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The Unreal Boyfriend

Page 8

by Miranda P. Charles

  “You can answer it. I won’t think less of you,” Bernadette called out in a teasing tone.

  He chuckled. “Why, thanks, babe. I don’t want to, but I think I better.”

  He went to his study picked up the phone from his desk. Holly. Oh, shit. He hesitated for a second, but tapped to answer. It could be important. “Hey, Xavier.”

  “It’s me,” Holly said.

  “I know.”

  “So why are you calling me Xavier?”

  “I thought you were busy all weekend,” he said conversationally.

  “I am. Dante will be here soon. So why are you—oh. Is Bernie there already?”


  “Sorry. I should have realised. Anyway, I just want you to know that Ross asked if I could meet a few of his business contacts at Palm Beach on one of the Saturdays I’m there—only if I want to. I’m still considering it. I’m thinking I should because he’s insisted I stay there for free. But I’m nervous about being alone with him and people I don’t know.”

  Derek frowned. “Yeah. You have to be careful. We need to speak to your brother about that.”

  “I already have. He said we’ll talk about it the next time we meet. But I just wanted you to know.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “No worries. Anyway, I plan not to think of your uncle this weekend. You enjoy your time with Bernie.”

  “I will. You have fun, too.”

  “Most definitely,” Holly said with a sigh.

  Derek smiled as he hung up. He was glad things were going well for Holly on the love front, too.

  He stilled. Love?

  He took a deep breath. Perhaps. And he was glad he could now explore his feelings for Bernadette, rather than pretend she was just a friend to him.

  He went back to his room, determined to make the most of his time with her before she went back home tomorrow night.

  “Babe, what do you want to do next?”

  Derek took Bernadette’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “I’m sure dinner will be enjoyable.”

  Bernadette sighed, pushing the key into her building’s front entrance. “You never know with my mother. As you’d already witnessed, she has no filter.”

  “At least she’s honest,” he quipped, wanting Bernadette to relax. After their incredible weekend together, he didn’t want her stressing out over how June would behave during their dinner with Lawrence.

  “I guess. And she likes you. That’s something.”

  “Didn’t—” He pulled himself up in time. He was about to ask if June had never liked any of Bernadette’s previous boyfriends, but it occurred to him June couldn’t have met most of them, since mother and daughter had only reconciled a year ago.

  He put his arms around Bernadette and hugged her to him, placing a peck on her temple as they walked to her apartment.

  “Here goes,” Bernadette murmured, unlocking her door.

  June and Lawrence could be heard from the kitchen, teasing each other.

  “They’re worse than us,” Bernadette said, rolling her eyes.

  “I don’t think so,” he said with a laugh. He placed his mouth against her ear. “We can even have a competition with them as to who’s the happier couple.”

  “Don’t you dare. Someone has to be an adult around here, and I bet it’s going to have to be me.”

  “You’re so responsible,” he said affectionately, giving her a peck on the lips.

  “Sometimes it’s tiring,” she said dryly.

  That went straight to Derek’s heart. Bernadette might not show it, but she carried heavy loads on her shoulders—and had done so for years. He wanted to ease her worries regarding her mother’s behaviour. “You know I’m not easily offended or embarrassed, so don’t worry if your mum or Lawrence say something inappropriate tonight, okay? Just relax and enjoy dinner. You can’t help what they say or do, so just don’t worry about it. I won’t mind at all.”

  Bernadette smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

  He beamed. He loved it when she looked happy.

  “I guess we should announce ourselves,” Bernadette said. “Mum, we’re here!”

  June came out of the kitchen, followed by a man who had to be Lawrence. “Hello, lovebirds! You’re just in time. Dinner’s almost ready. Oh, and you brought wine. Perfect!”

  Derek handed the bottle to June and turned to Lawrence, offering his hand for a shake. “You must be Lawrence. I’m Derek McCarthy.”

  “Derek McCarthy,” Lawrence said, smiling wide. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Good to see you again, Lawrence,” Bernadette said politely.

