Harbor of Secrets

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Harbor of Secrets Page 5

by Alyssa Drake

Everett reached over, ripping the laminated menu from Nate’s hands. “You eat here every week. The menu hasn’t changed in twenty years.” His eyes narrowed. “Did you sleep with her?”

  “Well, yes, there was some sleeping.” Nate grinned and tilted his head, his eyes sparkling. Eliza shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks burning.

  “Why do I feel like I’ve missed an important portion of the story?”

  “Because you have.”

  “But you’re not going to elaborate…”

  “Nope.” Nate raised his hand, gesturing to a tiny woman fussing with the pots of coffee.

  “Be right over in jiffy, dear,” she replied.

  After pressing a button on the coffee maker, the woman shuffled over, the bottoms of her shoes scraping on the linoleum floor. She extracted a pencil from a bun of loose, grey hair piled atop her head, and licked the tip of the pencil. Then, she retrieved a scratch pad from her apron pocket.

  “Do you know what you want to eat?” Nate whispered to Eliza. She shook her head. “May I order for you?”

  Eliza nodded. Everett watched the exchange, a peculiar expression frozen on his face.

  “Two specials please, Charlene.”

  She smiled, turning her attention to Everett, beaming widely. “The usual for you dear?”

  “Yes.” Everett winked, causing the older woman to blush. “And coffee, please.”

  “Certainly.” Charlene eyes swept over the table, pausing a moment on Eliza. She upended the coffee mugs and then shuffled toward the percolating coffee pot, calling over her shoulder as she retrieved the carafe.. “I saw your parents yesterday morning; your mother was in high spirits, talking about the auction.”

  “This is her favorite charity event,” replied Nate, stuffing the menus into the metal holder at the rear of the table.

  Charlene returned to their table with the coffee pot and a dish of packaged creamer. Filling each cup with steaming caffeine, her gaze returned to Eliza. “I do hope you’re participating the auction this weekend.”

  “I am,” replied Eliza.

  “Excellent. It’s a wonderful cause.” She patted Eliza’s arm. “Saved my sweet Jason’s life.” She spun and headed toward the kitchen with their order clutched firmly in her weathered hand.

  “Who is Jason?” Eliza asked, once Charlene disappeared behind the swinging metal door.

  “Her son,” Nate answered, indicating a wall of pictures. “That’s him, in the far corner with a fishing pole.”

  Eliza squinted at the photo, faded from years of exposure to grease and dust.

  “Good kid,” said Everett, a thoughtful expression on his face. “The foundation raised enough money to give him a new heart.”

  Charlene returned, quietly dropped three steaming plates of eggs and a stack of pancakes onto the table, before vanishing into the kitchen again. Everett tucked into his plate, half-listening to the conversation. He noisily gulped coffee between bites.

  “Why do you want to buy me?” asked Eliza, pushing her fork around the plate. The yolk burst, the yellow goo seeping toward a pile of steaming chunks of potato. “You don’t know me, I could be a psycho.”

  “First, if my father was really involved in Sabrina recruiting you, I’m certain a background check was performed, and second, I really enjoyed our discussion this morning. I’d love the opportunity to continue talking.” Nate sipped his coffee, eyes twinkling.

  Everett choked on his pancake. “Talking? That doesn’t sound like my brother. Where did you hide him?” He dropped his fork with a clatter, diving under the table to search for Nate.

  “Stop it, Everett.” Nate’s cold voice held no humor.

  “Imposter!” Everett popped back up, combing his mussed hair back into place. He glared at Eliza, his eyes shining with glee. “What have you done with my brother?”

  “Everett.” The threatening warning caused him to pause.

  “You used to be more fun,” complained Everett. He retrieved his utensil and poked the end toward Eliza. “Are you sure you want to be stuck with this moody bore all day?”


  Shrugging, Everett swallowed his final bite of food. “Suit yourself; guess I’ll be off then. Thanks for breakfast, little brother.” He rose, sliding from the bench and clapped Nate on the back. “Eliza, it was lovely to meet you. I’ll see you both later this morning.”

