Harbor of Secrets

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Harbor of Secrets Page 4

by Alyssa Drake

  “That’s wonderful news.” Sabrina beamed and clapped her hands together. “Frankie and I will meet you later this morning and take you shopping for some more suitable clothing.”

  Sabrina rose fluidly, snapping her fingers at Frankie as she passed. Frankie nodded to Eliza and trailed after Sabrina.

  “Oh, and dear brother.” Sabrina’s sugary voice rose an octave, hardening. “I expect you to find somewhere else to sleep for the rest of the night and put on some pants for fuck’s sake.”

  “This is my room, Sabrina.” Nate growled and took a step toward her.

  “I told you, I borrowed it.” Sabrina folded her arms across her chest, tapping her foot.

  “Where do you expect me to sleep?”

  “Don’t care.” Sabrina shrugged. “You’re early, anyway.”

  “He can sleep in here for a few hours,” said Eliza. “I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble.” She slid one bare leg out from under the luxurious comforter. Her toes touched something squishy on the floor; her panties, wadded in a tiny ball. She flushed and subtly kicked them under the bed.

  “No.” Sabrina’s gaze flicked to Eliza, glowering. “You’re my guest this evening. Nate is the one inconveniencing me, not you.”

  “We can stand here arguing for the rest of the evening if you like, Sabrina, but I’m not leaving my room.” Nate crossed his arms as well, planting his feet.

  “Sabrina.” Frankie placed her hand on Sabrina’s shoulder. “Please, can we just go to bed? Eliza offered to let him stay. It’s just for a few hours.”

  “No.” Sabrina set her feet and glared at her brother, a mirrored stance of his.

  “What can Nate possibly do in the next three hours?” asked Frankie.

  “A lot.” Sabrina enunciated the two words, refusing to break her stare with Nate.

  “Eliza, since these two have decided to act like children, perhaps you would be more comfortable sleeping in my room.” Frankie held out her hand, gesturing to Eliza.

  “Frankie.” The warning echoed forebodingly around the room; the air crackled. Jealously flashed in Sabrina’s eyes.

  “What?” Frankie blinked her brilliant, green eyes and grinned. “Something bothering you, Sabrina?”

  “Return to the room immediately.” Sabrina’s cold, unforgiving voice sent shivers cascading down Eliza’s back.

  Frankie’s gaze fell to the ground. Her jaw snapped shut, and she left without uttering a word. Grumbling at Nate, Sabrina exhaled loudly and dropped her arms.

  “You always cause trouble.”

  Nate flashed a winning smile. “Part of my charm.”

  “Go to bed, Nate.”

  “As you wish, Sabrina.” He reacted quickly, roughly shoving her from the room, and slammed the door in Sabrina’s face. He locked it with glee.

  “Nate!” Sabrina pounded on the door. “Let me in.”

  “Not if you begged me.”

  “That will never happen.”

  “Well, then, I suggest you follow your own advice and go to bed.” Still chortling, he spun to face Eliza. “I hope you don't expect to go shopping with those two tomorrow.”

  “Why?” Eliza’s eyes shifted between Nate and the closed door.

  “My guess is there’s a small lover’s quarrel brewing.” On cue, an explosion of sound echoed down the hallway.

  “Swell.” Eliza rolled her eyes. “How do you parents sleep through this?”

  “Heavy sleeping pills.”


  “No, I’m just teasing. They stayed on the boat tonight, there’s too many people in the house for their quiet lifestyle.”

  “Your parents are brilliant.” Eliza muttered under her breath as another round of cacophony burst under the door, accompanied by screaming and a loud bang. “Do you think we should investigate?”

  “Nope.” Nate shook his head. He approached the bed and climbed under the covers. “I’m much happier when I stay out of their relationship.”

  “Now what do I do?” Eliza sighed. “I don't have any clothing except what I’m wearing.”

  “You don’t really have that much on.” Nate raised his eyebrows appreciatively. “In an outfit like that, you’ll definitely get the most bids.”

  “Thanks,” grumbled Eliza.

