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Golden Boy: True Colors #1

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by Phoenix, Shea

  Golden Boy

  True Colors #1

  Shea Phoenix

  Copyright © 2018 by Shea Phoenix

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  For my Family and my readers who are like a big, crazy family.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  About the Author

  Read the Rest

  Also by Shea Phoenix

  Also by Shea Phoenix


  “Who brings a gun to a wedding?”

  * * *

  Finn Goldschmidt

  * * *

  My life is changing now that my brother and protector Seth is getting married to Jay, his shifter mate. I have a new roommate and a new brother-in-law, but still my old fantasies for Jay’s brother, Nate. Now that we’re family, I won’t be able to avoid Nate and his muscles and what they do to me. When I have to dance with Nate at the wedding, his gun pressing against my hip makes me lose all my courage and get drunk. I don’t remember anything after that, but apparently Nate took my drunk ass up to my room where I probably embarrassed myself. I’m ready for his teasing the next time I see him, I will deserve it, and at least he’ll be throwing that killer grin at me.

  * * *

  Nate Cobb

  I knew sober and serious Finn was my mate, but I figured I would have to wait until he figured that out to have any chance with him. But drunk and sloppy Finn admitted he wanted me, and sloppily kissed me, and begged me to show him my ‘gun’. But I had to wait until he was sober to claim him. When panther shifters want to take him, I have to rush him to my home and figure out why someone wants him so badly. He’s my treasure, my Goldy, and I’ll protect him from panthers and my own pack, because even if he is the True Mate, he belongs to me and no one else.


  My brother’s first dance with his husband was beautiful. My brother Seth and his mate Jay were so good together and so in love I almost cried.

  But I couldn't forget about how I had to dance after they were done. All the groomsmen had to dance, and I matched with the other best man, Nate.

  For my brother it was love at first bark. Jay's animal had taken one look at my brother and rolled over for him to pet his tummy…better than humping his leg I guess. Seth had packed up his life and moved with me to the city of White Rocks, looking out for me, like always. Then he found Jay and had someone to look out for him finally.

  Jay loved my brother Seth and treated him better than any other man before and the bonus was he was absolutely gorgeous.

  The other bonus was that being absolutely gorgeous ran in the family.

  Thoughts of Jay's brother Nate made my heart thump in my chest and my stomach feel like it had done loops on a roller coaster. The delicious-looking man, tall and golden, with flashing gold yes and a smile that cut like a knife, with tanned brown skin and muscles like my best fantasy turned my knees into Jell-O.

  The man had so much sex appeal I was scared I might start humping his leg whenever I looked at him. But I was way too self-conscious around him to do anything except smile dumbly and keep my mouth shut. I was short, and shy, and not at all his tall, thin, model type.

  Nate walked over coolly, making my heart explode in my chest and machine gun fire go off in my stomach. He looked delicious in his tuxedo, the crimson tie adding some dangerous color to the black of his tux. He looked better than the wedding pie my brother had insisted on (Seth had very strong opinions on pie being superior to cake, so it was pecan pie for everybody instead of a wedding cake, but I didn't hear any complaints).

  Nate leaned forward and slanted a smile, held his hand out in an overly dramatic, flamboyant gesture. I took it and felt all those hungry eyes on me, making me conscious of how I walked, aware of every defect in me.

  The jolt down my body as he touched my back and brought me close-my ankles wobbled and he caught me and held on tighter.

  “I’m okay,” I said, “Give me some room.” He stepped back and held his arms straight out, I was so far away another person could have fit between us. “Ass,” I told him and he brought me in just right.

  “Wouldn’t want to make that boyfriend jealous, Chip, Chad, what’s his name?”

  “Chris,” the word was like glass in my mouth, “We’re not together anymore.”

  “Trouble in paradise?”

  If you call sleeping with my best friend behind my back 'trouble', then yeah. I looked down and remembered I was dancing left foot right foot shit. If you think about it you'll mess up again. “What about you?” I asked. He always had some beautiful thing on his arm.

  “Your brother wouldn’t allow me to bring a date. I think his exact words were ‘Don’t you dare bring any of your fucking man-whores to my wedding.’”

  I laughed. I could picture Seth saying that, threatening Nate and meaning it.

  “There, you can smile.” He said suavely. “And that ‘I hate the world’ face is gone too.”

  “Keep talking and it’ll come back.”

  He smiled warmly, on the verge of a laugh, but too cool, too in control to laugh, “And a joke too , a funny one.”

  The music slowed and he brought me closer, too close, I could feel a stiffness hitting my thigh, long and hard.

  Oh shit. I jumped back.

  “My gun,” he said.

  Of course.

  His gun.

  “You have a dirty mind,” Nate grinned.

  Who brings a gun to a wedding? Nate does.

  The song ended, and everyone came out to the dance floor. Jay and Seth came over to us, “Shots,” they said, already speaking in unison, I looked at Seth with a raised eyebrow.

