last veritable breath; and was limitlessly egalitarian,

  I wasn’t the most evaporating iota nostalgic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was inexorably galloping on the Spartan roads of quintessential livelihood; and

  was profoundly pragmatic,

  I wasn’t the most vespered iota parasitic; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was wholeheartedly donating every fraction of my wealth with both my hands; and was timelessly benevolent,

  I wasn’t the most obfuscated iota delirious; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was blissfully nestling in the nests of magically uplifting calmness; and was effulgently calm,

  I wasn’t the most dilapidated iota ribald; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was tirelessly floating in castles of unsurpassably glittering gold and silver and was incomparably royal,

  I wasn’t the most evanescent iota lying; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was the most indomitable ray of eternally enlightening righteousness; and was bounteously truthful,

  I wasn’t the most ethereal iota lazy; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was wafting into the sweat of timelessly righteous symbiotism all night and day; and was undyingly persevering,

  I wasn’t the most transient iota devastating; but that doesn’t exactly mean that I was evolving unlimited skies of synergistic miracles on every pathway that I tread; and was unstoppably magical,  

  But although I wasn’t the most ephemeral iota “Dead”; yet that exactly and perpetually meant; that every beat of my immortal soul would forever continue to

  love; you; you and only you; every unraveling instant of my enchanting life; and would continue to be “Alive” for you; and only you; O! poignantly godly

  Beloved; even an infinite centuries after my treacherously gory death .



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