  “If you’re that worried about it, I can take you tomorrow, well, today.” He clicked off the lamp. Punching his pillow, he settled back in the bed.

  Eliza laid back and stared at the ceiling, contemplating her options. “Because shopping is your favorite activity?”

  “No. However, it does give me the opportunity to spend more time with you.” Nate rolled onto his side. “Unless you’d rather go by yourself?”

  Eliza shook her head, turning onto her side as well. Nate’s arm slid over her, drawing her into his embrace, his warm chest pressed against her back. She sighed, melting into his arms, her eyelids closing.

  She jumped at another loud crash, her eyes flying open. She rolled onto her back again. “Are they going to kill each other?”

  Nate laughed. “They’ll be fine by the time we launch. This is typical for them.”

  “Okay.” Eliza drew out the word. Her gaze flicked to the wall as another crash echoed in the room.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Pardon me?”

  “It looks as though neither of us will be getting any more sleep.” A scream and an explosion ricocheted down the hallway. “Since we’re heading into town anyway, we might as well get an early start and enjoy some breakfast.”

  “Just as long as there’s coffee.”

  “Of course.” He rose from the bed and yanked on a pair of jeans. With his back turned, Eliza slipped from the bed and ducked down, collecting her panties from underneath the bed. She slid them up her legs and grabbed her jeans from the nightstand.

  She dressed quickly and spun around. Nate, fully clothed, sat patiently on the bed, facing the opposite direction.

  “I’m ready,” she said, collecting the stack of money from the nightstand. “I just don’t know what to do with this.”

  “Do you trust me?” asked Nate, rising from the bed and turning around.

  “I suppose,” replied Eliza, after a moment.

  “I can put the money in my safe.” He crossed the room and dragged a dresser away from the wall, reveal a small safe embedded in the wall.

  “Wow,” breathed Eliza. “I didn’t even know that was there.”

  “Neither does Sabrina and I would appreciate if you kept it that way.”

  “I promise.” Eliza raised her hand, crossing her fingers over her heart.

  He opened the safe, moving aside. “You can put whatever you need to in there.”

  Nodding, Eliza crossed the room. She set the stack of money inside the safe. Then dipped her hand into her coat pocket, removing a small envelope. She set it on top of the money and closed the safe, spinning the dial.

  Nate moved the dresser back into place. Taking Eliza’s hand, he led her from the room. They traversed the hallway quietly, their escape concealed by the shattering of glass, and descended a staircase which led to a garage.

  Escorting her to the passenger side, Nate patted her hand reassuringly. “I swear, I will give you the money back.”

  Eliza nodded, her teeth worrying her lower lip.

  “You don’t trust people do you?” He tilted his head.

  “Occupational hazard,” replied Eliza.

  “Perhaps I will change your mind.” He opened the door and helped her climb into the car. He dashed around the car and opened his door. Dropping to the driver’s seat, he closed the door. “I am going to buy you at the auction.”


  “I like it when you beg.” He flashed a cheeky grin and started the car.

  Eliza cracked the car window as they zoomed through the early morning. Cool air kissed her face, blowing her loose hair in every direction. She peeked at Nate’s profile, admiring his strong features as they raced toward the sunrise. Her st
omach flipped over again as the morning light highlighted golden flecks in his hair.

  Nate’s eyes slid toward Eliza, catching her as she gawked. Flushing, Eliza quickly averted her gaze. Nate smirked, his arm snaking out across the console. His fingers wrapped around Eliza’s hand, lifting it to his lips.

  “See anything you like?” His mouth brushed lightly over her knuckles. Eliza’s stomach clenched, warmth flowing through her veins.

  A chime echoed in the cabin.

  “Call from Everett,” a pleasant female voice announced. Eliza wondered who would call at such an early hour.

  “Do you mind? I need to take this.”

  Eliza shook her head.

  Releasing her hand, Nate skipped two fingers over a glowing panel. She turned toward the passenger window, to allow him the illusion of privacy.

  “Big brother, I had hoped to see you this morning,” said Nate. “Are you calling to cancel?”