  “Mine’s just water, but I want to pretend it’s not,” he told me.

  Four clear shot glasses followed, Jay handed one to Seth and me and Nate.

  It tasted like rubbing alcohol.

  The burn made me shiver, but I needed it to handle being around Nate. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Careful with the vodka. Traditionally shifter weddings last three days and if anybody remembers any of it, it’s considered bad luck.”

  Seth heard him and laughed, then did a spit-take of the fake shot in his mouth, landing on Nate’s tux jacket.

  Before Nate could protest, Seth spun him around and stripped his jacket off and lunged for the club soda- very domesticated already. Seth dabbed at the spot while Nate stood there in his white shirt, so thin and sheer I could see the outlines of his hard chest and abs.

  Seth finished and spun Nate around again to slip his jacket back on.

  My eyes went down towards Nate's ass- obviously- and my tongue caught in my throat, almost choking me at what I saw.

  There on the small of his back was a holster with his gun sitting snugly inside it.

  “Another shot?” I blurted out.


  Finn was a treasure, rare and precious, with hair as bright a beaten gold and his nickname, ‘Goldy’ suited him perfectly, even if his last name wasn't 'Goldschmidt.'

  I tipped back my glass and drank the cold like I was putting out a fire inside me.

  Jay sat nex
t to Seth watching his mate like a sick puppy.

  Seth's brother Finn was something else, he was so smart he intimidated anyone without five letters after their name, and so hot he sizzled. His body was wrapped tightly in a stylish suit, his hair fell wherever it wanted to, shaggy around his face and glasses sometimes, nearly straight up at other times, today the ends curled- it was unruly as he was. His skin was olive and shimmered like the sun was hitting him when he smiled.

  His full lips begged for a kiss every time I got a glimpse of them. It was hell holding back.

  Those sexy, sleepy, gray eyes gave him the just-rolled-out-of-bed look and made my cock jerk whenever he turned them my way. I was not normally a fan of long hair, but Finn’s golden curls were just right, my fingers itched to run through them, to tug those curls straight and make his toes curl instead.

  Finn’s scent drove me to distraction; he always smelled of cinnamon and honey. Whenever he was around I wondered if I licked him, would the flavor be as sweet as the scent?

  Too bad he wasn't interested. No amount of small talk in the church as we waited to walk down the aisles or the chatting while we danced could change that.

  But he was my mate. I knew that much.

  A young girl, probably about 13 asked Finn to dance and he laughed charmingly, and took her hand. For a moment I was jealous, I could beat up a 13 year old girl with braces for making him laugh like that. Time to take a walk and get myself under control.

  I went to check in on security. I smelled their breath, everybody was clean. Too many omegas had gone missing lately to take any chance with security- Seth and Finn had brought too many of their friends and co-workers for me to let my guard down. Or let security let their guards down, above all not to drink and forget themselves.

  As long as I did the same, I would be okay.

  I went back and sat next to Jay on the dais. Seth was gone somewhere, the first time they weren’t wrapped up in each other all day.

  I looked for Finn, and didn’t find him. I was worried for a moment, thought about going to check on him wherever he was. Then what? I struggled with the desire to be near him and wrestled the lust in order to stay away.

  “Nate,” Jay spoke, snapping me out of my daydreams as the lust was about to win. “How long are you supposed to be out there at the beach with Gavin?”

  “Until he wants to come back.” Gavin Ross was our alpha, and also a writer. When he wrote he went to the beach, and so did I as his second. He was leaving now, and I should be going with him, but he insisted I stay here to make sure all the guests are protected. Caden Cameron and Dillon are going back to the beach house with him. I didn't trust the two of them to protect Gavin, but I also couldn't disobey Gavin's orders.

  “When we get back from the honeymoon I want to see you at the pack house.”

  “When’s that?”

  “Next Saturday. A week.”

  “What for?”

  “A party without being dressed up. Finn's coming.” He added, knowing my weakness.

  “Where is he anyways?”

  “Finn’s sick I think,” he said and pantomimed taking a vodka shot. “Seth's trying to sober him up.”

  That was quick, I was only gone an hour.

  Seth came back to sit between Jay and I, “How is Finn doing?” I asked him.

  “Jay needs to take him to our room, my brother is a lightweight. Four shots and done.”

  “I can do it,” I offered.

  Seth scowled at me, “I'm not letting you near my brother, especially when he's that drunk.”

  I matched his scowl. Does he really not know Finn's my mate? “I love that you're protective, but you know it would be impossible for me to hurt him. Just as impossible as it is for Jay to hurt you.”

  Seth glared at me as Jay kissed his cheek. “Okay, but if you’re not back in 5 minutes I’m going after you.” He warned and handed over the room key card.

  I found Finn on a chair in the hallway, next to Caden Cameron, and it made my skin crawl the way he was looking at Finn. My Finn.