  Nate waved over his shoulder as Everett disappeared out the door. “He does that a lot. You get used to it,” said Nate, in a half-attempt to explain Everett’s abrupt departure.

  “It doesn’t bother me.” Eliza nibbled on a piece of toast.

  “Are you finished?” Wiping his mouth, Nate folded his paper napkin and dropped it on his empty plate. “We need to pick up some proper attire before the boat launch.”

  Eliza’s gaze skipped to the window, watching the sun crest the pine trees, its warm fingers crawling lazily across the parking area. “Where will we find an open store at this hour?”

  “I made some arrangements.” Nate wrapped his fingers around her hand.

  Eliza turned and eyed him suspiciously. “When?”

  “When you were dressing this morning. I sent a quick text to a family friend. He’s going to open his shop early for us.” He dropped a couple of bills on the table—much more than was necessary for a breakfast order—and escorted Eliza into the bright morning. “It’s just down the road.”

  Eliza trailed behind him as he crossed the parking lot, wondering what she had gotten herself into. Mr. Taren was terrified of them, the shop owner was giving them a special audience… What kind of influence did the Maldoves have over this area?

  Chapter 6

  The small town of Castleton—only four traffic lights total—slept peacefully as Nate maneuvered down the empty streets. He parked in front of an elegant boutique. One small light inside the picture window clicked on, illuminating an exquisitely dressed, older man. He emerged from the shop, waiting patiently at the curb.

  “Mr. Maldove.” His reverent voice greeted Nate as he stepped from the car. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Keller. I appreciate this favor.”

  “Anything I can do for your family, Mr. Maldove,” replied Mr. Keller with a bow. His suit, dark in color, was impeccably tailored and moved as if it were sewn to his body.

  “I trust you received all my instructions.”

  “Yes sir.” Mr. Keller nodded. “Everything is as you requested.”

  “Thank you.” Nate rounded the car and opened the door, offering his hand to Eliza. She accepted with a smile and rose from the vehicle.

  “Is this the lovely woman?”

  “It is.” Nate turned to Eliza. “Eliza, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Keller. He will bring you anything you need.”

  “You’re not coming in with me?” Disappointment swam through Eliza’s body.

  “No.” Nate lifted her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss on the back. “I have some calls to return.”

  “Miss Eliza, please follow me.” Mr. Keller gestured for Eliza to follow him into the dim shop. The small boutique, posh by any standard, was filled with gorgeous, hand-tailored gowns and suits, each one unique in design and pattern.

  “Wow.” Eliza’s jaw dropped as she stared at the elegant clothing. “These are beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Mr. Keller beamed. “My wife sews most of the dresses, but I’ve been known to create a gown or two.” He winked and hobbled through the racks, leading Eliza into the center of the store.

  “I apologize for the early hour.” Eliza trailed after him, stopping to gawk at a rack of evening gowns. They glowed, casting tiny sparkles across the soft carpet.

  “Not at all.” Mr. Keller cut off her apology with a wave of his hand. “It is my honor to assist the Maldoves with any of their needs.”

  He pointed her to one of two dressing rooms, indicating a stack of clothing hanging from three hooks on the side wall.

  “Select whichev
er outfits you prefer, all of them suitable for the occasion.” His eyes traveled critically over her frame. “I also included some sensible shoes, nothing too high, as well as underclothes—stockings, bras, and panties. The ones you are currently wearing will be unacceptable with these garments.”

  “Thank you.” Eliza blushed under his inspection and glanced down. Unconsciously, she smoothed the folds in her shirt, tugging at the hem.

  “That is not to imply there’s something wrong with your current outfit.” He smiled kindly, wrinkles creasing his face. “Mr. Taren’s uniform, I believe.”

  Eliza nodded. “My shift ended last night.”

  “A nice girl like you shouldn’t work at an establishment like that.”

  “Sometimes you take what you can get.”

  “Very true.”

  Sensing the end of the conversation, Eliza shut the door, sliding a thin gold chain along a worn track. She lifted the first dress from its hanger. The deep purple hue transformed to royal blue as the material shifted under the overhead lighting. Slipping the dress over her head, Eliza guided the snug material over her hips, allowing it to flutter toward the floor.