  “Yes, yes. And I’m glad you brought your boyfriend here to meet us.”

  “Well,” June said, clapping once. “Now that the pleasantries are over, you two set the table while me and Lawrence finish cooking. And Bernadette, make sure you use those placemats that you have hidden in the cupboard. And arrange the cutleries like… properly.”

  “Sure,” Bernadette said. “What are we having?”

  “Roast chicken, roast vegetables, and pumpkin soup.”

  “Wow, you also made pumpkin soup?” Bernadette said in surprise.

  June snorted. “Are you kidding me? Why would I bother making it when you can buy ready-made ones in the supermarket? But I did roast the vegetables and Lawrence helped cut them.”

  Derek smothered a laugh. It sounded like June hadn’t roasted the chicken herself, either. So much for cooking for the four of them. He caught Bernadette’s gaze and was pleased to see her grinning.

  They set the table and the older couple brought out the food.

  “So,” June said as they settled on their seats. “Did you kids have fun?”

  “Uh-huh,” Bernadette answered.

  “How much fun?”

  Bernadette’s jaw dropped. “Do you really have to ask that?”

  June shrugged. “Well, what else can we talk about? All Lawrence and I did was have sex. I’m assuming that’s what you two did, too.”

  Bernadette blushed to the tips of her ears. “Oh my God,” she murmured.

  Derek grasped Bernadette’s hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We certainly had a great time together, June. Glad to hear the two of you enjoyed your weekend, too.”

  “Yes, why don’t we do it again next weekend?”

  Bernadette opened her mouth to say something.

  Lawrence interjected. “Hey, darling, remember this is Bernadette’s place, okay? Whatever she says goes.”

  Derek looked at Lawrence, surprised at his words.

  “Well, it was just a suggestion,” June said.

  “Shall I pour us wine?” Derek asked, opening the bottle.

  “Please,” Bernadette said.

  “So,” Lawrence said, looking at Derek. “How long have the two of you been going out?”

  “About a month,” he answered.

  “Not long either.”

  “No. But we’ve been friends for more than a year.”

  “Oh, friends to lovers, hey,” Lawrence said. “So when did you figure out you wanted to be more than friends?”

  Derek smiled at Bernadette. “Months ago. The timing just hadn’t been right until then.”

  Bernadette’s lips parted before curving into a shy smile.

  “There’s a guy that Bernadette really, really, really liked before you,” June said.

  “Oh?” He was instantly curious.

  “What are you talking about, Mum?” Bernadette asked, frowning.

  “You talked to Paige about him on the phone a lot, remember? You kept on complaining to Paige that the guy never noticed you—that he only sees you as a friend. Well, I’m glad you’ve decided to forget about that idiot. Derek here is much better.” June gave Derek an approving pat on the shoulder.

  Bernadette shook her head, trying not to laugh.

  “What’s that other guy’s name?” June asked. “Does Derek know him?”

  “Yes, he does,” Bernadette said
dryly. “Extremely well, in fact.”

  Derek grinned, his heart expanding in his chest. He had a lot to make up for with Bernadette, and he hoped he wouldn’t have to disappoint her again.

  “So what’s his name?” June prodded.

  “I think I was that idiot, June,” Derek said.

  June turned to him, eyes round. “Aha, I see. So did Bernadette chase after you?”

  “No, she didn’t. I just woke up from my stupidity.”

  “You said you wanted to be more than friends for months,” Lawrence said. “Why wasn’t the timing right?”

  Derek ran a hand against the back of his neck. This was veering into dangerous territory, but he supposed there was no harm stating a few nuggets of truth here and there. “I was with someone else before.”

  June made a face that indicated her confusion. “But when you realised you liked Bernadette, why didn’t you break up with that other person earlier?”

  “It’s not as easy as that, Mum,” Bernadette said.

  “Why not? If you want someone else other than your current girlfriend, then you ditch her and date the one you like. What’s so hard about that?”