  “If you turn around, you’d see me now,” replied the deep voice. Eliza twisted in her seat. Behind them an identical black car nipped at their bumper.

  “Early today.” Nate smirked, his eyes rising to the rearview mirror.

  “As are you.” The car behind them inched forward, almost kissing Nate’s car. Eliza gasped, bracing her arms. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the crunch of metal.

  “Sabrina found another loophole,” replied Nate. He pried Eliza’s hand from the dashboard and brought it to his lips again. Dropping his voice to a whisper, he leaned toward her. “Relax, Everett is an excellent driver.”

  “Are you?” She mouthed the words.

  Nate snickered and squeezed her hand. “Yes.”

  “What did Sabrina do this time?” Anger flared in Everett’s response.

  “She paid one of the girls to agree to be auctioned.”



  Chapter 5

  Nate’s thumb slid across the back of Eliza’s hand when he said her name. She was not sure if it was his sensual caress or the sultry undercurrent in those three syllables which sent the electric current zipping through her arm. She shivered.

  “Who’s Eliza?”

  “The girl in my car.”

  “Hi, Eliza.” Everett sang her name loudly, his cheery voice crackling over the speakers. “Don’t believe anything my little brother tells you about me.”

  “He hasn’t said anything yet,” answered Eliza.

  “Really? Well, that’s a shame because most of it’s true.” Eliza heard a smirk in Everett’s playful tone.

  “Everett suffers from delusions of grandeur.” Nate hissed his comment loud enough for the speaker to pick up the sound.

  “Har har. Tell me, little brother, where are you headed at such an early hour with Sabrina’s ringer?”

  “Breakfast.” Eliza raised an eyebrow at Nate’s terse reply.

  Undeterred, Everett kept his buoyant tone. “Charlene’s Place?”

  Nate held his tongue, refusing to answer. He sighed heavily, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror.

  “Great! I’ll meet you there.” Everett laid on his horn and sped up, nearly ramming their bumper as he passed. An identical version of Nate pulled even with them. He touched his hand to his forehead in a friendly salute before his car leapt forward and disappeared down the road.

  “Your brother seems nice.”

  “He plays dirty too.” Nate glared after his brother.

  “So, you all cheat.”

  “Yes.” Nate laughed and squeezed her hand. “I guess you could put it that way.”

  They drove in silence for a few moments, and Eliza stared out the window, watching the green foliage flash past; disquiet picked at her thoughts. “He’s going to hit on me, isn’t he?”

  “Yes,” replied Nate, his eyes on the road.

  “Does it bother you?”

  “What?” Nate glanced at her.

  “The constant competition?”

  He shrugged, “It’s the way we grew up; fight for what you want.”

  “Would you fight for me?” Eliza teased, surprised by her need to hear his answer.

  “Yes.” Nate’s serious tone wiped the grin from Eliza’s mouth. He turned, his eyes darkening. “I don’t play games, Eliza; if Everett’s your choice, say so.”

  “I came with you.”

  “In more ways than one.” A wolfish smile curled his lips as he lifted her hand to his mouth again. “And I intend to see you come again.”

  “Only if you can afford me.”

  “I can.”


  “I hope you’re hungry.” Nate changed the subject as they turned into a small, dirt parking lot off the main road.

  Leaning up against his car, Everett waited with his arms crossed, a grin tugging at his lips. Now that she was closer, Eliza noticed a myriad of differences between the two brothers; the most distinguishing characteristic being that everything about Everett seemed overly large.

  Pushing off the car, Everett ran a hand through his wild hair, and ambled across the parking lot, his bear-like frame eating up the distance. Ripping open the passenger side door, he leaned over and offered Eliza his hand.


  “Thank you.” Eliza placed her hand in his—no spark. She stared curiously at her arm. Scrambling form the car, she released his hand, fighting the urge to wipe her palm on her jeans. Everett raised an eyebrow as she took a step away from him.

