Downtime and Death (Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 5)
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Apocalypse Gates
Book Five:
and Death
Author’s Cut
Daniel Schinhofen
Copyright © 2019 Daniel J. Schinhofen
No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form by an electronic or mechanical means – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews – without the written permission from the publisher.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental and not intended by the author.
Copyright © 2019 Daniel J. Schinhofen
All rights reserved.
Table of contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter One
Rolling into Green River, Becky slowed the Humvee as someone flagged her down. “Can I help you?” Becky asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Where did you folks come from?” the older man asked, looking at the Humvee with a hint of worry.
“The west,” Becky replied. “Is Bill home?”
“You know Wild Bill?”
“We helped him set this place up,” Becky said with a large smile.
“You’re Becky?” The man looked stunned.
“Gothy, stop playing with him,” Alvin chuckled. “We’re going to head on up. Have fun,” he added for the guard.
“Sure…” the older man said, watching them closely as the Humvee rolled by.
“Looks like they picked up some new people,” Alvin said. “That’s good.”
“We’ll be staying here for a time?” Kuro asked from the backseat.
“That’s the plan,” Alvin sighed. “The last week has been nice, but I want to take a real vacation.”
“‘Nice,’ he says,” Becky snorted. “Lack of dragons is good, but that town full of zombies was unpleasant. Fuckers are too smart now... wearing armor, using guns— shit got real while we were gone.”
“It was definitely different, so it’s something for us to work on during training,” Alvin said. “The devs have been quiet over the last week. I’m glad they made the gates to the base invisible, and set it up so the vehicles face forward when parked so you can drive forward to leave.”
“That had to be Sammi,” Becky smirked. “She likes quality improvements.”
“True. She focused a lot on the base, too,” Alvin admitted, looking at the town as they drove through it. “They’ve been busy.”
“I wonder how much of that demolition happened before the big change,” Becky murmured.
“We’ll probably find out soon,” Alvin said as they turned onto the road that led up to the compound.
“This is the first place you helped save?” Kuro asked from behind them.
“Yeah. This is where it all began for us,” Alvin said.
“That was actually my high school, Hero, but yes, this place was where we really meshed,” Becky corrected him.
“Blow jobs while parked on zombie infested streets,” Alvin chuckled. “Ah, the good old days.”
“Saving people, killing my dad, wild sex… though that last one still happens, thankfully.”
“As if you’d ever let it not happen,” Alvin snickered.
“Fair enough,” Becky giggled. “Now I have a Mousie to help slake some of my needs.”
“Slake... says the woman who went for six rounds last night between Mousie and me. If anything, I’m saying your sex drive hit overdrive once Mousie became involved.”
“I’ll try to slake her better,” Kuro said with a sly grin.
“It’s a mug’s game,” Alvin told her. “Even if we took her all day and night for a week, she’d just ask for more.”
“We should try that and see what happens,” Becky grinned.
“If I could stay in the base for a week, I’d try it,” Alvin replied with fake disappointment. “I’d also need some vitamins, a lot of energy drinks, and who the fuck knows how much adrenaline.”
Becky huffed, “Asshole. You love my quirks and you know it.”
“I do,” Alvin said. “We both do.”
“Yes,” Kuro agreed.
“Do those walls look thicker and taller?” Alvin asked as they got closer to the compound. “And longer?”
“That’s what she said,” Becky snickered.
Guns atop the wall tracked the Humvee as it rolled toward the gate. Alvin slid into the backseat and unlatched the gunner’s hatch. Standing up, he rested his arm on the M240B. A moment after he was visible, the guns on the wall went back to a neutral position.
“What did you do, Hero?”
“Showed my face,” Alvin replied. “I figured they have to be set for friendlies not to trip them, and they used to like us here.” Staying where he was while they approached the gate, Alvin whistled softly when he saw the heavily armored pillbox next to the gate. “Bill is serious about his defense.”
A shout came from inside and it began to open for them. The guillotine gate had barely raised a few feet before someone darted under it, running toward them.
“Al!” David shouted as he ran.
The Humvee came to a full stop quickly, and Becky jumped out as soon as the brake was set. “What am I, chopped liver, little brother?”