  “I have to say I’m confused, too,” Lawrence said. “I don’t understand how you young people conduct your relationships. Why be with someone you don’t want when you can be with the one you do? Especially when Bernie here already liked you for you all that time.”

  Derek exchanged glances with Bernadette. Damn, he wasn’t expecting to get bombarded with these hard questions. Insensitive and inappropriate they might be, he had to admit he could understand their disbelief and confusion. Argh, if only he’d kept things simple.

  “I had to think about my ex’s feelings, too,” he answered. “We’d been going out for a long time and it was hard finding the perfect time to break up with her. But that’s all in the past now. I’m glad Bernie waited for me.”

  Lawrence nodded. “I guess it’s not always easy. Anyway, sorry to pry about your private lives. Why don’t we talk about something else, like how well I cut these veggies?”

  Derek let out a relieved laugh. He was starting to really like Lawrence. Underneath his rough exterior was a gentleman.

  “Can we talk about next weekend?” June asked rather timidly, looking at Lawrence.

  “That’s up to Bernadette, darling,” Lawrence said. “Don’t pressure her.”

  Bernadette glanced at Derek.

  “It’s totally up to you, babe,” Derek said. “You know I’d love to spend next weekend with you.”

  Bernadette narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re not just saying that?”

  He raised his brows, shaking his head. “I’m not just trying to be polite. You know I mean it.”

  “So it’s all settled,” June said jubilantly. “Lawrence can stay here again next weekend.”

  “Darling, your daughter hasn’t agreed to it yet,” Lawrence whispered out loud.

  Bernadette chuckled. “Okay, then. It’s all settled.”

  “Oh, thank you, my daughter.” June reached across the table to pat Bernadette’s cheek.

  Dinner progressed with more lighthearted topics of conversation, then all four of them helped with cleaning up. After coffee, Derek reluctantly said goodnight.

  “I’ll walk Derek to his car,” Bernadette said.

  “See you on Saturday, Derek, when you pick up Bernadette,” June said.

  “Yes, I’ll pick her up bright and early,” he promised.

  “Oh, I really like you,” June said with a laugh.

  “I’ll be going soon, too,” Lawrence said as they shook hands goodbye. “It was great meeting you, Derek.”

  “You too, Lawrence,” he said, meaning it.

  Lawrence’s influence over June seemed to be strong. And judging by tonight’s events, Bernadette would undoubtedly have a much easier time dealing with her mother with Lawrence around.

  If the big man managed to keep that up, Derek would do anything to ensure that the older couple’s relationship continued to develop. He wouldn’t even mind having dinner again with Lawrence and June, even if they threw him more curly questions.

  As long as he and Bernadette didn’t mention Holly Stirling around them, he didn’t have to be so cautious. It wasn’t as if June or Lawrence knew anything about his Uncle Ross.

  Chapter 8

  Bernadette returned to her apartment, her smile from Derek’s sweet goodnight kiss still fixed on her face.

  “Look at her,” Lawrence said, nudging June with an elbow. “She looks so happy.”

  “Of course, she is,” June said. “She just spent the whole weekend with her hunk of a boyfriend.”

  Bernadette laughed, in too good a mood to be bothered by her mother’s ongoing lack of filter.

  “He seems like a nice man,” Lawrence said. “Very good for your daughter.”

  June beamed at him, and frankly, Bernadette felt herself doing it, too.

  Lawrence was definitely growing on Bernadette. If her mother would always be this mellow and agreeable, Bernadette wouldn’t mind if Lawrence stayed overnight in her apartment more often. While she’d draw the line on the man moving in with them, a couple of weekdays in addition to the weekends wouldn’t bother her, especially since Lawrence had already proven he was happy to dip into his pocket for groceries and such.

  “Well, I better go, too,” Lawrence said. “I have a new job for my new boss tomorrow—some plumbing work at his house. I need to get enough sleep, since I hardly had any last night.”

  June giggled, tapping her boyfriend on the chest before tiptoeing to give him a passionate kiss—complete with a moan.

