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Forever Yours: Rage Ryders Templeton Chapter Book 2

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by Parker , Liberty

  Forever Yours

  Rage Ryders Templeton Chapter Book 2

  Liberty Parker



  Character Bible



  1. Malibu

  2. Malibu

  3. Kassi

  4. Malibu

  5. Kassi

  6. Kassi

  7. Kassi

  8. Malibu

  9. Kassi

  10. Malibu

  11. Malibu

  12. Kassi

  13. Kassi

  14. Malibu

  15. Malibu

  16. Malibu

  17. Kassi

  18. Malibu

  19. Malibu

  20. Kassi

  21. Kassi

  22. Kassi

  23. Malibu


  Bonus Scene

  Stalk Liberty Here:

  Other Books by Liberty


  Forever Yours

  Rage Ryders Templeton Chapter Book 2

  Copyright © Liberty Parker 2020

  Male Model: Roberty Kelly

  Female Model: Kayce Kyle

  Photographer: Dante Dellamore

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person or use proper retail channels to lend a copy. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text please contact

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All of the characters in this book are fiction and figments of the authors’ imaginations. No part of this story is based on any true events or anyone’s life. If any MC names are used by any real, or true person, it is coincidental and in no way based on them or any real-life human being, living or not.


  This book is dedicated to all of the Rage Ryders fans. As you waited patiently for Kassi and Malibu’s book… I thank you.


  First off, I want to thank my two PA’s. Nicole Lloyd and Sharon Renee. Without the two of you taking care of me, I’d be lost and never keep a schedule.

  Darlene Tallman, thank you for having my back and being there to lend an ear and offer up advice as I needed it throughout the writing of this book. This was a hard one, and you listened to me as I emotionally struggled to pull off a few scenes.

  Liberty’s Luscious ladies… as always, you support me and keep me motivated with your love of the written word.

  To anyone else I’ve missed, I apologize, I could go on all day thanking and acknowledging all of my friends in the indie industry.

  Character Bible












  Introduced in Faithfully Devoted

  (Supporting Characters)

  Tyler *Dust*





  What happens when a part of you is destroyed? What happens when you're betrayed by your remaining partner? Who do you trust? Who do you turn to?

  Malibu has more questions than answers after Fern's death. Questions that he's sure Kassi has the answers to, only she's not talking. He can't go to his brothers because she's 'club' and also 'blood' while he's merely a brother.

  Kassi feels the divide between them but has no idea how to bridge the gap. She knows he thinks she has answers, only she doesn't.

  Or does she? Strap on your helmet and hold on tight, the latest installment in the Rage Ryders is about to get bumpy.




  The one thing that should automatically be a given when you’re in a committed relationship like I am.


  The one thing that I no longer feel like when it comes to my life in general.


  The one thing I feel deeply. Fern was the love of my life and I miss her with every breath I take.


  The one thing that was stolen from me young in life.


  The one thing that I should feel every time Kassi is in my arms.


  The one thing that has embedded itself into my soul.

  Fuck All’s.

  The one thing I don’t have nor do I have two shits to give.


  Wishful thinking.

  What I have when it comes to Malibu still loving me.


  What I have that slaps me in the face every single fucking time he comes through the front door.


  What I have lost when it comes to matters of the heart.


  What I have in the memories I shared with Fern. The one person who knew me and understood me better than even my twin.


  What I have lost when Malibu turned his back on me and stabbed me in the heart.


  What I have lost the will to do.

  All of my give a damn’s are busted.

  What I have in my heart on a daily basis. I no longer care how anyone feels about me or for me. Malibu has ruined me for any other person…dead or alive. I feel nothing but numbness; and it’s all his fucking fault.



  My life has forever changed three times during my short lifespan. Once was the day I met Fern; then when she introduced me to Kassi, making that the second time. The third, was the tragedy that still rocks me to my core and wreaks havoc in my life on a daily basis—the loss of the love of my life. My Fern. Forever gone, and I still don’t have all the answers as to why. Kassi has had some form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from that night and she claims to have no true memory of the tragic events that unfolded.

  I’ve seen the anguish clearly written on her face; she had nightmares at first. They’ve dimmed as much as they can for someone who went through something so horrific that her mind hides it from her. But the phone call I recently received has me now unsure if I believe her tale of not remembering. I love her, but I don’t trust her… not anymore. And that is something I’m unsure I can live with. It’s something I don’t want to live with. I want trust; to have complete honesty, unwavering love and most importantly; I want longevity—a love story books will be written about.