  She turned to the mirror, assessing her reflection. A small tag peaked out from under her arm, pinned to the seam. Lifting the tag, she gasped. “Six hundred dollars. Who can afford that?”

  “I can.”

  Eliza jumped as Nate’s voice crept under the door. She fumbled with the slide latching the door, and removed the chain. Suddenly shy, she peered around the side of the door.

  “May I see it?”

  Nodding, Eliza slid out from behind the door. Nate whistled.

  “I’d say that dress is worth more than six hundred dollars.” He steered her into the room, easing the door closed and latching the chain again. Pausing a moment, his eyes wandered lustfully over Eliza’s curves, highlighted by the cut of the cloth. “I must remember to compliment Mr. Keller on his skills.”

  Nate took another step forward, trapping Eliza between his arms and the cool glass of the mirror. He leaned into her space, his salty scent invading her nostrils. Her eyes closed as she inhaled deeply, and an involuntary shiver rocked her. She longed to press her hips against him, to feel him moving against her. Unconsciously shifting, she arched her back against the mirror. The cobalt in Nate’s eyes blazed darkly, possessively.

  “If I remember correctly, you were in the middle of begging me before we were interrupted earlier this morning.” His mouth stopped centimeters from her lips. “Shall we pick up where we left off?”

  “What about Mr. Keller?” Heat rushed to her stomach, curling wantonly.

  “He mentioned needing some coffee and left; we’re alone.” One finger trailed softly down her cheek. Eliza swallowed nervously. Nate stepped away, allowing the shop’s chilly air to dance between them, his face a blank mask.

  “Why did you do that?” Eliza pouted, disturbed by the sudden feeling of loss.

  “You seem unsure.” Nate tilted his head. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No.” Eliza shook her head.

  “Then what?”

  Eliza bit her lip, drawing a small speck of blood. She took a deep breath. “It’s been a while since I’ve hooked up with anyone.”

  “And you’ve forgotten how?” Nate shot her a playful wink.

  “No.” Eliza cracked a small smile. “I’m unsure of the ramifications of this.” She gestured to the small distance between them. “What happens after?”

  “Do you always overthink everything?”


  His lips twitched. Solemnly, he raised his left hand and placed it right over his heart. “Miss Eliza, I promise you a morning—and afternoon, if you let me—of meaningless sex with no obligations whatsoever, and on Sunday you can return to reality. Deal?”

  Eliza dropped her gaze to the plush carpet tickling her feet. “I don’t get the luxury of ignoring reality.”

  “You do this weekend.” Reaching out, Nate lifted her chin, forcing her to stare into his eyes. Very slowly, he leaned in, giving her ample time to protest. His lips brushed softly over her mouth, barely touching her skin. She sighed, her lips parting slightly. The pressure against her lips increased, pushing her mouth open. His tongue slid gently along hers, slowly, torturously, until her knees buckled.

  Nate caught her, pulling away with the shadow of a grin. His hand rose to cup her face. Gently, his thumb traced a line over the seam of her mouth. She trembled. Skimming over her bare shoulders, his fingers slipped under the delicate spaghetti straps. Sliding the strings down her arms, he stripped the dress from her, dropping it onto the floor in a pool of elegant silk.

  “I thought you liked the dress.” Eliza’s arms twitched, longing to hide her exposed skin.

  “I do.” Wicked fingers dipped under the band of her panties, rolling them over her hips. He guided them slowly down her legs, dropping light kisses as he descended. Rising, his fingers retraced the same blazing trail his lips had followed, caressing each inch of skin.

  Eliza flushed. Nate’s hands circled her waist, skating over her hips and cradling her butt. His grip tightened, rocking her hips into him, his erection evident.

  Hungrily, his mouth captured hers, demanding and unrelenting. He stole her breath, causing her heart to flutter rapidly, a bird beating its wings against a cage. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her body, separating her legs, and pinned her against the mirror. Her hands grabbed the sides of his thermal, yanking it upward, catching it under his chin.

  Breaking the kiss abruptly, Nate ripped the shirt over his head, flinging it onto a chair. “Better?” he asked breathlessly.