  Bernadette rolled her eyes. She better get used to this. At least her mother was happy.

  “So are you still going to mention me to your boss?” June asked Lawrence.

  “Sure. I was talking to his housekeeper the other day. Apparently, she needs to cut back on her days, so Ross will be hiring another housekeeper for his Dural place.”

  “I can do that job!”

  “Well, he’s already interviewing, so you better get in there, quick. In fact, why don’t you meet me at his house tomorrow at six-thirty? That’s when I finish. Pretend you’re picking me up, then I can introduce you straight away.”

  June turned to Bernadette, face alight with excitement. “Paige might give me a good reference, don’t you think, even though it’s been ages since I worked with them? And I want Paige to give it, not her parents, since they had that run-in with the law.”

  “Sure, Mum.”

  “I want to look impressive the first time Lawrence’s boss meets me. Maybe I should wear a suit?”

  Bernadette’s brows lifted. Wow, her mum seemed really serious about getting a job. Where had that come from? She looked at Lawrence, and Bernadette knew she had that man to thank for it.

  “You don’t need to be in a business suit at all,” Lawrence said. “Besides, you’re not being interviewed yet tomorrow.”

  “Still, I want to wear something nice. But I haven’t bought any new clothes in a long time. Maybe you can lend me yours, Bernadette.”

  “But they’ll be slightly big on you,” Bernadette said.

  “Yeah,” June said with a tsk. “I guess I’d have to make do with some ten-year-old clothes.”

  June sounded so disappointed that Bernadette made an impromptu decision.

  “Why don’t you meet me in the city at five tomorrow, Mum? We can find a nice new outfit for you before you go pick up Lawrence.”

  June appeared totally shocked that Bernadette had to laugh.

  “You’re gonna pay for it?” June asked.

  “Yes, I’ll buy it for you.”

  “Oh,” June said, placing both palms against her heart. “Thank you.”

  Bernadette smiled, feeling the wall between herself and her mother begin to crumble.

  Bernadette parked her car in front of the impressive house of Lawrence’s boss in Dural, then checked her phone. Still no message from her mot
her that the interview was finished. Hopefully, it was going well, considering it had started over an hour ago.

  She was happy for her mum. June had been beyond herself when she’d scored the interview two days ago, when she’d picked up Lawrence from another property in the North Shore. Apparently, Lawrence’s boss had had a good experience with hiring couples. They tended to stick around and work harder in the hopes of being retained by the same employer.

  Bernadette laughed, wondering if Ross knew that her mum and Lawrence had only been going out for less than a month. Still, even she was impressed at how quickly their relationship had developed. Lawrence seemed to really care about June, and her mum was clearly smitten by her new man.

  It would be good if June got a good salary. Perhaps she and Lawrence could move in together soon, then Bernadette could get her privacy back.

  Glancing back at the house, she switched off the car engine—which turned off the heater. She hoped she wouldn’t have to wait out here for too long. She was starving, and it was cold and dark. If she’d known the interview was going to go overtime, she would have eaten dinner first. Instead, she’d hurried home from work to drive out here. Luckily, this interview was after business hours or she wouldn’t have been available to pick up her mother, who’d requested the favour due to the infrequent bus service in this area, where most of the houses were mansions.

  A rap on her window made Bernadette jump.

  “Hello,” a man as big as Lawrence said. “Are you June Luna’s daughter?”


  “Your mother is still with Ross, and he wants you to come inside while you wait. It’s cold out here.”

  She smiled gratefully. “Thank you.” Grabbing her handbag, she got out of the car and followed the man inside.

  “Your name is Bernadette, is that right?” the guy asked.


  “I’m Boyd.”

  “Nice to meet you, Boyd.” She wondered what exactly Boyd did, but he didn’t elaborate.

  “Please take a seat. I’ll ask Evelyn to bring you a drink.” Boyd gestured to the large front room, furnished with plush sofas and modern decor. “Coffee, tea?”


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