“Becky!” David shouted her name just before he reached her.
A dark form appeared between them and David went flying to the side. Kuro had drawn both blades and stood between Becky and David. “Don’t touch—”
“Bad Mousie,” Becky snapped, slapping the back of Kuro’s head in reprimand. “He’s my brother.”
Flushing in embarrassment, Kuro let her blades vanish. “I’m sorry, Gothy. I just saw a man rushing at you and—”
Becky grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into a hug, “David is my brother and is allowed to hug me. Got it?”
“Yes,” Kuro replied softly, still embarrassed at her gaffe.
“Hey, you need a hand?” Alvin chuckled, holding a hand out to David who was slowly getting back to his
“Yeah, but what happened?”
“Mousie happened,” Alvin chuckled. He stepped aside so David could see the dark-skinned Elf. “David Woodrow, this is Mousie. She’s Gothy’s pet... sounds a little odd when I say it out loud,” Alvin snorted with amusement.
“What?” David asked, shaking his head.
“Mousie is our companion,” Becky said. “Our very close and personal companion. How is Bridget?”
“Umm…” David blinked, clearly at a loss.
“Al, Gothy, it’s good to see you both,” James said, coming down to meet them. “You vouch for the… Elf?” The last word hitched when James finally registered the race of the person with them.
“Yes,” Alvin said, shaking hands with James. “Mousie is with us. How are Bill, Susan, and Gran?”
James’ smiling face widened at the question, “Good, all of them. Gran took up with Frank a few weeks ago. They’re running the inn together now. Come on inside; Susan would be upset if I kept you out here.”
“Gothy, you want to walk in?” Alvin asked as he went over to the Humvee. “I’ll bring the Turtle into the yard.”
“Thank you, Hero. Come on, Mousie, you can walk with me.” Turning her head back to David, she asked again, “How is Bridget?”
“Want a ride, James?” Alvin asked the deputy.
“Never been in one of these before, so, sure.” James went around to the passenger side and jumped in. “I bet there’s a story behind you getting this, and how you met the Elf.”
“It hasn’t been dull,” Alvin laughed. “I’ll fill you guys in once the family is together.”
“Speaking of,” James said, “thank you. You made it there and got me connected to mom, dad, and my sisters. We exchange messages every day now. Dad is so excited about helping them build a sustainable farm. I’d try to get them over here, but the trip is too dangerous.”
“Yeah, about that... what happened to the fish monster and wyvern that attacked you guys?”
James chuckled, “I’ll explain that when you explain stuff.”
“Fair enough. How many more people have you added?”
“Close to three hundred survivors have trickled in. We had to kick a few out and others died, but we still have over two hundred more than we did when you left.”
“I noticed the defenses are automated,” Alvin said, letting the Humvee roll past the gate at an idle. “That cost a bunch?”
“We got it set up before the first big change,” James said. “Oh, and thanks for the warning about the change coming. I’ll give you the rundown on the defenses tonight. I’m glad Susan was in charge, though. You won’t be surprised to hear that Randy and Claudia are gone— they started some drama and Bill ejected them. That cost us maybe twenty others, but it’s been relaxed without them... well, as relaxed as it can be.”
“Which way did they go?” Alvin asked as he set the parking brake.
“South,” James said, getting out. “One of the guys said he knew of a cabin retreat in Arizona.”
“Maybe they ran into some ants,” Alvin chuckled darkly.
“Later,” Alvin said, waving off the subject. “It’s part of the long story.”
“I see you’re still alive, but I figured you’d be hard to kill,” Bill said, coming out of the bunker he called home.
“Bill, same to you,” Alvin said. He felt a bit of happiness knowing that the people he liked here were still alive. Trading grips with Bill, Alvin grinned when the veteran winced as he squeezed. “I’ve grown a bit.”
“I can tell,” Bill nodded, flexing his hand. “You and her both… who’s that with her?”
“A friend,” Alvin replied. “A Queen’s Elf. You got my letters from the Svargax Gate.”
“Brought one home with you?” Susan asked, coming out the door.
“Gothy kind of claimed her, and Gothy gets what she wants,” Alvin chuckled.