  That doesn’t seem to be something that’s written in the cards for us. I thought maybe it was after Fern passed, but now; I feel like she’s holding something back, something important, something life-altering. The call I received was the tip of the iceberg as far as I’m concerned. I’ve been receiving notes and letters for months now, more than a handful, claiming that Kassi has intimate knowledge of what led to Fern’s death. Every single motherfucking time I think about the possibility, the feeling of hot lava running through my veins ignites a fire deep inside of my gut. Acid settles into the pits of my belly, causing a wave of anger and dispair to cause my mind to spin. I hate not knowing if the woman I’ve promised my life to is a liar or a victim. Now, I’m the one having nightmares, waking up in cold sweats, thinking that she could’ve not only betrayed Fern, but m
e as well.

  I want to call her out, force her to answer for her supposed sins. I want to banish her from my life… but at this point and time, I can’t. Not until I have solid proof that she’s a manipulative, lying bitch. She’s club, a princess, born and bred. I’m nothing more than an interloper in her world. I wasn’t born into the Rage Ryder family, but they’re buried deep in my soul. I’m a brother, and the brotherhood surrounding this MC is the utmost important thing in my life. Therefore, I can’t take the chance of stepping out of line without undeniable, unquestionable proof of her perceived betrayal. That’s the one thing that’s intolerable’ no one is allowed to break that, not even the Ol’ ladies. You cannot betray the club, nor a brother, and expect to stay in good standing within the club. The fact that she’s Ryder’s sister makes this even harder for me. Because he’ll want a trial within the compound walls to prove her unworthiness. Trial by peers, which means there can be no holes in my proof. Ryder and Kaci won’t let her go easily; Ryder’s been working hard, making up for not being a big part of their lives growing up, he’s taking the big brother role to extremes. There’ve been times that his protectiveness is so severe that the girls… all of the Ol’ ladies, have banded together in a stance against him.

  I do not envy him.

  Not in the least.

  But then, I’ve never had the bond of being someone's blood brother. I have no siblings, which is why I feel so humbled by the relationships I’ve gained and have with my club brothers.

  “Malibu! What the fuck is going on between you and my sister?” Ryder strolls up to me as I’m sitting on the stool in front of the bar enjoying a cold brew and a Cuban cigar.

  “Didn’t realize my fucking love life was any of your concern.” My voice comes out husky and annoyed. I’m sick and tired of her family thinking they have the right to voice an opinion when it comes to us. I keep my damn nose out of his and Skylar’s shit, and I’ve never once jumped into Travler and Kaci’s disagreements. It’s fucking bullshit that they think they can call me out on mine. I’m pissed already, and he’s only adding fuel to my already blazing fire.

  “Anything that involves my sisters is my concern, fucktard. What the hell is going on with you? You’ve been distant, and quite frankly, I’m personally getting a little sick and tired of the attitude you’re sportin’ these days. You need to let someone in and help you, man. You’re drowning and sinkin’ us all down into the depths of hell with you.” He places a hand on my shoulder and I shrug it off. He’s fixing to end up with a fist in his face if he doesn’t get out of my personal space. VP or not, my tolerance will only stretch so far before I lose my cool demeanor and snap.

  This is nobody’s fucking business!

  “Ryder, what happens between Kassi and me is no one’s business but our own. I need you to stay the fuck out of this. We’ll either resolve it or we won’t; either way, it’s our burden, our problem,” I sternly answer back through gritted teeth.

  “This is what you aren’t getting. You made certain promises to her, and to me, when you brought her into yours and Fern’s relationship. So far, all I’ve seen is you being a dick to my sister and I don’t appreciate the treatment, brother.” He sneers and I see that his buttons have been pushed and have far exceeded what he usually allows then to be. “I’m fixing to fuck you up, if you keep up with the way you’re speaking to me. I’m your motherfucking vice president!” He jabs his finger into his chest while speaking. But then, I see that finger coming in my direction and I see motherfucking red. I don’t like to be touched when I haven’t given someone the green light to do so.