  I knew that stupid confused, awe-struck look on Caden’s face- it was the same one I wore whenever Finn was near me.

  “Shouldn’t you be with Gavin?” I asked Caden and gave him a nasty look, he wiped the stupor off his face and gave me an oily smile.

  “Just on my way out.”

  “I’ll take care of Finn, why don’t you keep walking?”

  He turned his oily smile to Finn, taking his hand, “It was nice talking to you Finn. I hope I see you real soon.” I watched him leave then turned to Finn. He was sitting quietly, brow furrowed, trying to concentrate through the haze of alcohol.

  Finn looked up and laughed at me. “That was rude Nate. But I’m glad you’re here, you and your gun. Nate, you have a really big gun. Lemme see it. Show me your gun,” he slurred happily.

  I tried to help him stand up and he swung in my arms, and faced me, he closed his eyes and kissed me, soft and wet, and sloppy. Too sloppy, and he could barely stand, but managed to flick his tongue between my lips and find mine. I was impressed until he stumbled and broke his lips off mine, his arms around my shoulders his eyes closed aiming for me again.

  Not like this.

  I dodged him and swung him on my shoulder, as he said “Wooooop” and laughed and passed out. He does taste as sweet as his scent, even better.

  I opened up the room, and I set Finn lightly on the bed, and his arms found their way around my neck again, and I summoned the will to dodge him and those lips again, but he went for my ear and whispered, “I could feel your gun. I felt it. Then I had to drink. For courage…”

  I lowered my head to take a deep breath of him and his scent.

  Cinnamon and honey filled the air, then arousal, both of ours mixed, and my growing erection followed.

  I licked his neck and ran my lips over his jaw, my biggest fantasy had just come true.

  Finn wanted me.

  My wolf challenged me for dominance. He wanted to claim Finn as his mate right now, he'd been waiting ever since he’d gotten a whiff of Finn's sweet scent. My animal could smell his need and wanted to claim him.


  It took every ounce of my willpower to pull the wolf back and calm it down. The beast wanted out, but I had to control him.

  I wrapped my arms around Finn’s waist and held him close.

  His scent drove me wild, every fiber in my being screamed to take him, claim him, fuck him over and over while he screamed my name. I was so ready for him that when I licked my lips, I could taste him.

  I tried to let him go, but Finn growled and burrowed into my neck.

  Mine, my wolf snarled.

  I need to leave. Now. Before we do what we both want to do right now. Before I can't stop myself from showing him who he belonged to.

  To claim him.

  Make him my mate forever.

  But I have to let him choose, without being drunk. I struggled to clear my head. I pulled Finn from my chest and looked into his bedroom eyes.

  They peered at me under dark lashes and that beautiful face and dropped to my lips. His pink tongue licked his lower lip.

  My dick was so hard, I could have sworn it turned to granite.

  If I let myself go now, I wouldn’t stop until I was buried so deep inside him they’d need the jaws of life to separate us.

  But I needed to explain things to him first.

  I needed his consent, in words, clearheaded.

  For that to happen, I'd have to be clear-headed too. That was impossible when every time I breathed I got a strong whiff of arousal coming off of Finn. My wolf howled in happiness, that Finn was all ours. All mine.

  Luckily, he babbled a little and trailed off, then flopped on his back snoring quietly.


  I slipped his shoes off and threw a blanket over him, any more undressing and Seth would kill me.

  I walked on clouds all the way back to the reception. My mate did want me. He just hid it, he pushed it so
deep inside it never came out. I was going to have to tease it out next Saturday.

  “You took six minutes,” Seth scolded as I returned.

  “He was more energetic than I expected, but he's asleep now.”

  “Good.” Jay kissed his cheek again. “He'll probably snap out of it and be up and around again. He does that. Passes out for half an hour then wakes up ready for more.”

  I'll never make it a second time. I looked at my watch. An hour left until the reception was over. I got up to kiss Seth on the cheek and shake hands with Jay “I'll check on security again, but if I don't see you again, have a lovely honeymoon.”

  “Not going to wait for Finn’s round two? He’ll be the life of the party.” Jay teased.

  If he was anything like he had been a few minutes ago, I wouldn't be able to control myself again.

  “I think he's out. No more resurrections for him.”

  “Saturday?” Jay asked.

  “Yes, Saturday.”

  If I can last that long.


  Saturday took forever to come, but it finally did.

  My new roommate to replace my brother was an old friend, Slate and he was keeping me distracted from fantasizing about Nate. Slate was apparently obsessed with Gavin Ross, Nate's alpha and read all his books and knew everything about him- a stalker, but an adorable one, not a creepy one, so far. He was dying to come to the pack house.

  “I can't invite you, but my brother said Gavin wasn't back from the beach house yet anyways. He might not be back for weeks or a month.”

  “Does that mean he's writing?” Slate asked, his blue eyes lighting up.


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