  Nate set Eliza on the ground, shedding his jeans and boxers in one quick movement, before scooping Eliza up again and wrapping her legs around his waist. They crashed into the mirror, mouths locked together. He adjusted his grip, lifting her hips, and plunged deeply. She moaned against him, his mouth still feverously devouring hers.

  He retracted, immediately slamming into her again, his urgent rhythm drawing whimpers from Eliza. She clung to his shoulders, her head tipped back, as Nate’s thrusts intensified.

  “Nate,” she moaned. The heat in her stomach curled, winding tightly as she neared her apex. “Don’t stop.” Her fingers sank into his skin, his muscles flexing under her grip. He drove himself into her again.

  “Come for me.” His teeth lightly bite the soft portion of her neck.

  She exploded, screaming nonsensically as the orgasm ripped through her. Nate continued to pump into her, drawing out her ecstasy until her limbs vibrated with electricity. He moaned, ramming himself into her one last time and shuddered violently.

  They collapsed together, sinking to the floor, each trying to regain their breath. “We are definitely doing that again.”

  Nate’s eyes burned brightly. “How about right now?”

  “Mr. Maldove?” Mr. Keller’s voice echoed from the rear of the shop.

  Eliza’s eyes widened, and she blushed with embarrassment. Nate pressed his finger over his mouth and winked. “Yes, Mr. Keller,” he replied. “We’ve almost finished.”

  “Excellent. What have you decided to purchase?”

  Nate glanced around the room quickly. “All of it, Mr. Keller. We’ll take everything in this room. Please charge it to my account.”

  Eliza’s jaw dropped. She shook her head vehemently, silently arguing against the offer. Nate smirked and nodded his head in response.

  “Of course, Mr. Maldove.” There was an audible pause. “Do you require more time?”

  “I think five minutes would be sufficient.”

  “As you wish. Good day to you both.”

  Blushing, Eliza rose from the floor. She reached for her panties, quickly yanking them up her legs. Keeping her back to Nate, she glanced up at the mirror, catching him staring at her. Still naked, he stepped behind her, pressing his erection against her curve of her lower back.

  “Had we more than five
minutes…” He dropped a searing kiss on the nape of her neck. “However, we have a boat to catch, and we should probably get you a toothbrush before we sail.”

  “Thanks.” Eliza spun and took a playful swipe at Nate. He captured her wrists with his hand, his mouth finding hers and slammed her up against the mirror again, pinning her wrists above her head. His free hand wandering lustfully over her skin.

  With a groan, he pulled away, a war behind his eyes. “To be continued.”

  Chapter 7

  Boat was not an accurate description of the vessel waiting for them at the marina. Even yacht sounded too trite for the monstrosity floating calmly in the water.

  “That’s your boat?” asked Eliza incredulously as they pulled into the parking lot.

  Nate shrugged. “There are a lot of people going.”

  “How many is a lot? Sabrina said seven people.”

  “Seven in our party.” Nate corrected her with an odd look. “The number is closer to two hundred.”

  “Two hundred people!” Eliza’s mind reeled. Nate couldn’t possibly outbid all of them.

  “Yes, I can.” He answered her unasked question.

  “You can what?” She glanced at him wearily.

  His hand snaked out, lacing through her fingers. He lifted her hand, his lips caressing the inside of her wrist. “I will win you. I am looking forward to a repeat performance of this morning’s activities.”

  A fist banged on the car window. Eliza jumped with a squeak, snatching her arm from Nate’s mouth. Sabrina’s angry face glared through the passenger glass. Nate sighed and rolled down the window.

  “Yes, Sabrina?” His waspish tone seeped from the car. “May I help you?”

  “How dare you steal my friend?” She hissed and stuck her head into the car, glancing at Eliza, her eyes filled with worry. “Are you alright?”

  “I took your friend shopping for clothing this morning because you were too busy.”

  “I was dealing with a domestic dispute.” Sabrina jerked her head at him.

  “Then, you’re welcome.” Nate inclined his head.

  “That’s all you better have done.” Sabrina’s hand dipped into the car, depressing the lock. Quickly she ripped open the door and plucked Eliza from the car.


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