  “Eliza, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He touched his hand to his forehead and waved his arm in an exaggerated fashion, bowing. His eyes flicked up, a playful grin on his face. “I trust you slept well.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you too. However—” Eliza glanced furtively at Nate as he climbed from the car. “I had very little sleep last night. I’m actually quite exhausted.”

  “That sounds like an interesting story,” said Everett. He leaned forward and placed his forearms on the roof of the car, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Nate rounded the front of the car, appearing next to Everett. “It’s not what you think. Sabrina and Frankie—”

  Everett raised a hand.

  “Say no more, little brother, I understand. The house can be quite loud when they’re around.” He slung a heavy arm over Nate’s and Eliza’s shoulders and led them toward the entrance. “Come on. I smell food.”

  The mouth-watering smell of crisp bacon floated through the early morning air. Eliza’s stomach rumbled as they entered the tiny diner. Fresh coffee brewed on a nearby counter, it’s delicious aroma mixing with the subtle odor of fried potatoes.

  Everett chose a booth in the corner and plopped down onto the bench. Nate claimed the opposite seat. They both looked at Eliza expectantly. Without glancing at Everett, she dropped into the booth next to Nate. Discreetly, he wrapped his fingers around her hand, and she leaned the side of her body against his arm.

  “So, what’s your plan?” Everett folded his large hands, placing them on top of the checked tablecloth.

  “My brother was never one for niceties.” Nate leaned over, murmuring in Eliza’s ear. The vibrations danced over her skin, sending a tremor rippling down her spine. Subtly, his hand reached out and closed over Eliza’s knee. He squeezed gently, then returned his attention to Everett.

  “Sabrina gets credit for the ten thousand dollars she paid to Eliza for her participation this weekend.”

  “Ten thousand?” Everett whistled, his gaze flicking to Eliza. “She must be desperate to win.”

  “Sabrina’s lost our bet every year,” Nate muttered out of the side of his mouth.

  Everett smirked, “Drives her crazy too.”

  “I never got the joy of torturing a sibling,” Eliza admitted.

  “Only child?” asked Nate, turning toward her.


  “Too bad, it’s great fun.” Everett laughed and selected one of the empty ceramic coffee mugs on the table, twisting it in circles. “So, what’s your wonderful idea?” />
  “I’ll buy Eliza this afternoon.”

  “You’ll buy Eliza,” repeated Everett, his mind processing the statement. “Why can’t I buy her?”

  Nate’s jaw snapped. A dark glare skittered across the table.

  “I’m just saying,” continued Everett, watching Nate curiously. “Your plan doesn’t really help me.”

  “And why am I helping you?”

  “We’re working against Sabrina, remember?”

  “Fine.” Nate turned in the booth, releasing Eliza’s hand. “Eliza, who would you prefer purchase you this afternoon?”

  Eliza’s head oscillated between the two men. She licked her lips, stalling. “You can’t really determine who purchases whom prior to the event. I mean, you can’t ensure that you outbid everyone.”

  “Of course, we can.” Everett snorted and waved his hand. “It’s our event.” He leaned across the table and whispered. “I could buy every girl if I wanted.” He jerked his head in Nate’s direction. “Nate could too.”

  “Oh.” Eliza glanced between the two men, her eyes catching previously missed details; the gold watch winking from Nate’s wrist, the subtle twinkle of metal glinting from inside Everett’s partially unbuttoned shirt, the expensive clothing they both wore. How much money did this family really have?

  “You don’t know who we are, do you?” Everett tilted his head, his eyes appraising Eliza. “Where are you from?”

  “All over.” Eliza shrugged. “I move a lot.”

  “That sounds lonely,” murmured Nate.

  “It can be, but I meet a lot of kind people, like you.” She glanced at Everett. “I’m sorry, you seem like a nice person, but I would prefer Nate purchased me at the auction. I’ve known him longer.”

  “Only by a few hours.” Everett rolled his eyes. “Trust me, if you spent time with me first, a different name would have come from your mouth.”

  Beside her, Nate snickered. He buried his head in the menu, attempting to force the smirk from his lips.

  “Something funny, little brother?”

  “Nope,” replied Nate. “Merely admiring your choice of words.”


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