  I stand abruptly at the impending threat. The way I’m feeling today, a good fistfight may be in order to calm the raging beast residing inside of me. My stool falls to the ground and I swear I feel the floor pulsate at my feet. I step over it and invade Ryder’s personal space. I want him to feel what he’s made me feel these last few minutes. “VP or not, I don’t appreciate being threatened,” I grit out through my clenched jaw. I’m so angry and full of fervor, that it won’t take but a few more unpleasant comments and meddling in my relationship, before I physically even the score.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Kid, the newly appointed president of the Rage Ryders, Templeton chapter, treads heavily down the hallway, making his presence known. “Whatever the fuck it is, needs to stop right goddamned now!” He stops and stares the two of us down, but I know if it came down to backing me or his VP, Ryder would win—no doubts about it. They grew up together in the clubhouse; they were club kids who were raised more like brothers than friends. They are a team to be reckoned with, a powerhouse that most men would cower from if they came upon them. But somewhere inside, I must have a death wish, because I don’t stop my verbal attack on my friend. My brother—my, for all intent and purposes, brother-in-law.


  Pulling up to the clubhouse, we—Kaci and I, can feel tension straight away upon entering the gated parking lot. I don’t have to see who’s inside the circle of men to know that Malibu has gotten himself in some sort of trouble… again. I can feel it deep down to the marrow of my bones. We see Skylar standing on top of a tabletop, screaming and pointing in the middle, like a woman possessed. “Ryder must be involved,” Kaci says to me as she hurries to get out of the car.

  “And Malibu,” I drone. Closing my eyes, I say a silent prayer, as I let out a deep-seated sigh, then grab the handle to release the door. The creaking of the hinges is deafening as I make my way out. The sound is supersonic to my sensitive ears, causing yet another flinch to make its way through my body. I take a deep breath, scared to find out what the hell is happening between my brother and my Ol’ man. Those two are like oil and vinegar, always finding a reason to verbally brawl like siblings. I think they annoy each other purposefully, just so they can take their frustrations from life out on the other.

  “Why do you say that?” she asks as she rounds the side of the car at a fast pace, meeting me halfway in the front of the car. My perceptions are on high alert. I can figuratively hear the engine trying to cool itself and the heat that permeates from it scathes my skin. The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end as I overhear the commencement of a physical altercation. Chills course their way down my vertebrae, I don’t particularly care for Malibu himself at this point in time; but I know what both he and my brother are capable of when they’re fighting. Personally, I’m not in the mood to kiss anyone’s boo-boos.

  “Because Malibu has been… unstable, I guess is the correct word. He snaps at every single thing and any fucking one. No one does anything right; and I swear he’s been looking for someone to fight. He doesn’t get a physical one from me, but we have a verbal square off on a daily basis. I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be able to stand beside him, be in the same house or room as him and not chop off his damn balls.” I look away from Kaci, not wanting her to grasp that my words are truer than she’s potentially giving them credit as being.

  “Do you need me to supply the machete?” my sister asks me. I’d normally laugh at such a comment as this, but I’m so fucking tired of living this life; absolutely nothing makes me smile anymore. Not even the humor or bond that I have with my twin.

  “No, a machete is too quick for him. I need a chainsaw.” I go for a normal ‘Kassi’ response. I know I shouldn’t cover up my feelings from my sister; but I’m fearful of what she’d do, and she has my nephew, Cash, to raise. Plus, I don’t care what anyone says about orange being the new black, the color is just god-awful with her complexion. And if anything, I reserve the right to protect my twin’s unfashionable senses.

  “When you’re feeling more like yourself, you will tell me what’s going on.” Kaci gives me a sideways frown. “Don’t think for a second you have me duped. This is more than about Malibu. Don’t forget, I know you better than anyone ever will.” Fucking twin extra sensory perception bullshit. Sometimes it’s as if we share a brain which is a scary thought, because I don’t really wanna
know everything she’s thinking. She’s a ballbuster, someone that doesn’t take shit and says exactly what is running through her head. She literally gives no shits if she hurts anyone’s feelings; especially if you ask for her opinion. Be ready, because she’s not going to hold anything back. I once made the mistake of asking how some jeans looked on me and she told me I looked five months pregnant. It may be perceived as rude to some, but that’s just how she is.

  And I love her no matter what.

  “I’m not trying to hide anything from you, Kaci.” I rejoin the conversation, picking up from her previous observation, saying, “If I need you, I promise I’ll let you know.” We finally make our way to the circle and I step up on the bench seat, then climb on top of the table where I join Skylar. “What the fuck!” I holler out as my hands come up to cover my eyes from the blazing, blinding rays of sunshine. Ryder and Malibu are both painted in blood, a crimson red shade of color that has me clutching my stomach muscles from the sickening display. Malibu’s nose looks twice its size, and Ryder has a bloodshot eye; you can clearly tell that my man gave my brother one of his infamous uppercut punches. “How long have they been going at it?” I grill Sky.


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