“Different, but that’s you two in a nutshell. Now, why didn’t you tell us you were coming this way?”
“We wanted to surprise you,” Becky said, walking over and exchanging a brief hug with the busty redhead. “You look wonderful, Susan. Everyone, this is Mousie. Mousie, these are our friends.” She made quick introductions, giving Kuro everyone’s names. “There are a few other people here that are noteworthy, but we’ll introduce you to them later.”
Kuro gave each man a nod, but stepped back when hands were offered to shake. “Good to meet you all,” she said, giving Susan a quick hug like Becky had.
“Mousie doesn’t get along with men,” Becky said, seeing the glances between the others. “It’s something from her upbringing.”
“Looks like we’re going to have a lot of catching up to do,” Susan said. “Why don’t you say hello to Grandma Terry, settle into a room, and have her put it on my tab? We’ll get things set up for an early dinner and meet you in the private dining room.”
“Private dining room?” Alvin said.
“Oh, that was added after you left,” Susan said. “Just have Gran bring you over.”
“Sure,” Alvin said. “We’ll see you in a bit.”
“Looking forward to it,” Bill chuckled.
As Alvin, Becky, and Kuro headed toward the inn, he told Becky about Claudia and Randy.
“Damn, I was hoping to show that fucking bitch the new me,” Becky sighed.
“What new you? You are the same you as you’ve always been,” Alvin said, bumping her hip with his.
“I’m also sexier now,” Becky said.
“Sleeker maybe, but still just as sexy as you’ve always been,” Alvin corrected her.
A small smile touched her lips, “Hero… thank you.”
“Told you before and I’ll keep telling you,” Alvin said, putting his arm around her waist. “You’ll always be perfect to me no matter how tall, short, thin, or big you get. Though I might need to stop you from upping anything that increases your sex drive.”
Laughing, Becky leaned her head against him as they walked, “Good luck, Hero.”
Alvin held out his other arm, “Mousie, come on over here. I’m going to need your help with tiring her out later.”
Kuro slipped onto his arm, “I’m happy to help, Hero.”
When they walked into the inn, the few people inside looked at them blankly for a long moment. One of them, a teenage girl, shot to her feet. “They’re back!”
“Calm down,” Alvin said. “No reason to get all shouty.”
“But you’re back!” the girl said. “Did you fight dragons…?” She trailed off, staring at Kuro. “A Dark Elf!?”
“What’s all this noise?” Terry asked, coming out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel.
“Hey, Gran,” Becky said. “Susan said to give us a room on her tab.”
Terry stopped, tears welling in her eyes. “You came back, and after finding my Plachie…” She came around the counter, the tears spilling over and running down her cheeks.
“Easy there, Gran,” Alvin said, giving her a hug. “We’re glad to see you, too. Where is this guy you took up with? I probably need to vet him for you.”
“I’ve been vetted enough,” Frank said, having followed Terry out of the kitchen. “She’s been so happy since you got the kiosks set up so she can talk with her kids and grandkids.”
“Moving forward, huh?” Alvin asked as Terry gave Becky a hug.
“It just seemed right,” Frank replied, his face set. “Is that a problem?”
“As long as she’s happy, no,” Alvin said. “Make her cry, though, and James isn’t going to be your biggest problem.”
“James and Bill already gave me this talk,” Frank snorted. “You seem to have a collection of your own.”
Kuro stood there stiffly, glaring from one set of appreciative male eyes to the next. “Gothy, is it wrong to blind one to get the point across?”
“Bill would throw a fit,” Becky replied. “Keep your damned eyes off my Elf,” she told th
e room coldly.
“I’m Terry,” Terry said, approaching Kuro. “What’s your name?”
“Mousie,” Kuro said. “I belong to Gothy and Hero.”
“Belong?” Frank asked with a raised eyebrow. “That an Elf thing?”
“Yes and no,” Alvin replied. “Susan said she’ll make an early dinner. We’ll be telling the story then. Can we get a room?”
“Of course,” Terry said, a key appearing in her hand, “You’ll be in the same room you used before. I’ll come get you when it’s time. Go wash up and relax.”
“Thanks, Gran,” Alvin said, taking the key.